Male, female, children's haircut Anderkat: photo, video, technology of execution, styles. Women's haircut underwear for short, medium and long hair: video, photo. How to put an Anderka haircut back, on the side, with a parting?

Male, female, children's haircut Anderkat: photo, video, technology of execution, styles. Women's haircut underwear for short, medium and long hair: video, photo. How to put an Anderka haircut back, on the side, with a parting?

Anderkat haircut is a fashionable and stylish hairstyle. She suits men, women and children.

Anderkat is a fashionable men's haircut. It is so popular that even women borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a haircut from men, and they also began to do it, but with the strokes of elegance and in longer variations. Below we will consider how the technology for performing this fashionable haircut exists, and how it should look among guys and girls.

Anderkat haircut: execution technology

A feature of the undercat is the lack of a smooth transition between short and long hair. A shaved temporal or occipital part with long hair on the crown looks unique. This adds both a guy and a girl - determination, mystery and fashionable strokes.

To make a Anderkat haircut, follow the following:

  • Divide visually one side of the head into several equal stripes.
  • The lower occipital part is shaved under the "zero".
  • Then make a small transition, and select the next strip under the “unit” (hair length is not more than 1 mm).
  • On the next part, the length is slightly larger-1.5-2 mm.
  • Then cut short under the comb and comb out the rest of the hair on the side - it will be a long bang.

Do the same from the other side, and the bangs, if necessary, cut or trim.

Technology for the execution of undercat
Technology for the execution of undercat

Technology for performing haircuts step by step:

  • For execution undercut haircuts Hair should be grown to a certain length, that is, it should be no shorter than the future bangs will be. First, decide on the length of the side and upper hair.
  • Now start the transformation process: wash your head and dry a little.
  • Divide the hair into zones using special clamps. Fix the future bangs so that it does not interfere with work with the temporal and occipital part.
  • Put the nozzle on the machine so that it cuts hair up to 1 mm long. Cut the hair on the back of the head and temples. If a man wants, then you can shave your hair with a razor.
  • Then shake the next area of \u200b\u200bthe hair with a nozzle up to 2 mm.
  • Turn your hair with scissors a little higher and proceed to cutting the bangs. At the end, you need to profile bangs.
  • Lay the hair with a hairdryer, processing the Muss of medium or strong fixation.
Anderca step by step
Anderca step by step

Important: A man must understand that such a haircut requires constant styling, otherwise it will look ugly.

Here are a few more variations of haircuts made using Anderkat technology. Many masters on short hairs of the occipital or temporal region offer to make a drawing in the form of a pattern or tattooing using shaving. It turns out very stylish and unique.

Anderkat with a pattern
Anderkat with a pattern
Anderkat with a beautiful pattern
Anderkat with a beautiful pattern

Creative option - This is a short -shaped temporal part on the one hand. Max length is left from the other side. The hairstyle is complemented by a scythe bang.

Creative Anderkat
Creative Anderkat

Retro style - Performed on smooth even hair. Long strands are combed back.


Haer-style - Such a haircut is inherent in light negligence. Choose whiskey, and leave the hair of medium length at the top. You need to cut the crown with the help of filtering. Hair should turn out to be different lengths.

Haer Anderkat
Haer Anderkat

Punk style - The hair on the crown should be long so that a real Iroquois can be built from the hair. Different styling mousses and gels will help in this. Only brave and decisive guys choose such a hairstyle.

Anderka Iroquois
Anderka Iroquois

In the haircut of Anderkat, the graduation between the upper and lower part of the hairstyle is not necessary.

  • The man must understand that having decided such a haircut, his image must correspond to a new hairstyle.
  • The master may offer not to cut shortly temporal and occipital part.
  • Everything should be done individually. Both shaving the length of the crown and the length of the crown are selected for each person.
  • If the young man decided to sprinkle the temporal and occipital part of the head, then you will need a machine with special nozzles, as well as the usual scissors and for filtering.

See how beautiful and stylish Anderkat looks, but not with short-shaped temples, but with the maximum permissible length for this part of the head-1.5-2 mm.


Video: Anderka haircut male. Male haircuts

Short and long Andermat: who should you do?

A short haircut of Anderkat-Militari It is worth making young guys who value free time and do not like to lay hair every morning. In this variation of the haircut, the hair shaves briefly on the temples and the occipital of the head, but on the top of the head is left, but not too long - from 2 to 3 cm. To lay such a hairstyle, it is only enough comb, and it looks stylish and fashionable.


Important: The young man needs to ensure that the hairs on the temporal and occipital part of the head are always smooth and smoothly shaved. Only in this case, the hairstyle will look interesting. We'll have to visit the master 2 times a month.

Long Anderkat - Pompadour - This is another type of such a haircut. Great for those who do not want to briefly cut the hair. In this case, you will have to styling every morning, combing the hair back. Whiskey and the occipital zone should not be shaved “to zero”, otherwise it will turn out not to Pompadur, but a short militar.


