Pisisco drink from Peru and Chile: features, recipes of cocktails, pus-Sauer

Pisisco drink from Peru and Chile: features, recipes of cocktails, pus-Sauer

The alcoholic drink of the pisco for a century and a half is an object of hot discussions between Chile and Peru. Both countries compete for the right to call the homeland of liquid, the popularity of which has long been not limited to Latin America.

Fragrant vodka pisco, which can be bought in most large alcohol stores, is in demand among exotic lovers on different continents. Today we will try to understand the features of the drink, the history of its origin, as well as how and with what to use it to get the maximum pleasure.

Grape Vodka Pisco: History of origin

  • This type of alcohol originates in a small Peruvian city of Pisco, where the Indian tribe of the same name cooked alcohol from corn. In the XVII century, Spanish colonialists arrive here, which bring with them a grape vine and successfully develop winemaking here.
  • Two centuries, during the Chilean-Puruan war, the Chileans on the occupied part of Peru try an alcoholic drink and, upon returning to their homeland, decide to produce alcohol under the same name. Another one and a half centuries have passed since then, and the disputes, who invented Pisco, do not stop. Including at the state level!
  • Despite the fact that today the main exporter pisco - Chile You can buy a wonderful Peruvian version. By the way, it was Peru that announced this type of brandy by a national treasure. It rightly notes here that the technology for the manufacture of Chilean pisco is significantly different from how authentic Peruvian alcohol is produced.
Drink of Chileans and Peruvians
Drink of Chileans and Peruvians

Pisco: Paradox drink

  • The main feature of Pisco is that it is produced exclusively from grapesbut to the wines to attribute it to high fortress (30-45 degrees) is impossible.
  • Most experts classify it to the category of brandy, but we are commonly called a drink of grape vodka.
  • And although this type of alcohol is not wine, different yields of berries, as in winemaking, can give different result.
Grape drink
Grape drink

Pisco alcoholic drinks are of several types:

  • Puro: transparent liquid with a barely pronounced smell.
  • Aromaticas: It is distinguished by a pleasant aroma.
  • Acholados: For its production, several grape varieties are used.
  • Mosto Verde: It has a barely tangible sweet taste, and color can vary from greenish to amber.

Features of the production of pisco

  • For the manufacture of this variety of alcohol, muscat grapes of sweet varieties are used. Most of the Pisco for domestic consumption and exports are made on the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile - regions where the natural greenhouse effect created ideal conditions for growing grapes and ripening of the drink itself.
  • In states that claim to be called the birthplace of pisco, there are significant differences in the technology of the drink. So, the Peruvian variation is pure young wine, which is distilled to obtain the necessary fortress (43%) and is not diluted with water. Whereas chilean pisco - This is an alcoholic liquid diluted with water and sustained in barrels.

Rules for drinking pisco

  • In order for a bouquet of the aromas of this drink to open as much as possible, experts advise to drink pisco at room temperature, but in Europe a cooled option is in great demand.
  • Typically, such alcohol is drunk from small piles with a narrow neck - it is such a glass that helps all faces of taste to appear. In Peru, Pisco is drunk separately from food, and in Chile most often the drink appears on the tables during a meal.
  • This type of alcohol is good and as aperitative, and as a digestive. If we talk about a snack for grape brandy, then the perfect option would be fruits, cheese, baguette and chocolate.
Eat with fruits
Eat with fruits


  • Everyone who tried Pisco probably knows about an amazing cocktail based on this alcohol - pico-Sauer, recipe invented by Victor Morris. The man arrived in Peru from the States and opened a bar here. At first it was a fairly simple, even primitive mixture of cirrus, citrus juice and sugar.
  • Later, a certain Mario Briugette improved the recipe, and a texture and a foam hat appeared in Sauer, thanks to which Pico-Sauer is famous for the whole world.
  • It would be strange if they hadn’t competed here with Chile - this time in preparing the perfect cocktail! So, the Peruvian version is a mixture of local pisco, lime juice, protein, sugar syrup, stabbed ice and aromatic colored bitter Ango -scales. In a competing country, Pysko-Sauer is prepared according to a simpler recipe, adding Chilean pisco, lime juice, ice cubes and powdered sugar to it. In general, this cocktail has become so popular that variations on the topic have appeared in different parts of the world, and today you can order a bar. Sauer with pineapple, apple and even sharp pepper.

Pisco cocktail recipes at home

Over the centuries of the existence of this grape vodka, many recipes for drinks have appeared on its basis. Pisco manage to mix not only with other alcohol and fruit juices, but also with spices. Below are recipes for the most interesting cocktails with this brandy, which you can not only try in the bar, but also make at home.

Pyru-Sauer: Peruvian recipe


  • peruvian pisco - 50 ml
  • sugar syrup-20-25 ml
  • lima juice - 25 ml
  • protein - 1 pc
  • ice in cubes - 170 g
  • angoshtour-3-4 drops

How to cook:

  1. In the bowl of a blender or combine we place egg protein, pour out fresh filtered lime juice, brandy and sugar syrup.
  2. Beat the components so that they acquire a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Add ice here and, using high speed, beat the cocktail again.
  4. Pour the finished drink into a pre -chilled high glass.
  5. In the hat formed on top, we drip a couple of drops of Angostura, which will give the drink a unique aroma.
  6. They drink Peruvian Sauer through a tube in small sips.

Pie-Sauer as in Chile


  • chilean Pisco - 80 ml
  • sugar powder - 12 g
  • lyme juice
  • chopped ice-200-220 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the ice into a shaker or blender tray, then pour alcohol and filtered lime juice on it.
  2. Add sugar and mix well at maximum speed so that the mixture acquires homogeneity.
  3. Pour the cocktail into a high container and drink through a straw.



  • pisco - 120 ml
  • cola - 120 ml
  • half lime or lemon
  • ice - several cubes
With a brown
With a brown

How to cook:

  • To begin with, we send the stake and alcohol to the freezer for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the citrus with thin slices.
  • Fill the high glass with stabbed ice by about 2/3.
  • We place a few circles of lime or lemon on top and pour chilled cigarette on it.
  • We put a few more citrus slides.
  • Then we take out the stake from the camera and, placing it high above the glass, pour it into the mixture with a thin stream (it is important that the soda foams well).
  • Piscola is drunk immediately after cooking through a tube.



  • pisco - 50 ml
  • sugar syrup-20-25 ml
  • pineapple - 50 ml
  • gazing - 50 ml
  • lime - 1 average
  • chopped ice - 180 g

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the purified pineapple, gently dry with a towel and cut it with small slides.
  2. Grind the fruit with a blender, and filter the resulting mass through a strainer or gauze.
  3. Squeeze the lime juice, filter it.
  4. We rinse the blender, place ice, alcohol, both types of juice and sugar syrup there.
  5. Beat everything at maximum speed and pour the resulting mixture into a high glass.
  6. Add cold soda and slightly mix the cocktail with a tube.

These Pisko -based cocktails are good for any time of day. They are so light and tasty that you can drink them both separately and use as an aperitif in front of the meal.

Love to tast drinks, then we advise you to read about such drinks as:

Video: About the drink of the pisco

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