The male name Arthur - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Arthur: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Arthur - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Arthur: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Arthur is a beautiful name for Catholic origin. He has an interesting origin and meaning.


Having received his name at birth, a person very quickly gets used to responding to him, realizing that in this way others establish a connection with him. Since the child begins to speak, he already knows how to introduce himself to a new acquaintance so that they can attract his attention even while at a distance.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

The name is used every day, becoming the usual tool of a person, the character of which few people think about. Moreover, few people know how closely it is associated with fate and what influence affects the habits and inclinations of its carrier. The presented information about the male name Arthur Below in the article, will help parents decide on the right choice for their baby.

What does the name Arthur according to the church calendar mean?

To the names accepted by the Orthodox faith, Arthur It has no attitude, since it has a Catholic origin. This means that for the baptismal procedure, you will have to choose a consonant of the Orthodox name, such as Artem or Artemy. You can also prefer the name of the saint from the church calendar, the day of memory of which coincides with the birth of a child.

Saint patron named after Arthur

In the Orthodox writings it is impossible to find a patron saint for the name Arthur. It is necessary to search for another name selected at baptism. If the child, for example, was baptized under the name Artemy, then his patrons will immediately become 2 saints - Artemy Verekolsky and great martyr Artemy Antioch.

The secret of the name Arthur


Great secret hidden in the name Arthur - This is an unbending will, incomprehensible to the outside eye. In ordinary life, he behaves restrained and diplomatically, maintaining his main virtues in the shade. However, in critical situations, this force breaks out with an uncontrollable stream, allowing the bearer to come to the correct answer even in insoluble, at first glance, tasks.

Less significant secret name Arthur It can be considered his innate inability to conduct households. He considers most of the household duties “female work”, but even the remaining insignificant male component is perceived by the “hero” as severe service. For this reason, he always has a loyal assistant (friend), ready to always save his comrade from a dreary routine.

Name Arthur: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Arthur?

According to historians, the first sources in which the mention of the name was found Arthur relate by the 7th century n. e. These are written evidence obtained from Welsh, as well as ancient Irish culture. However, the real popularity of the presented name brought the epic about the exploits of King Arthur with his knights sitting at the round table. It is worth noting:

  • According to the preserved information, the name Arthur It belongs to warlike Celts - the ancient people who inhabited Western Europe in the distant past. It had 2 values, depending on the situation-either the "person-media" or a stone.
  • According to other sources, a similar household is found in Latin with a designation "Artus". In distant times, it was a common concept denoting strength or power.
  • There is also an opinion that this name has a connection with the Greek name of one of the stars of the night sky - "Arctur". In a literal translation, it sounds like "The guardian of the bear".

As you can see, this name has many nationalities, but there are no Russian roots in it.

Name Arthur: origin and meaning, popularity

Name ArthurHaving Latin roots, often found in the territory of the former CIS. In the Russian language, it competes in equal terms with the Greek names recognized by Orthodox canons. Based on the rating of popular names found in our country, it can be noted that the Celtic name is located in 40th position, what is about 9% newborn boys.

According to linguists, the basis for the origin of the name Arthur The Welsh word served "Arth"that translates as "bear". When a small prefix was added to him "Art-u", it turned out a combination meaning "Man-Medvet", it began to be used as a male name.

Arthur - decoding a name from Greek

Most ancient names grow in several legends of origin, as it can occur among different ancient peoples. According to some reports, the name Arthur belongs to the ancient Greek period, since it almost completely coincides with the Greek household "Arctur".

It is noteworthy that the Greeks use it not only as a masculine name, but also in the form of the name of one of the stars, clearly visible at night. Translated into Russian, it deciphens as "The guardian of the bear"What matches the meaning with the Welsh interpretation of the name.

The name Arthur in English, Latin, different languages

It often happens that ancient names become familiar everyday life for the most diverse peoples of the planet. Arthur - No exception, it has become widely used and has its own designation in different languages.

  • In English and Latin - Arthur
  • In Arabic-"ارتور"
  • In Armenian-"րթուր"
  • In Belarusian-"Arthur"
  • Bolgarian-"Arthur"
  • In Greek-"αρθούρος"
  • In Hebrew - "ארתור"
  • Spanish-"Arturo"
  • In Chinese-"阿尔图"
  • In German-"Arthur"
  • Polish-"Artur"
  • Portuguese-"Artur"
  • In Ukrainian-"Arthur"
  • In Finnish-"Artturi"
  • In French-"Arthur"

It is noteworthy that today this common name is more common in Asian countries than in the historical homeland.

