The male name Vitaly - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Vitaliy: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Vitaly - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Vitaliy: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

When a boy is born in the family, all relatives begin to offer their own variants. Someone wants to name in honor of grandfather or great-grandfather, others invent very interesting names, while others fall into history and vote for the Old Russian name. If parents do not have a clear understanding of what to call the child, then they begin to rack their heads and argue.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

Many are trying to find information on the Internet about a particular name: meaning, patrons, consonance with patronymic. This article presents information about the name Vitaly. This is a very beautiful male name, popular not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Transnistria. More details described below. Read further.


What does the name Vitaly mean by the church calendar?

Vitaly - a male name that belongs to a strong and decisive man is considered slightly soft. The name means by the church calendar "vital" or "Full of life".

Saint patron named after Vitaly

The sincer patrons of the name Vitaly such:

  1. Vitaly Alexandria, Rev., May 5 (April 22). Vitaliy-Monna took care of the great sinners, called them to a righteous life, which he pleased God. He always said: "Do not condemn his neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us."
  2. Vitaly Kerkir, martyr, May 11 (April 28).
  3. Vitaly Roman, martyr, February 7 (January 25). In 164, he suffered with the whole family for Christ.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The mystery of the name Vitaly


Positive features Vitaly Form the secret of his name. He is a brave, smart and beautiful speaker, but he will not demonstrate it to everyone, because he believes that he should not prove anything to anyone.

Name Vitaly: Russian or not?

Each name has its own nationality. Vitaly - The Russian name of ancient Roman origin.

Vitaly name: origin and meaning, popularity

Name VitalyAs already mentioned above, it is of Roman origin. Now it is very popular in Russia, they are called many boys - up to 20 per 1000.

The meaning of the name for a small child:

  • The little Vitalik is not very sociable with his peers, he more likes to be at home with his family than with friends.
  • He is truly a dreamer and slightly shy, peers do not really understand this and can begin to mock the baby, which will lead to even more strong enslavement.
  • In childhood, it is very important that the father is engaged in the upbringing of the boy, despite the fact that the main authorities are grandmother and mother.
  • The child is very talented, he is drawn to art, he loves music, science and various techniques.
  • Vitalik is distinguished by special perseverance. If he is right, then he will defend his position in voyage.

The meaning of the name for a teenager:

  • Vitaly is a very mysterious person.
  • He skillfully hides his real emotions behind the mask of fun, so as not to let anyone in.
  • At the institute, he is taken for studies, begins to realize that this will come in handy for him for a future life, although sometimes he is bored with his study, and he pays all his attention only to himself.
  • Although he does not really like to let people close to himself, but the small circle of people whom this person calls friends, Vitaly He will never leave in difficult times and will not betray.

The meaning of the name for a man:

  • Vitaly is very reasonable and erudite, in disputes he constantly goes to the end, and never accepts compromises.
  • He loves to seem like a kind person more than to be. Of course, he can help people, but to give the latter is not about him.

Very lucky, often in difficult life situations is trusted with fate, but when the time comes to make an adult choice, it may be lost.

Vitaly - Deciphering the name from Greek

It is believed that all names have come from the Greek language. Having Latin roots, name Vitaly It came from Roman "Vitalis"what it means "vital". From Greek deciphens as "Living".

Vitaly's name in English, Latin, different languages

Name Vitaly In all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, it is very similar in sound and writing:

  • English - Vitalii
  • Belarusian - Vital
  • Italian - Vitale
  • Spanish - Vital
  • Latin - Vitalis
  • German - Vitalis
  • Polish - Witalis
  • Portuguese - Vitalio
  • Romanian - Vitalie
  • Serbian - Vitaly
  • Ukrainian - Vitaly
  • French - Vital

If you go to another country, then you need to know how your personal data is written in a passport. After all, this is a necessary document for leaving abroad. Read further.

How is the name Vitaly written in the passport?

There is no approved form of Latin in Russia, therefore, when submitting an application for a passport, it is necessary to use the transliteration of the FMS, from which it will follow, that the name Vitaly will be written how Vitalii. Moreover, you need to write in big in -in -law letters - Vitalii. All other options are considered wrong. To translate words and personal data into Latin will help website. Just insert the word into the form and click on the translation button. After a moment you will get the right result.

