Folk signs for April about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in April: signs

Folk signs for April about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in April: signs

Folk signs for April by day. Description of rituals and holidays in April.

April is the second month of spring, it differs in the inconsistency of the weather and unexpected changes in it. By changes in nature and weather, one can judge the crop, as well as the weather in the near future. In this article we will talk about signs in April.

Folk signs for April about the weather, about thunder, rainbow in April: Description, for children

Indeed, in some places in April there is snow. In the southern latitudes, spring enters into force, everything blooms, a riot of colors and very beautiful. If you listen to the weather and nature, it can tell you what to wait for in the future.


  • If this month the surface of the snow is rough, wait for the crop
  • If it rains in April, expect a good mushroom harvest
  • If water stands at night, this is a sign of good weather during hayfield
  • If at the beginning of the month there is a flood and a large amount of melt water, to a good harvest
  • Strong thunderstorm at the very beginning of April, wait for the warm summer and a good harvest of berries and nuts
  • If rains are observed at the end of April, wait for a good harvest
  • If there are many stars in the sky at the end of April, wait for a good harvest
  • If the sky is blue in April, this indicates warm weather with a lot of precipitation
  • If it is very hot during the day and it is cold at night, calm weather is expected
Weather in April
Weather in April

Folk signs for April about nature: Description, for children

It is also worth paying attention to nature. Representatives of the flora and fauna can tell a lot of things, as well as portend the weather that will be in the near future.


  • If there is a lot of birch juice, then the summer will be rainy
  • Crows bathes, then to heat
  • If the lark sings, there will be warm, good weather. And if a finch, expect a cooling, possibly snow
  • If you notice the first mushrooms on the hills, it will be rains in the summer
  • If the mushrooms are in recesses, then to the drought
  • If the birds start marriage games, then the summer will be warm
  • If the trees began to come to life, the kidneys swell, then warm weather is expected
  • If the frog is croaked a lot, you need to sow oats and start working in the fields, as well as the garden
Nature in April
Nature in April

Folk signs, customs, rites for April related to church holidays: what is possible and what cannot be done?

April is rich in folk holidays, as well as Orthodox celebrations.

Overview of the holidays, signs and rites associated with them:

  • April 7 - Annunciation. It was believed that it was on this day that the Lord blesses the earth, and also sanctifies so that it could give birth. It was from this day that all sowing work began. It is worth noting that this holiday among the peasants was considered one of the most solemn and huge. It was impossible to do anything on this day. It was believed that even a bird does not drive nests on this day. Therefore, mass festivities were carried out. It is worth remembering that the post is respected on this day, but due to the holidays it is somewhat weakened. It was customary to take the first cabbage in the cellar on this day on this day, and look at it the next day. If the seeds were found, then it was necessary to sow them.
  • In addition, on this day they were attentive to weather and nature. It was believed that if it is raining, then there will be a good crop of grain. If there is a strong thunder, an excellent crop of nuts is expected. On the day of the Annunciation, all the seeds that were intended for crops were consecrated. On this day, it was customary to burn their straw bed, as well as fumigate clothes. Perhaps the bed and feather bed began to smell unpleasantly.
  • This year, on April 8, Easter fell, the resurrection of Christ. On this day, it is customary to go to church, to hinder Easter cakes and eggs.
  • April 17, Radonitsa - the day of remembrance of all the deceased. It is believed that this is Easter for the dead. On this day, it is necessary to remember the dead people, put their graves in order. Remembering is worth a good word. There is a tradition to bring Easter cakes to the graves, as well as eggs, there are them, treat them to the needy and poor, which will remember the dead.
Blooming April
Blooming April

Wedding, marriage, wedding in April: signs

April is considered not quite a favorable month for weddings, marriage. The fact is that in April the weather is very changeable. Often there is wind, cold and warm. Therefore, the marriage will also be diverse for spouses. They will experience each other for strength, make -ups and scandals are possible. A lot of tests fall on the fate of such a couple, and not always unpleasant. If the spouses withstand such tests, they will be able to live with each other until the end of their life. According to the signs, only people who are 100% confident in their love and sincerity of feelings marry on such a day. Only in this case you can live with each other until the end of life.

Our ancestors, if Easter fell in early April, then, respectively, until mid -April, no wedding rites were carried out. Because at this time a post was observed. There could be no celebrations, feasts. Basically, all weddings began with a red hill. This is the next Sunday after Easter. It was from this day that weddings were carried out. It was believed that getting married in Red Hill was a happy sign. You can live with a lover until the end of life in love and harmony. Therefore, if you still decide to fasten yourself in the bonds in April, it is best to do this in the second half of the month.

Wedding in April
Wedding in April

Born in April: signs

In April, confident people who will subsequently become leaders are born. In childhood, educating such babies is quite difficult, because of their stubbornness and enormous activity. They are always in a hurry to be the first to be in life, and want to be leaders. So that they are constantly listening to their opinion. But despite this, all people born in April love constancy and stability, as well as financial independence.

Many people born in April work in a good position, earn decent money. If such a person has managed to realize himself in work, then he easily engaged in household chores, and also organizes for himself some unusual, interesting hobby. In general, people born in April are happy. But their mood quite often changes precisely because of a fiery and active nature.

Birthday in April
Birthday in April

April 7 - Annunciation: signs

Annunciation is an revered Christian holiday that has been celebrated since ancient times. On this day, it was customary to make bonfires and burn all the unnecessary, as well as old things, take out the trash from the house. On this day, all the hives were taken from the place of wintering to the street, the children released birds that were brought home in winter. On this day, many rites were carried out. The mass of folk signs is associated with it.

