Is it possible to drink food with water, juice, milk? Sapen food with water: harm or benefit

Is it possible to drink food with water, juice, milk? Sapen food with water: harm or benefit

Can I drink food with water? Experts have a different opinion on this score. But most nutritionists are responsible - it is impossible to use any fluids during meals, but is it so?

There is an opinion that this does not contribute to the digestion process, but it can even bring down metabolic processes - and, on a chronic basis, and, as the prospect, pancreatitis. Isn't it a sad picture?

You can or cannot be drinking food with water: myths and exposure

  • A person consists of water by more than 70%. N 2About participates in all processes - both biochemical and physiological. In the metabolism, blood circulation, removal of toxins from the body, maintaining the normal level of body temperature. Its deficiency can cause a number of diseases. But if the liquid is used illiterate, then this will also not bring to good. Everything needs moderation in everything.
  • A lot of people during food constantly use water and other liquids. They do it rather out of habit, the roots of which grow from childhood. Some people consume liquid as a “softener” of solid food - it is so easier and, as it were, “slips” along the esophagus.

Immediately, it is safe to say that drinking food with any liquid, including water, is harmful only in one case - if you pushing food into the esophagus with the help of a liquid, while making a minimum of chewing movements and without wetting food with saliva. Indeed, in saliva there are enzymes that break down carbohydrates.

Can I drink food with water?
Can I drink food with water?

However, there are a number of myths why drinking food is harmful:

That if you constantly drink food with water, then such troubles may arise:

  • Myth No. 1. The stomach is stretched. This is important for those people who want to lose extra pounds or barely hold the weight balance. Due to the water drunk during food, the stomach is stretched and so increased. And the more it stretches, the more it is placed in it. Therefore, gradually portions of food will increase, And with them the weight.
    Exposing:In fact, one of the causes of excess weight is an insufficient amount of water drunk per day. After all, the greater the weight, the more you need to saturate the body with water for better metabolism and better detoxification. In addition, if you eat less liquid food, you can eat much more calories for saturation. Therefore, without liquid during eating, most likely, you can easily overeat. The only condition: you need to chew food very carefully, swallow, and only then you can drink with liquid to supply a food lump with enzymes that break down carbohydrates from saliva.
  • Myth No. 2. Sensation of severity in the stomach. The body produces a secret with a high concentration of gastric acid. If you drink water when eating or immediately after it, then the liquid can slow down digestion. Saliva and digestive juice are diluted with water, so the eaten enters the intestinal tract in an almost non -processed form. There it lends itself to decay and decomposition, poisoning the body with decay products.
    Exposing:Below in the pictures it is shown that the acidity of the stomach obeys its laws and does not depend on the fluid drunk during food.

    The acidity of gastric juice does not depend on the fluid taken during eating
    The acidity of gastric juice does not depend on the fluid taken during eating
Water is useful to drink water during food
Water is useful to drink water during food
  • Myth No. 3. Increased gas formation. Due to excessive fluid, food products are delayed in the stomach, and as a consequence-bloating, unpleasant severity, rumbling sounds, increased gas formation. Together with water, when eating 10 times more, air is swallowed. And the gases accumulating in the digestive tract are 70% - it is air. Gases are not completely absorbed into the blood, so the stomach begins rumble, swollen, causing stitching pain under the ribs.
    Exposing: However, gas formation suggests that a person has a violation of the digestive tract and water has nothing to do with it. Most likely, the reason is in deficiency of nutrients, including a lack of vitamins B12 (methylcobalamin) and B9 (methylphulatory) in an active form in the diet. Or existing gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if there is gas formation, it is better to deal with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Myth No. 4. Falling of the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract. With the mixing of gastric juice with any liquids, it partially loses its bactericidal properties. Because of this, the risks of getting food poisoning or intestinal infections are increasing-especially if you use unwashed fruits and vegetables, street fast food.
    Exposing:As mentioned above, the concentration of gastric juice and bile in a healthy person is so great that it is difficult to survive infections in such an organism. Problems with immunity can occur only with impaired gastrointestinal function. But the water during eating, if food is chewed correctly and is carefully moistened with saliva, is not the cause of such violations. Look for a cause in nutrient deficits.
  • Myth No. 5. The benefits of products are destroyed. A person is for a healthy lifestyle, he refused harmful food, using only healthy foods, and at the same time, his health leaves much to be desired. Vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances are not completely absorbed by the body due to the fact that diluted gastric juice is involved in the process of digestion. There will also be no benefit from useful liquids (green tea, herbal decoctions), if you drink solid foods.
    Exposing:As mentioned above, that gastric juice cannot be diluted with water. The only thing that can be said on this occasion is that substances that are in tea and coffee can neutralize some nutrients from food. For example, iron will digest 60% less if tea comes with food. Tea is better to drink away from the main meals.

