Is it possible to eat raw and fried sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, Kozinaki nursing mom during breastfeeding?

Is it possible to eat raw and fried sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, Kozinaki nursing mom during breastfeeding?

The benefits and harm of seeds for a pregnant woman.

The period of breastfeeding is quite complicated for young mothers, because you need to limit yourself to the fact that until recently you ate for pleasure. Most often, the body requires simple things such as sweets, fruits and seeds. Of course, it will not be news to anyone that sweets and most fruits are strictly forbidden, because such products can harm the baby. But relative to seeds is an open question.

Let's figure out whether it is possible during breastfeeding to pamper yourself with these favorite goodies and what benefits, as well as harm, they can bring the baby to the body.

Is it possible for nursing women to have raw and fried sunflower seeds?

Pregnancy The most crucial moment in the life of every girl and woman. During the bearing of the baby, the expectant mother limits herself in many things that she could afford. Many, out of inexperience or ignorance, believe that by giving birth to some of the restrictions can be ignored, but it is after the birth that the most interesting begins, because the period of breastfeeding ahead is ahead.

Grandmothers, girlfriends and other advisers very often assure the newly made mothers that adhering to a certain diet during feeding the baby is completely not necessary, but such opinions are very mistaken and you should not listen to them.

To begin with, let's talk a little about the beneficial properties of these seeds and try to understand whether they can harm the newborn body.

  • Our favorite treat is a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins that are so necessary for our body for normal functioning.
  • There are a lot of vitamin E in seeds, which provides our skin with beauty and elasticity. Also, this vitamin favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin V. Semyon sunflower is rich in vitamins of this group. This vitamin is also responsible for the condition of the skin, and also provides the normal functioning of our nervous system. The lack of this vitamin in the body can manifest itself with skin diseases and insomnia.
  • Vitamin A, which is also present in the product, has a favorable effect not only on the skin, making it elastic and elastic, but also for vision.
  • Vitamin D, which is also in seeds favorably affects the development of the baby.
  • Such trace elements as fluorine, selenium are very important to our body, and there are more than plenty of them in seeds. In addition to the fact that we need sufficient amount for the normal state of our skin, they play a crucial role for our bones. These trace elements provide bones with strength.
  • Zinc, potassium, magnesium, iodine - these substances are responsible for the general immunity of a person and the performance of our heart. Magnesium and zinc are especially important for women after childbirth, as they accelerate the process of restoring the body depleted by pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Another sunflower seeds are able to improve lactation. That is why sometimes mothers who have problems with breastfeeding, I advise you to include a small amount of this treat in their diet.
  • In addition, the process of eating seeds perfectly soothes the nervous system of a young mother. It is important in this process not to get carried away and not to eat too many seeds, because this is fraught with consequences.
Seeds for pregnant women
Seeds for pregnant women

Now let's figure out what harm the seeds can cause to a newborn body:

  • It is important to know that, despite all the usefulness of this product, sometimes its inclusion in the diet is strictly prohibited. Seeds can provoke an allergy in the child. Therefore, if you have only decided to include seeds in the diet, then begin to eat them in very small portions. It is important to notice any changes in the state of health of the baby. If at least somewhere a rash, pimples or a child began to behave uneasily-stop eating seeds.
  • The abuse of a delicacy can “give” you and your baby a nuisance in the form of constipation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, even if the child reacts to the seeds well, still eat them a little.
  • Seeds can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as colic in a newborn.
  • In addition to these shortcomings, the seeds are very fat and high -calorie product. It only seems that 100 g of seeds, this is not a lot, in fact, it should be remembered that the constant use of this product can contribute to weight gain.
  • Of course, it is important to clarify the moment that only the most common ones can eat seeds, without any additives. For example, salty seeds can give milk a very unpleasant taste, and this is fraught with the fact that the baby will give up the chest.
  • Also, everyone knows that the nuclei of the sunflower, as in principle, and other plants very spoil the teeth. Therefore, it is best to “click” the seeds with hands.
  • Regarding the form in which it is better to eat seeds during breastfeeding - fried or cheese: it is best to eat dried seeds. Dried seeds retain the maximum of useful substances, but in fried seeds of usefulness there are very few.
Sunflower seeds for pregnant women
Sunflower seeds for pregnant women

Here are a few more tips regarding which seeds will be more useful and safer during breastfeeding:

  1. Give preference to fresh seeds. Fresh in the sense of new ones. It is best if the seeds that you eat are collected this season.
  2. Do not buy peeled seeds. Yes, indeed, for some people, peeled nuclei is a great option, since you do not need to waste time cleaning, or you can immediately end in use and have fun. However, you should know that with prolonged contact with air, seeds lose part of their useful properties.
  3. Do not be lazy to wash the seeds before further preparation. Despite the fact that we have repeatedly talked about the need to clean the seeds with our hands, most people still do and will do it with their mouths. So it’s not difficult to guess that there are a huge number of different microbes and bacteria on the peel, which in the process of cleaning the seeds without any problems fall into your body, and then into the baby's body. Do you need it? Of course not.
  4. You can dry the seeds in the oven, while forget to even think about adding oil there. Many people mistakenly think that frying and drying seeds requires oil, but the seeds are fat enough and do not need it.

