Mosquito and mosquito: Differences - how to distinguish a mosquito from a mosquito in appearance, habitat, and reproduction features?

Mosquito and mosquito: Differences - how to distinguish a mosquito from a mosquito in appearance, habitat, and reproduction features?

How to distinguish a mosquito from a mosquito?

Mosquito and mosquitoes differ significantly from each other in appearance. These insects are blood -sucking parasites that feed on blood. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish a mosquito from a mosquito.

Mosquito and mosquito: differences in the structure and appearance

Many of us are used to thinking that a mosquito is a huge insect with a long nose, in fact it is not entirely true.


  • The length of the mosquito body is only 3 mm. That is, it is very tiny. In this case, the body length of the mosquito can reach 1 centimeter.
  • For differences, you need to pay attention to the wings. They stick out at the mosquito, and are located approximately at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The mosquito, in turn, lies on the body almost parallel to him.
  • To determine, you can also look at the color of the abdomen. In a mosquito, it can be white and even golden. The usual mosquito has a brown or greenish tint body. Intersperses of gray can be observed.
  • That mosquitoes, that mosquitoes are biting quite painfully, but the bite technique is slightly different. The fact is that the mosquito has a special substance in saliva, which cuts blood, making it more fluid.
  • Accordingly, after the bite of the mosquito, redness is observed, as well as a swollen speck. Very often, bites are confused with allergies or midges. The defeat is very similar to a button after a manti vaccination. And after a mosquito bite, just a red point is observed if there is no allergic reaction.

Mosquito and mosquito: Differences in the habitat

There are huge differences in the environment of insects. The fact is that mosquitoes can be found in almost all regions of the globe, except for the extreme points of the Northern and Southern ball. At the same time, mosquitoes love a warm, humid climate. Therefore, they prefer tropical forests, often they can be found in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, or in the Krasnodar Territory.

After the mosquito drinks a little blood, its almost colorless abdomen is painted in brown or reddish color. This is due to the transparency of his abdomen, which acquires the color of the blood after the mosquito drinks a little food.

Features of the propagation of mosquitoes and mosquitoes

The habitat is distinguished, as well as the places in which insects prefer to grow their offspring.


  • Usually mosquitoes for laying eggs choose some kind of standing ponds or swamps. For them, it is necessary that everything is wet around, while the water is not running, but covered with moss or some small algae. It is in such places that the mosquito lays his eggs.
  • Over time, the larva grows up, turns into a doll, and then a sexually mature individual comes out. At the same time, after the mosquito leaves his shelter, he can settle far from the area with reservoirs.
  • The mosquito female lays her eggs not in reservoirs at all, but in places where there are many organic residues. That is, most often mosquitoes can be found on landfills. Mosquito larvae were found in heaps with manure or near farms with cows or pigs.
  • Mostly female mosquitoes and mosquitoes feed on blood. Males use only plant nectar. Mosquitoes need blood only to normally lay eggs and grow offspring. Most often, mosquitoes can be found on farms with animals.
  • They can be contained there in a huge amount, since there is no need to stay in a wet place for reproduction. Thus, mosquitoes can put on the body of the animal and not let it live calmly. There were cases of the death of the animal due to the invasion of mosquitoes.
  • The fact is that mosquitoes are small and in large quantities they can clog into the nose and ears, as well as the animal's mouth. The most interesting thing is that the female mosquito can bite in the daytime or in the evening. The mosquito female flies out to hunt only after sunset.

The main difference between mosquito and mosquitoes is noiselessness. That is, the mosquito female flying to her victim does not make any squeaks. That is why they were called that. Translated mosquito means "biting silently." As you can see, there are a huge number of differences between the mosquito and the mosquito, despite the fact that both insects are blood -sucking parasites.

Mosquito and mosquito bites
Mosquito and mosquito bites

For a female and a male, blood is not a vital necessity. Blood is needed only if the female hatches eggs. Without blood, they simply do not develop, and do not grow. Thus, the female becomes not capable of laying eggs.

Video: differences of mosquito and mosquito

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the detailed article. Now I will distinguish them) But I recommend that mosquito bites be treated with azudol. Not so long ago, I started buying this tool and is very pleased with how it treats bites and eliminates itching.

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