How much and when to drink water?

Previously, experts recommended drinking water for an hour and a half before meals or two after it. It was believed that a pause is necessary in order to save itself from such troubles as severity in the stomach, flatulence, overeating and a number of other rather serious consequences. However, science does not stand still. The digestive processes have been studied in more detail and in the picture below read the conclusion.

When can you drink water before, after eating?
When can you drink water before, after eating?
  • After "heavy" proteins (fish, meat) It was considered earlier that you can drink water after 4-5 hours. It was quite difficult to observe such strict rules, not everyone can withstand such a temporary interval so as not to drink food with water. And in the end, a person did not drink enough water per day.
  • But if you drink water in sufficient quantities (30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day), then you can even lose weight! This can be considered an additional bonus for health benefits.
  • If you drink water before eating, then it he will save the stomach from weakened digestive juices, activate digestion and quench the first hungry urges. The stomach will be filled with water, so saturation will occur much faster.

I drink food with water without chewing: how to overcome a bad habit?

Getting rid of habits is a difficult matter. Decide on this step! In addition to a psychological mood, there are elementary techniques that reduce the desire to drink food with water.

Learn to chew. Every day, watch how you chew. You can drink after swallowing food. The habit is eradicated within 21 days. Only the days are not considered when you violated the conditions. 21 days without violations.

Take them in mind:

  • Enrich your menu with vegetables. If, for example, you have a dry chicken breast for lunch, then you can supplement it with a salad that includes fresh cucumbers and tomatoes - then no liquid will be needed. It would be excellent to replenish your diet with all kinds of vegetable side dishes - casserole of the stew, etc. And more often eat them in return for pasta. And then you will finally understand that food is quite possible not to drink.
  • Turn liquid in your diet. If you eat soup or broth, then you will not want to drink them with water. Although their consistency is liquid, they do not have gastric juice to dilute. On the contrary, such dishes contain extractive substances that stimulate the production of a secret, and the digestive process.
  • Slightly sprinkle the food with sourness. Lemon juice will help you with this - meat and fish “love” it. When preparing them or ready -made dishes, you can lightly sprinkle with juice - and then you will no longer want to drink food. In addition, lemon sourness will give the dish a spicy taste.
Can I drink food with water?
Can I drink food with water?

How can I drink food?

If a person was at the festive table, then plentiful and dense food will definitely want to drink. Here simple physiology works. Such food is a large stimulus for the stomach, as a result of which it secrete a larger amount of gastric juice, which means that more fluid will be required.

  • If a The food is very dry then it is useful to drink it very small sips of water at room temperature. Dry food is poorly digested, and swallowing it is even more difficult. She, like a sponge, sucks all the gastric moisture, and it is still not enough for digestion. As a result, food becomes so hard lump in the stomach, which is badly and for a long time.
  • Drink food allowed by low alcohol drinks, such as winecontributing to the allocation of digestive secretion and accelerating the absorption of food.
  • If a meat or fish dish is seasoned with lemon, then it can be washed down acidic juices, such as grenade or apple, decoction of rosehips or cranberry fruit drinks. Such a drink will not affect the absorption of nutrients, and the iron will be well absorbed by the body.

Can I drink food with cold water? How can you not drink food?

  • Not every food can be washed down with milk - it can interfere with the digestive process and call in the intestine fermentation. Do not drink vegetables and fruits, lard, meat, meat.
  • Remember, you can not drink food with cold water - Whether it is a dried iron or any other food, otherwise baking fat can freeze in the stomach or intestines, which can cause pain. In addition, our liver does not like cold drinking, so there may be insufficient processing of the food lump with bile, which worsens digestion.
  • If you drink food with cold drinks, then this is stimulated by the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, not digested food gets faster from the stomach into the intestines, not pre-equipped with the proper digestion in the stomach. It will seem that you want to eat again, and in the meantime, the previously taken food will arouse the formation of putrefactive processes in the intestines. This also applies to desserts - ice cream and cold cocktails.
You can not drink food with cold drinks
You can not drink food with cold drinks

If a person is diagnosed with a gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERB), then he is strictly prohibited to drink liquid before and during food.

We advise you to read the following interesting articles from which you will learn: can you:

  1. The stomach does not work, got up, sick, there is no belching in an adult and a child
  2. The best drugs for the pancreas: name, list, action.
  3. Products that lower and increase the acidity of the stomach: table.

Video: Can I drink food with water?

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