Motilium: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of admission. Motilium - at what age can children be given, how to apply with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, regurgitation, from heartburn?

Motilium: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of admission. Motilium - at what age can children be given, how to apply with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, regurgitation, from heartburn?

The use of motilium.

Motilium is an effective drug that helps with various gastrointestinal diseases, stimulating intestinal motility.

This drug has a pronounced antiemetic and antispasmodic effect. This makes it possible to reduce pain in the abdomen. You can learn more about positive and negative influences from our material.

What does Motilium help from and what is its composition, active substance?

Motilium, where the main active substance is the domerion, is used as an anti -rate medicine and a stimulator of the functionality of the housing and communal services. The peculiarity of this drug It consists in the following - in it reduced bioavailability. Motilium increases the peristalsis of the stomach, cleanses it of food residues, has a positive effect on the performance of the Sphinx of the esophagus.

As a rule, this medicine is often taken by those patients who complain about the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the components that make up the motielium increase the concentration of prolactin, which is in the blood.

The drug itself consists of:

  • Domperidon
  • Gelatin
  • Cellulose
  • Aspartam
  • Water
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Sorbitol

In addition, the remedy also contains a flavor of mint, which is needed in order to improve the taste indicators of the product.


If we talk about the pharmacological qualities of the medicine, then it is worth highlighting the most pronounced:

  • Thanks to the drug, the performance of the peristaltic indications of the DPP (duodenum) and stomach accelerate the performance
  • The medicine removes food from the stomach and DPP faster. Food after the medicine does not linger for a long time in the stomach, plus does not irritate the walls of the stomach
  • Accelerating food from the stomach is accelerated. As a result, it is removed faster, digested, without forming rot and fermentation

Motilium: output form, indications for use, how long does it start to act?

Today, pharmacology offers this medicine in such types:

  • In the form of tablets that are covered with a light shell
  • In the form of resorption tablets
  • In the form of a suspension
The use of motilium
The use of motilium

Motilium is prescribed in the following cases:

  • During the dyspeptic phenomenon occurring in the gastrointestinal reflux. As a result of which the emptying of the stomach slows down and esophagitis occurs.
  • With nausea and vomiting that appear during Parkinson's disease.
  • With nausea and vomiting, which can have an infectious, organic and functional nature.
  • With nausea and vomiting that appear after a violation of a particular diet, radiotherapy and treatment with other drugs.
  • During cyclic vomiting, spraying syndrome and other changes that are associated with stomach motor.

As the reviews of people who have already taken this medicine showed, it begins to act differently. The medicine helps someone on the first day of administration, while others feel relief after several days. It all depends on the disease itself and its intensity.

Motilium - at what age can you give children?

Motilium has a strong antiemetic effect. Often the drug is taken to normalize the digestive tract of the child. Since you can buy several types of release of this medicine in a pharmacy, you can choose the best option for your own child.

So, for example, the tablets of this drug are prescribed for those children who are already 5 years old and its weight is more than 35 kg. The tablets that need to be absorbed are more suitable for adult patients, and, as a rule, a suspension for children whose age is less than 5 years old is used in pediatrics. And it’s not strange, since the baby with great pleasure will drink a syrup than a nasty tablet.

Motilium - suspension, syrup, resorption tablets: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for newborn, infants and children older than a year with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, spitting

If you adhere to the instructions correctly, the duration and dosage of the course of treatment for the baby will depend on some factors:

  • From what form the drug is released in exactly the form
  • From the age of the child
  • From the problem that parents want to solve, giving the baby Motilium

In any individual case, there are own features of the use of the medicine. They must be taken into account in order to achieve the best efficiency.

Syrup to children
Syrup to children

Particular attention should be distinguished by the frequency of use and dosage of the medicine.

  • Suspension. The dosage of the motilium for the baby is calculated in this ratio - for 10 kg of children's weight you need to take 2.5 mg of the suspension. The medicine is allowed to give children from the 1st month of life, 3 times a day.
  • Tablets. It is allowed to drink the child 1 tablet before bedtime. Children whose age is more than 12 years old, during belching and heartburn, the dosage is such - 1 tablet 3 times a day. In the absence of a positive effect, the doctors recommend increasing the dose, giving it 2 tablets at a time. During chronic nausea and during vomiting, the dosage is as follows: children from 5 to 12 years old can drink 1 tablet 4 times a day. The norm per day should be a maximum of 80 mg (8 tablets).

