Why need to dispose of a mercury thermometer? Emergency measures: How to independently assemble and dispose of a broken mercury thermometer? Where to take mercury and whole broken mercury thermometers?

Why need to dispose of a mercury thermometer? Emergency measures: How to independently assemble and dispose of a broken mercury thermometer? Where to take mercury and whole broken mercury thermometers?

In this article, we will consider how to correctly and where to dispose of a mercury thermometer, in a broken and awarded state.

Even in the era of electronics, the mercury thermometer remains one of the most accurate devices for measuring body temperature. But he has one serious drawback - mercury itself. And a fragile flask sometimes bring users, breaking up from any careless movement. But, unfortunately, not every citizen is aware of the danger of this substance. Moreover, many do not know how to correctly and where to dispose of a broken mercury thermometer.

Why need to dispose of a broken mercury thermometer?

This device is a sealed glass tube with a vacuum inside, at one end of which there is a tank with mercury. The mechanism of action lies in the fact that when heated to the temperature of the human body, the liquid metal expands, and its column rises along the scale up.

  • The most famous and even ancient use of dangerous liquid metal is the treatment of the skin. It sounds a little paradoxical, but it acts as an antiseptic. Although it has its negative aspects.
  • Until recently, amalgam seals (mercury compounds with other metals) were involved in dentistry, as they had increased strength and resistance to abrasion.
  • Also, mercury was massively used in industry for silver mirrors, in the production of ink and even in cosmetics. Now it is used in the production of fluorescent lamps, heaters, mercury thermometers and electric relay.
  • It is worth noting that many countries have signed the Convention on the restriction or complete closure of industries associated with this toxic metal. Including the manufacture of mercury thermometers. In Europe, for example, they have been banned since 2009 . Production associated with mercury is harmful not only for humans, but also for the environment.
  • Once in the body, mercury has its main effect on the brain and heart. The processes of higher nervous activity are violated, the consequences of which can even be Alzheimer's disease.
  • Upon contact of this metal with the mucous membranes, areas of necrosis are formed in the stomach and large intestine. Small children are the most sensitive and amenable, since their brain is in the developing phase. The risk group is also complemented by men, since testosterone repeatedly reinforces the onslaught of mercury.
  • An interesting fact is that the human body has a genetically determined ability to eliminate mercury due to enzymes produced in the brain.
  • Mercury poisoning is of two types. Acute intoxication consists in simultaneous inhalation of a large number of poisonous metal vapors. Its main features:
    • decrease in appetite;
    • metal taste in the oral cavity;
    • abundant salivation;
    • abdominal pain, stool and vomiting;
    • bleeding gums, their swelling;
    • pain during swallowing;
    • headache and weakness.
  • With insufficient cleaning of the room, chronic poisoning occurs, which has the following symptoms:
    • prostration;
    • dizziness and headaches;
    • violation of the psyche (nervousness, mood swings);
    • deterioration of attention.

Important: all this can lead to dementia, and severe cases can have a fatal outcome.

A broken thermometer is dangerous not only by the presence of small fragments, but also with poisonous mercury
A broken thermometer is dangerous not only by the presence of small fragments, but also with poisonous mercury

How to dispose of a mercury thermometer: Emergency measures

Children are the greatest danger, because they do not realize all the harmfulness and risk of such an accident. What can I say, even an adult does not always know how to correctly dispose of the thermometer. The largest and most common mistake is to vacuum the fragments and mercury itself. And this causes the infection of the entire premises for many years.

  • The most important thing is to instantly bring everyone out of the premises (houses, apartments), and evacuate children immediately. Do not forget about animals and indoor plants. After all, the former will not only interfere, but also spread fragments and mercury itself to other places. Also note that our little friends are no less vulnerable to the negative influence of mercury.
  • To prevent pollution through the sole of the shoes, it is necessary to spread a rag moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate (how to cook it a little later). Our little advice is to put on plastic bags so as not to utilize shoes. Although it will need to be processed in the first place.
  • Pill the front door tightly. But in the most emergency room, open the windows and, if possible, lower the temperature as much as possible. This will reduce the volatility of mercury. At the same time, do not allow drafts so that dangerous couples do not spread further.
  • Turn off the heating. In the summer you can use the air conditioner by turning it on the most minimum temperature. Only then change its filters, as the particles of the metal will settle on them.
  • The emergency place must be covered with wet newspapers or a rag. Pre -moistening them in potassium fluid.
  • The things that she fell on or could have expected, tightly packet on plastic bags, you can even wrap a film. But do not leave them in the house, but send them for some time before processing on the street or further disposal in a garage or at least a balcony.
  • Close the door to the room where this happened so that the vapor of mercury does not spread throughout the apartment or house. The door slots must be glued with a sticky tape.
  • After 30-40 minutes, you can introduce people back. In addition to the room where mercury spilled directly. Although it is desirable to let the residents after completely processing the room.
First of all, bring children and animals from the premises
First of all, bring children and animals from the premises

How to independently dispose of a mercury thermometer: the process of collecting mercury and processing of the room

This is the most crucial moment, because the safety of most things will depend on it. And not only, your health and further residence in this house after the incident will stand at the stake.

