Is it possible to manipulate men with sex? When should you punish sex and why? How else do women manipulate men?

Is it possible to manipulate men with sex? When should you punish sex and why? How else do women manipulate men?

In this article, we will talk about how women manipulate men with sex and why this is not worth doing.

One of the main female manipulations is the deprivation of a man of sex. Some, especially enterprising ladies are trying to manipulate a partner in order to get what they want. That's just not always right. Let's figure out why you should not manipulate sex, and what other female manipulations are there.

Despite everything, whatever resentment, spouses should always sleep in the same bed. Psychologists are of this opinion. When a woman deprives intimacy for trifles, for example, a man forgot to take out the garbage or did not want to, then this is a big mistake. Thus, she herself pushes her partner to find a replacement.

Of course, it will pass once, but when it becomes a habit, the relationship will begin to crumble. The man will decide that he does not need a wife who is offended by trifles, and even deprives sex because of this. And he just needs him. And after a few such insults, he will become thoughtful to go to the left.

How to manipulate a man with sex - when is it worth doing it?

Manipulation of sex
Manipulation of sex

You can not allow a man to touch himself only in that situation, if he was very guilty of you. For example, there was treason, he hit you or insulted you.

Ideally, your husband cannot be punished by the bed, because you have one energy with him, but if you found him for treason, then lie down in different beds is the right choice. After all, your bed is defiled. So until you talk to your man, do not clean the bed, you should not reunite with him.

When you remove, you make it clear that you are very offended and such situations are not acceptable. Adequate men who value relationships will always draw the right conclusions and try to fix everything.

It is important to take into account the fact that the situation must be discussed. Do not just silently go to bed in another bed. Say that you are unhappy, but better calmly.

How to manipulate a man with sex - when you should not do it?

When is it pointless to manipulate?
When is it pointless to manipulate?

Manipulation of sex can only affect a normal man. If you came across a cynical man or a male who has several partners at once, then he will not care what you do not like there.

Moreover, it makes no sense to educate in this way an alcoholic or rude. They will not focus on your actions. If a woman lives with a drinking or a picky man, then it is impossible to influence this. After all, this is a diagnosis.

In such a situation, a woman will have to decide not even how to change a person, but whether it is worth living with him at all. The thing is that if she is ready to accept her man as he is, then there is no point in refusing him in sex because of any principles.

How to manipulate a man with sex and why not do it?

Why don't you should manipulate sex?
Why don't you should manipulate sex?

Despite the fact that sex manipulation is the most popular, it harms ourselves. There are several reasons for this.

The removal from intimacy is simply because the man did not buy a gift or did you know the promise? Well, maybe you yourself did not do that, but you just heard. So, this is by no means worth doing this if you want to maintain your relationship.

  • Sex without pleasure

If only your man believes that sex is something good and only he suffers in his absence, then it turns out that for you intimacy is definitely not a way to get pleasure. If you manipulate access to your body, then you risk being left without pleasure and orgasm, because the man will stop doing this.

  • Contempt

Often men say that every woman is corrupt. Of course, this is unpleasant to hear and in this case you should not be silent. However, if you yourself surrender to services or gifts and are offended that they do not give them, then the man will be convinced of his opinion about you. And it will finally be considered all sales.

  • Lack of initiative

If you beg for gifts from a man with blackmail, then in the future he will definitely not want to do something pleasant for you. And in the future, blackmail will not work at all, and then you will lose everything - sex, man and gifts.

  • Treason

If a man will “pickle” for too long without proximity and at the same time he will not feel guilty, then he will simply find satisfaction on the side. And who will be in the plus? Well, certainly not you. In addition, blackmail will be useless, and you obviously will not achieve what you want.

So manipulating a man, and even more so an important component of a relationship, will definitely not lead to anything good.

How to manipulate a man: other methods

Methods of manipulating men
Methods of manipulating men

Do not think that women are stupid. Many of them are so masterfully able to train a man that any fighters envy them. Many modern girls are real psychological fighters, only they call it bitchiness. Men should always remain attentive, because even with appearance a pretty simple girl can be insidious. Believe me, deep down, everyone considers it his duty to learn how to manage a man, because he is so entrusted.

Undoubtedly, all the orders of the woman will fulfill only the henpecked. So women have to dodge and learn manipulations in order to achieve what they want.

Most likely, you have already heard that girls breed men for gifts and money. This is a clear manipulation, but there are those that are difficult to find right away and many men can not recognize them in their entire life.

Method 1. Wine complex

This method is considered the main and most common. In any case, most women use it and even unconsciously. In addition, you can face him in any situation.

For example, a man wants to call a colleague, but by chance he dials his beloved number and then he apologizes and says that he called the wrong way. And the woman replies that she does not dare to interfere anymore, because he did not want to call her.

This is the manifestation of manipulation. In general, a woman could be glad that he loves her very much, that even intuitively dials her number. That's just modern girls rarely react like that.

After such an unpleasant conversation, a small feeling of guilt appears and it does not even matter that nothing bad happened. After all, he would definitely call, only later. That's just the girl managed to blame him and show her superiority.

Creating a complex of guilt
Creating a complex of guilt

Unfortunately, no man is able to dodge this manipulation method. He is universal and therefore women can accuse with his help simply in everything and even in conflicting things. No money to meet the needs of the girl? Then the man will be a loser. Is there enough money? So, he put the girl in the "golden cage".

If a girl is not enough sex, then it is worth waiting for the accusations that a man does not know how to satisfy, and if less, she will complain that she is already tired. If a man suggested part, then he is a bastard, and if a woman leaves, then he is a loser.

It just allows women to always remain right, even if this is not so. So regardless of emerging problems, a man will always be guilty. But a woman rarely admits her wrong, so as not to refuse such a convenient trick.

In this case, you should think positively and treat everything with humor. There is no need to take accusations seriously so that the woman could not feel that she could hurt you. Perhaps over time she will understand that her tricks do not work. And if you always remain in combat readiness, then very soon such techniques will be folded on the shelf and sent to the list of ineffective ones.

Method 2. Manipulation of the image of a "real man"

A real man
A real man

From women in conversations you can always hear about who the “real man” is. This is an already established cliche, but no one can answer - why is it that? And besides, every woman represents her ideal man and sometimes can not even explain what he is. That's just despite everything, it does not interfere with the male sex.

For example, it is believed that a real man always pays, gives flowers, gifts, and in general he worships a woman. And men really succumb to this, because they want to be the best for their beloved. And it doesn’t even matter that all this is not supported by anything, because male pride is more important to them. Everyone wants to become a real man for the only one that she always admires them. If a man decides to fight such absurd statements, then he will have to prepare for the fact that his self -esteem may fall below. After all, then he will become the worst of the men.

Although it is very easy to deal with such manipulations. It is enough for him to inspire himself that his actions are correct. If we take into account that the assessments are more often subjective, and each person is unique, then such confidence will be as useful as possible.

Thus, girls can manipulate men in different ways, but only this does not always benefit. In particular, you should not "play" with sex, because a man can simply leave. Moreover, you should not constantly make a guilty man from a man and force him to behave according to some incomprehensible rules of a “real man”. It will definitely not bring benefits to the relationship, especially if you do it constantly. Perhaps a competent approach can, on the contrary, turn one or another situation in the right direction, but only if it is not a trifle.

Video: Female Manipulations: Women's Manipulation Sex

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