Motilium - suspension, syrup, resorption tablets: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for adults with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea


  • Those tablets that need to be absorbed are taken throughout the day or before bedtime. The tablets with the shells are swallowed, not cooled and not chewed. They are washed down with ordinary water (1 \\ 2 tbsp).
  • A tablet for resorption is placed on the tongue. You need to wait a bit so that the tablet breaks into small particles. Then the forming particles swallow. If necessary, they are washed down with water. But if at this moment the water is absent, then such a tablet does not drink after decay.
  • A tablet with a shell gets from a blister. At the same time, there are no special precautions. But with those pills that are absorbed, you need to be extremely careful, since they are very fragile.
  • So that such a tablet does not break and crumble, it is advisable to cut the packaging with scissors and pull the tablet out of its cell.
  • In order to eliminate belching, heartburn and other similar problems, doctors advise adults to take 2 capsules, 3 times. During nausea and vomiting, the dosage is this: 2 capsules, 4 times a day.


  • As a rule, doctors prescribe a suspension only to small children
  • But adults can also drink this medicine. The dosage in this case is as follows: 20 ml of motiel 4 times a day
  • The largest dose that is acceptable to adults is 80 ml of the drug

Motilium - suspension, syrup, resorption tablets: abstract, instructions for use and dosage during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the drug is taken only when there is no risk of harm to the fetus itself. Only the attending physician of the pregnant woman can prescribe a dosage. During breastfeeding, the drug is strictly prohibited.

How to take Motilium to adults and children: before meals or after eating?

Mothylium contains an active ingredient - domperidon. He relieves the feeling of overcrowding of the stomach, as a result of which heartburn and belching disappears. Since all the symptoms present are reduced after eating, then it is advisable to drink the medicine before meals. If it comes to pills, then this should be done in 15 minutes. before meals. During this time, the medicine will have time to have a positive effect.

You need to take the drug before meals
You need to take the drug before meals

The presence of food in the stomach lowers the adsorption of the product. As a result, the therapeutic effect decreases. Therefore, drinking motilium after eating is simply irrational. The drug is perfectly absorbed only on an empty stomach.

How to take motilium from heartburn?

A burning sensation in the chest is familiar to almost all people. Many heartburn may appear after the use of certain products. An unpleasant burning sensation is a process that occurs after the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. There can be a lot of reasons for this condition:

  • Excess weight
  • Stress regular conditions
  • The abuse of alcohol
  • Disturbed diet and so on

It does not matter for what reason heartburn occurred. Motilium will always come to the rescue. In order to forever get rid of a burning sensation, there is little one drug. It is also necessary to normalize your own nutrition, to forget about bad habits forever.

Motilium: the duration of the course, admission

  • Motilium is taken only before meals. The product is washed down with water (approximately 80 ml). The diagram of the use of the medicine for all (except for small children) is the same: 1 tablet, 3 times.
  • The latter must be drunk in the evening before you go to bed. The duration of the course of treatment is not yet normalized the state of a person.

Treatment with tablets:

Motilium in absorbent tablets is taken before meals, putting the product on the tongue. The recommended duration of the course is 1 week. You can drink 3 tablets per day. The dosage is always the same, the reception time too:

  • 1 prem - in the morning
  • 2 reception - in lunch
  • 3 reception - before bedtime
Reception of motilium
Reception of motilium

If the symptoms are severely expressed, then the dosage is advised to increase. However, this should be done by visiting the attending physician and consulting with him. It is impossible to increase the dose itself, especially for children, since this can cause serious complications. The longest period of taking the medicine is 4 weeks. After this period passes, Motilium cannot be taken.

Motilium and alcohol: compatibility

The mechanism of exposure to the motilium is based on the following - the drug blocks dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter with which nerve impulses pass to the nerve cells. Due to this process, the stomach and the gag, located in the medulla oblongata, cease to be connected. This is the reason due to which nausea and vomiting disappears.

At the same time, the tone and functionality of the smooth muscles that are in the upper gastrointestinal tract increases. The tone of the lower sphincter in the esophagus also rises, which also stops vomiting.

Important: alcoholic drinks block the effects of dopamine components, and therefore the positive effect of the motilium. Consequently, taking alcohol will lead to the following - the use of the motilium will be simply useless.

For example, during an overdose of an alcohol drink in a normal person with good health, who practically does not drink, vomiting occurs - the protective function of the body, which removes various poisons from the body. It is impossible to remove such vomiting by drinking Motilium.

Motilium or Espumisan, Domperidon, Motilak: what's the difference, which is better?

Medicines such as Espumisan, Domperidone and Motilak are recommended to be used during intestinal bloating, nausea, vomiting, hiccles of different origin, postoperative decrease in the tone of the stomach walls, as well as intestines.

  • As for the motilium, this medicine is complex. It contributes to the emptying of the stomach, positively affects gastroesophageal reflux, eliminates esophagiton (sensation of a crowded epigastrics, a sense of bloating and overflow of the stomach, pain at the abdomen).
  • It also easily copes with belching, flatulence, heartburn, plus takes the contents of the stomach.
Which drug to choose?
Which drug to choose?

Each drug, expensive or inexpensive, which were described above, has its own contraindications. Therefore, each drug acts individually. And which of these drugs is better, can only say a person who has already used them.

