How to throw personal things correctly: rules, signs, tips

How to throw personal things correctly: rules, signs, tips

Instructions for the disposal of personal belongings.

Sometimes a huge amount of trash accumulates in the house, but the hand does not rise to throw it all away. But some products are categorically impossible to throw into a garbage tank. In this article we will talk about the features of the disposal of personal things.

Is it possible and how to throw out old, donated, wall, wristwatch?

Clock - always a measure of time, and many sorcerers, as well as sorcerers, also associate this item with esotericism, occult sciences. And there is a share of truth in this. It is believed that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this indicates the approach of some misfortune. What to do with the clock, if they are old, and do not go? Many will think that they can simply be thrown away. However, in fact, this is not worth it.

Some sorcerers argue that the clock that is standing should in no case be stored in the house, it is necessary to get rid of them, because this is a bad sign. In this case, where to put them if you can’t throw them away? We advise you to come to an hourly workshop and give or sell for a small amount of money so that these products are dismantled for spare parts, for the repair of more modern and new hours. If there are precious metals in jewelry, you can go to the pawnshop and take them there.  

Throw away the clock
Throw away the clock

Is it possible and how to throw a money tree, cacti, flowers in pots?  

It is believed that throwing a plant is a bad sign, unfortunately. Most of the questions arise just in relation to the monetary tree. It is worth noting that it is best not to throw out a money tree, but to try to breathe a second life into it. If the plant is completely dried up, but only the top of the green color remained, it is cut off and tried to root. But the dried plant must be thanked for the help, and throw it away.

Tips on how to throw things away:

  • In no case are plants that live can not be thrown away. For them, it is necessary to conduct a kind of ritual. They are carried into the forest, buried near the tree. If the plant is destined to recover, it will begin to grow or completely die. It is believed that you can get rid of an unnecessary plant with the help of a crossroads. It must be taken to the part of the roads where they cross, and say: “Thank you for your help”, leave at the intersection, leave without looking around. However, few will understand a similar ritual. Especially in broad daylight, so the best option is to instill a plant in the forest.  
  • If the plant began to die, it has dried up, only in this case it is necessary to carry out its disposal. Otherwise, if the flower is not growing very well, you can take it into the yard and put directly on your personal plot, or on a flowerbed near a multi -storey building. Perhaps the plant there is rooting there, everything will be fine with it. It’s just that the plant should not be thrown away by the garbage bucket.
  • In addition, it is believed that a cactus is a plant that prevents an unmarried woman from finding her soul mate. However, Feng Shui experts believe that this succulent attracts money quite well. Accordingly, if you throw a cactus from the house, this may affect your financial situation. Therefore, without fail, try to pinch off the children from the old plant, plant them in new soil.
  • Only when the cactus completely dies, you can throw the earth. However, it is also not worth transferring the residues of the soil to the garbage bucket. We advise you to take out a plant with a pot on the street, pour the soil somewhere under a tree, and sprinkle with a new portion of the earth. Wash the pot thoroughly, pour boiling water and use for transplanting other plants.  
Indoor plant
Indoor plant

Is it possible and how to throw a wallet, small or old money correctly  ?

Since ancient times, it was believed that the wallet has attracted wealth, if you use it correctly. That is why it is necessary not only to buy correctly, to charge a new wallet, but also to throw away his served. According to popular signs, it is necessary to purchase a new wallet every year. However, where to put the old one? There are several methods to help improve your well -being.  