How is the name Arthur written in the passport?

According to international standards, accounts in the passport are kept in English. Thus the name Arthur It is also introduced in capital Latin letters - Artur. It is worth noting that if you do not know how your other data is written for a foreign passport, then they can be translated on the website of Insert a word into the form of the program and click on "Translation". In a second you will receive correctly written data.

Arthur: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Arthur - This is a short name for which additional abbreviations are rarely used. Nevertheless, in some languages \u200b\u200byou can find a brief form:

  • Art
  • Ar
  • Ari

More often there are diminutive analogues of the adults:

  • Arty
  • Arthurchik
  • Artyusha
  • Artukha
  • Arthurka

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Arthur: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Name carrier Arthur Not devoid of such quality as poserity, he likes to tear complementary completions addressed to him. Its main weapon is excellent intuition and internal flair that he actively uses to spread his influence on others. Of great importance is that natural charm and natural gallantry allow the picture hero to be very popular among women. Such a social position leads Arthur To a high position without much difficulty.


  • He cannot stand physical labor, considering him a useless waste of his precious time.
  • Another thing is creativity, the inspiration for which the next muse can serve.
  • If a Arthur He became interested in his creation, then time stops for him.
  • He is able to create around the clock, plunging into his imagination, as if the world around him ceased to exist.
  • By nature, he can simultaneously be expressive and calm. It all depends on the mood and on the work that he is busy.

Fate u Arthur Good.

  • His family must turn into another idyll, which he will support with all available means.
  • He simply needs to systematically organize and diversify family leisure, filling it with new and new impressions.
  • He considers children his pride, loves to make them concessions and distribute rewards. And the role of the teacher and a strict judge will always be given to their mother.

Below is the patronymic, which are approaching this. Read further.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Arthur: compatibility with male names

The name itself Arthur It forms a rather uncomfortable patronymic, which does not go well with the rest of the names. As a child, do not call, it will still turn out another Sergey Arturovich or Kirill Arturovich. For this reason, the form is often used in pronunciation "Arthurch", which is distinguished by more attractive consonance and approaches most names.

But what patronymic suits the boy to the name Arthur? Here are compatibility with such male names:

  • Mikhailovich
  • Mironovich
  • Yakovlevich
  • Olegovych
  • Oscarovich
  • Artemovich
  • Davydovich
  • Filippovich
  • Timurovich
  • Leonidovich

The combination sounds too " Arthur Arturovich. This itself is bright and sounds interesting. With the same patronymic, a too sweet combination is obtained.

When is the name day, the Angel's Day at Arthur according to the Orthodox calendar?

If a person with adversary Arthur, at baptism, received the name Artemy (which in this case is used most often on the basis of the Orthodox calendar), then numbers will become named after him:

  • January 17th
  • February 26th
  • April 6th
  • May 12th
  • July 6th
  • 2nd, 12th and 13th November

Despite the fact that to conduct a baptism ceremony, parents need to choose an Orthodox name for the baby, there is no real adoption to hide the needs. The Orthodox Church allows parents to call their children in their mind.

It is worth noting that the day of the angel that is confused with the names is the day of the baptism of the child in the church. It is celebrated separately. Name days coincide with the date of veneration of the patron saint.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Arthur are short in verses and prose

If you have a friend or relative Arthur, then hurry to congratulate him on the day of the Angel day or the names. Naturally, do not forget about the real birthday. You can congratulate short poems or prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Here are a few more lines:

  • Arthur! Everyone sees you with a brave, courageous, reasonable and successful person. But for me, your friend, you have become a responsive and reliable comrade who knows how to appreciate real friendship!
  • Arthur, accept my congratulations on the names! I wish you the fulfillment of the most cherished dream. Let all your undertakings end in a successful ending. So that a festive mood visits you daily, and luck does not lag behind a step!

You can also give a song to the culprit of the celebration instead of words. Read further.

