Prayer to the Angel Guardian for every day, very strong, for help, for all occasions

Prayer to the Angel Guardian for every day, very strong, for help, for all occasions

Perhaps every believer knows that he has an angel-guardian who protects and supports him in difficult times. That is why, when for some reason it becomes hard for us, we ask him for help.

As you know, prayer coming from the soul and heart can help in any situation, so today we will share with you the texts of the most effective appeals to the Higher Forces.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day

  • Start a new day with prayer is very correct. Thus, in the morning you will be charged with strength and health.
  • Correct words of prayer to the Guardian to the Guardian will help to make contact with the angel sent to you by God.
The text of the prayer
For pronouncing

Prayers to the Guardian to the days of the week

  • If you pray daily, try to learn prayers to the guardian angel for every day.
  • If you can’t learn them, just read from the leaf.
Monday and Tuesday
Monday and Tuesday
From Wednesday to Friday
From Wednesday to Friday
The weekend prayer

The prayer of the guardian angel is very strong

  • If you are in trouble or you have a bad foreboding, be sure to read this prayer to the guardian angel.
  • It has the strongest energy, helps to calm down, take control of the situation, make the right decision and get rid of bad thoughts and the same mood.
Strong words
Strong words

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for help

  • If you are in a nasty position, if something is very oppressing you, or you are in a serious danger, call your faithful defender.
  • After reading Strong prayer to the guardian angel for help, you will feel God's presence and help your angel.
About help
About help

Prayer to the Guardian Angel on Birthday       

  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel on Birthday is read only once a year-on the day of appearance in this world.
  • The prayer on such a day has a special force, despite the fact that in Christ we are born not at the moment of physical come to this land, but at the time of the sacrament of baptism.
Prayer on birthday
On your personal day

Gratitude prayer to the guardian angel, for all occasions

  • There are prayers to the guardian angel, with which we ask for help and support, but there are those that we thank for everything that the highest forces give us.
  • It is very important to be able to not only asking for, but also to thank. Militia-adolescence is a very important element of communication with his angel, because hearing such words, he will understand that you need him and are grateful to him for all his efforts.
The prayer of Angel-Guardian is morning, at night
Morning, at night
  • Not many of us know prayers for each individual case, however, this is not scary. There is a prayer that is suitable for all occasions.
  • It is advisable to learn and read it if necessary from memory.
For all occasions
For all occasions

Short prayer to the guardian angel

  • Not only long prayers to the guardian angel have great power. For many cases, a short prayer is suitable for the guardian angel.
  • It can be learned by heart and read under any circumstances: when you scary, it hurts when you are sick or in sorrow.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for Health

  • Most often, we ask us to give us strength and health in God and the guardian angel, because it is health that is the main thing in our lives.
  • If you are sick, tired, you feel that the forces are leaving you or are just starting to get sick, take a prayer for health to your keeper.
  • Such a prayer to the guardian angel will help you accumulate all your strength and will contribute to the speedy recovery.
For good health
For good health

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for Children

  • Children are the most important and most importantly in our lives, it is for them that we always experience the most. The prayer of the guardian angel for children is very effective, it is often used as a talisman.
  • You can read such a prayer every time you feel anxiety about your children or just daily so that your defender is protecting them and them.
  • It is best to read such a prayer over the child, you can do this at that time while the baby is sleeping.
About children

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for luck, to fulfill desires

  • You can not only ask for a guardian angel health, strength and well -being, It can also be asked for luck. This applies to successful transactions, and good luck in the affairs of love, financial, etc. Prayer for good luck will help you gain Fortune in various matters.
  • It is desirable not only pray to the guardian angel In order to get luck, but also to visit the temple, the church regularly - this will be much faster.
You will be successful
You will be successful
  • If you have a cherished desire, but it does not come true, it is worth asking for help from your guardian angel. In his power to help you, to carry out what you want.
  • However, it is worth remembering that not everything depends on our assistant - you will have to do a lot yourself, and do not ask for the unreal, because in this case he will not help you.
Magic words
Magic words

Prayer to the Guardian Angel "Holy Angel"

  • This prayer to the guardian angel can be read at any time of the day, under any circumstances.
  • It is very strong, effective and universal, so it can be read for protection, and for calm, and for recovery, etc. w.
Read if necessary
Read if necessary

Prayer to the guardian angel from damage  

  • Unfortunately, we are not always surrounded by kind and decent people. Envy, anger and hatred are feelings that many of our ill-wishers experience, however, some of them are not limited to these feelings and resort to black magic, witchcraft, etc. Prayer to the guardian angel from damage will help you get rid of all the negativity that is on You were brought together and protect yourself from dark forces.
Will help with any need
Will help if there is damage