Instructions on how to throw things away: 

  • You need to take an old wallet, place some large bill in it, in which you do not yet need, for example, 50 rubles. Place the product in the eastern part of your house, and after a few days exchange this bill for a larger one.
  • That is, take a small bill for yourself, place a banknote with a large denomination in your wallet. So it is necessary to repeat several times that until a rather impressive amount is obtained. The last stage must be carried out on the new moon.
  • After that, a large bill is extracted, gifts are purchased to all relatives, and the remains are placed in a wallet. After that, everything must be extracted. But you can repeat the ritual again, or extract all the remains, burn your wallet.
  • This will help to say goodbye to the energy of the wallet, and will also not allow it to use it to someone else. Such things are not thrown into the trash and are not given to the poor.  
Throw away the wallet
Throw away the wallet

It is believed that a penny is saving the ruble. This sign arose for a reason, the fact is that indeed, small money attract wealth into the house. Therefore, if you have some old, unnecessary coins, in no case should you throw them away. You can use them by creating a lotto, a game with children, or take the closest collectors who collect such coins. If you have active coins with a minimum denomination, you can carry them to the nearest supermarkets, change them for a larger amount.

It happens that rather small coins do not want to exchange in the supermarket, they do not use such. In this case, such coins are simply taken to the bank and change to larger bills. In no case should you throw the coins of any denomination, even if they got out of everyday life. The only right option is their assembly and storage. Perhaps in a few years they will become a rarity and rise in price several times. Then you can sell them to the collector. Now this often happens with the coins of the Soviet Union. Some of them are really bought for decent money.  

Throw off old money
Throw off old money

Is it possible and how to throw a needle, knife, scissors, spoons?  

In the same way, it is necessary to dispose of the old scissors. It is believed that with their help you can cut the wagons, help make ends meet, as well as cut money channels. In general, a lot of signs and superstitions are connected with scissors, you can get acquainted with them here.

Instructions on how to throw things:

  • Before throwing the scissors into the reservoir, they must be sealed with tape, so that in the process of moving along the bottom of the river, they are not revealed. It is worth remembering that if you decide to bury scissors or knife, then they must be invested in the ground directly with the point in the direction opposite to your house. The same goes for knives. It is believed that they contain energy at home and simply cannot be thrown away like ordinary garbage.
  • We also recommend that they throw them into a stream or bury them in the ground, away from the house so that the tip looks in the direction opposite to your housing. In addition, it is best to knives and scissors in 4 hours, before throwing it in cold water. It is believed that it washes off the energy of man and households. After that, you need a knife, as well as the scissors to be attributed to a stream or into the forest, bury or throw it away.
  • At the same time, it is necessary together behind scissors or knife into a hole to throw several small coins. In the same way, it is worth doing if you are disposed of cutting objects. It is believed that in this way you bite off, make your material side much better than it really is. That is, sharp objects will help you get rich.  
Throw away the scissors
Throw away the scissors

How to throw books?

It is believed that it is also impossible to throw books, because it is our historical, cultural heritage. However, the fact is that with the advent of the Internet, almost all book publications appeared in print and electronic form.

Tips on how to throw things:

  • Now most people prefer a small e -book in which you can accommodate a whole library that is stored in some in huge cabinets. What to do with old, unnecessary books, if their cover has battered?
  • Indeed, it is necessary to get rid of old things, including those that are stored for quite some time. Books absorb allergens, with fairly high humidity in the room they can be covered with mold, which is fraught with allergies, as well as constant diseases of households.
  • Accordingly, it is advisable to dispose of them. What to do with old books? In general, knowledgeable people advise you to send them to the library, where they really will look after them and they will be able to come in handy for someone. Also, the option is simply distributed to neighbors or give to some creative circle where they study poems.
  • An extreme case is simply burning books. A good option is to take them to waste paper. Thus, nothing will have to be burned, and the books will go on recyclables to print something new.  
Old books
Old books

Throwing bread is a sin?  

Bread is the head of everything. The Bible states that the one who will throw bread will overtake troubles, or a person will fall into serious troubles. In general, it is believed that this is a sin. In addition, people who survived hunger are really very careful about bread.