The fact is that in addition to bonfires on this day, it was necessary to name 40 times the husband “cute”. Then the whole next year promised to be rich and happy, as well as full of positive emotions. On this day, they looked at the state of nature and weather. A lot of things could be said by changing climatic conditions.

Folk signs:

  • What is the weather for the Annunciation, this will be observed on Easter
  • If this day is a thunder, as well as a thunderstorm, expect a great harvest of nuts, mushrooms
  • If on this day a strong, crackling frost, wheat will hate well
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Folk signs for April for every day

Signs by day:

  • April 1 - Daria dirty ice hole. This day is so called due to the fact that water begins to melt, it is very dirty on the street. If the water that melts is very noisy, then good herbs will be in the spring. If quiet, and thin streams, then there will be a bad harvest and a small amount of grass.
  • April 2 - Fotini Polodeznitsa. If there is no frost on this day, and the birds are cheerful, they start marriage games, wait for the warm summer.
  • April 3 - Nikita Confessor. On this day, ice should go off water bodies. If he is still on the rivers, then the catch for fishermen will not be in the near future.
  • April 4 - Vasily Solshnik. If the sun with red divorces, the crop will be rich. If icicles still hang from the roofs, then scales fly off the Christmas tree.
  • April 5 Nicon Day. It was on this day that the finch flew. It was customary to invite birds on this day, lure crumbs into your yard. It was a good sign.
  • April 6 - Zakhary Postnik. It was on this day that harvesting was carried out, the house got rid of dirty things, they were burned. On this day, the huts were circled in circles, and wet towels hung in the yard at night. It was believed that if it has dried overnight, then this year there will be a good harvest. If it is wet or freezes, then the summer time will be with a lot of precipitation, as well as early hoarfrost. On this day, they did not advise sowing a spring, if it was inconsolable. If the weather is good, then it was recommended to carry out crops.
  • April 7 - Annunciation. If there is snow on the roofs on this day, there will also be May 6. If fog is observed on this day, wait for a good harvest.
  • April 8 Gabriel Blagruit. On this day, all the sledges were removed, stacked on Gorich.
  • April 9 - Matrona Mentor. On this day, the remnants of snow are going on, chibis and oatmeal flies. It is believed that if these birds sing, then you can safely hide the sleigh on the mountain.
  • April 10th - Illarion's day. If on this day, at sunrise, the sun is red or hides in the clouds, wait for the rain. If the voice of the cuckoo is heard, frosts are no longer expected.
  • April 11 - St. Mark's Day. It was believed that if ice is observed on this day, the cold will last long enough.
  • April 12 - John Climacus. The beginning of marriage games. If on this day the birds do not carry out marriage games, it is necessary to wait for cooling, frost.
  • April 13 - Ipatiy Day of the Wonderworker. The peasant woman, born on this day, was supposed to carry coal in the field, and breed fire, burn last year's grass.
  • April 14 - Maria Egyptian. If the flood is observed on this day, as well as the rivers pouring, then wait for a large harvest and grass. If the ice quickly came down, then the year will be quite simple and successful.
  • April 15. Usually on this day they looked at the state of ice on the rivers. If there are fragments that swim along the river, then the year will be good. If the ice is drowning, then unsuccessful. If the bees began to buzz, the hives were carried into the yard. If rivers pour on this day, you need to wait for a large, early mowing.
  • April 16 - Nicola an ice drift. If soy was observed on this day, this talked about the beginning of summer.
  • April 17 - Joseph chant. It is on this day that the crickets wake up and the cranes begin to sing. It is necessary to go outside and forgive the best at the cranes.
  • April 18 - Fedulov day. If cloudy, then good weather is expected. It was customary to ventilate in the house and expel dampness, evil spirits.
  • April 19. If there is a strong wind, then this year do not expect a good crop this year. If a quiet day, the crop will be good.
  • 20 April - Akulina Day. If it rains on this day, there will be a good harvest of berries. If the weather is bad, do not wait for a good crop of oats and barley. If frost and sun are observed, then there will be a good harvest of bread and buckwheat.
  • April 21 - Rodionov day. It was necessary to look at the sun. If it is red, then a clear day is expected. If the weather is bad, then expect bad summer.
  • April 22. On this day, all the fontances and keys went around. It was believed that on this day you can safely type water from underground sources.
  • April 23. If the sun rises red, as well as with fog, then the year will be productive. If without clouds and it will be visible, then you will have to plow the winter field, sow arial wheat.
  • April 24th. If the rivers are not exposed, that is, the ice is still on them, then the spring is late, the summer should wait bad. If in the morning a severe frost, and during the day it was snowing, then it will be cold even more than a month.
  • April 25 - Vasily Parii. If the willow blooms, then the whole spring will be cold.
  • 26 April. If the oak has blossomed, the summer will be warm. If there are many acorns left on it since last year, then expect early autumn and winter.
  • April 27 They arranged brown and match the matchmaking. If wet and dirty weather was observed, to a good arable land.
  • April 28. This is the day of the apostles Aristarchus and Trofim. It was impossible to work until late, it means to get trouble for your family. If a clear day in the evening dragged on in clouds, expect rain and bad weather.
  • April 29. If on this day there is clear, warm weather, alder bloomed, then buckwheat will give a good harvest.
  • April 30. Sowed parsley and carrots. It was necessary to look at which spikelets the most bees, there will be more crops.
Signs April
Signs April

April is an excellent and positive month. The beginning of spring is observed, snow melts, trees bloom. Looking at the behavior of nature, as well as to changes in the weather, you can predict the crop, the nearest changes in weather conditions.

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