Iroquois-Undercut- The type of modern haircut that has come from the last century. Such a model of cutting and styling is suitable for impudent guys who love creative and stand out from the crowd.


Generally haircut Undercut is suitable for guys with a round or square face. The transition line from long to short hairs will be more distinctly visible on the hair of black or brown with a structure of medium rigidity.

Execution of Anderkat haircut: on the side, with the parting

Variation of cutting with a parting or combed hair looks stylish and fashionable. Hair in the crown area, as well as in the bangs should be no shorter than 5 cm. Otherwise, the bang will not fall on the side. Such a model of cutting is ideal for those who wear a beard. In addition, the master will simultaneously perform a haircut and make a beard design. A clear line of parting gives the image of solidity and confidence.

Anderka with the parting
Anderka with the parting

Women's Anderkat for short, medium and long hair: photo

The female Anderkat perfectly complements the image of young girls - ambitious, stylish, with a bright appearance. There are much more varieties of such haircuts in female variations than in male. The length of the hair or bangs, styling can be different. Masters even offer weaving braids or performing different lengths of tails.

Women's Anderkat
Women's Anderkat
Women's Anderkat
Women's Anderkat

The female Anderk is suitable for all girls, you just need to choose the right model of this hairstyle:

  • Skinny girls  tall You should select a haircut model with a lush and voluminous bangs. We have to make styling every morning with mousse and ironing.
  • Ladies with large physique, round lines of face, it is worth choosing an asymmetry with asymmetry - short hairs from one side and a long bang or hair from the other side. They can also wear a symmetrical long bang, combing it back. Such options will help to lengthen the features of the face, visually distracting the eye from chubby cheeks.
  • A long Anderk is suitable for everyone without exception. But such a haircut should be done on thick hair. If your hair does not differ in density, then it is worth stopping the choice on a bang of medium length with torn or profiled ends.
  • Heterogeneous staining It will help add to the image of creativity. This option is suitable for girls with dull hair color.
  • If you want to make a fashionable haircut, but I do not want to change dramatically, then you can leave the length of the hair, but shake the occipital part. You can always dissolve your hair and hide a creative haircut, and if you want to show everyone your extraordinary, then it will be enough to raise your hair to the top in the tail. In such a variation, different shaved patterns will look original.

Watch the video how such a haircut can look stylish on girls:

Video: Latest Long Hair Undercut for Women and Girls

Children's Anderkat: Photo

With such a hairstyle, the little boy looks stylish, both in ordinary clothes and in the Classic suit. But such a hairstyle with the street style of casual - jeans, a T -shirt or shirts and sneakers looks best. The boys like Anderkat, because every little boy wants to be like David Beckham, who will cut his hair so for several years. Here are a photo of a children's undercat:

Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy
Anderk on the boy

How to lay Anderkat?

As mentioned above, Anderkat requires everyday styling. Depending on how you want to lay bangs and crown, the process of settling the hair itself will depend:

  • Anderka back - If the hair is obedient, then making styling will not be difficult. You can not even use cosmetics for fixing hair. For naughty hair, strands on the tops should be greased with mousse of medium fixation and comb back. Then sprinkle the hair with a hair spray. Remember that their cosmetics are used for men.
  • Laying for short hair is almost not needed. But, if the hair is naughty and after sleep sticking out in different directions, then you can use the tools for styling.
  • The parting on the side - You can also be laid using mousse or gel. Bangs and hair on the crown are combed on the side and slightly back. Often men with such a hairstyle are a beard, but it should also be well -groomed, with clear contours, otherwise the image will be ugly.
  • Laying Iroquois - With the creation of such a hairstyle, you will have to tinker. Use mousse or foam for strong fixation.
  • Haer style - The even contours of the pattern on the temples and the back of the head are perfectly combined with careless hair styling on the crown. To create negligence, you can use ordinary mousse for styling.

Laying hair after a Anderkat haircut is simple. It is only necessary to spend from 10 to 15 minutes of free time, but in the end you will get a fashionable and stylish hairstyle.

Anderk - men's and female haircuts: photo hairstyles

Look at the fashion trends of such a haircut. Here's what the masters of hairdressing arts offer:


As the hair grows, the hairstyle requires adjustment. About once a month you need to visit the masters to trim the crown and sprinkle whiskey and back of the head. A short Andermat will have to trim every 2-3 weeks, otherwise the overgrown hair will spoil the appearance of the hairstyle.

Video: Men's Andermat haircut - how to cut and lay down

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  1. I had a teenager’s son such a haircut for a long time, I sat still studying reviews about the salons in Moscow and went to the beauty salon, shades of prices are quite adequate, despite the fact that the salon is located in the center. In general, I advise and recommend !!

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