Male name Demid - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Demid: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Demid - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Demid: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Demid is a beautiful Russian name. The article describes its interpretation, meaning and origin.

Each person along the life path is conducted by his own fate. But in addition to her, a name given to him also affects any representative of the human race.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

In the article below we will conduct a detailed analysis of the name Demid. You will learn about its interpretation, meaning and origin. We will also tell you about the talismans of this nagging, his secret and fate. Read further.

What does the name Demid in the church calendar mean?

Among those martyrs who gave their lives for Jesus Christ, the Lord of our God, there were many saints, named by a rare name Demid. The "roots" of this name originate from ancient Greece. In a literal translation on the church calendar, it means "Divine thought".

Patron saint of the name Demid

The patron saint of the owners of the name Demid counts Diomid Tarsyanin. He had the gift of healing and healing from deadly diseases. He did this not only through medications, but also due to prayers.

On an ongoing basis he cured the Gentiles, after which he directed them on the path of adoption of Christianity, with the help of the sacrament of baptism. Over the years, he traveled most of the cities in which he found students. After the ruler of Diocletian found out about all these actions of the saint, ordered him to immediately arrest him and all his followers.

At that moment, when St. Diomid was transported from Nika to another city, he asked for a while to stop for the last prayer in his life. Leaving the cart - fell and died. The warriors who chopped off the head of the saint, right there, in this very place, were blinded. After this news, Diocletian ordered to take the head back. The execution of this order immediately followed. Warriors, blinded after a terrible act, believed in Jesus Christ.

The secret of the name Demid

Name Demid
Name Demid

The secret of the name Demid consists in decoding each of its letters:

  • D. - friendly, responsive, always open to communication and further friendship.
  • E- Excessive conversation, a deep understanding of another person.
  • M- A certain share of constraint, while incredible performance and meticulousness in the little things.
  • And- friendliness, emotionality, sincerity
  • D. - The same letter carries a variable mood in everything.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Name Demid: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Demid?

Demid It is considered a Russian, personal name, but the roots are from ancient Greece. According to the canon, the male name serves Diomid. In general, the nationality by this name is quite difficult to determine, although it is usually often found among representatives of the Slavic nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Name Demid: origin and meaning, popularity

This adolescence, its most widespread, gained thanks to the holy martyr Diomide, who healed sick people with the help of prayers and healing. This is considered the main origin of this name.

Currently, among the most popular dialects, Demid occupies 107 635 place. Throughout the world, owners are about 4,200 thousand people. The highest proportion of the prevalence of the name is in Russia, the highest density is in Mongolia.

Below is a table that clearly shows the extremely small "population" of this name in the world:

Country % of men \\ women bearing this name Number of people, thousand.
Russia 100% men 3600
Belarus 100% men 175
Mongolia 68% of men and 32% of women 162
Kazakhstan 98% of men and 2% of women 120
Turkmenistan 100% men 30
Moldova 100% men 21
Transnistria 50% of men and 50% of women 13
Indonesia 12
Armenia 80% of men and 20% of women 8
America 5

As can be seen from the data given in the table in Indonesia and America, it is extremely difficult to calculate the share in %. The name is very popular in our country. In all the rest (above), % is much less.

Demid - Deciphering a name from Greek

Decoding from Greek Demid Has not. In Russian, this name appeared at one moment with Christianity. From Hebrew translates as - "Darling" or "Favorite".

The name Demid in English, Latin, different languages

In other languages, Demid It is written somewhat differently. Here is evidence of this fact:

Language How do you spell
English, Latin Demid
Bashkir Demid
Belorussian Jamid
Vietnamese N.
Mountain Mary Demidich
Maori Owner
Mongolian Damid
Papiamento Med
Sebuan Repubblikang
Udmurt Demidles
Finnish Demidi
Javanese Kita

How is the name Demid written in the passport?

Since in a foreign (English) language named Demid No, for a foreign passport, we get a name through transliteration Demid. In the passport, this name is written that way. All other options are considered incorrect.

