Mukaltin - Instructions for use: basic action, indications and contraindications, dosage and method of admission

Mukaltin - Instructions for use: basic action, indications and contraindications, dosage and method of admission

In order for dry coughing to expecture, use mucaltin. And how exactly - find out from the article.

The composition of the mulletin tablets includes the main active substance medicinal alte in the form of an extract and several auxiliary components in the form of calcium stearate, heavy carbonate of magnesium and wine acid. It is she who gives the medicine a characteristic sour taste. The tablets have a gray-brown color, there are interspersed.

The main action of mucaltin

The main purpose of mulletin tablets is the achievement of an expectorant and diluting sputum of the effect. It is used to facilitate coughing for diseases associated with processes in the respiratory tracks. The effect of expectorants is achieved by stimulating the production of mucus departments with bronchial glands, their thinning.

The tablets also have an anti -inflammatory effect, as they form a protective film on the respiratory tract, which prevents the irritation of the mucous membrane and faster restoration of tissues damaged by coughing.


It is very important to understand the alleviating effect produced by mucaltin, and not eliminating coughing. Relief consists in changing the type of cough, from dry to wet, more humid and sparing, with a parallel process of sputum.

Indications for the use of mulletin

The drug is used to alleviate the disease in the lower respiratory pathways, for the treatment of the upper ones, it is little effective. In particular, mucaltin tablets are recommended in the treatment of pneumonia, all forms of obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis.

Against cough
Against cough

It is indicated to relieve condition in patients with pulmonary emphysema, with purulent processes in bronchi. The effect of the use of mulletin is also achieved in the presence of signs of whooping cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, accompanying pulmonary tuberculosis, professional ailment of pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with the respiratory traces that occur in acute or chronic form.

Contraindications for the use of mulletin

Since the composition of the tablets includes a plant substance of the marshmallow, contraindications are the body's failure by the body of this plant, an allergy to it. They do not prescribe the medicine to young children until the age of three, with an ulcer and erosion.

In addition, mucaltin is not used if the treatment includes drugs that contain codeine that inhibit coughing.

The appointment of mucaltin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women during treatment with mucaltin should be especially careful during the first trimester, since it is during this period that all organs and systems of the child are actively formed. Taking the pills should be under the control of a doctor who has a future mother, and their appointment is carried out only after clarifying the possible reactions of the woman’s body to the components of the drug.

Heals a cough
Heals a cough

Tablets are taken, as a rule, according to a scheme similar to the usual dosage for adults.

Dosage and method of reception of mucaltin

The tablet should be taken in half an hour or an hour before meals. The pill is not swallowed, but resolved until it completely dissolves. If there is a non -perception of the taste of the medicine, you can dissolve a tablet in a glass of warm water and drink.

The average dose is designed for 3-4 doses per day, 1-2 tablets, depending on the appointment of a doctor. The course of admission is usually one to two weeks. During the use of the drug, it is recommended to drink a large amount of fluid.

As for adults, for children, mucaltin is prescribed in combination with other drugs, since it does not cure, but facilitates the cough. The form of the release of mucaltin is only tablets, such syrups beloved by children are not provided by manufacturers. They are prescribed when dry irritating coughing, as in adults, with diseases associated with respiratory tracks, including acute respiratory infections to facilitate the speedy transition of cough to the stage of expectorant. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the separated sputum, if it contains a vein made of blood clots or a greenish tint appears - you need to immediately notify the attending physician about it.

For adults and children
For adults and children

For children under the age of 3 years, half the tablets are recommended three times a day, after three years, a single dose of admission increases to one tablet. If the baby refuses to take a tablet, you can dissolve it in warm water, adding a little sugar (and preferably honey), thereby creating a kind of syrup.

Overdose and side effects of mulletin

Such cases are not described. The reactions of the body are possible, similar to the consequences of an overdose of any other drug: vomiting, nausea, stomach disorder, abdominal pain.

Not excluded nausea, heartburn. Allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness of the skin are possible. In rare cases, there are manifestations of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. In general, mucaltin has a mild side effect.

Video: Mukhaltin

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Comments K. article

  1. I can use mucaltin in mild cases of coughing, works well as an expectorant. But in more severe cases, I use Hadelix drops, I can also combine with wettings.

  2. I also agree that with a surface cough it can be used. And so Gedelix works much better, or herbion yet

  3. How they are not trying to improve him, but it's like attaching a Mercedes icon on Zhiguli. It is better to plunge or take a hedelix, with sputum amazingly copes

  4. He is mucaltin in Africa Mukhaltin. I don't like it, I usually take Gedelix as the therapist advised

  5. I rarely take it, as a rule, I use Gedelix

  6. I am not enthusiastic about its effect, and the price of 12 rubles is embarrassing, a good drug cannot cost so much. I decided to take Gedelix, I praise him, I look

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