Tips on how to throw things away:

  • Some of the great hatred are experienced by those who throw the remains of stale bread. Where to put old bread? It all depends on the state in which it is. If the pieces are dry, do not rush to throw them away.
  • Dry them, and use them as breadcrumbs, chopping in a blender or in a coffee grinder. Also, dried crackers can be added to cutlets. If you have several pieces of stale bread left, going for a walk, take it with you and crush it in the park or throw it into the pond ducks.
  • This is the best option that you can choose for bread.  
Grain bread
Grain bread

Is it possible and how to properly throw out the milk teeth of children?

Regarding the milk teeth, there are many signs of customs. The fact is that some peoples had to collect their teeth, make a peculiar necklace or jewelry to the neck.


  • The Slavs did not have such traditions, it was considered a bad sign and bad tone to keep these teeth. Therefore, most often they were burned or buried very deeply in the ground. It was believed that if a witch or sorceress finds such teeth, he can send damage or lead to death of a person.
  • In some peoples, on the contrary, it was believed that these teeth must be collected and it was imperative to put the dead in the coffin, so that in the next world a person would go with all his teeth.
  • Scientists on this subject have their own individual opinion and found out that the pulp contains a huge number of stem cells that can help in the treatment of some serious ailment of a person. The most interesting thing is that these stem cells develop and share much faster than those taken from the umbilical cord.  
Baby teeth
Baby teeth

How to throw a comb, hair?

Our ancestors believed that the hair contains energy, and can connect us with space or the other world. That is why in no case can you throw off the cut hair and those that remained on the comb after you put yourself in order. Typically, the Old Believers were wrapped in the fabric and collected throughout their lives. After the death of a person, these hair was put into a pillowcase and made a pillow under the head of a person from them.

However, now many are afraid to store their hair due to the fact that they can be spoiled on them, or some kind of spell. Accordingly, most often such hair is simply burned, and that's right. If you do not want to conduct a similar rite at home, you can simply wash them off in the toilet, provided that they are not long, and will not cause a blockage.  

Beautiful hair
Beautiful hair

Similarly, it is necessary to come with a comb. It is believed that in no case should you put yourself in order with the help of a comb someone else's person. This is due to the fact that this item can take energy from you, since the hostess will be on it. Therefore, be sure to use only your own comb and do not give it to anyone. If your comb has worn out, it has become old, do not rush to throw it away. The ideal option will be its burning.  

It is believed that hair, nails and teeth are the most personal thing that a person has. It is most of the rituals for damage, and the evil eye is brought using a person’s personal item, in particular his hairs, or a piece of nail. That is why this kind of thing in no case can be thrown into a garbage bucket. It is believed that if a bird takes a piece of a hair into a nest and will use it as a building material, then a person will constantly have a headache. We advise you to pick up hair from hairdressers, burn it. Well, or wash off into the toilet.  


Is it possible to throw away photos?

As for the old photographs, they are also disposed of not in the garbage bucket, but are ignited. If this is not possible, they are torn into a large number of small pieces, it is necessary to tear finely so that you cannot collect a whole picture from these fragments. In this case, you can throw away photos.  

Tips on how to throw things away:

  • Attention should be paid to old photographs that depict dead people. In no case should they be stored in the house, because they take the energy of living people. Try to destroy such photos.
  • In no case should you hang on the walls as portraits, because it is really believed that photographs are also a portal into the other world, and they can take the energy of living people.
  • Therefore, if you still want to save your memory, then place them in a family album and store them on a shelf, but so that the face of the deceased people is closed or covered by the next page of the album.  
Old trash
Old trash

Why can't you throw the keys?

Since ancient times, the keys were considered not just products that helped open the castle, but also a kind of protection from thieves. Then Kuznetsov was considered sorcerers, because the key was an amulet, a talisman or a talisman of the house from thieves and evil spirits. The shape of the key was invented not just like that, but for a specific purpose in order to protect the house from troubles. However, it is believed that to store the keys to the castles, which are no longer in the house, a bad sign.

