In which month it is better to get married: signs

In which month it is better to get married: signs

Folk signs about the best months for marriage.

Almost every girl dreams of a white dress, and a beautiful ceremony. Someone is guided by a horoscope, many folk signs when choosing a date for a future marriage. In this article we will tell you in which month it is better to get married.

In which month it is better to get married: signs

Astrologers generally recommend being guided by the position of stars. So it will be possible to choose a date that will contribute to family well -being, and the creation of a strong partner union.

In what month is it better to get married, signs:

  • Contrary to signs, astrologers believe that from late April to late May - This is one of the good periods for marriages. It is believed that this month all marriages are under the auspices of Venus - the goddess of love and fertility, therefore the family will be strong enough, live in harmony. 
  • If you are marriage from late June to mid -July, then expect mutual understanding, good relations with your spouse. Usually these are the most sensual, and mental couples that understand each other at a glance.  
  • All who marry from late July to the end of August, should be prepared for the fact that the marriage is very bright and original. The marriage will be festive only if the partners are unusual people. During this period, you should not marry a calm lovers, as life will become very boring and uninteresting. 
  • Who wants to connect themselves to marriage from late August to the end of September, must be prepared for interesting events in life. This is a good period for extraordinary, bright people. It is best that the couple that is created during this period very quickly get children. In this case, the peace will only dream of them. This will help save the marriage from routine. 
  • If you decide to combine yourself marriage from the end of September to the end of OctoberThis is a good period for family people. It is advisable to abandon marriage to people who have a big difference in age, or one of the spouses poor, and the second rich. It is best to create a kind of partnership marriages, with equal partners who, in their social status, are equal. 
  • If you decide to marry from late October to late NovemberExpect passionate and emotional relationships. However, there are some negative qualities of such a marriage. Thanks to brightness and emotionality, partners attract other people, so betrayals are possible. It is best to discuss in advance relations with each other and intimate subtleties. 

What months cannot be married: signs of astrologers

In addition to months, it is also worth paying attention to the energy of the family. For this, it is best to be guided by a wedding horoscope. 

What months cannot be married, signs of astrologers:

  • If you decide to fasten yourself with marriage ties in January, then this union will be considered dysfunctional, and marriage to crack at the seams. It was believed that all women who get married in January will soon become widows. That is why in ancient times in Russia this month tried not to make marriages and not to carry out marriage ceremonies. There is a certain saying: “Wolves marry in January.” 
  • Counts, that February - This is a month that is most favorable for creating an union. Despite the cold, a blizzard and severe frost, a woman who will marry this month will receive a strong, long union, a good husband. It was believed that the bride, who married in February, will live in love and happiness, and the spouse will constantly help. 
  • All who get married in March, Most likely, they will separate very quickly. Moreover, separation will not contribute to a divorce at all, but crossings. Perhaps the husband will go on a business trip, or for service. Regarding Marta, there is still a sign according to which a young family will not have their own housing. It is believed that it is best to live separately from relatives, so the family will be much stronger, with fewer quarrels. Accordingly, such couples part with each other very quickly. 
  • BUTprella. If you want a bright sensation, troubled life, feel free to choose this month for marriage. This month is one of the most controversial, since the couple will often quarrel, and live in agreement with short periods. It is necessary to expect not everyday life, but diversity. All your life and with each other it will be possible to compare with the spring weather, which is windy and cold, can be replaced by hot days. 
  • Women who get married in May, will be toil. Many newlyweds are still listening to this saying. According to the data Registry officeThis month is one of the poorest at weddings. That is, very few marriages are recorded in this month. In fact, this sign arose for a very long time, when most of the time people worked on the field and engaged in land work. It was in May that all sowing work was carried out. Accordingly, this month of the wedding usually did not play. 
  • Who decided to get married in October, He will receive a troubled family life. It is believed that in such marriages there is no stability, the couple often quarrels, they have no mutual understanding. In addition, frequent family difficulties will be observed, which will even more quarrel spouses. Often after several years of married life, such couples break up.

What month to get married: folk signs

Many girls do not believe in horoscopes, but listen to popular signs. Depending on the month that was chosen for marriage, your marital life may change. 

In what month to get married, folk signs:

  • Who gets married in June, doomes himself to a happy, long and rich life. It is believed that everyone who signed this month will live in abundance, swim in money. 
  • Who will decide to combine the bonds in July, he will find out what a variety is. This is a month that attracts the lack of boredom, and stimulates constant interest in each other. In such pairs there will be constant quarrels and stormyreconciliation.  
  • Many believe that august - One of the most favorable months for marriage. It is believed that such a couple will be harmonious, understand each other and support. In such marriages, there is a very good relationship between mother -in -law and daughter -in -law, as well as son -in -law and mother -in -law. Those who sign in August will receive friendship, a strong family. 
  • Very favorable for creating a family is and september. Whoever decides to sign this month will live calmly, with a sufficiently stable income level. Usually such marriages are all troubles, adversity bypasses. This is one of the months that promises a calm and measured life in marriage. 
  • Many believe that the most relevant for creating a family are the summer months, as well as September. But this does not mean that in november You cannot create a new cell of society. It is believed that all couples who married in November will live in abundance. Typically, pairs painted in November live in luxury, have a stable, decent income.

In what month is it better not to marry in 2020?

If we take into account the horoscope, then all couples who have concluded their union in January and February will live completely restless. During this period, it is worth signing people who promote free relations, and are ready to give their second half freedomactions.  

In which month it is better not to marry in 2020:

  • All couples that are created at the end of February to the middle of March, must count on regular scandals. Therefore, during this period it is not advisable to sign people with a weak nervous system, as well as very emotional. This is an ideal period for creating a family among calm, Nordic people who are calm about everything. 
  • If you decide to tie yourself marriage from late March to the middle of AprilThis is not the most successful period. Usually at this time the couple has disagreements, but the marriage union is not weak. The couple will be constantly together, but just as in one of the songs “it is impossible and in any way.” In fact, the body of the spouses will pull to each other, but the scandals are frequent. It is best to marry in pairs during this period, who know each other very well, lived together before the wedding. This is a very unfavorable period for people who are only a fewmonths.  
  • If you are marriage from late November to the end of DecemberExpect trouble. Astrologers say that this period is one of the most unfavorable, since the partners will reconnolate very quickly. The newlyweds will often quarrel, and on trifles. If the spouses look equally at life, and in general they are very similar, then you can make a marriage. It is best to abandon marriage during this period for people from different cultures and countries. 
  • If the marriage is from late December to the end of January, then the relationship will be very stable and calm. But this is possible only if the family is created by calculation. But such couples are rubbed to each other for a very long time and for a long period of time cannot find mutual understanding. If the grinding period passes successfully, then in general the family will be quite prosperous.

In what months is it better to marry a church calendar?

Many of the future spouses, and the newlyweds, before choosing a date for the wedding, evaluate the favorable period according to the church calendar.

In what months is it better to marry a church calendar:

  • If you take into account the church calendar, then the dates from the end of August to the end of November are considered the best period.
  • It is before the beginning of the Christmas post that you need to try to create a new cell of society.
  • The second most favorable period for the wedding is from mid -January to Shrovetide. In no case should you marry memorialsaturday. 

Interesting articles about marriage for readers of our site can be found here:

Do not perceive all signs too seriously, but if possible, it is better not to ignore them.

Video: when to get married, signs?


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