  • Put on rubber gloves and shoe covers. Protect your face with a gauze bandage or respirator. The bandage must be moistened with soda solution or a weak pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • It is prepared according to the following scheme: add 20 grams of potassium permanganate for 10 liters of water. You can reduce the dosage, but keep in mind that the solution is needed for further surfaces, as well as for disposal itself. The soda mixture is in the ratio of 2 tbsp. l. Substances per 1 liter of water.
  • Pour a little permanganate fluid into a glass jar tightly closed with a lid. Place a crashed thermometer in it. Collecting fragments with tweezers.
  • You may also need a brush to push the mercury from the cracks, and the flashlight. The last element will make it possible to see the smallest particles of poison. They shine well in his light.
  • Now we proceed to the collection of droplets of liquid metal. To do this, take thick paper (cardboard, watman, wallpaper) with one bent side and a potpon soaked with potassium permanganate. Start directly to the collection. Instead of a tampon, tape or adhesive plastry is suitable, which is glued on a contaminated surface, and then peeled and placed in a jar with a solution. And the smallest can be assembled using a rubber pear or ordinary syringe.
  • If you suspect that the liquid metal hit the baseboard or parquet, then they need to be removed without fail. And conduct a similar procedure.
  • The collection is made from corners to the center of the room. This is a fairly long process, so every fifteen minutes go out into the fresh air.
  • Then, on all surfaces with suspicion of pollution by a rag or spray gun, apply the aforementioned solution of potassium permanganate. Exposure time is 1 hour.
  • During this time, prepare a soap-liner solution: half a bar of laundry soap (40 g) of a grater, and, together with 100 g of baking soda, dissolve in 10 liters of water. Wash this liquid with a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure must be repeated daily for three days.
  • In order to finally get rid of mercury vapors, it is necessary to ventilate the room three times for another 10 minutes every day for another 10 days.
Do not collect mercury with your bare hands
Do not collect mercury with your bare hands
  • Bank with mercury, cleaning items, gloves, shoe covers, as well as clothes contaminated with poisonous metal, must be assembled in a plastic bag. For a while, leave it in a cool place.
  • In no case do not throw it into a landfill, into a container or garbage chute so that the pollution does not spread beyond your apartment. To dispose of all the above things, it is necessary to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station or the Ministry of Emergencies. They will tell you what to do next.
  • It is also not necessary to remove mercury yourself, you can call for these purposes a special service for the demurkurization of the premises or seek help in the same sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • After cleaning, you need to protect yourself directly from the dangerous influence of mercury. To do this, take off your clothes, a mask, shoe covers and gloves, take a shower. Next, treat the shoes with a solution of potassium permanganate and plow your mouth well, but only with a solution with a small concentration.
  • Care carefully your teeth, and inward as a sorbent, take activated charcoal with a calculation of 1 tablet per 1 kg of body weight. Since mercury is eliminated from the body mainly by the kidneys, in the next few days, drink more fluids for its speedy excretion.
  • It is strictly forbidden to collect mercury with a broom or vacuum cleaner. So you will contribute to the further spread of dangerous vapors and poisons. In addition, after such cleaning, the vacuum cleaner will become unsuitable for further use, since the poisonous particles will enter the engine and will fall into the air during each cleaning.
  • For the same reason, do not wash things with mercury in the washing machine. All the things that she got on must be disposed of.
  • If there is doubt that the mercury remains in the room, it is necessary to call specialized services that will conduct a chemical analysis of the air. Their addresses and phones can be found in the directory of your city.
Ruti drops be collected in a hermetically closing jar or flask
Drops of mercury be collected in a hermetically closing jar or flask

Where to take mercury, whole and broken mercury thermometers?

The state of mercury thermometers is not of fundamental importance, all the same, the same organizations take them anyway. Only precautions during transportation are changing.

  • Where exactly - depends on the city in which you live. It can be a sanitary and epidemiological station, the Ministry of Emergencies or private organizations engaged in the disposal of toxic substances. By the way, they should have a special license for this. Sometimes, in extreme situations, a thermometer can be attributed to police officers.
  • To find out specifically, you can call the same sanitary station of the city. If its competence does not include the provision of this service, then from employees you can get the information and contacts of those to whom you can contact your problem. And the news is a little sad - you will have to pay for disposal.
  • By the way, Private firms are most often accepted. The price for such services depends on the established tariff of each company individually.
  • Also, be prepared to encounter the fact that special stations or the Ministry of Emergencies will not agree to accept the thermometer. After all, many of them work only with large large -scale or industrial industries.
  • Moreover, some even argue that whole mercury thermometers, which simply failed, are not dangerous to the environment. We ask you to urgently relate to this issue. Throwing an unsuitable thermometer into the garbage container, you will not be able to protect it from further damage and poisoning of everything around. Now add up if everyone does this.
  • Of course, no one controls you, you can throw your thermometer just into the garbage tank. This is a completely question of your conscience and civic responsibility. But remember that your children will suffer, first of all.
  • We strongly recommend finding a service that is engaged in the disposal of mercury thermometers of home use. Yes, perhaps she will be at the other end of the city. But the purity and ecology of the whole country depends on each of us!
  • But there are pleasant advancements in this matter. In some cities, special boxes are installed for the disposal of hazardous waste. But, unfortunately, they are far from in every city and not even in all close places. The employees of the epidemic station or the Ministry of Emergencies can find out detailed information regarding special containers for the disposal of the mercury thermometer.
In some cities, boxes have already been established for the disposal of thermometers and other dangerous waste
In some cities, boxes have already been established for the disposal of thermometers and other dangerous waste

Safety precautions when using a mercury thermometer

Despite the existing danger, this device is used not only in many families, it can often be found in medical institutions. Therefore, it is important to be able to use it correctly.

  • Thoroughly inspect the thermometer before each use.
  • Use it strictly for its intended purpose. Refrain from rectal and oral dimensions, especially in children.
  • Store inaccessible places for your children.
  • Avoid strokes about hard surfaces.
  • Do not expose a thermometer exposure to high temperatures. Do not try to restore the separated mercury column like that.
  • The child must be measured only in the presence of adults.
  • Also do not forget about the right place of storage. Keep it away from exposure to high moisture and temperature.

Video: Where to dispose of a mercury thermometer?

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