Song named Arthur

A song is a great gift. With its help, you can not only congratulate on your birthday, but also admit love. Here are a few songs with the name Arthur:

Video: Song about Arthur

Video: I love you Arthur

Video: Happy Birthday Arthur

Video: Arthur Halatov - Arturik

Video: I fell in love like a fool in Arthur Pirozhkova ...

Tattoo named Arthur

Names captured on the skin increase their popularity daily. A tattoo named a loved one will become a pleasant reminder of the bearer that somewhere a loving heart awaits him. Here are beautiful images and sketches with a name Arthur:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Arthur of gold: photo

A nominal suspension of precious metal will become an excellent decoration, it will emphasize the high status of the owner and demonstrate its sophisticated taste. But not all men will put such a pendant on their chain. However, it can be presented to a lover Arthur. She will wear it as a sign of recognition. The suspension with the first letter of the name or the face of the saint will look beautiful. Here are a photo of several gold options:

Suspension with the name of the holy name
Suspension with the name of the saint
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name

Name Arthur: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

At a young age Arthur It happens with a spent and arrogant, which causes a lot of trouble to his parents and educators. But with age, he acquires a sense of tact, comprehends the secrets of diplomacy and can even become a zealous admirer of etiquette.

In business, he, first of all, trusts his intuition and inner instinct, not really relying on dry calculations. In a difficult situation, this type of people prefers to listen to the advice of authoritative comrades. But this is not in order to blindly follow these tips, but in order to form and affirm your own position. Their intelligence is excellent, there is enough mind to independently make the right decision.

In heart affairs, it is not constant due to systematic need to experience more and more sensations. So it is worthwhile to note that even his brightest and most unbridled passion can cool as soon as it flashed. After all, it was time for him to inspire a new muse. Such a person needs to learn morality. But, despite this, he remains a good person who will always help in trouble.

Name Arthur: hobbies, activities, business

Hobbies of people named Arthur - These are active sports, checkers and paired dances. He loves skiing, a bicycle and simply drive on a scooter along the streets of the city. In adolescence, he likes to dance, but not in a single version, but in ballroom dancing or a contemsory.


  • The ability to get along with people helps this person to quickly move along the steps of a career staircase.
  • He prefers to use a professional approach, giving out a qualitative result regardless of the type of occupation.
  • His main requirement for the elected profession and activity is a personal interest.
  • In his opinion from work, it is necessary to receive moral satisfaction.
  • In his work, the monotony is catching on him, and he also does not tolerate intrigues and quarrels on trifles.
  • Negatively refers to all manifestations of corruption, therefore it becomes an indispensable person in any senior position.


  • This person can become the author of innovative projects, where he is always able to use creative thinking and non -standard solutions.
  • However, he is not a supporter of personal capital accumulation, for this reason, most of the profit always turns out to be spent on travel and entertainment.

A successful businessman from such a person is unlikely to succeed.

Name Arthur: Health and psyche

As a child, Arthur It can be subject to various diseases, like most children. However, he steadfastly endure his diseases without dropping to shameful whims. This is because he is panicky afraid of doctors and even ready to hide the first symptoms to only avoid going to the hospital. At an early age, this person has a shaky health. He should be attentive to his spine and shoulder joints.

  • In a relationship, a small representative of this adversary is always friendly, joyfully perceives pleasant surprises and is sensitive to loved ones.
  • When he is tired, he is looking for solitude, a secluded place where there is no interference to dreams. The psyche of such a child is strong.
  • This student comprehends this school program easily, and in the children's team he is lying in a tower.
  • Brave acts and bold judgments allow him to enjoy authority among peers.
  • He tries to conduct dialogue with his parents on an equal footing, loves very much when he is seriously treated.

An adult owner of this adversary is distinguished by heroic health and very rarely suffers from various common diseases. Exotic infections can threaten him faster, but strong immunity always contributes to a rapid recovery.

Name Arthur: sexuality, marriage

At least in the team Arthur And he seeks to take a leading position, yet he always remains a team player. This suggests that he treats his individuality with some carelessness and in his personal life subconsciously always strives for serious relationships. However, a different difficulty becomes an obstacle - he is a very too decent groom, who puts his chosen one too long a list of requirements. Sexuality for him in the first place.