Tips on how to throw things away:

  • The fact is that they store the old energy and break through the energy protection of the house. Thus, all the old keys that you do not use are present at home, taking energy, and in a certain way break the protection of housing from troubles, thieves and robbery.
  • Therefore, the keys must be thrown away. However, you can’t just throw them into the garbage bucket. They must be disposed of in a certain way. To do this, a red woolen thread is taken and all the keys that you do not use are put on it, or the locks that you have changed.
  • After that, 33 knots must be tied on a woolen thread. Taking each node, it is necessary to pronounce certain words, the so -called conspiracy that will allow you to strengthen the protection of the house from thieves and troubles. After that, it is necessary to take a bunch of keys and attribute it to the nearest reservoir. After the bunch of keys, it is simply thrown into the river.  
Throw away the keys
Throw away the keys

How to throw a ring?

Women are interested in what to do with gifts of men with whom there is no more relationship. It can be a former husband or boyfriend. However, gifts from them remain, but if the very thought of a person is deeply unpleasant for you, then it is best to get rid of gifts. It is believed that they store a certain energy, and can cause not the development of the following relations and may interfere with you in the future. But this is only if you feel negative in relation to a certain person and, accordingly, what he gave.

In this case, you can perform several basic manipulations:  

  1. Burn the gift  
  2. Give to those in need  
  3. Be cleaned with a variety of conspiracies  
  4. Wash, wash or fall asleep  
Wedding ring
Wedding ring

What to do with rings? It all depends on how much they are dear to you and what they are made of. If this is gold, then it makes no sense to throw it away, you can clean with the help of flowing cold water or holy water, as well as pass into a jewelry workshop, melt on another decoration. By the way, most women do this. In extreme cases, you can hand over in a pawnshop like scrap, of course, such decoration is much cheaper than in jewelry stores, and they will not offer a lot of money for them, but they still have any value.  

If the rings are not made of precious metals, but are ordinary jewelry, but which is valuable for you, then you can do it as follows:  

  • Bury away from home  
  • Throw into a stream  
  • When traveling at sea, throw into sea water  

It is believed that it is salt water, as well as running, rinses all the negative energy, cleansing the ring.  

Old rings
Old rings

How to throw gifts, jewelry?

It all depends on what the gift is made of and what is. If this is a clock, and you are sorry for the one thought that you are going to throw them away, then you can clean the energy that is unpleasant for you.

Instructions, how to throw things away:

  • To do this, an empty can with a screw cover is taken. A clock or other gifts that cannot be wetted are invested in it. After that, the lid is screwed, with the help of a consecrated church candle is sealed in a circle so that the wax falls on the metal and on the glass.
  • After this, the bank is put under running water for one hour. Thus, it will be possible to completely cleanse from the energy of the former young man. If these are some old things that your young man or expensive shoes gave you, you do not want to throw it away, you can fall asleep for a day with salt, and then clean it with a brush.
  • The remains of salt are washed off in the toilet. Further with such clothes or gifts, you can do anything. They can be handed over to a pawnshop, sold, or even distributed to the poor.  

Cleaning personal things with water, herbs

Of course, a precious thing, the ring can be given. To do this, you first need to be cleaned of your energy.  


  • Dear the ring or expensive jewelry in milk or holy water at night.  
  • You can also fumigate using incense and lavender.  
  • It is believed that these herbs are cleaned of evil thoughts and poor energy.  

If the jewelry is quite well preserved, you can give some close person or girlfriend. You can perform additional cleaning in a jewelry workshop or clean gold. How to do this, you can find out here 

Expensive gift
Expensive gift

Is it possible to throw out a mercury thermometer?

Mercury is a toxic substance that cannot be disposed of in garbage. How to neutralize mercury and find out about the disposal of thermometers, you can here.

As you can see, any thing that has ever belonged to you is charged with your energy. If you perform the correct cleaning manipulations, then things become almost empty and clean. Even if you give this thing to some kind of person, then nothing bad will happen to you. Try to have no particles of skin, hair, nails on your things. After all, it is with the help of these particles of the body that you can harm the body using damage or evil eye.  

Video: How to get rid of personal belongings?

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