The male name Cyril - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Kirill: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Cyril - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Kirill: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Cyril is a beautiful Russian name that is often called boys. He has an interesting interpretation, origin and meaning.

The name plays an important role in our lives. It helps us stand out, and its different forms (brief, diminutive)-to express themselves among the rest. Name Kirill - A very beautiful male adult, which is popular.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article below you will learn about the origin of the name, about its interpretation and meaning. There is also a lot of other interesting information. Read further.  

What does the name Cyril in the church calendar mean?

Name Kirill comes from the word "Kirios". Literally means "Lord". This name is not the most popular according to the church, Orthodox calendar, although it will celebrate it in almost every month of the year (except August and November).

Social patron named after Cyril

One of the holy patrons is the father of Sergius of Radonezh, Cyril RadonezhUnfortunately, there is not very much information about the life of the life of which. He was known for his kindness, the help of the poor and the fact that he always gave an overnight stay in his house for wanderers.

Another patron K. Jerusalemwho accepted monasticism in the early years of his life. He fought with heretics and suffered a lot of suffering from them.  

The mystery named after Cyril


There are several secrets of this name. The first is incredulity. Kirill It is quite hidden and will not let everyone in his inner world, only those to whom he really trusts.

At first glance, the interlocutor may seem that being a cheerful and open in communication, understanding his feelings and thoughts will not be difficult. But in fact, this means that he knew how to make the impression on this man he needed.

Another secret of such a rod is a spasmodic and sharp loss of desire to work. Others, accustomed to his constant workaholism, can begin to worry. His laziness leaves as quickly and spontaneously as it comes, so loved ones should not worry.  

Name Cyril: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Cyril?

The name itself Kirill Orthodox, Russian, but at the same time has non -Slavic roots. In general, such a male personal adoption of Greek origin. Means translated "Lord", "lord", "master".

Cyril name: origin and meaning, popularity  

Name Kirill appeared in Russia from Byzantium, after the widespread adoption of Christianity by the Eastern Slavs. There are quite a lot of versions about the meaning of this adherence. Some offer such a translation of this name from Greek as "Belonging to the Lord". Others mean the same Greek word as "Lord" or "Small lord". In addition, there is a version that the name received its beginning not from the Greek language, but Persian, while meaning "sun". 

Although it becomes more and more popular every year, it is still inferior to many other popular Russian advents. Statistics show that it is one of the 30 most popular male names in Russia. It has been holding on this position for many years.

Cyril - Deciphering the name from Greek  

In the ancient Greek name Kirill It was written like «Κύριλλος» And it was pronounced "Cyrilos". Such a language is deciphered with this language as "Lord" 

Cyril name in English, Latin, different languages  

Thanks to the history of its origin, the name Kirill Most common in Slavic states (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovakia, etc.). In related Russian languages, this name will sound approximately the same:

  • Belarusian - Kiril
  • Bulgarian - Cyril
  • Latvian - Kirilas
  • Lithuanian - Kirilas
  • Macedonian - Cyril
  • Polish - Cyryl
  • Romanian - Cyril
  • Serbian - Tyril
  • Ukrainian - Kirilo
  • Czech - Cyril
  • Hungarian - Cyril

Sometimes you need to find out the spelling and pronunciation of the name in the inconsistent Russian languages. In English, for example, it will be written as Kirill And pronounced in the same way as in Russian, without changing any sounds. Spanish and Italian are similar to each other - on them this nation will be Cirilo (is also pronounced with "about" at the end). In Latin - Cyril. 

How is the name Cyril written in the passport?

The need to write a name in the Latin by Latin may arise at any time, including in order to verify the correctness of the data entered into the passport.

  • True written name Kirill In Latin (i.e. in English), in accordance with the generally accepted transliteration rules, it looks like this: Kirill.
  • But in the passport and other similar documents it is written in capital or in -capital letters - Kirill.

Male patronymic from this nation should be written like this - Kirillovich, and female - Kirillovna. If you need to transfer other data to Latin, then use the site. This resource is convenient to use. Just insert the word into the form and click on "Translation" 

Cyril: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Short forms for the name Kirill two - Cyrus and Kira. They can be used as independent abbreviated forms for a girl or boy.