Vitaly: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Parents, as well as grandfathers with grandmothers, love to call their children and grandchildren not just by name, but affectionately or abbreviated. It is cute, beautiful and this form of adversary seems to be the most dear to the soul. What are the abbreviated short forms of the name Vitaly? Here are the options:

  • Talya
  • Vital
  • Vita
  • Vitya
  • Vit
  • Vitas
  • Vital
  • Vitali
  • Vitilian
  • Vitasya
  • Vitah
  • Vitash
  • Vitula
  • Vityulya
  • Vityunya
  • Vityukha
  • Vityusha
  • Vito
  • Talya
  • Taliy

Squinting and abroad forms:

  • Vitalyusha
  • Vitalik
  • Vital
  • Vitash
  • Talik
  • Vityusha

See how beautiful this navigation sounds beautifully, both in the full form and in an abbreviated form.

Vitaly: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Meaning and fate of the name Vitaly lies in strong energy, which is very favorable for life. This person will be an optimist. He tries to adapt to a changeable world. Can go into his thoughts and move away from reality. The fate of such a person is good.

  • Enough cunning, but this quality is not able to angry others.
  • The best friend for Vitaly - Car, he is ready to dig in it for days. At the wheel he feels like the happiest person.

Autumn Vitalik has endless amorousness, born in the summer - recognized careerists, spring The most vulnerable people are born, and in winter - Pedants who will be very meticulously. It is winter vitaly will go to the end in achieving their goal.

Vitaly appreciates heart -to -heart conversations, they can remove a mask from him, behind which he hides his true face. Because of this, he can be aggressive with people when warm emotions are inside and vice versa. This mask for him serves as a way of protecting from the outside world.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name of Vitaly: compatibility with male names

For boy Vitaly The following patronymics are best suited:

  • Alexeyevich
  • Vasilevich
  • Viktorovich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Ivanovich
  • Ilyich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Petrovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Yurievich

Such an adhesive has good compatibility with male names. Therefore, almost all middleings will be beautifully combined with that name. A ugly combination with long and complex patronymics: Arsentievich, Aristarkhovich etc.

When is the name day, Vitaly's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

According to the Orthodox calendar of the name VitalyJanuary 24, February 7, May 5 and 11, August 5 and October 7. Read more:

January 24 Vitaly Gasky, Rev.
February 7 Vitaly Roman, martyr
5 May Vitaly Alexandria, Rev.
May 11 Vitaly Kerkir, martyr
5th of August Vitalian, Pope
October 7th Vitaliy Kokorev, Reverend Martyr, Monk

Remember: Angel's Day and Namedays are different holidays.

Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. Namedays are the date of veneration of the patron saint.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Vitaly short in verses and prose

If you have a friend or relative with a name VitalyDo not forget to congratulate him on the day of the angel. This can be done in verses and prose. Believe me, such a surprise will delight even the most modest people.

Here are short congratulations:

  • Happy Angel Day, Vitaly! Your name means "vital", be always filled with energy, calm and happy.
  • Congratulations on Vitalka's Day!
  • Vitaliy, Happy Name Day!
  • Happy Angel Day! Your name is “full of life”, let it help you overcome any adversity and bypass all the obstacles that are found in your path.
  • Let fate be always favorable to you, luck does not leave you for a minute, life will be filled with joyful moments.
  • Your name means life, so let life be always filled with joy and optimism.
  • Vital, let your guardian angel always be with you!

Here are a few more lines:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Vitaly

Popular songs about Vitaly No, there are only a few comic and little -known:

Video: Songs with names: Song about Vital | Happy Birthday Vitaly Vitalya

Video: I love you Vitaly - a song of love in the name

Video: Margo - Vitaly (official clip).

Video: Happy Birthday Vitaly! Song.

Video: Happy Birthday Vitaly. Song for Vitaly!

Tattoo named Vitaly

There is no special meaning in tattoos, the only thing, you can make a tattoo named Vitaly In Latin, which will mean not just the adults, but “life” or “full of life”. Tattoo with this adversary is done, like another tattoo with a name for the following reasons:

  • Guy (husband)
  • Son (father)
  • Idol
  • Your own name

The places for applying tattoos are as follows:

  • The inside of the hand - Most often, the name of the child is applied there.
  • Wrist - The name is located as a bracelet, a place for a tattoo of a very close person.
  • Small of the back - A place for applying the name of the idol with his face.
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Here are a few sketches:

Sketch for tattoos named
Sketch for tattoos named
Sketch for tattoos named
Sketch for tattoos named

Suspension with the name Vitaly from gold: photo

In addition to simple suspension with a name Vitaly, there are still pendants-oknka with the image of Vitaly of Alexandria. They look beautiful from gold and the letter B. - The first letter of the name. Such pendants can be worn by a woman Vitaly or mother if her son is so called. Here are a photo of such jewelry:

Suspension with the face of St. Vitaly
Suspension with the face of St. Vitaly
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name Vitaly from gold

Vitaly name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Vitaly He does not always adhere to established moral and ethical rules, he constantly searches for all the benefits for himself. It is impossible to say what moral quality is moral Such people are completely absent, but he needs to learn from sympathy and mutual assistance.