If you need to translate other personal data for documents, then this can be done on the website of Insert the word in the form and in a couple of seconds an answer will open before you.

Demid: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Adult relatives love to call their children, nephews or grandchildren not just a name, but his abbreviated or diminutive form. It is beautiful and cute. To the adherence Demid You can choose several short options:

  • Damik
  • Dema
  • Demka
  • Dem (DAM)

Squeezing-lactative form:

  • Demijok
  • Diomid
  • Demidonko
  • Demida
  • Midi
  • Demidochko
  • Demidko
  • Dzem
  • Jamidka
  • Demushka
  • Demochka
  • Demidushka
  • Demidic
  • Demidchik

You can come up with your unique option. Perhaps it will then be the most popular.

Demid: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Name Demid Bends life justice. A great influence has a great influence, including the time of the year when he was born. Here's the meaning:

  • Winter spring

Born Demid at this time of the year, can easily become a wonderful organizer (in any profession) or the head (department/enterprise). This person has incredible power of energy: he is gushed a huge number of ideas and plans aimed at achieving specific results. Being a kind of dreamer, quite often and dramatically changes his professions.

  • Summer autumn

Despite the fact that the summer time, according to many people, is the most remarkable - demidies born during this period, very closed (closed in themselves), melancholy. But at the same time - very cunning and prudent. To achieve goals, they are ready to go to everything.

The character of such a young man, in different periods of life, is modified. Fate also depends on this:

Childhood and youth:

  • A little boy is pride in both parents and teachers at school. Calm, obedient, taking responsibility for his own words, actions and actions.
  • In new companies for itself, at first it is suspended from people. Over time, this condition goes away.
  • Like any other child, he actively takes part in outdoor games, but closer to him - the manifestation of his logic in complex and excessive to others, tasks.
  • If the choice is between the "bacesses" and the "collecting puzzles", then the owner of this adherence will choose, of course, the second.
  • Study is standard: closer to such a boy are accurate disciplines (for example, mathematics).
  • With humanitarian items - “is not friends”, but if it is required to achieve a specific goal, he will certainly make all his efforts to win victory.
  • Despite the innate responsibility and a serious approach to schooling, parents should not throw their child. By their example, they will make it clear Demidthat training is an important component of life.

He will show his abilities, as an organizer (sometimes a leader) at the institute. Will organize various parties and competitions. Perhaps theatrical productions will put. And he will be fine. Many people who see their support in it will undoubtedly follow him.

Time for maturity:

  • Having finally matured, does not tolerate injustice.
  • Will always fight for the truth and protect weak people.
  • Both in personal life and in the work sphere will strive for perfection (being a true perfectionist).
  • At this age, he is a perky, smart and interesting man. It converges without problems with strangers.
  • Despite its positive qualities, it has excessive exactingness and authority.

Significant years in the life of this person are the period:

  • 29 years
  • 41 years old
  • 57 years

The bearer of this name never relies on fate that is quite often unfair to him: he himself builds his life.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Demid: compatibility with male names

Parents must make sure that the name of the child and patronymic sounds beautifully. After all, if you get a complex combination, then the baby can grow with complexes. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Demid? Consider compatibility with male names. The most suitable patronymics that are ideally combined with this name are:

  • Stanislavovich
  • Viktorovich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Denisovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Yurievich
  • Maksimovich
  • Vladimirovich

The combination of this nationwide with the middle name sounds awkwardly Vladlenovich, Yusupovich And others are similar.