How can you replace motilium: analogues

The functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is the main basis of the human body. When there are any violations, it is very important that helping to health is good. Choosing drugs for treatment so as not to spend a lot of money, you can not buy those drugs that are cheap. Saving on their own health, as a rule, exacerbates the disease.

But you should not chase very expensive products, since they do not always turn out to be effective. It is important to competently find the balance between the price and the quality of the drugs. Motilium is considered the most effective medication today. But this medicine is the opportunity to replace with another tool that is cheaper.


  • The medicine helps during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves heaviness in the stomach, bloating. He also eliminates nausea, vomiting, awakens appetite.
  • The medicine can not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not recommended for children under 16 years of age and those people who have a strong sensitivity.
Analogs of the drug to normalize the digestive tract
Analogs of the drug to normalize the digestive tract


  • Helps with nausea, heartburn, bloating. Improves intestinal performance, normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is also advised to take if the body has a strongly high level of cholesterol and after surgery.
  • The medicine is forbidden to drink with internal bleeding, during pregnancy, breastfeeding. You can also read about other contraindications in detailed instructions.


  • A great drug that helps during many deviations that are associated with the digestive tract. It is considered one of the powerful means, but also has contraindications.
  • For example, it cannot be consumed during renal failure, pregnancy, alzheimer syndrome.

Motilium: contraindications, side effects

Tablets and suspension can cause some side effects. There are some contraindications. We will describe them a little more.

Side effects:

  • Urinary system. Sometimes, after using this medicine, a delay in urination, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen may occur.
  • Mental disorders. During the intake of motilium, nervousness rarely arise, sleep disappears. Often such actions arise in children, which are younger than 1 year.
  • Stress. U after taking, extrapyramidal symptoms rarely develop, as a result of which the release of some hormones in the thyroid gland increases. This deviation appears in small children.
  • Immunity. Everything is individual here. Often the medicine is not able to cause a negative effect on immunity, but there were cases when anaphylactic shock appeared.
  • Skin covering. Taking the medicine temporarily affects the state of the epidermis. For example, swelling and urticaria occur.
There are contraindications for the drug
There are contraindications for the drug


The drug Motilium is strictly forbidden to take if bleeding in the digestive tract is present, during perforation or intolerance of some components, with obstruction, if there is a danger of stimulating the motor functioning of the stomach. It is not yet allowed to drink the medicine, if there is prolactin - a secondary pituitary tumor. Doctors are not advised to drink during high sensitivity.

What is the shelf life of the motilium after the autopsy?

The duration of the efficiency of tablets and suspension is significantly different:

  • Tablets that are accepted internally are stored for 3 years
  • Tablets that need to be absorbed are stored for 2 years

It is important: it is important to remember - if the expiration date of the drug is over, it cannot be taken. The drug is stored in a cool place. The maximum storage temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.

Motilium: reviews of doctors, Komarovsky

Reviews of doctors, which relate directly to the motilium, as a rule, are only positive.

Valeria Antonovna:

“I advise all patients to use this medicine. The drug is relatively inexpensive, it can be bought at any pharmacy. It can be drunk after eating fatty foods, as it improves digestion. People very often ask me about this medicine. I describe them what components are included in it, how it acts, how to accept it. Motilium has almost no contraindications, only individual ones can be present. All my patients, the medicine helped 100%. It can be taken with you on the road, as the tablets are placed in special records. I also drink them sometimes and are very pleased. It helps to remove bloating, neutralizes unpleasant feelings in the stomach. ”

Victoria Andreevna:

“Very often they recommend to their own patients when, after eating improper and severe food, they feel discomfort. For the perfect result, I recommend taking 4 capsules: 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening. The drug is able to remove toxins and toxins. He also eliminates flatulence. I would like to note that the composition of this product is very good. It does not have a negative effect on the body. I drink these pills myself when they eat sweet and spicy dishes. The most basic here is to drink a capsule in time. I like the drug, I approve of it. "

Sergey Ivanovich:

“Every person loves to eat. Moreover, we eat, as a rule, not always useful food. As a result, problems associated with the intestines often appear. I like this drug, and I recommend it because it can be drunk in various situations. For example, it helps great during belching, nausea and vomiting. I give a suspension to my children. They drink it with pleasure, but they refuse pills. My review is unequivocal - I advise everyone. ”

Dr. Komarovsky has repeatedly talked about this drug. At various forums, he even recommended that young mothers give a suspension of Motilium to the kids. Many young parents who have already given the children this drug spoke only positively about it. They thanked Komarovsky for their help, spoke only warm words in his direction.

If this problem touches you, do not be afraid. Take this medicine, but before that it is better to consult your doctor.

Video: gastritis, heartburn, ulcer. How is it necessary and how not to treat the stomach?

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