We can say that the carrier of the name Vitaly - Genius. He has a very sharp mind, and intuition is highly developed. This tandem helps such a person in all situations. He loves to shine with intelligence among colleagues at work and with friends.

Name Vitaly: hobbies, activities, business

Vitaly A very versatile person, although he does not show it. He has a lot of hobbies. There is a talent for music (can easily master any musical instrument), will also be a good photographer. He loves to "delve" in his car.

Work always chooses one that will bring him material benefit. He does not seek to occupy a leading position due to the fact that he will have to make fateful decisions for the company, and he is afraid of this as fire. He needs a clear schedule and constancy in his activities. If we talk about those professions in which he can achieve unprecedented successes, then it is worth paying attention to such specialties:

  • Doctor
  • Scientist
  • Programmer
  • Musician
  • Painter

Vitaly is a very disciplined worker and hardworking, even at work that he does not like, he will work with all his might. If he wants his own business, then things will go well. But the company should be associated with creativity-an event agency, etc. Other directions will suffer a fiasco due to the soft nature of this businessman, the lack of ambitions and assertiveness.

Vitaly name: Health and psyche

It is very difficult to find an approach to Vitaly Because of his unstable psyche. If outwardly it is very friendly and generous, then inside it is closed from many people. The reason for this is the fraud that he felt on himself. However, if you still find an approach to it, then it will be revealed from absolutely another side.

This is a direct person who does not like to bustle and dodge, which requires others. Because of his straightforwardness, people often think that he is strange and rarely enter into a relationship with him. Many consider Vitaly an evil person, very vengeful and stubborn. Often this is true.

The health of such a person is strong, but you should protect your nose and throat, otherwise these parts of the body will become a victim of constant sore throats.

Name Vitaly: Sexuality, Marriage

Vitaly Very persistent in love relationships. He can fall in love with a girl, but love can be very fleeting. While the girl is not won by him, he will be courteous and gallant with her, but after the conquest, everything can change steeply. Sometimes it happens that the girl herself should win the attention of such a person.

The criteria for choosing a girl are very high:

  • He is looking for himself just the best of the best, because others are simply unworthy of him.
  • If he became a victim of unhappy love, he quickly forgets about it and again goes in search of a lady of the heart.
  • At a young age wife Vitaly He picks up the perfect. She should be in marriage beautiful, smart, tasty to cook, take care of it.
  • Sexuality for him first in the first place.

In bed, he does not forget about his independence, and wants both to receive pleasure. Despite this, he tries to please his partner with all his might in the first place, and then himself. Vitaly Refers to sex, as an attempt to tell everything about her love to the girl. It gives preference to more experienced partners, they can reveal all its essence.

But then all this goes into the background and over time the man understands that in a woman, as in all people, he appreciates sincerity and understanding. Most often comes into marriage 1 time in 30 years. It becomes a faithful husband, and even despite the fact that sometimes feelings fade away to his wife, he will never go to treason.

For a successful marriage Vitaly It is worth paying attention to girls with the following names:

  • Larisa
  • Anfisa
  • Eugene
  • Vasilina
  • Rosalia
  • Elvira
  • Kaleria

Avoid marriage is worth it with girls with such names:

  • Mavra
  • Caroline
  • Isolde
  • Bella
  • Elsa
  • Stephanie

As for paternity, then Vitaly Just eager for becoming a father. Children mean a lot for him. From early childhood, he is actively involved in their life and upbringing, even sometimes he can give advice to his wife. If his child is sick, he certainly throws all things and rushes to his aid. According to the onset of 18 years, such a father for his child becomes the best friend.

What zodiac sign is Vitaly's name?

For Vitaly Favorable signs of the zodiac are Aquarius and Virgo.


  • Very smart, his successes in life largely depend on his intuition.
  • He is very popular among women, will be able to support any conversation, will never leave in trouble, is truly romantic.


  • Zodiac sign that can restrain love impulses Vitaly.
  • Such a man will meticulously choose his wife, despite the fact that he will not be deprived of female attention, thanks to his secrecy, some mystery.