In a diminutive form, a guy with such an adversary can be addressed as follows:

  • Kirilka
  • Kiryusha
  • Kirunya
  • Kirusya
  • Kiryuha
  • Kiryash
  • Kirka
  • Kiruha
  • Kiro
  • Kiryunya
  • Kiryaha
  • Pick

The diminutive form of abbreviated adversation sounds especially beautiful- Kirya. 

Kirill: The meaning of the name, character and fate

When deciding to give this name to the child, parents should think carefully. The character of a boy with such a call will not be the most calm. Kirill Since childhood, inquisitive and positive. He is not afraid to make new friends, play with other guys and easily pours into new companies. Due to his craving for the study of all new and perseverance, he will not have problems with his studies. Read more:

  • In addition to school classes, he seeks to learn a lot of interesting things about the world around the world from books, cognitive television programs and training games.
  • Parents should be brought up especially carefully from a young child.
  • Do not demand more and more from the child, seeing that he is doing success.
  • But also do not overdo it with praise, otherwise a good and loving knowledge of the boy can quickly turn into an egoist and a bracket.
  • The knowledge received by the boy from childhood will not leave in vain.
  • A boy with this name is most often growing very intelligent and educated.
  • Close and acquaintances, despite his young age, can easily describe it as a “real gentleman”.

But not everything is perfect, and as was said earlier, the character of the boy is troubled. By the youthful years, his fate may change dramatically. And parents need to be prepared for this:

  • As a teenager, he can become more hot -tempered and naughty.
  • It will be difficult for him to endure the shortcomings in the behavior of others, and because of his natural honesty, he will not be able to keep silent about it.
  • Thus, due to frequent criticism of his relationship with others, including not only with school friends, but also with family members, can be very spoiled.
  • The former very open, having many friends and acquaintances, a boy - can begin to experience difficulties with communication and become more closed.
  • In addition, being a guy very stubborn, energetic and ambitious, it can cause big problems to parents to their frequent troubles.

In any person with whom he begins to communicate, he is looking for a benefit for himself. In general, selfishness leads to almost all his actions. Being rather selfish-loving, this person will come closer only to those who in the future can be useful to him. But a large number of other positive qualities can close this disadvantage of it. He is ready to set goals and achieve them with hard work, he is strong in spirit and stubborn. With such qualities, he already at a young age will be able to achieve great heights.

In a more adult life, the origin of the name begins to show itself more and more:

  • Being a strong will, it becomes with the inclinations of the hard daffodil.
  • All that he does not, tries to do in the best way and go out from everywhere first. This is especially evident at work.
  • Showing leadership qualities, not agreeing to the second roles, he can cause negative emotions in his colleagues.
  • The goals that he set for himself will achieve by any methods.
  • Means are not important for him, he is ready to go on the heads, the main thing for him is the result.
  • But for the sake of his goal, he can become more patient and try to die his ardor.
  • He perfectly understands that excessive emotionality and inability to control himself can become a serious obstacle to achieving his goal.

While still in adolescence, who chose friends for the most part only out of benefit, now he will fundamentally change his opinion about friendship. Having become older and more conscious, he will begin to understand the whole true value of friendship and will become a good friend. You can always talk with this about your problems both at work and in the family, always knowing that it will help, if not advice, then with his responsiveness and sympathy.

Friends perfectly understand him and accept this particular: setting their goals in the first place, not accepting criticism in their address and ready to work until the last.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Cyril: compatibility with male names

Choosing from a huge number of names for their child, parents are guided by many things - meaning, origin, numerological analysis and necessarily - compatibility of the name with the middle name. After all, the childhood of the child will have one life, and it is known in advance. A harmonious, free, not -cutting sound of a name and patronymic will help the child in the future life, because any sound has its own meaning and leaves an imprint on a person. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Kirill?

The best compatibility of this name with such male names:

  • Alexandrovich
  • Vadimovich
  • Konstantinovich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Denisovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Evgenyevich
  • Ivanovich
  • Maksimovich
  • Olegovych
  • Romanovich
  • Timofeevich
  • Eduardovich
  • Semenovich
  • Andreevich
  • Antonovich
  • Artemovich
  • Vladimirovich

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

When is the name day, the Angel Day of Cyril according to the Orthodox calendar?

The name of the Orthodox calendar is a significant holiday in the Christian faith. On this day, the day of memory of the saint is celebrated, in honor of which the name was given to the believer. Angel Day is another important holiday for the Orthodox Christian. This is the day of the baptism of man in the church. Such two different dates are celebrated separately, and this is fine, because it is twice as much fun, gifts and holidays.

