Is it possible to eat green and red apples after the birth of a nursing mother fresh, dried, baked during breastfeeding of a newborn in the first and subsequent months of breastfeeding? Recipe for baked apples in the oven for a nursing mother during breastfeeding

Is it possible to eat green and red apples after the birth of a nursing mother fresh, dried, baked during breastfeeding of a newborn in the first and subsequent months of breastfeeding? Recipe for baked apples in the oven for a nursing mother during breastfeeding

The article will tell you how useful or harmful to eat apples during breastfeeding.

Is it possible to eat green and red apples after the birth of a nursing mother fresh, dried, baked in the first month of feeding and subsequent months?

With the advent of the child, every mother gains worries, one of which is a diet of proper nutrition. It is important to do this and it is necessary because the quality of breast milk - the only source of food of infants, depends on the fact that the mother will eat. Some products can cause allergies, others - digestive disorders, so it is important to eat only that which will not harm the nursing mother and the newborn.

It is for this that there is a list of permitted products of a nursing mother, who should adhere to. Apples are on this list, but they should be eaten carefully. Of course, they are very good for health, but some mothers are still afraid to eat red and green apples, as well as sweet or sour, avoiding colic that they can cause in a child or allergies.

The benefits of apples:

  • The fruit is not able to cause allergies, neither in a woman nor in a child.
  • The apple does not upset digestion, but, on the contrary, establish it, so you can get rid of constipation, but not cause diarrhea.
  • The fruit will saturate milk with useful minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the newborn for full development.

Green apples:

  • Unlike red, green fruits are considered hypoallergenic, because from their eating, no allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders have never been noticed.
  • Green fruits contain more vitamins of group B
  • Green and yellow apples are best eaten in the first month after the birth of the baby, refusing for some time from the red (for safety purposes). This will help the young mother to prevent postpartum constipation.
  • So that my mother does not suffer from an excessive feeling of hunger and does not overeat, and also does not gain weight, you can regularly eat apples. They saturate and do not allow you to get into.

Red apples:

  • You can eat them during breastfeeding, but this should be done carefully, observing the reaction of the baby and those whether he had an allergy.
  • Allergies to red apples can manifest in those women and children that have a strong sensitivity and predisposition to allergies.
  • In precautions, before eating, apples should be cleaned from the peel and eat them in small quantities.

Baked apples:

  • Such fruits are not only tasty, but also very useful
  • Baked apples positively affect the functioning of the intestines
  • Such fruits can be eaten even in large quantities
  • Baked apples help accelerate all metabolic processes in the body.
  • When eating baked apples, you can normalize your pressure and baby.

Dried apples:

  • It is better to use compotes for cooking
  • Dried apples in a “pure” form is better not to eat, since they can accumulate and stick dust, as well as dirt.
  • In addition, dried apples are not rarely bloating in the mother and colic in the child.
  • Drying compote will provide a sufficient influx of milk in a nursing mother.

Important: you should refuse apples only if you observe you and the baby excessive gas formation, bloated belly, and large colic.

The benefits of different apples
The benefits of different apples

Is it possible to compote from fresh and dried apples of a nursing mother during breastfeeding in the first and subsequent months of feeding?

As already mentioned, an apple is an excellent ingredient for making compotes for a young mother. A nursing woman should drink a lot of fluids to provide an influx of milk and fully feed her baby. You can cook compote from fresh and dried apples, adding raisins or sugar, lemon slices. The drink will increase immunity, saturate breast milk with vitamins and eliminate digestion.

Important: it doesn’t matter how concentrated the compote will be if you drink it without sugar - you will give yourself great benefits.

When can a nursing mother eat fresh apples after childbirth?

There are baked or fresh apples of a nursing mother can already be 5-7 days after childbirth. This depends only on how light or complex the birth (natural, caused or cesarean section) were. If there are no contraindications (strong violations of the digestive tract), you can eat in small quantities apple by increasing the portion over time.

Important: if you are afraid to eat fresh apples or the child is too restless, tormented by colic, begin to introduce baked apples into your diet.

When and how can you eat apples?
When and how can you eat apples?

Can a nursing mother eat an apple with a peel?

There is and it is possible and it is necessary with the peel (it is believed that the concentration of useful trace elements is located there), however, in order to avoid negative consequences (in particular, allergies), fruits should be cleaned and eaten in small quantities.

Why can't you eat red apples nursing mom?

But the difference between red apples can be not only in the color of their peel, but also in the fact that they are sweeter fruits than green apples. Sugar is carbohydrates that cause a negative reaction in the digestive tract, in particular, colic.

How many apples per day can you have a nursing mother?

If after childbirth you have never eaten apples, do not introduce many fruits into your diet at once. Start a kind of “complementary foods”: first apple compote, then a baked apple, after a half half of the sweet fetus, and increase the portion (focusing on the well -being of the child).

What apples can you have a nursing mother?
What apples can you have a nursing mother?

Recipe for baked apples in the oven for a nursing mother during breastfeeding

What is required:

  • A few apples -choose sweet varieties, Golden is well suited.
  • Cheese mass or cottage cheese - 200 g (any fat content)
  • Raisin - 1-2 tbsp. (Sweet and so -conquered)
  • Cinnamon - A few pinch
  • Honey - 1-2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  • The apples should be washed, cut off and cleaned the seed box (the hole should remain).
  • Mix the steamed raisins with cottage cheese and honey, fill the apples.
  • Put parchment on the oven and put the apples
  • Send the apples to the oven, sprinkling with every pinch of cinnamon.
  • The temperature of the oven should be approximately 160-180 degrees.
  • Keep apples for 30-40 minutes and after baking, let them stand for another 10 minutes.

Video: “Useful dessert. Baked apple. It is possible with breastfeeding "

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