Is it possible to wear gold with silver: according to fashion criteria, according to the advice of stylists, esotericists, according to social status - is there a danger in a combination of two metals?

Is it possible to wear gold with silver: according to fashion criteria, according to the advice of stylists, esotericists, according to social status - is there a danger in a combination of two metals?

Many wear gold with silver, but often the question arises whether it is harmful.

As far as noble metals are combined with each other, whether gold and a cold metal reflection of silver are suitable for each other - about this and many other subtleties of the combination of the two most popular jewelry metals.

Gold with silver according to fashion laws

The words of the once popular song: “Fashion is changing daily” are as accurately suitable for fashion for jewelry. Fashion itself is a changeable girl who prefers the massiveness and quantity of carat on the principle of “the more, the better”, then severity, sophistication and minimalism. Designers and jewelers, trying to keep up with unpredictability and desire to shock (or at least just stand out and remember), also strive for eclecticism in styles.

And if not so long ago, the rules of a good tone would never allow mixing jewelry from different metals, today jewelry factories fill the shelves with products in which such a mixture looks organic. Gold with spraying, silver with spraying - more and more jewelry combine several metals that smoothly and gently turn into each other.

Gold and silver
Gold and silver

But this is a combination of metals in one decoration. And in different ones? Are silver earrings permissible in the ears if gold rings are on the fingers?

Many people believe that such an eclecticism gives out a lack of taste. For the representatives of society suffering from snobbery, it is important to emphasize their social status: they say, gold is not cheap silver to you. Astets speak of "purity of style and image", but stylists.

Vanguard - according to stereotypes

And the stylists just declare that it has come it's time to break stereotypes. And if today, no one is surprised by massive sneakers in combination with summer sundress, then all the more they cannot embarrass and insult the gentle aesthetic tastes on the simultaneously gold and silver jewelry.

  • The only rule that should be observed in this is to ensure that the silver product was not massive than gold.
  • And you should still not put silver and gold together on the fingers of one hand. It really smells of tastelessness.
  • In a combination of two metals, the addition of stone or pearls will not interfere. And with confidence, as a result, you can combine gold with silver if the same accessories are made of them. In the case when it comes to white gold or platinum - the question is generally removed - combine boldly! But to connect a necklace with a brooch, if they are made of various raw materials, it is not necessary, it is ugly.
  • And most importantly - remember that different jewelry should still be united by a single style and meet other criteria: clothes, shoes, accessories, age, etc. For example, the same noble hours made in a classic vein, and not even plastic ones, are suitable for bracelets from noble silver and gold.

Apart is a pectoral cross that can be from any material, at least from gold, even made of copper. Firstly, it is not a decoration, and, secondly, it should not be exposed, which is made of.

Esoteric aspect of a combination of gold and silver

Contact with the skin of different metals causes a different reaction. Silver blackens on someone, in others, when putting on gold earrings, suppuration begins in the punctures of the ear shells.

  • This suggests that the metals themselves “choose” the owners different in their properties (including therapeutic), letting each of us understand what is suitable for whom. Famous and silver, known since ancient times, are also used for the treatment of certain diseases.
  • Remember the beliefs of werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits that only silver can withstand? Tales, say? Then why do the babies still give a silver spoon to the babies in a year?
  • And the whole point is that silver has a pronounced ability to disinfect what it is in contact.
  • According to the observations of mankind, for many years, gold has positively affects the functioning of the heart, helps with reduced pressure. Silver - on the contrary, helps to reduce hypertension, relieve headaches and migraines.
  • If generalized, silver has a calming effect, and gold - exciting. If the body is young and healthy - such an explosive combination can pass both unnoticed and without consequences.
The body's reaction to a mixture of metals is unpredictable
The body's reaction to a mixture of metals is unpredictable

If a person is not very young, and chronic diseases in the body have already accumulated, then such a “plus per minus” can turn into the same migraine, pressure drops, and a frequent change in mood.

  • The violent indomitable energy of the sun hidden in gold, or the soft calm light of the silver moon? Which of these energies is stronger?
  • From the point of view of esotericists - you should not find out, putting on at the same time gold and silver jewelry. The confrontation between the two elements that arose with this combination is unlikely to lead to something good.
  • The heat and even heat of the fiery sun can not always balance the cold of the crystal ice moon. Most often, the ice will be melted or turned into water, flood and extinguish the fire.

Esotericists believe that white metal (silver) leads a person to a balanced state, cleanses thoughts, absorbs the negative. Gold reacts worse to energy, but on the body of those born under the sign of the earthly element works as much as possible in the direction of achieving the intended goal, “encouraging” its owner.

Silver and gold in social status

Many people belonging to any social group absorb stereotypes and concepts common in it. Remember the distinctive sign of trade workers during the USSR - a gold ring (and more and thicker!) On each finger.

They did not wear silver-it was not “according to the rank”, and suddenly someone would consider that they were not able to buy gold! All these conventions, fortunately, remained in the past, and today, by the amount of gold on a person, it is hardly possible to determine belonging to a particular “caste”.

Gold for the rich
Gold for the rich

If you want to not just follow fashion, but remain a stylish woman with an impeccable taste, remember, silver products are designed for everyday use in a variety of atmospheres, from the place of work to the beach. Gold, as a more expensive metal, implies its wearing in a more solemn setting, and is not intended for trips in trolleybuses and trams. It becomes especially alluring and mysterious in the splendor of night lighting, while silver in such an environment is “lost”.

So wear gold with silver or refrain? Only you decide it. The main thing is that in any case, do not overdo it with the number of jewelry.

Video: 5 dangerous causes of gold with silver

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