When is the name day, Demid's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Day of name day Demida According to the Orthodox calendar - 4 times in a year:

  • July 16 - in memory of the martyr Diomide Caesarea
  • August 29 - in memory of the martyr Diomide Tarsyanin
  • September 10 and 15 - in memory of the martyr Diomide

Many people confuse birthday with a birthday or Angel Day. The fact is that this is the date of veneration of the patron saint by name. Birthday is the day when a person was born, and the Angel Day is a date when the baby was christened in the church. Remember that these are different dates that should be celebrated annually.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Demid short in verses and prose

An unusual and original way to congratulate the birthday will be your own writing of short poems or a little prose. For example, for Demid you can write such congratulations in the form of quatrains and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song with the name Demid

In addition to poems and prose, there are also songs with that name. With the help of musical compositions, you can congratulate Demida Happy birthday, admit love or just make a surprise.

Video: Happy Birthday Demid!

Tattoo named Demid

Some people believe that if you apply a tattoo on your own name on any part of their body, then luck and success will definitely wait for it. These are the variants of the name Demid usually offer in tattoo sites:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Of course, in the tattoo salon in which you contact, you will be offered some other options for the image of this word. Choose to your taste, in any case, the image on the body will look stylish and beautiful.

Suspension with the name Demid from gold: photo

For those personalities who do not understand their lives without jewelry - the masters of their craft created special gold pendants, with names inflicted on them. Of course, a man is unlikely to put on such a product, but it can be presented as a gift to the second half of Demid. She will be able to wear this decoration as a sign of love and recognition. And Demid himself can be presented with a pendant with the face of his patron saint.

If you have friends or relatives who have a child with that name, then they can make a gift in the form of a suspension. Many parents like to wear gold products with children. The first letter of the adversary will look beautiful. Here are a photo of gold products:

Suspension of gold with a face of a saint
Suspension of gold with a face of a saint
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name
Gold pendant with the first letter name

Name Demid: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Intuition. From birth Demida Perfectly developed intuitive inclinations. In difficult, vital moments - he always listens to her, completely trusting and realizing that intuition will not let him down, but only direct him in the right direction.

Intelligence. This person is distinguished by an incredible mind given to him by nature. Endowed with amazing logic. Perfectly distributes the information received and, most importantly, remembers it.

Moral. Since childhood, it has been accustomed to observe family values \u200b\u200band honor them. None of the people’s relatives and friends, acting in good conscience, will not cause pain and suffering. But with strangers, whether it was a colleague for work or a completely stranger, will not stand on ceremony. He will tell the whole truth in person.

Speaking about the mental qualities (their totality), for each of them we can say the following:

Quality Assessment (from 1 to 5) Meaning
Goodwill (responsiveness) 5 Always ready to help even strangers, if the situation requires that, never criticizes anyone.
Sociability (openness to the world) 5 Calmly acquaintance with new people and without any problems “entering” the new team, has a huge circle of friends and friends.
Self-esteem 3 He does not respect his personality (in most cases), such a person is easy to offend, is in a constant struggle with his fears and complexes.
Hard work 3 For such a person, the most difficult thing is to start engaging in any activity.
Friendliness 3 Calcities can calmly begin and establish friendly relations, but only when it is beneficial to him himself.
Curiosity (the surrounding world and people) 3 Likes to learn something new, but every time it happens unplannedly. He rarely manifests the initiative himself, unconsciously forcing to accept himself in society as an indifferent person.
A trembling attitude (to the rest) 3 It shows love and care only for relatives and friends. However, even with them there are situations to which Demid reacts sharply, and there are those that he looks at with a cold heart.
Sense of humor 2

It jokes only in their circle of people: close friends, relatives, family.

From the rest it accepts only original jokes.

Activity 2 He tries not to take on extra responsibility, obligation and diligence - equal to zero.

Name Demid: hobbies, activities, business

From hobbies, The young man is attracted by extreme sports, winter fishing, hunting, various computer games and cars. He likes him and drive a bicycle or even take a picture.

Activity such a person is more connected with creative professions: theater and film actor, writer, singer, journalist and architect. If a little boy has a makings of some kind of talent, then parents should develop it. Perhaps in the future this will become his profession, bringing good money.

Concerning business, then Demid It can become a successful and competent entrepreneur. At the same time, next to him, the presence of an executive and knowing the assistant who knows his work is needed.

