At Aliexpress, he did not indicate the middle name in the delivery address: should it be indicated? How to add patronymic to delivery to Aliexpress, if you forgot to indicate?

At Aliexpress, he did not indicate the middle name in the delivery address: should it be indicated? How to add patronymic to delivery to Aliexpress, if you forgot to indicate?

The article will tell you how to indicate the middle name in the delivery address on " Aliexpress»?

In the online store " Aliexpress»Buyers have the opportunity to choose and buy goods without leaving the house. All purchases are packaged in the parcels and sent to the client at the delivery address indicated by him.

For citizens of Russia, local postal services recently made some requirements when filling out the delivery address. Now, in addition to the name and surname, it is also necessary to introduce a middle name if the parcel comes from China and other foreign countries.

Many users are used to placing an order on " Aliexpress"Indicate only the name and surname. What to do if you have not indicated a middle name? How to add a middle name to delivery to "" Aliexpress"? Let's talk about this in our review.

Why do you need to indicate a middle name in the delivery address at AliExpress?

How to add patronymic to delivery to AliExpress, if you forgot to indicate?

As already mentioned above, " Post office»I imposed such requirements that there were no problems when delivering parcels from abroad. The online store itself " Aliexpress»To indicate a middle name does not require either during registration or when placing orders.

AND, if you do not indicate the middle name, then the parcel from China to Russia may not reach. She just won’t pass customs, and she will be sent back to " Aliexpress". Therefore, we recommend always introducing all our initials.

How to add patronymic to delivery to AliExpress?

  • Go through the upper right menu in " My Aliexpress»
  • Go to section " Delivery addresses»In the left column of the site
How to add patronymic to delivery to AliExpress, if you forgot to indicate?
  • If you have already indicated the delivery address earlier, but did not enter the middle name, then click on " Editing».
How to add patronymic to delivery to AliExpress, if you forgot to indicate?
  • If the delivery address was not previously indicated, then click on the large yellow button " Add a new address».
  • The form will open to fill out the delivery address. In the very first line, to fill out completely in Latin letters, your initials, as proposed in the screenshot. Then click on " Save» (« Save»).
How to add patronymic to delivery to AliExpress, if you forgot to indicate?

Video: How to specify the delivery address "AliExpress" correctly?

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