Ayahua - a drink of the Amazon shamans: recipe, reviews, how to cook and drink correctly?

Ayahua - a drink of the Amazon shamans: recipe, reviews, how to cook and drink correctly?

From this article you will find out what Ayauasca is a drink of shamans.

To many people who learn about Ayahuaska - Shaman's drink, it becomes interesting what it is and how the ceremony is held. Most of them go for distant lands in order to try this tea and see the entire ritual in the form in which it should be carried out. This article describes what kind of drink, a ceremony, where you can go through a rite, where to buy tea in Russia and much more.

The drink of the Amazonian shamans - Ayahua: what is this drink and ceremony?

A drink of the shamans of the Amazon - Ayahuaska
A drink of the shamans of the Amazon - Ayahuaska

Few people know that the basis for Ayauansky It is a liana that shamans are mixed with another plant in the preparation process - Chakrana. As a result of the interaction of these components, a drink is obtained. What is this drink and ceremony? How do the Amazon shamans cook it? Here are the answers to these questions:

  • As for the purpose, use Ayahua Not to get drunk and have fun.
  • It is needed to immerse in the world of spirits and communicate with them. The properties of this drink are able to change a person’s consciousness and configure it to that mental wave that is necessary for interacting with a different reality, contact with another world.
  • Therefore, the second name Ayaauasky - "Liana of Death".
  • The sensations of a person after drinking a drink are somewhat similar to those that the medium experiences when entering the astral. The shaman feels how the soul breaks away from the body, the awareness of things and processes becomes deeper.
  • The ceremony is always under the guidance of spiritual practice, shaman. Otherwise, it will not give the desired effect.
  • It is believed that light comes from the soul of the sorcerer, which fills the drink with mystical power.

How the use ceremony itself is held:

  • Transmitted Ayahua In a circle, from one participant to another.
  • The shaman begins to sing Ikaro. This is a kind of song telling about what awaits people who intend to participate in the rite. However, the appeal is not directed to them at all, but to the Higher Forces.
  • Throughout singing, participants may feel the presence of foreign formations in the body, tingling or incredible lightness. Each person actually feels changes in himself.
  • Psychological blocks, resentment and anger, as a rule, disappear.

It is believed that regardless of whether a person believes in mysticism or not - Ayahua It is useful for the body and has an anti -aging effect.

Be careful: Prepare Ayahua Only the shaman of the Amazon can. He knows the correct proportion of the ingredients. If it is not observed, then the drink can turn out to be poisonous and dangerous to human health and life.

Diet in front of Ayaau: what is possible and what is forbidden to eat and do?

Diet in front of Ayaau
Diet in front of Ayaau

Many adherents of spiritual practices agree that various kinds of rituals and rituals are best carried out on an empty stomach. The satiety of the body, on the contrary, interferes with the feeling of increased awareness, connection with other worlds and higher matters. What is possible and what is forbidden to eat and do before Ayaau? Here is a description of these prohibitions:

  • Ayauama practitioners, all participants in this ceremony are recommended to observe a diet.
  • Food discipline is important. A person who knows how to control his body and digestion is better controlled by his mind.
  • The use of the drink is closely related to the gastrointestinal tract, and the better his work, the more chances to get the result from the ritual.
  • 2 weeks before the ceremony It is necessary to abandon drugs and alcohol.
  • During the week - Exclude fatty, fried, salted and spicy foods, citrus fruits, dairy products, caffeine, proteins, meat and so on.
  • About nuts and dried fruits Nothing is said, but for a successful rite, it is also better to exclude them.

It seems that those people who are preparing for the rite of Ayauasky are forbidden, but this is not so. There is a list of products that can be consumed:

  • Eggs
  • The chicken is a little
  • Rice
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables

It is worth knowing: You can drink clean or coconut water, as well as all kinds of tea. The question is relatively green tea, dual. On the one hand, it is useful, on the other, it contains a lot of caffeine, which is prohibited.

Sexual contacts are prohibited. By the way, a similar diet should be followed for some time after the ritual.

Where can I go in Peru a rite of Ayauans?

The rite of the Ayauansky
The rite of the Ayauansky

To experience the effect Ayauansky, you need to know where in Peru you can go through such a ritual. There is a special Peruvian shelter that helps to conduct a ceremony for everyone Ayauansky.

  • The center is open for a whole year and the ceremony is held four times a week.
  • Here they provide tourists with a place of residence, in which, as shamans believe, healing the human soul occurs.
  • The Peruvian "shelter" has comfortable houses with numbers and shower, and with all other amenities.
  • There is a security on the territory that will take care of customer safety.
  • As soon as you come here, they will tell you how and when the ritual will pass. You will be introduced to the master of the ceremony and put on a special diet.