Name Demid: Health and psyche

It has standard health. Even in the case of acquiring the disease, the body and immunity will necessarily cope with this task and will win an undoubted victory. The only problem for such a guy is his vulnerable nervous system, which is not recommended to load. For stable, healthy nerves, several points must be observed:

  • Compliance with sleep and rest mode
  • Walks in the open air
  • Active sports classes

From childhood you need to explain Demidthat the young body needs fresh air. Already in the first months of life, it is strictly necessary to go outside and walk several hours a day. Of course, it will be difficult for a young mother, but close relatives should help her so that the boy grows up healthy.

It has stable psyche. It is difficult to break such a person, he is always in the good health of the spirit, smiling and sociable.

Name Demid: Sexuality, marriage

This name endows its carrier - in kind of tender, kind, responsive and faithful person. All these points listed are most clearly manifested in relations with the opposite sex. Meeting her on the path of life, his only one, tries to spend all his free time exclusively with her: with his care, affection and attention, having a lady to himself. He has a lot of sexuality, also looking for an emancipated girl, and not a clamped modest.

But to the choice of the one whom he calls down the aisle - approaches seriously and decisively. Such people are married, usually at the age of 27-35 years. The man formed for this moment completely trusts his wife, not jealous of her. Their mutual relations in marriage are completely built on humor and common interests.

The most suitable wives of such a person will be girls with the following names:

  • Larisa
  • Maria
  • Anastasia
  • Jeanne
  • Anna
  • Lyudmila

Demid - A caring, loving and very attentive father. Surrounds his children, like his spouse, surrounds with affection and warmth. Always listens to their stories, stories, completely penetrating them and sympathizing with everything that he hears.

Which zodiac sign is the name Demid?

Astrology plays a huge role in human life. We study how the signs of two people will interact when in marriage, in which sign the zodiac is better to conceive a child, etc. But people do not think at all, to what zodiac sign their chosen name is suitable. Here is a description of the signs and how they affect the character and other qualities of a person with a name Demid:

  • Aries.Good, opened by his soul and heart, will never deceive the people around him, for the good of himself; Trusts the rest and is imbued with all their problems. Because of his open soul, it is quite often mistaken in people, but at the same time every time he takes out a valuable, life lesson for himself.
  • Taurus.Very caring, attentive, responsive, friendly and always looking at life only from the positive side. He always dreams of a great future, believes that he will definitely meet his fate (girl) and at first glance they will fall in love with each other.
  • Twins.It has a very difficult character. Constantly in motion, in the search for adventure and extreme. It cannot stand loneliness and monotonous work.
  • Crayfish.Uncertainty, always doubtful of the correctness of what he does and what he does. Absolutely all his life listens to the surrounding (strangers) people and seeks in them support and approval later.
  • A lion.A sociable young man with a huge and beautiful vocabulary who loves to constantly be in the spotlight. It easily converges with strangers and starts with them, in the future, friendship. It is considered an ideal father and spouse.
  • Virgo.It has the most suitable compatibility in personal life with many other zodiac signs. However, it is difficult to achieve his attention, care and affection. All scans, realizing whether it is possible to trust this person or not.
  • Scales.A calm, smart, easily gaining trust man among the people around him, not conflict and devoted.
  • Scorpion.Such a guy has a subtle mental organization, excessive emotionality and sensuality. Really, only his beloved girl is revealed. It needs it, as in a throat of fresh air, because of its excessive isolation and the presence of a huge number of complexes.
  • Sagittarius.An open, good -natured and responsive person. In communication is simple. Often it cannot be serious and focused, which prevents him from achieving all sorts of victories and good luck in both his personal life and in the working area.
  • Capricorn.A hardworking, purposeful, stubborn person who will move up the career ladder. He does not recognize hypocrisy, bypasses those who are lying or not talking. Around itself he has only honest and respectable people.
  • Aquarius.A serious, reasonable young man who has a rich imagination, but does not know how to enjoy life “here and now”. For this reason, for a long time, he cannot find his soul mate.
  • Fish.Directly depend on the opinions of the surrounding people. But they become faithful, reliable husbands and caring fathers.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name Demid

