Gamavit for cats and dogs: instructions for use. Gamavit: Instructions, composition, reviews, features of application

Gamavit for cats and dogs: instructions for use. Gamavit: Instructions, composition, reviews, features of application

Instructions, indications and contraindications for the use of gamavit for cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs are favorite home creatures that give a lot of love and affection. However, they need careful care, including the use of proper feed and vitamin additives. Only in this case, pets will be healthy and active. In this article we will talk about the drug Gamavit for cats and dogs.

Gamavit: Composition

This is a drug that is widely used among veterinarians to treat cats and dogs. The tool is considered an immunomodulator, as well as a vitamin preparation.

Gamavit, composition:

  • Thanks to saturation with a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, the drug helps stimulate immunity, prevents the development of some ailments, and allows the animals to stand on their feet faster after serious illnesses.
  • A means of sodium salts, as well as hoods from the placenta, consists. It is the placenta contains a huge number of vital and important amino acids that are produced in the body. Accordingly, the drug will not be perceived as an alien matter.
  • The composition of the drug includes folic, ascorbic acid, as well as riboflavin, niacin, retinol, amino acids. Among them, it is worth highlighting the most active: Arginine, cystine, as well as a lysine.
  • The composition contains inorganic salts of sodium, auxiliary substances. The bottles are invested in cardboard boxes of 5 or 10 pieces. In pharmacies, you can purchase even one bottle if necessary. Which is very relevant if the treatment of kittens or puppies is supposed. After all, their body weight is small, respectively, a little is needed.

Gamavit for cats: Indications for use

This is a drug that is widely used among veterinarians to treat cats and dogs.

Gamavit for cats, indications for use:

  • Condition after childbirth. Very often, after delivery, animals suffer from a lack of calcium. During this period, due to rapid lactation, calcium is washed out of the mother’s body, thereby destroying her bones. Very often, in cats, an eclampsia is observed after childbirth, which can cause the death of the animal. To prevent this from happening, calcium preparations, as well as vitamins are prescribed. Gamavit in combination with calcium preparations is suitable for these purposes. 
  • For quick recovery after ailments. Cats and dogs at least suffer from various viral ailments. Some of them can cause complications.In particular, You can distinguish renal failure, malfunction in the thyroid gland. As a result of this, the pet feels very poorly, sluggish, does not play, eats badly.Gamavit Helps to eliminate these ailments. 
  • In the period before childbirth. Typically, the drug is used before childbirth to prevent possible complications during delivery. Most often introduced by weak animals, which can suffer greatly during childbirth. 
  • For puppies and kittens. Often gamavit is prescribed to small animals, puppies, so that they grow faster, gain mass, and delight their owners. 
  • As part of complex therapy in the treatment of bacterial ailments. Gamavit helps to quickly restore the body, it is easier to survive a heavy ailment, without the development of complications. 

Gamavit: dosage

Gamavit is used in various dosages, depending on the goal.

Gamavit, dosage:

  • If this top dressing Young puppies, or kittens, for the purpose of rapid growth, are usually found 0.1 ml per kilogram of animal weight. Used according to a certain scheme and introduced intramuscularly, after 3 days, that is, in 1, 4, 9 day.
  • In order for the animal to feel good with increased loads, in preparation for competitions, or exhibitions, the tool is introduced in courses. It must be administered intramuscularly, in an amount of 0.1 ml per kg for 8, 6 and 4 days before the exhibition.
  • Also, the drug is often used With helminthic invasion, together with antihistamines. For these purposes, 0.3 ml per kg of the body of the animal is enough. The drug is administered intramuscularly on the day when they give an anthelmintic drug, and every other day, in the same dosage.
  • To increase the likelihood of successful knitting, puppies and cats are administered subcutaneously about 0.4 ml per kilogram of body weight. This must be done a few hours before knitting. 

Gamavit for dogs and cats: features of introduction

In order for the birth of a cat or dog to be successful, the product is introduced in a dosage of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight of the animal. It is necessary to do an injection 7 days before childbirth, and directly on the day of childbirth. 

Gamavit for dogs and cats, features of introduction:

  • During poisoning, for the purpose of quick rehabilitation, the drug is administered intravenously or subcutaneously. The optimal dose is 0.5-1.5 ml per kg. It is necessary to use the drug in these quantities twice a day.
  • If you missed the dose, and then accidentally remembered this, try to introduce as soon as possible. Notlengthen interval and inject the next dose at the set time, which was before passing the medicine.
  • Gamavit It goes well with other drugs, as well as food. During treatment for serious ailments, the product can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, without reducing dosage and not afraid of side effects. 

Gamavit: How to stab?

The main advantage of this drug is that it can be taken along with antibiotics, and during therapy, in the treatment of worms. In addition, you can use antiviral drugs.

Gamavit, how to stab:

  • It is believed that one of the most effective methods of administering the drug is intravenous. The fact is that when introduced into a vein, it spreads faster through the body, it is better sucking. Usually there are no overdose and side effects when using the medicine.
  • The drug is often administered into the walker area. Often use subcutaneous administration.
  • In addition, there are no changes in the behavior of the animal, after the administration of the medicine. Please note that you should not skip a reception or intramuscular administration of the product. In this case, the therapeutic effect may decrease.

