Coins Aliexpress: How to make money? How to exchange coins for coupons in Aliexpress?

Coins Aliexpress: How to make money? How to exchange coins for coupons in Aliexpress?

Receiving and exchange of coins in Aliexpress.

In this article you will learn how to earn and use coins on Aliexpress. But first, let's still decide what kind of coins are these.

What is Aliexpress coins and how to become their owner?

Coins from the platform Aliexpress - This is peculiar virtual currency. These coins do not have physical shape, so it is impossible to withdraw from the site page as ordinary money, for example, in Yuan, American dollars and Russian rubles.

Also coins from Aliexpress It can be used in order to get some advantages during the purchase on the site. The emission of these coins obey only the rules of the site and its algorithms. It is connected only with the virtual world and does not go beyond it.

Coins Aliexpress
Coins Aliexpress

At the same time, coins have certain restrictions. Site customers Aliexpress It is not allowed to exchange coins between each other and give them to someone.
If the site were not a trading enterprise, but something completely different, the coins would be called completely different, for example, bonuses, or prize glasses.

Mobile app
Mobile app

Coins from Aliexpressthat exist in a mobile application - the main fetish of shares and sales. These coins are also considered ideal tools that can significantly save on the purchase of goods on ordinary days.

Their distinctive feature is that during all kinds of sales they pour the river, respectively, they can be obtained as much as you like. But after the sales end, they are given in a limited quantity.

How to win and get coins for Aliexpress?

Get unique coins from the platform Aliexpress In ordinary times, you can only two methods:

  • How Daily bonusif you open a mobile application.
  • As a prize, if you take part in the prize tour "Guess the map" ("Lottery of good luck").

Consider each method in more detail. In those days when all kinds of sales are not held, there is only one method that is guaranteed to bring you coins from Aliexpress.

You must enter the platform mobile application every day, open "Mobile bonuses"and then press the image of the coin.

Mobile bonuses
Mobile bonuses

You must do this every day, since the number of prize coins depends on how many days you use the application. If you miss at least one day, then the calculation of coins will begin at first.

New day on the platform Aliexpress begins in 9 am. Remember this important point. We offer you to study the main rules of the daily bonus:

  • You can get unique coins once a day if you click on "get coins".
  • If you want to get a lot of coins, you should go every day, for example: the first day - one coin, the second day - five coins, three days - eight coins, four days - ten coins and so on. If you do not miss a single day, then on the eighth day you will receive sixteen coins.
  • Entering a mobile application daily for a month you will receive four hundred and thirty -three coins.
  • The second method of obtaining unique coins from Aliexpress - You must take part in the prize tour: "Guess the map."
  • This game was added to the mobile application recently. You can get coins through this game only through the application, and you can exchange them only through it.

The meaning of this action and its main rules is as follows:

  • Each tour will cost you five coins. If you leave the game and do not complete it, then you will lose the achievements and those five coins that spent on it.
  • During the gameplay, you have the right to turn only a couple of cards in one tour. At the same time, playing cards cannot match.
  • You can open the game and participate in it no more than ten times a day.
  • But the most important rule of this action is that your mobile device has the latest version of the application from the platform Aliexpress.
Guess the card
Guess the card

The benefits of Aliexpress coins

Most importantly, all coins from Aliexpress In the future, you can change to coupons with discounts that exchange in stores for a variety of goods.
The process of exchange of coins for coupons will not take you much time and effort. Just go every day and get them.

Coins Aliexpress
Coins Aliexpress

This action has an attractive and very interesting design. If you have at least five coins on your account, you can use them, for example, in a game with playing cards.

This new product is quite convenient to use. Download the application to your mobile device (mobile phone, tablet) and take the coins in any place convenient for you, whether it be a vehicle or an office.

How to exchange coins for coupons in Aliexpress?

Change coins on the platform Aliexpress On special coupons, you can do the same where the "Mobile Bonuses" section is located. If you are interested in the question of how many coins you can change, then you should know that their number is limited.

It is advisable to pick up the coveted coupon in the first minutes of the new hour, since the quotas, which are updated at the beginning of the hour, understand very quickly. If you suddenly see such an inscription: "Inaccessible", then the coupons have already been dismantled.

The main rules for the exchange of coins for coupons are the following:

  • Every time you get coupons, coins will be calculated from your total.
  • You can exchange coins for coupons after you gain the required number of coins.
  • You can change the aliexpress coins only to coupons that are valid in the mobile application.
  • You can use all received coupons for one week, after their calculation.

If you decide to change the coupons, you should also know about exactly what discounts they provide:

  • A coupon that provides a discount of one dollar can be changed for goods, the price of which is at least ten dollars.
  • A coupon that provides a discount of three dollars can be changed for goods, the price of which is at least twenty -five dollars.
  • A coupon that provides a discount of eight dollars can be changed for goods, the price of which is at least fifty -nine dollars.

Exchange of coins for goods Aliexpress

Here came the wonderful day when a lot of coins gathered on your account. You may have already looked at something on the Aliexpress website, and you can’t wait to find out how to exchange coins for a particular product. You can use coins as virtual money. True itself Aliexpress Does not consider such a purchase as a purchase.

But what does the exchange of coins for goods from the platform mean AliexpressHow not a purchase? The best and profitable goods at affordable prices are the most advanced users disassemble literally in the first minutes after they were laid out on the site. But despite this, you can also find something interesting and very profitable for yourself.
The main rules for the exchange of coins for the goods are as follows:

  • After you make an order, coins from your account will be written off.
  • To change the coins for goods, you still need to pay one center.
  • You can only change any product.
  • Accordingly, be always attentive, and never miss your chance.

If you decide to cancel your own order, or pay for the selected product not timely, then you will lose the coins

Coin exchange for goods
Coin exchange for goods

After you make an order, you must tell the seller the parameters of the goods: the desired shade, size and other characteristics.

Video: How to make coins on Aliexpress?

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