Men's ring with a nephritis stone
Men's ring with a nephritis stone

A stone that can bring the owner of this name for good luck in all matters and undertakings is nephritis.It is an excellent amulet that protects against damage and misfortune. Such a talisman should always be near. You can give it Demid man ring. They fit well into the interior and various stylish gizmos from nephritis.

Exclusive backgammon of stone-talisman jade
Exclusive backgammon of stone-talisman jade

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Demid

Blooming Mother-i-Machekh-Name Talisman
Blooming Mother-i-Machekh-Name Talisman

From the plant world, the talisman protrudes coltsfootcapable of bringing Demid Success, prosperity and disclosure of their potential. The flowers of this plant and the leaves themselves are talismans, which in the compartment help to gain harmony with the outside world.

A talisman tree that will save young people from negative energy, bad thoughts and endow them with invigorating energy, is willow.

Totem animal named after Demid

Ant is a totem animal name
Ant is a totem animal name

An important amulet from the animal world is the most ordinary insect - ant, Which is endowed with endurance, patience and incredible hard work. All these qualities of both the ant and the person will help to achieve the goals and objectives. Such a totem is only among people who are strong in spirit who know what they want from life.

Numerology named after Demid

An important influence on the formation of a person has a number that accompanies any human name. We bring to your attention a detailed calculation by name Demid and further conclusion according to numerology:

  • D (5) + E (6) + M (14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5) + and (10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1) + D (5) \u003d 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 \u003d 22 \u003d 2 \u003d 2 + 2 \u003d 4
  • Name of the name Demid is four (4)

This figure gives such guys good luck and promotion in life with incredible speed. Such people are wonderful organizers and leaders. They will be able to achieve everything they want. There are no barriers for them, everything gets fast and simple, while others, you need to try to achieve what you want.

Pseudonym to the name Demid

Pseudonyms to the name Demid can be:

  • Demid
  • Demidok
  • Damid

You can also use foreign translations of this adhesion as nicknames - stylish and interesting. You can use any English words in the creation of the “second name”, simply substituting them to the name. For example:

  • White - Demid (you can write together, through a hyphen, etc.)
  • Zoom
  • Alpha
  • Anguris
  • Apenguin
  • Cheese
  • Comic
  • Diary
  • Elet
  • Epic
  • Esia
  • High 
  • Ness
  • NTIV

You can come up with your unique pseudonym, which only you will have.

Famous people, celebrities named Demid

Famous personalities named Demid a lot of. Here is a list of the most famous that the whole world is known:

  • Demid Passek (Born in 1808 - died in 1845), was a popular Caucasian figure.
  • D. Vorontsov (about the exact date of birth and death is unknown) - was originally a boyar, as a result, the ruler of Russia under Ivan 4.
  • D. Movot (born 1949) - Soviet and Russian wrestler and coach (sambo, judo, karate), founded the League of Martial Arts masters and the martial arts school, the author of the Black Belt book.
  • D. Ivanyukov (1907-1975)-Soviet oilman who made a significant contribution to the development of the growing. Honored inventor of the RSFSR, author of scientific articles and monographs, the owner of several patents for inventions.
  • D. Vladimirovich (XIII century) - Prince Pinsky.
  • D. Babak (1911-1943)-commander of an infantry company, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • D. Shevenok (1909-1986)-artilleryman, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the name Demid Nowadays, it is quite rare, but very valuable. Possessing many positive qualities - such a child can become an excellent leader and a person in the future.

Video: The meaning of the name Demid. Male name


Video: The meaning of the name Demid. Interpretation, fate, character

Video: The meaning of the name Demid, diomid. Male names and their meanings

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