He loves attention and praise, touchy, but does not show, very smart, and it is difficult to deceive.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name of Vitaliy

Men's ring with sapphire-a named after
Men's ring with sapphire-a named after

For Vitaly A happy stone-talisman is sapphire. He will help a person calm down, cool his love passions. This stone will protect the owner from gossip. Sapphire has a positive effect on friendship. A person wearing this amulet easily achieves the goals.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Vitaly

Flower-dalisman violet
Flower-dalisman violet

Plants that Vitaly carry a positive charge of energy is a flower violet And a talisman tree poplar.

  • The Greeks have a white poplar personified the habitat of the souls of heroes who died with honor in the war. Black poplar was considered hell.
  • Eastern culture pointed to the duality of the poplar, that is, it designated both the feminine and masculine principle, as well as darkness and light.
  • The Slavs did not like the poplar. It meant loneliness and longing for women.

As for the violet, now this plant can be found in every house.

  • The plant begins to bloom with the onset of spring.
  • Previously, the violet was not so popular, largely because of her bad reputation-she symbolized lust and passion.
  • The Greeks were afraid of this flower - he brought suffering and sadness.
  • Now everything is much easier. Thanks to this flower, people cope with fears, stubbornness and selfishness.

The color of the violet can also tell about a lot:

  • The white violet protects against negativity, brings comfort to the house.
  • Red and pink violets are a flower of a real man. Gives courage and courage.
  • The blue violet soothes.
  • The yellow violet is needed to raise the mood.

Like plants, animals also serve as a talisman for humans. Read further.

Totem animal named after Vitaly

The totem animal of the name
The totem animal of the name

Despite some softness of the name itself "Vitaly", his animal is not at all fragile. The symbol or totem animal of this name - tiger. It gives strength, energy that must be curbed. In addition, a person has no fear.

In many peoples, the tiger is the personification of cruelty and lust. In the Chinese, this animal carries destruction, reveals all the dark sides of a person. Thus, the tiger is a difficult symbol, it will bring success to someone, and someone will absorb with his strength.

Numerology named after Vitaly

Number Vitaly According to numerology - 5. It characterizes the owner as a freedom -loving person. In some life situations, this person puts on the forefront than the opinion of the people around him.

Number 5 Makes him an avid lover. It is impossible to say that at a meeting he shows the girl with compliments, because he really likes her. Most likely, they are driven by the desire to engage in sexual relations with her. However, he considers this not just as a way to satisfy his needs. For him, sexual relations as a separate form of art. Therefore, people who bear this name are considered avid lovers.

Pseudonym to the name Vitaly

Vitaly - A common name. As a pseudonym can be used Vitek. You can also consider the following options:

  • Victorius
  • Vitas
  • Vitalchik
  • Vitalik
  • Vital
  • Talc
  • Valley

Here are a few more options and how beautiful they can be written:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Naturally, this is not the entire list of pseudonyms that may approach this ad). For a person, not all nicknames are selected by name, more often they are invented for the name of a person, or to his appearance. Not everyone likes this, especially if the nicknames are offensive and a person is studying at school. But then all this will be remembered with a smile on the face, and famous personalities, in particular, writers and actors often take completely different names and perform under them.

Famous people, celebrities named Vitaly

There are many people named Vitalywho became famous in a particular industry. These are famous celebrities to the world - talented and just good people.

  • Vitaly Margulis - Russian pianist, musicologist (04/16/1928)
  • Vitaly Gibert - psychic (03/21/1988)
  • Vitaly Groysman - Soviet doctor, Honored Coach of the USSR (05/06/1939)
  • Vitaly Korolev-fighter pilot (05/05/1916)
  • Vitaly Kishchenko - actor (05/25/1964)
  • Vitaly Klitschko - boxer (1971)
  • Vitaly Gogonsky - actor (1978)
  • Vitaly Lazarenko - Soviet circus artist (1890)
  • Vitaly Bianchi - writer (1894)

As can be seen from the list of famous personalities, many were writers, others were athletes, as well as many actors. This confirms that Vitaly Very diverse personalities and can achieve success in many industries.

So, based on the above, the name Vitaly The boy is very favorable. Parents will receive a loving son who will be honest with them, surrounding - a faithful friend (few), the wife of a loving and faithful husband, who will also be magnificent in bed. Such a person will always lie in their places. And even if the name is not suitable for business, but a writer or musician may appear in the family, or maybe a famous athlete.

Video: Vitaly's meaning: karma, character and fate

Video: Vitaly's meaning of the name - the secret of the name

Video: Karma named after Vitaly. The typical fate of Vitalik.

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