Moon in Aquarius in men, women: characteristics, celebrities with the moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius in men, women: characteristics, celebrities with the moon in Aquarius

The moon in Aquarius allows you to reveal and increase its inner strength born at this time. Words most clearly characterizing this time are: intelligence, freedom, sincerity, willingness to communicate and the desire for innovations.

The moon in combination with Aquarius has a powerful effect on temperament, personal life and character. We learn more about this influence from the article.

Moon in Aquarius in a man: influence on life

  • Gemini Moon in Aquarius Allows you to stop their eternal throwing between different areas of activity and finally achieve success in something. Moreover, success will be dizzying. Also smoothed duality character, which is so characteristic of this sign.
  • The lunar radiance and ease of Aquarius seem to illuminate with their influence the difficult nature of cancer. Such men are much easier in communication, love to make a good impression on others and do it with knowledge of the matter. They easily discard the hyper -resistance, which presses cancer on the shoulders, and become more friendly.

The main qualities of a man with a moon in Aquarius:developed intuition, high level of intelligence, freedom, the desire to find rational grain in everything, impulsivity, leadership inclinations, the ability to inspire people around, bright imagination, humanism. Negative character traits:coldness, insensibility, excessive originality.

  • Childhood of a man with a moon in Aquarius.Born during this period, from birth, is in need of self -identification. The mother of the moon Aquarius will not be easy to keep up with the interests of his son and give him the amount of freedom he needs. This boy is not the one who will be glad of suffocating maternal love. But there is also positive - such a child Easy to captivate And he studies perfectly, since the flow of information is a kind of food for him.
  • The curiosity of these boys does not get tired of school teachers. Grandmothers and grandfathers will call him with love "Fidget."
  • Do not limit freedom a teenager with a moon in Aquarius - Even having received a deuce, he will later correct it with brilliance.
  • Career of a man with a moon in Aquarius.An adult man with a moon in Aquarius is able to fall into depression if a period of "stagnation" occurs in his life. A monotonous work and the same days are not for him. He has the impression that this is already the end. These are people who simply need growth, development and novelty.
  • They easily reach the heights in any business for which they would not take up, but choose the case that provides them with maximum freedom. Sit in the office from call to call - This is not for them. They are often very successful freelancers, business ownerswhich can be controlled from anywhere in the globe or artists.
Choose remote work and luxurious life
Choose remote work and luxurious life
  • Black Moon in Aquarius of a man.The Black Moon opens up to the man a gift to foresee the future and other magical abilities. But these men do not spend their gift on good deeds. Most likely, such a man will become an Alphonse, Schuler or swindler. Living for other people's money without bothering themselves - this is for them.
  • These men (however, women too) tend to hide their emotions to hide behind the mask extrovertwhich they most often show the environment.
  • Relations with friends.Growing, men with the Moon in Aquarius They become support and protection for loved ones. They are able to show surprisingly tender care. Ready for anything to help someone who is actually close. However, at the same time, they can forget to inform about their plans and force others to worry about their plans. They have very much many friends.
  • Relations in the family. Men with the Moon in Aquarius They expect a complete understanding and forgiveness from their women. Therefore, marriages with them are most often unhappy.
  • Moon in Aquarius of a man - what women do you like? The wife of such a person should not only be ready to forgive everything, including treason - she should be prepared for the cold and restrained attitude with which they award their companion.
  • Happiness in such a marriage is completely on a woman’s shoulders - her chosen one He will not tolerate control Even in the easiest forms and will meet with hysteria every little thing that, in his opinion, is an attempt on his freedom. Moreover, for him a wife - friend and ally, which he needs. But then, when he needs.
A woman should be a friend and ally
A woman should be a friend and ally
  • Famous men with a moon in Aquarius:Devid is spiritual, John Lennon, Adlai Stevenson, Mohammed Ali, Mark Shagal, Herbert Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Carey Grant.

A man with a moon in Aquarius: how to win?

  • A man with a moon in Aquarius It needs not just a woman. It is not worried about dinner, whether your press is cleaned in the house and is pumped up. External attributes of this world do not interest him at all.
  • He can marry a madhouse if she has his brain with new information and new impressions of 24/7. His woman Founding news, new hobbies and new knowledge. As soon as she gets tired of developing, an interest in her in a man with a moon in Aquarius immediately disappears.

Moon in Aquarius in a woman: influence on life

  • What does the moon mean in Aquarius in women? Among positive featuresthe nature of which the moon in Aquarius gives a woman to highlight the integrity of nature and determination. Also, these women are charming and almost always cheerful.
  • Negative features:those temper and unbalanced.
  • Black Moon in Aquarius in a woman.You will be amazed at how tactless, rough and impudent can be a woman, the influence of which the Black Moon has. At the same time, it is prone to protracted depression, requires attention, which she will achieve at all costs. To undress in the middle of the street in order to shock the audience for her.
  • Childhood of a woman with a moon in Aquarius.Little girls with a moon in Aquarius live in the world of their fantasies. Earthless blessings do not interest them. Such a child can draw all day and never ask to eat or drink.
  • It may not be very successful in sciences, but in this girl there will be no equal. Whatever she did - whether dancing, singing, drawing or literary circle - She will shine in everything. From childhood, one of the negative qualities has been manifested - this girl, and later a woman, does not know how to forgive.
Girls are very creative
Girls are very creative
  • Parents need to pay attention to this and show her the need for forgiveness if possible. The success of these women is largely predetermined by parents - they need their support and admiration. This is the case when the praise is not superfluous and it can even make the girl learn the hated mathematics.
  • Career of a woman with a moon in Aquarius.These women never sit at home and will never be on providing a man. They clearly calculate every step despite the creative orientation of their nature. They clearly know how to position themselves and what they want from their work. Nature endowed them with powerful intelligence and comparable only with the gift of psychic intuition. They feel great in a team of men, but they should not even argue with men. Successful areas will be cinema, private business or career of the artist.
  • Relations with friends.Despite the fact that these are very friendly and open women, they do not have so many friends. At the same time, they willingly get acquainted, communicate, feed on new information and new emotions. Perhaps they are blameed for their insight - they see the true essence of people and therefore not all allow themselves to themselves. Those who have gained their friendship, at the same time will gain very effective advice on life, love and a specific situation.
For women
For women
  • Relations in the family.These girls in the soul never become women. All their lives they have been waiting for the pure and eternal love that they imagined by reading Jack London in childhood and, perhaps, the appearance of the hero of their novel will exactly coincide with that way. They do not expect money from a man - they achieve equality and support on the creative and intellectual path. As mothers, they do not accept Susyukas and restrictions on freedom from the child. Most likely, they will not go on maternity leave and a nanny will appear in the family.
  • Famous women with a moon in Aquarius:Marilyn Monroe, Sophie Loren, Rosalind Russell.

Moon in Aquarius of a woman: how to win?

  • Just create next to her. Happiness. Paintings. Family. The energy of good and creation. Become her support and inspiring example.
  • Such a woman does not accept a man of a weaker man or someone who will sit in one place without development for years.

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Video: Moon in Aquarius

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