  • His “dream” or woman should be attractive appearance, with a flexible disposition and practical mind.
  • In addition, the chosen one should differ in excellent taste and exquisite manners, and in addition, she should constantly work on her erudition in order to have her own judgment on various issues.
  • The second half in marriage has not only to eat a pood of salt, but to go through many difficult tests.
  • However, the game costs a candle, because from it  it turns out an explicitly excellent husband. After all, this person will become struggling to try to demonstrate all the virtues that are supposed to have a spouse.

Only one height will remain inaccessible to him. He will never become a master of all hands, capable of solving various household problems. To resolve such issues, you will have to invite specialists from the outside. Wife always does not like it.

What zodiac sign is the name Arthur?

In the zodiac cycle name Arthur related with Aquariuswho will become his direct patron. It is ideal to consider such a combination of circumstances when the carrier of the presented name will be born under this sign. In all other cases, he must choose the specified period for making key decisions. After all, his temperament is influenced Neptunewhich is in a special way with Aquarius.

Calisman stone to the name Arthur

Men's ring with a talisman of citrine
Men's ring with a talisman of citrine

Name Arthur Born in harmony with nature, which will become a source of his vitality. For this reason, he can use various stones for his talismans, each of them will be able to share positive energy. This person can choose as his stone-talisman:

  • Agate
  • Beryl
  • Citrine
  • Alexandrite
  • Pomegranate
  • Tourmaline
  • Cornelian

Having chosen one of these stones, you should make a jewelry that can always be kept with you. Thus, you can always count on a certain magical protection of such a talisman.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Arthur

Name Flower-White Tulip
Name Flower-White Tulip

The most important plant in life Arthur - this is apple tree. This fruit-dalisman becomes particularly powerful at the time of flowering. The aroma of apple tree flowers has a truly healing effect. In addition, the wood of the apple tree can become a material for an amulet that brings good luck.

Talisman flower- white tulip. The white color of this inflorescence personifies purity and innocence, like the first snow, like an innocent child.

Totem animal named after Arthur

An animal under the auspices of which is the name Arthur - this is a bear. This is not by chance, because the meaning of the name is connected with the clubfoot, both in the Welsh and Greek and Celtic. Of great importance in the life of the Celtic people was played by priests, the so -called druids. They considered a bear to be a cult, totem animal - strong, quite wise and powerful.

Numerology named after Arthur

There is a name in numerology Arthur associated with the number "6". It is considered a symbol of nobility, sensuality, love and justice. It is the six that adds some contradictions to the nature of the carrier of the name, periodically raising doubts about the correct choice and creating the need to appeal for advice to the allies. Fluctuations in decisions are normal for representatives of the six. After all, they know that they will still find the way out themselves or someone will help.

Pseudonym to the name Arthur

The modern equivalent of pseudonym can be confidently considered nickname. Today it is used not only by ministers of Melpomene, but also by all progressive youth. The second name is mainly used to communicate on the Internet, it is also great for presenting peers in a circle. Here are pseudonyms for the name Arthur:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

An important quality that the chosen nickname should possess is its uniqueness. If it turned out that the chosen composition already belongs to someone, capital symbols can be diluted with numbers or printed signs, to increase its uniqueness.

Famous people, celebrities named Arthur

Each parent, so that his child bears the name of some famous person. After all, it seems that the baby, when grows, will become the same talented or very smart. Here are celebrities named Arthur:

  • A. Kassini - diplomat from Russia
  • Artyur Onegger-composer with French-Switzer citizenship
  • A. Grapes - cellist from America
  • A. Zaydel - musicologist from Germany
  • A. Konolly - traveler and writer
  • A. Meyen - Canadian politician
  • A. Rinne - opera singer from Estonia
  • A. Smolyaninov - Actor

Such adversary gives its carrier a sensuality of a creative person, but at the same time contributes to the development of a strong character and a flexible mind. This naming goes to outstanding personalities, who are surrounded by a large number of friends and fans. Although despite their progressive sociability, they are not afraid to remain alone for a long time. The only weak point of such a person is the inability to perform routine work. He will always remain grateful to friends who allow him to avoid this punishment.

Video: The meaning of the name Arthur - Karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name Arthur. The secret of the name

Video: Karma named after Arthur

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  16. Where to find out about Arthur the name of which nationality

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