Is it possible for nursing women to have raw and fried pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are not inferior to the favorite seeds of the sunflower. They are also very useful for our body and contribute to the rapid restoration of a woman after childbirth.

  • Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, oils and carbohydrates. This product also contains a huge number of other equally useful trace elements and vitamins.
  • A huge amount of zinc, which is contained in this delicacy, contributes to the normal development of the baby's body.
  • Despite their calorie content, seeds do not violate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, of course, if we are talking about their moderate use.
  • Pumpkin seeds are the least allergenic. This fact when choosing seeds during breastfeeding is important.
  • It is also worth saying that this delicacy helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the human blood, and also normalizes pressure.
  • Due to the regular use of this product, our bones become more durable and strong.
  • Vitamins, which are part of the seeds, significantly improve human immunity. The body, receiving the required amount of nutrients he needs, becomes less susceptible to various diseases.
  • Pumpkin seeds have antiviral properties. Thanks to some substances that are in their composition, fungal and viral infections are eliminated much faster and more effective.
  • Few people know, but this delicacy is an excellent means of combating worms. Do not be surprised, this is true. The composition of the seeds has a substance called Kukurbitin. This substance can destroy worms, which is why it is recommended to eat this yummy from time to time.
Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy
Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy
  • Pumpkin seeds perfectly strengthen the cardiovascular system. Magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of this system.
  • Fiber, which in the composition of seeds is more than pleasing, normalizes the work of the stomach.
  • Pumpkin seeds help to escape from toxicosis and nausea while driving in transport. So the benefits of this product are noticeable not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy.
  • Now let's talk about the form in which newly made mothers can eat pumpkin seeds. It is definitely worth excluding their use in fried form. After heat treatment, almost all beneficial substances disappear. Therefore, it is best to eat slightly dried white seeds.
  • Remember that excessive use of this product can cause a stomach disorder and this applies not only to you, but also to the baby. It is also worth refraining from the use of seeds if you suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer and obvious overweight.
  • Doctors argue that if during pregnancy the expectant mother ate seeds, then the baby’s body will not be accustomed to such a treat after birth and, accordingly, the seeds should not harm him. But there are always exceptions, so follow the reaction of the baby, after your use of the product.
  • Experts do not prohibit the inclusion of pumpkin seeds in the diet of a nursing mother, because the benefits of them are really enormous. However, it is recommended to eat this product at least a month after childbirth.

Can nursing women have sesame seeds?

Sesame is a useful product, both for a nursing mother and her newborn baby. Based on the fact that sesame seeds are very small, they are most often used as an additive to another food, for example, in salads. This product is not only not prohibited during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, but also necessary. Let's figure out what is so useful in sesame seeds, and how many of them can be used by a nursing woman.

We can safely declare that sesame seeds are not only useful for a young mother and baby, but also necessary, because they contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements that restore the body's strength and provide good immunity. Immediately pay attention to such a substance in the composition of sesame seeds as niacin. You can write not one article about this vitamin, but all because Niacin plays a crucial role in our body:

  1. This substance contributes to the normal operation of the digestive system and takes part in the process of splitting food into fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Niacin significantly lowers blood cholesterol, is able to expand blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
  3. Niacin also improves the condition of the skin, makes it elastic and elastic.
  4. Vitamin has a positive effect on the nervous system of the body, acts as a weak sedative.
Sesame seeds for pregnant women
Sesame seeds for pregnant women

As you can see, the presence of even this vitamin in sesame seeds already makes the seeds extremely useful and necessary not only to an adult organism, but also to a newborn.

  • Calcium, which is also present in seeds, helps restore the health of bones, nails and hair.
  • Copper has a favorable effect on the nervous system and improves the general condition of the body.
  • Also, sesame seeds contain a sufficient amount of zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron and manganese for the human body.
  • The presence of vitamins A, B, C, D and PP in sesame seeds cannot but rejoice. Vitamin A helps to improve visual function and skin. Vitamin B is responsible for healthy skin, hair, nervous system. Vitamin C is known for improving human immunity. Vitamin D needs our body for normal absorption of phosphorus and calcium. And vitamin PP is responsible for the working heart and blood vessels.
  • The oil, which is released from the sesame seed, favorably affects the hormonal background of the young mother and strengthens its nervous system, as well as the baby's nervous system.