Name day Kirill celebrated almost 30 times a year:

  • January 31
  • 17, 27 February
  • 18, 22, 31 March
  • 3, 11 April
  • 11, 17, 24 May
  • 3, 22, 30 June
  • July 22
  • August 15
  • September 19
  • October 23
  • November 11, 20
  • December 15, 21

Congratulate your own person or friend on the names. Below you will find beautiful lines for a surprise. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Cyril short in verses and prose

Angel's Day is a great opportunity to please loved with kind and pleasant words, and also remind him that he is under the defense of the saint, in whose honor he received his name. On this holiday Cyril You can give a beautiful and bright postcard with such a wish in prose:

  • Kiryusha, your name day this year is a lot, but today is that day to remind you that the angel is always nearby, he smiles, cares and always protects. I wish you to reach your heights and that in life there is only luck and a white strip. So that you remain as kind and responsive as you are now, and that everything is fine in love and in the family.

Here are still short congratulations in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day  

Song named Cyril

Songs with the name Kirill not so much, and one of them is the composition Valeria Shunt "I am Kiryukha as a bourgeoisie". It sings about what the desire to live beautifully when there is no funds for this. In pursuit of the TV, phone and similar things, two comrades go to take a loan and end with the fact that they find themselves with a bottle of vodka and bailiffs alone.

Video: Valery Shunt - Kiryukha and I are like a bourgeois ...

There are also songs that can serve as a gift for a person’s birthday or as a declaration of love.

Video: Song about Cyril

Video: Kis-kis-Cyril

Video: I love you Cyril

Video: Happy Birthday Cyril

Tattoo named Cyril

Name Kirill You can fill in the form of a tattoo in the clan area with beautiful, ornate font. It will look stylish and beautiful if the girl does in honor of her lover. If the tattoo is done in honor of the child, then you can fill it on the forearm, and indicate the date of birth of the crumbs nearby. For men who want to fill a name on the body, it will be best to use a font with thicker letters and not as calligraphic as the girls. Here are examples:


Suspension with the name Cyril of gold: photo

Many believe that the suspension with the name has special properties. She can endow the one who wears her energy and characteristics related to his advent. But men are unlikely to wear such a decoration. He can give him a pendant on a chain with the face of his holy name. But the woman Cyril It is good to give a pendant with the name of her lover or in the form of his first letter. Here are a photo of such gold jewelry:

Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

 Name Cyril: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Kirill Inquisitive and erudite. He has a well -developed intuition, and he knows how to read the real intentions and desires of people well. High intelligence helps him a lot in life in achieving his goals. Sometimes a good mind can cause his bragging and excessive self -confidence that repels people.

Being a child, he has been trying to get the best marks in the class since childhood, to know and be able to most others. True, the concepts of morality and morality are often alien to him. In his egoism and selfishness, he can go very far. Without stirring by anyone and nothing, he will be ready to achieve his goal if it requires it.  

Name Cyril: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Since childhood Kirill Ready to work in any field. It is quite talented, and his hobbies can be as related to science (for example, archeology, art or history), but they can also be exclusively to maintain the form and raise adrenaline. Suitable hobbies for such people are extreme sports, such as parachute jumping or climbing.

Such a person loves to combine rest with travel, study historical monuments and communicate with loved ones, expressing his own thoughts, at the expense of what he saw. It will be able to achieve heights both in a creative profession, being a musician or an artist, and in the one that requires more frame - a judge, a doctor or a lawyer.

If he decides to create his own business and develop it, then as a leader can cause not the most pleasant feelings among subordinates. All because obsessed with some idea and being a perfectionist, wanting to achieve the perfect result, this person can demand too much and be very critical.  

Name Cyril: Health and psyche

Health Cyril It should not cause concern and relatives. He has strong immunity. But work can have both positive and negative effects on it. Being a real workaholic, he will achieve a lot, but it is very important what of this he will pay attention to first of all. If, rejoicing in the victories in business or career, he will only think about the best moments of his life, then for many years of life he is guaranteed. But it may be such that the results obtained, no matter how high they are, can, due to his desire to be in all ideal, do not arrange. And demanding more and more from himself, constantly being dissatisfied with the results, he can ruin his mental state and bring himself to depression.

