How and how to clean the gold chain at home? How to clean a gold chain made of yellow and white gold with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and soap, beer, soda, lipstick, foil, special products?

How and how to clean the gold chain at home? How to clean a gold chain made of yellow and white gold with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and soap, beer, soda, lipstick, foil, special products?

Ways to clean the gold chain.

Gold is a magnificent metal that has been valued since ancient times. The pharaohs made glasses from it, as well as the crown and armrests of the seats inlaid them. Now jewelry is made from this metal. In this article we will tell you how to clean the gold chain at home.

How to clean a gold chain: cleaning products

The main problem of the chain is that this is not a whole jewelry. It is made of separate links, between which the dirt of fat can accumulate. Because of this, ordinary rubbing with a soft cloth will not help, because it does not penetrate the area between the links. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose some more effective and effective cleaning method.

Gold purification products:

  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Soap
  • Soda
  • Toothpaste
  • Dentifrice

All these products are used depending on the degree of gold pollution. Often use methods with boiling solution in order to remove dirt from gold surfaces as well as possible.

Cleaning the chain
Cleaning the chain

How to clean the gold chain with toothpaste at home?

This method is effective if there are slight contaminants on the jewelry, basically it is fat and sweat spots. In this case, it is necessary to apply a little toothpaste on a soft toothbrush, moisten the product with water and rub thoroughly. Do not forget to rinse well, because very often a small amount of cleaning agents remains between the cloves. Regular cleaning of the toothpaste will help maintain the splendor of gold for a long time, while it will prevent the deposition of a serious and thick layer of dirt on the surface of the products.

How to clean a gold chain at home with peroxide, ammonia and soap?


  • It is necessary to pour a glass of water into the container, add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 10 ml of ammonia, as well as a tablespoon of liquid soap
  • The mixture is shaken until thick foam is obtained, gold jewelry is lowered into it, and left for half an hour
  • From time to time it is necessary to shake the glass so that the solution is evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe gold jewelry
  • After that, the chain is washed under the pressure of warm water and rubbed with a soft cloth
Cleaning hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol
Cleaning hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol

How to clean the gold chain with soda to shine?

We recommend that you use the method of boiling with soda to combat strong pollution. This method is suitable if the pollution is persistent and old. It is suitable not only for cleaning chains, but also for removing dirt with rings, with a large number of arcs and decorative elements. Between them, dirt is often clogged, which cannot be removed with a toothbrush, as well as a rag with soapy solution.


  • It is necessary to pour 250 ml of water into a container, add a tablespoon of soap, as well as a tablespoon of baking soda
  • Put everything on fire and bring to a boil. Put their gold jewelry there for several minutes
  • Under the influence of soda, as well as high temperature, all the dirt from the recesses will move away and the products will become clean
  • After that, it remains to just rinse them under a stream of warm water, then the products are rubbed with a soft cloth
Gold cleaning
Gold cleaning

How to clean a white gold chain with protein and beer?

Beer cleaning and protein are an interesting, unusual way that is very popular. He gives an incredible brilliance to gold jewelry. In this case, you can clean the chains of white gold.


  • It is necessary to pour 50 ml of light beer into the protein of the egg, beat with a corolla
  • A gold chain is immersed in this paste, withstands for an hour
  • Next is cleaned with a soft washcloth, it remains only to grate the jewelry with a soft cloth
Beer and protein cleaning
Beer and protein cleaning

Golden chain cleaning with foil

This is one of the simplest and most favorite ways. Aluminum is a more active metal than gold, therefore, all dirt and garbage delayed itself. A peculiar process of decomposition of dirt under the influence of aluminum occurs.


  • Put two layers of aluminum foil on the bottom of glass dishes
  • In a glass of hot water, dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda, pour the solution into the vessel with foil and lower the gold jewelry
  • It is necessary to keep jewelry in this solution for 12 hours
  • It is best to carry out the procedure at night. Rinse the gold under the morning under a stream of cold water in the morning and rub it with a soft cloth
Foil cleaning
Foil cleaning

Golden chain cleaning with lipstick

An interesting and unusual way that will make it possible to get rid of persistent pollution, fat deposits, as well as dark clustering of dirt.


  • Take the old lipstick that you do not use, and pay it completely the whole chain
  • Next, you need to leave the chain for several minutes. Then take a soft fabric and grate the product to shine
  • It is necessary to rinse the chain in hot water, and to polish again
gold chain
gold chain

How to clean a gold chain using special tools: review

Now in jewelry stores you can purchase special tools for cleaning chains.


  • They are sold in the form of special solutions, in which it is necessary to immerse jewelry. As a result of the effects of aggressive liquids, dirt is corroded, jewelry becomes clean, shiny. Typically, such solutions are implemented in jars with an attached mesh. Gold jewelry is invested in this net and plunged into a solution, which is in a container.
  • Pastes. They can be sold complete with or without napkins. Liquid pasta is applied to the product and rubbed thoroughly with a soft tissue or toothbrush. This is the well -known pasta of Goy with the oxide of chromium. This is a fine powder, which in a mixture with some components allows you to perfectly polish the product, remove pollution.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. Now small ultrasonic baths for cleaning jewelry have appeared on the market. They are mainly used in jewelry workshops, but not so long ago they invented home options, the cost of which is low. If you have a lot of jewelry, you regularly clean, then it makes sense to purchase such a bath. Under the influence of ultrasound, pollution departs from the links, the chain becomes clean. After that, it is necessary to rinse the products in cold water and polish with a soft cloth.
Gold cleaning products
Gold cleaning products

There are a large number of ways to clean gold at home. Select the most suitable. In no case do not use aggressive products to clean products with silver inserts, white gold, as well as precious stones. Remember that substances such as ammonia or hydrogen peroxide can dissolve glue with which stones and decorative elements are attached to the chain.

Video: cleaning the gold chain at home

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