Interesting: People who have visited the coast of the Amazon, off the Peruvian shamans, were able to get closer to the animal world, the world of plants and, as if merged into a single whole with land-mother. According to those who passed the rite AyauanskyI experienced indescribable sensations.

The ceremony is carried out only by experienced shamans who have devoted vast experience to this art all their lives. In addition, such skill was transmitted to them from their ancestors - from generation to generation. Thanks to the ritual Ayauansky, the shaman will be able to get you out of a sad state and cleanse your soul. Below you will find the film by Dmitry Komarov, who visited this place and tried Ayahaska. He tells where exactly the rite is being held and how to get there.

The film "Peace inside out" about the drink, rite and the tour of Ayauasks: Video

"World inside out" about the drink, the rite and the tour of the Ayauansky

Dmitry Komarov visited the coast of the Amazon. There, his Bolivian shamans taught how to prepare a stupefying drink for Ayhausk. He describes all his feelings in detail on the camera in the film of the next TV show. "World inside out".

  • According to Dmitry, such a rite is incomparable with nothing.
  • Therefore, those who tried this tea from shamans say that everyone should do this.
  • Now there are even tours in Peru for everyone who wants to try the drink and live with real shamans.

The video from YouTube was deleted, but the full version of this television program is on the social network Classmates on this link. Dmitry notes that the sensations after consuming Ayauama tea are not similar to anything. They are a little strange, unusual and even scare.

Where to buy a ready -made Ayauam in bottles of 500 ml in Moscow and other cities of Russia to try?

Ready Ayahua
Ready Ayahua

If you want to know the answer to the life dilemma or decide what to do in a particular situation, you need to try Ayahua. Many people do not have the opportunity to go to another country where ceremonies are held. Therefore, they can buy a ready -made drink and hold the ceremony on their own at home. Where to buy the finished Ayahua In the bottles of 500 ml in Moscow and other cities of Russia? Here's the answer:

  • Accurate information where this drink is sold in Moscow or other cities is absent. To find such a store, you need to walk and ask, because it is a hallucinogenic drug and it is illegally just selling it.
  • You can buy a drink in an online store, but there is no probability that you will not be deceived and will not sell a fake.
  • If possible, then ask the store certification and ask where this drink is supplied from.

Different sites also offer dry mixtures Ayauansky, and according to a special recipe, you can mix a drink that you will use at your home ceremony.

The main thing is to remember: The drink is addictive and you need to be very careful when using it. Also, as mentioned above, it can turn out to be poisonous with improper preparation.

It is better to go to the shores of the Amazon, to real shamans to try the real Ayahua. In addition, not only the ingredients of the drink and the method of preparation are important, but also the preparation, as well as other components of ceremonies that are known only to the real “masters”.

Ayauasa in Minsk: who and where holds the ceremony?


If you live in Minsk, then you can also participate in the ceremony Ayauansky. Who and where holds the ceremony?

  • In this city, a rite can be held on Yanka Moor Street.
  • A club has opened here for lovers of mysticism and various shamanistic ceremonies.

You must prepare for the ritual:

  • Before the ceremony, you need to sit on a special diet, sex life is prohibited in a few days. It is forbidden to take any medicine. But no one will check this, and therefore everything will remain on your conscience.
  • A day before the ceremony, it is forbidden to eat something. This is necessary so that you do not work after drinking a drink.
  • First you come to the club and drink tea with all participants and a shaman.
  • Later you are held in a special room with mattresses, pillows and blankets, as well as dishes where you need to throw out negative emotions.
  • The shaman extinguishes the light, lights up the phone and blow all the participants with smoke.

After that, the action begins Ayauansky. You must consider all important thoughts in your head and approach the table in order to drink the contents of the cups. The tea tastes a little unpleasant, but not bitter. Then the participants go to mattresses and wait for the spirit to come to them Ayahua.

Ayauama recipes: how to cook and how to drink?


Ayahua - This is a hallucinogenic drink. It contains psychoactive substances, such as alkaloids, Garmin and others. The shamans do not secret recipes for this tea, because not only the composition, but also the mental light of the “master”, and much more is important. They are sure that without the presence of a shaman, the rite is wrong and incomplete. However, people still prepare such tea and sell on the Internet to everyone, although it can be dangerous for health and life. How to cook?

  • The classic drink "Ayahua" is preparing from the vines Banisteriopsis Caapia.To give a hallucinogenic effect, plant leaves are used Pentitia Green (Chakruna) or Chalip.
  • Many shamans add several dozen herbs for a greater effect to it.
  • These plants have analogues that have a similar action. For example, instead of vines you can use the seeds of the Garmala, and instead of Chakruna - a name having a name Mimosa Tenuiflora.
  • All this is mixed, cooked for 13 hours over low heat and used, with preliminary and subsequent rituals.