Name Cyril: Sexuality, Marriage

In relations and marriage Kirill Very powerful and loves to dominate. He can often be jealous. This person is freedom -loving and therefore can keep a distance in a relationship and be cold, and sometimes even callous. Nevertheless, from the girl he will demand attention, caresses, tenderness and compliments in his address. It is not difficult to fall in love with and win a girl that he liked - natural charisma, sexuality and the ability to carefully care for him help him in this.  

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Cyril?

The most good luck bring Cyril Zodiac signs - Capricorn and Scorpion.

  • Capricorn - This is the one who goes to the goal and is not able to break it or stop it. Thanks to diplomacy and tact, he knows how to circumvent all sharp corners correctly. Negatively refers to someone else's help, preferring to achieve everything on its own and not be proper to anyone. Capricorns love to do more and speak less, have outstanding organizational abilities.
  • Scorpion - This is one who knows how to hide correctly under a canopy of coldness and callousness. They will not let anyone in who they do not trust completely, into their inner world. Scorpions do not accept criticism of their actions. And even if she is heard by them, he will not be accepted. Stubbornness is one of the features of Scorpio. He never admits that he did something wrong, because he will consider himself perfect. And, of course, it will be very difficult to wait for an apology from him.

 Below are the amulets of this adolescence. Read further.

Calisman stone to the name Cyril


The talisman will help to smooth out negative character traits, especially stubbornness and coldness. Ideal for this assistants for a man named Kirill Such stones will become:

  • Emerald
  • Pyrop
  • Yellow sapphire
  • Hyacinth

 The emerald protects from diseases. Pyrop strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves the mental state. Yellow sapphire helps to climb the career ladder, and hyacinth - he will bring good luck, attract good people, increase income. At the same time, all these talismans will make the owner a perspicacious, cunning, dodgy and prudent. 

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Cyril


Plants-dalismans of the name Kirill this is corn, saffron and fir.

  • Corn - This is a symbol of health in childhood.
  • Safran flower (Crocus) is a talisman for attracting money and cheerfulness.
  • Tale-dalisman fir - This is a plant, symbolizing youth and a long life in which you can be completely confident in every next day and feel protected.

Animals can also serve as amulets. Read further.

Totem animal named after Cyril

Maral is a totem animal name
Maral is a totem animal name

Totemic animal names Kirill are maral and seal. These animals are power, masculinity and nobility.

  • Maral symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Strong and not knowing fatigue is able to move towards his goal without stopping.
  • People who have a totem sealIt is important to find your own path. Even if it will not enter the framework of a standard life from a kindergarten with school to retirement and complete rest. But it should be its own and unique.

As you can see, such totems get only a strong spirit to people. They symbolize will and zeal to victory.

Numerology named after Cyril

Kirill According to numerology, is the owner numbers 4. This shows that he has a tendency to science, he is organized and used to lay out absolutely everything in his life in shelves.  

  • Four It is considered the most practical number of all. This is support and foundation.
  • The figure is identified with order, methodological and accuracy.
  • Number 4 deserves trust, because it is distinguished by honesty, devotion, discipline and endurance.

In addition, the four is a symbol of a high level of health and productivity.

Pseudonym to the name Cyril

A pseudonym for a modern person needs everywhere, especially for communication in social networks and on other sites on the Internet. For some, this is an option to hide their personal data, others just like it, and others like to use beautiful nicknames instead of a banal name and surname. To the name Kirill You can choose different nicknames. Here are examples:


You can just write a name in English or substitute some other word on it on English. You can write two words in Russian, for example:


Famous people, celebrities named Cyril

Almost all parents want to name their child with the name of a famous person, so that his fate is as happy, and the career is successful.  Famous people named Kirill a lot of:

  • Kirill Safonov - Actor
  • K. Demin - Artist
  • K. Yakimets - Writer
  • K. Kondratyev - Geophysik
  • K. Alexandria - Theologian
  • K. Razumovsky-Field Marshal General
  • K. Bolshakov-Russian chemical scientist
  • K. Pokrovsky-rock performer
  • K. Shimko - Strongman and Powerlifter
  • K. Orlovsky - Hero of the Soviet Union and many others

This once again shows that people with this name can achieve success in anything - both in creativity and in accurate sciences or in sports.

Video: The meaning of the name Cyril - Karma, character and fate

Video: About the name Cyril

Video: Karma named after Kirill

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