So, the question of whether it is possible for a woman who breastfeeding, eating sesame seeds is probably exhausted. Sesamens not only is not forbidden to use when breastfeeding, it is even recommended to use it. And now a few tips on how best to introduce this product into your diet:

  1. You need to start eating seeds in a small amount. Initially limit yourself to half a teaspoon. Eat the seeds in the morning so that during the day you have the opportunity to observe the reaction of both your body and the body of the child.
  2. Turn on the food in the diet in series. No need to experiment and try to eat several new types of food at once. The baby’s body can react extremely negatively.
  3. If after the first consumption of sesame seeds the reaction of the child is normal, nothing bothers him, and there are no changes, then you can safely continue to eat this product.
  4. Eat the sesame seeds in the same amount about 1 time in 2 days. After 2-3 weeks, you can start eating seeds every day in the same amount or increase it to 1 tsp.
  5. Eating seeds, do not rush to swallow them. Remember, all the beneficial substances are in the seed, so chew the product thoroughly.

It is important that you understand that an allergic reaction in a baby may even occur to such a useful product. Therefore, carefully monitor the well -being of the child after you begin to use sesame seeds and in the case of any negative changes in the behavior of the newborn, immediately stop taking the product.

Can nursing women have Kozinaki?

Despite the fact that the Kozinaki, as a rule, consist of various seeds, they are still sweet, and this should cause increased attention and guardianship in a nursing mother.

  • We will immediately say that it is recommended to add such a product to your diet at least 3 months after childbirth and no earlier. From this it is worth pushing all young nursing mothers.
  • Indeed, all the components that make up the Kozinaks themselves are very useful. These are different seeds, and nuts, and honey. However, for the child's body, such a combination of products can be harmful.
  • Please note that it is honey and peanuts that are the greatest harm, because these two products are very strong allergens.
Kozinaki for pregnant women
Kozinaki for pregnant women

If you really want to pamper yourself with this delicacy, then we recommend that you adhere to the following tips:

  1. Give preference to Kozinaks with sesame seeds. This type of goodies is the most safe for the baby. You already know about the beneficial properties of sesame grains, so you yourself can analyze this advice.
  2. It is also not bad if the combs of sweets have walnuts. Nuts perfectly affect the functioning of the heart and nervous system. However, we again draws your attention to the fact that such products need to be extremely neat and in adequate quantities.
  3. Only starting to introduce a treat into your diet, do it very gradually. To get started, eat a very small piece and watch how the baby will react.
  4. Do not buy Kozinaki with a hazelnut, peanuts and almonds, as they can cause allergies in the baby.
  5. Even if your child normally suffered this innovation should not be abused. It is enough to eat 50-70 g of Kozinak per day, and a weekly dose should not exceed 150-200 g.

Is it possible to eat raw and fried sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds, Kozinaki nursing mom in the first month with breastfeeding?

In the first month of his life, the baby is most vulnerable, his body is not quite accustomed to new conditions of existence and therefore it is better to postpone experiments with food during this period.

  • First, pay attention to a very important point that we have already mentioned earlier. If during pregnancy you eat various seeds, then a month after childbirth you can again include them in your diet. At the same time, of course, follow the behavior of the baby. But if the body did not receive such food at the time of bearing a child, then it is not necessary to experiment, it is better to postpone it for at least 3 months.
  • About Kozinaki, as we had already said, it is worth forgetting for at least 2.5-3 months. You should not take risks here.
  • The advantage over all other seeds have sesame seeds. Perhaps it is worth starting with them.
  • If you still decide to include this or that product in your diet, then do it reasonably. Eat quite a bit and in the morning to track the baby's reaction during the day.
  • Take small breaks of 2-3 days between your “experiments” to understand for sure whether you can eat this product or not.
  • Even if the children's body normally reacts to new products, do not abuse them, because what is not in moderation is always bad.

Breastfeeding is always a very important and rather difficult period in the life of any mother, because at this time a nursing woman limits herself in almost any food that she had previously eaten in the desired quantities.

Seeds are a favorite delicacy of most people, probably this is why the question of whether it is possible to eat them with a nursing mother is very relevant. Today's information will help all young mothers prevent mistakes in breastfeeding and thereby maintain the baby's health. Standing the choice-to eat something or not, first of all, guide the interests of the child, because his health is the most important thing in your life.

Video: Is it possible to pregnant seeds?

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