Gamavit injections

It is noted by manufacturers that the tool cannot be used if at the bottom of the bottle with a liquid it precipitated. In addition, drugs cannot be used after expiration of the expiration date.

Gamavit injections:

  • An indisputable advantage - the drug does not cause drowsiness, inhibited state, or sluggishness of the animal. It can be purchased without a prescription, without the appointment of a doctor. Gamavit must be used clearly according to the instructions, in the specified dosage.
  • In this way, the most significant effect is achieved. Typically, gamavit is used in the form of injections, or during mixing with water or milk, when feeding puppies. Below you can familiarize yourself with the instructions for using this drug.
  • It is indicated that the drug is universal, it has no contraindications, since it is made of amino acids, which are very close in its composition with substances produced inside the animal. 
A injection in the withers
A injection in the withers

How to give gamatitis to puppies?

Gamavit is often used to nurse very weak puppies. The optimal amount of 0.1 ml per kg.

How to give gamatitis to puppies:

  • This amount is set for administration once a day, for a month. You can introduce intramuscularly, to drop young animals. For this, the drug is bred in water and milk.
  • Thus, you can quickly restore the forces of puppies, and stimulate weight gain. In addition, the introduction of the drug improves the chances of survival of even the most hopeless puppies. The risk of catching infectious ailments, as well as complications, is reduced.
At the doctor
At the doctor

Gamavit: side effects, contraindications

The most interesting thing is that Gamavit has no side effects, but the owners of puppies, as well as kittens, consider otherwise. If we take into account the reviews of the owners, then there is still some negative reaction to the administration of the drug. 

Gamavit, side effects:

  • Violation of breathing 
  • Slow down the pulse 
  • Inhibitory 

Although the manufacturer is positioned with a drug that does not cause lethargy and drowsiness. At the place of administration of the drug, redness is possible, an allergic reaction.

Gamavit, contraindications:

  • Despite the fact that the drug has no contraindications, it is still not recommended that the animal has a tumor, it does not matter whether it is benign or malignant.
  • The fact is that with the introduction of the drug, the body's defenses are activated, but, in addition, the growth of the tumor may accelerate. That is why the drug is not used for oncology, and the presence of a neoplasm.

Hamavita analogues

Store the drug in the refrigerator. Optimum temperature from 2 to 25 degrees. In no case should you freeze the medicine. In sunlight, a precipitate very often appears, after which the drug cannot be used.

Please note that the bottle after opening can be stored for 30 days. Further, the drug is not suitable for use, it must be poured. It is worth noting that inGamavita There are analogues. They are also distinguished by immunomodulating properties. Among them, such can be distinguished.

Hamavita analogues:

  • Ronkoleikin
  • King amino
  • Placental
  • Mastim

These drugs also enhance immunity, and contribute to the rapid treatment of ailments of various etiologies.


Gamavit for cats: reviews

There are many reviews about this drug, both positive and negative. Many breeders believe that the medicine is absolutely useless and not effective in the treatment of serious ailments. But veterinarians rarely prescribe this drug for therapeutic purpose. It is absolutely useless to useGamavit In the treatment of serious viral and bacterial ailments. In what cases are antiviral drugs and antibiotics are usually used.Gamavit Only improves the protective properties of the body. 

Gamavit for cats, reviews:

Angelina. For the first time aboutGamavit I found out when my Persian cat gave birth. My Musi is all right, she feels great, and I did not notice any consequences after childbirth. However, with kittens, the story did not work out so rosy. Two of the four kittens were born dead. The thing is that she gave birth to two kittens with her hind legs, the head as a result came very poorly, she had to pull. In an emergency order, I took advantage of the services of a veterinarian who arrived at the house. He helped the cat give birth to two more kittens. Thanks to the veterinarian, they were alive. But the weight of each kitten was 65 g. This is very little. Unfortunately, the kittens did not want to take breasts after birth. The veterinarian recommended purchasingGamavit. I bred a drug with boiled water and poured with a syringe without a needle in my mouth to kittens. I used the drug twice a day, for a month. Kittens were steadily gained in weight and already in the evening with pleasure attached to the chest. I am very grateful to this drug for saving the life of two kittens. 

Svetlana. I heard about this drug, my neighbor, who has York, often spoke of it. Helped to come out a cat who fell ill with a plague. This happened at the age of 3 months, the kitten was very ill, it turned out that he had a viral infection. The people are called a plague. With the help of antiviral drugs and gamavit, it was possible to save the cat. 

Evgeniy. I learned about this drug recently. Despite the fact that my cat is 12 years old. This is a courtyard cat that lived near a private house. She was rarely allowed into the house. However, due to age, the last winter she lived in our summer kitchen. We were afraid that she would not get sick. We met withGamavitWhen the cat stopped walking its hind legs. Pinch the drug twice a day. On the fourth day, the cat’s condition improved markedly, she began to walk well. Since then, a year has passed, cat,certainly, Old, but walks paws. 


In most cases, they are used as an auxiliary medicine, and vitamin additives. In combination with Gamavit, when using the main drugs, you can achieve good results.

Video: Gamavit for cats and dogs

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