Can vodka be washed down with kefir? What will happen if the vodka is washed down with kefir?

Can vodka be washed down with kefir? What will happen if the vodka is washed down with kefir?

Jack London described a cocktail, based on milk and gin, which at that time, judging by the diaries and notes, was very popular in Europe. And the pirates interfered with milk with rum, believing that this rum is more efficient. We have our own traditions - to drink vodka with kefir. In this article we will talk about this piquant combination.

Who first began to drink vodka with kefir?

It is not known for certain where the roots of traditions are led by vodka to drink with kefir. But this fact was very common among the builders of the USSR. Men for lunch took vodka and kefir with them. Several glasses of vodka with a remeded kefir gave a very invigorating effect, which allowed not to freeze in the cold and wind for a long time.

Today in high society there is no custom to drink vodka kefir. But among the working class, this custom has taken root, and it has many fans.

Can vodka be washed down with kefir?

Those who have never heard about a mixture of dairy and alcohol are bewilderment and a lot of questions:

  • Is it delicious?
  • And how is it all absorbed?
  • But will not “return” everything back?
  • Will there be a stomach disorder from such cocktails?

They don’t argue for tastes, someone likes it, someone does not. But this combination does not cause any discomfort and rejection. It is worth noting that in kefir there is a small content of alcohol, and kefir is an enveloping drink, as a result of which alcohol is delayed in the body longer, and intoxication is felt stronger.

Vodka with kefir - the tradition of builders
Vodka with kefir - the tradition of builders

How to drink vodka with kefir?

Wrap vodka with kefir according to a certain scheme:

  • Take a sip or several sips of kefir so that it is an enveloping mucous membrane;
  • Drink in one gulp stack of vodka;
  • Lay in a few sips of kefir.

The result is a piquant taste and an increase in the action of an alcoholic drink on the body. Especially good in cases where you need to warm up with 50 g of vodka.

Can you drink alcohol after kefir?

On the question, is it worth drinking vodka kefir, the question is also often raised - is it possible to drink vodka if you recently drank kefir? Yes, you can combine kefir with vodka, but do not forget that kefir envelops the walls of the stomach and alcohol will linger in the body longer, and intoxication will be more intense.

Is it possible to drink kefir after vodka?

Also, many are interested in whether it is possible after a feast, even if vodka was washed down with kefir, drink kefir? In the first 2-3 hours after drinking vodka, drink kefir-to aggravate alcohol intoxication. If the goal is to stay drunk for the long time - the perfect solution.

But in the morning, drink kefir after a feast with vodka - on the contrary, the condition of the body will improve significantly. Firstly, a small percentage of alcohol in kefir will facilitate the condition of a hangover, and vitamins and lacto-bacteria will help to recover faster the body.

Is it worth drinking vodka with kefir: tips and reviews

Kirill: for the first time I tried alcohol with kefir in the village, on the advice of my grandfather. When you do not like vodka, but warm after getting wet, the perfect recipe. But from the experience of friends and my own. If you drink 50-100 g and drink kefir-an ideal combination against the same cold, and if you drink half a liter of vodka, drinking a kefir, it will stagger for a day.

Anna: the husband brought the recipe from a business trip - to drink vodka kefir. I thought the muck, but no, very tasty! Now we want to try Rum and Jin with milk. I recommend.

Want to know more about the culture of alcoholic beverages? You may like our articles:

Video: what will happen if: vodka + kefir

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Comments K. article

  1. Karoche! I interfere with 100 gr. vodski and 200 gr. kefir. And slowly, as I drink beer before dinner, dinner. And yes. The state is invigorating. You feel intoxicated, but not pig, just after one vodka, albeit with a snack, but somehow dumb (... and pulls to talk ... not obsessively). If after dinner, then the dream is soft and the upsurge is upholstered. But this is with me. And how will you have ... H.Z ..

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