AT Australia for preparing a drink "Ayahauska" use an acacia tree that is rich dimethyltriptamin (DTM). There are many recipes Ayauanskyhaving alternative plants in their composition. Differences only in the expressiveness of the effect. In some cases Ayahua It is made without a component DMT.

Important: Despite the fact that recently, Europeans have had an interest in Ayauska, it should be understood that the ritual can only be held under the supervision of a real shaman. He knows how to cook this tea, as his ancestors gave him the recipe. He also knows all the sensations that a person should experience.

Advice: Be careful, take care of your life and health - this is more important. Refuse such a venture and just watch the ritual from the side, as this is no less entertaining, but it will be safer for you.

Ayahuask drink: how to get out of the body?

The effect of the Ayauansky
The effect of the Ayauansky

If you want to get out Ayahua From the body, then try to use drinking mode. For detoxification, you need to drink a lot of water. The liquid will help to remove chemical compounds from the body.

Remember: You need to drink three liters of water. It turns out more - good.

It is also important to reconsider the food. Do not eat a lot of sugar, canned food, smoked foods and pickles with tomatoes. Such products are difficult to absorb, and Ayahua will leave your body longer. You should add natural products to your diet that help cleanse the body:

  • Flax seeds
  • Cins
  • Parsley
  • Lemon entirely without a peel
  • Lemon juice

To restore immunity, you need to use:

  • Green vegetables
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Seaweed
  • Various berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and others

Also, sour -milk products will help to cleanse the body.

What is tea and ritual of Ayauasa: reviews about the experience of Ayahaski

Ritual Ayauascus
Ritual Ayauascus

Why does our glorious people have a considerable interest in completely alien cultures, traditions and customs? It is difficult to understand whether the wine is curiosity or something else. But the fact remains - the tourists of our vast country are sometimes really fearful, reckless and decisive.

  • Ayahuaska is a shamanic drink from Peru, which is made by mixing a decoction of vines and chakroins.
  • It is used only in the shamanistic ritual, which was described above to introduce people's consciousness into a kind of trance. This is a condition that allows you to communicate with spirits and find yourself.
  • In terms of folk language, this tea is a strong psychedelic. He performs its function 100%.
  • But, given the fact that the body of each person is individual, the sensations of tourists after his intake were different.

Here's what eyewitnesses say who managed to be participants in this rite and find out what the tea and ritual of Ayauasa are - reviews about this experience:

Anna, 25 years old, translator

When during the expedition to Peru, I was lucky to participate in the Ayauansky ceremony, I was very happy and agreed with lightning speed! Naturally, I understood all the risk. But innate curiosity did not allow me to refuse. I followed the laid diet and prepared for the rite as if I were the shaman that would transfer the bowl in a circle. In fact, I only needed to drink from me. By the way, the action of the "potion" lasts about 4 hours. Perhaps I have a weak organism, but I began to feel unpleasant from the 10th minute. Probably, this is what prevented me from feeling the rise of spiritual strength and get closer to the spirits. In fact, I felt the same symptoms as with alcohol poisoning. Simply put, I was vomiting.

Alexander, 31 years old, writer

I had to try the Ayauansky ceremony, because I write about exotic countries and their customs. So I “rushed into the pool with my head” and tried. Ayahuaska really expands consciousness and makes a person’s capabilities endlessly. I don’t know if I felt the maximum of the necessary sensations. But, frankly, it seems to me that I was on the right “wave”. For a moment, I felt that some global awareness of the essence of all things and earthly processes came to me. And there was a feeling that only I was one dedicated to the essence of this secret. My soul seemed to separate from the body. More precisely, I was somewhere outside my body, in the highest world. And by the way, it’s hard to say whether I think of it or not. But briefly I saw several images of my deceased relatives. So the drink really acts.

Vasily, 56 years old, esoteric practitioner

I have heard about Ayauask for a long time. Therefore, I tried not for the first time. Considering that for almost 30 years I have been exploring this and other worlds, then, one might say, the Peruvian shamans did not surprise me with anything. Although, I do not deny the miraculous effect. Simply, I repeat, for me this is far from a novelty!

Sting about his experience of Ayahaski: a video full version of the interview

See Sting interviews about his experience in using Ayauasky. The singer talks about his sensations, the well -being and awareness of the world. Here is the full version of the video:

Video: Sting - about his experience of the Ayauansky. Full version

Video: Victoria Bonya about Ayahaski

The secular lioness Victoria Bonya also went to the shamans of the Amazon, what to try the rite of Ayauasks. Her impression is also very interesting. Watch a video in which Victoria tells everything in detail.

Video: Victoria Bonya talks about shamans and Ayahua

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