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for Trade      

  • Problems are not only with health, relationships, etc., they are also related to work. If your work is connected with trade, you have started difficult period, there are no buyers, there are competitors who do not allow you to work normally, serious financial problems arose related to work, Turn to your guardian angel for help.
  • Prayer to the guardian angel for trading will help you solve all difficulties and problems in the near future, establish the workflow, etc.
For trade
For trade

Prayer to the Guardian to the Guardian from trouble

  • Unfortunately, different things can happen in our life. Blacks can concern our personal life, work, financial condition, health.
  • From any adversity will help to protect yourself prayer to the Guardian to the Guardian from trouble.
Protective prayer
Protective prayer

Prayer before the operation of the Guardian Angel      

  • Operation is an unpredictable process, therefore, before any operation, almost every person experiences fear and experiences.
  • But since our keeper is always with us, before the operation you just need to ask him about the successful outcome of the intervention and everything will be fine. Read the next prayer to the guardian angel.
In hospital
In hospital

Prayer to the Guardian to the Guardian for marriage, for love

  • Not all girls are lucky and not everyone in the age of 20-30 get married. There can be many reasons for this, and the solution to the problem is one.
  • To quickly meet your narrowed, if he is not yet, to find the love of his life and go down the aisle, contact A prayer for the guardian angel.
For girls and women
For girls and women
  • The following words are suitable as those people who have not yet met their lover and have not known such a wonderful feeling both love and those who have already found their love and want to preserve it.
  • They can read such a prayer Both women and men. If you sincerely ask for your angel for help, soon you will gain your second half, keep existing feelings, etc.
For love
For love

Aquarius Angel Guardian: Prayer

  • Aquarius Angel Guardian Angel to all who were born under the sign of the zodiac lion.
  • This angel contributes to the spiritual development of his wards, it helps them find a common language with others, control their emotions and actions, teaches them to be self -critical, not arrogant and fair.
For lions
For lions

Prayer to the Guardian Angel Cadmiil, Barleyil,


  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel Cadmiil Suitable for everyone who was born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin.
  • This angel protects the virgin, helps them to decide on a life purpose, gives strength to realize the planes.
Prayer for Virgin
Prayer for Virgin
  • Barchiel protects people who were born under the sign of the zodiac Libra.
  • He gives people born under this zodiac sign, inner strength, the ability to compass and help other people.
Guardian Angel Barchil prayer, photo
Magic for Libra
  • The following words must be read by all born under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. This angel helps Aquarius correctly To build relationships with surrounding people, and also gives them the ability to “communicate” with nature.
  • Cathyl also helps Aquarius in scientific activity and work.
Prayer for Aquarius
Prayer for Aquarius

Prayer to the Guardian Angel Mikhail Archangel

  • All comers can read this strongest prayer, regardless of the behalf of this at baptism, life circumstances.
  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel Mikhail Archangel will help you to maintain your health, live in peace and harmony with people around you, to overcome any difficulties.
For health and harmony
For health and harmony

Prayer to the Guardian Angel Nicholas the Wonderworker

  • The miracle worker is very often turned to Nikolai for help, as they know that he can fulfill the most cherished desire.
  • It is possible to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker not only for fulfilling his desire, but also for good luck, in order to feel confidence, support, strengthen your spirit and strength. Prayer to the guardian to the guardian Nikolai Wonderworker:
Powerful support
Powerful support

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for relatives

  • What could be more important than the health and well -being of relatives and friends? Most likely nothing. That is why we so often read prayers to the Guardian to our relatives.
  • This prayer for relatives is very strong, it is ashchi, all loved ones from troubles, diseases, the evil eye and all the evil.
Ask for loved ones
Ask for loved ones

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from evil people

  • Perhaps, surrounded by every person will be evil people with evil languages, which very often envy, take conflicts, wish evil and lead to damage, evil eyes.
  • To protect against this is suitable Prayer to the guardian angel from evil people. She helps to get rid from evil languages, curses, diseases, immersed evil people.
From human anger
From human anger

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for forgiveness

  • If you have sinned, did something wrong, offended someone with your own words or actions, including your guardian angel, you can and should ask him for forgiveness for your actions and words.
  • Prayer to the guardian angel for forgiveness will help to do this.
  • However, you must understand that one reading of prayer is not enough, you need you to ensure that you they sincerely repented of the deed and never did this again.
It is important to sincerely repent
It is important to sincerely repent

Prayer to the guardian angel on the road

  • Prayer to the guardian angel on the road can be read both before the road and directly on the road. You can read such a prayer both for yourself and for your relatives.
  • Prayer to the guardian angel on the road he will protect you from accidents, difficulties on the road and dangerous situations, thieves and deceivers, excessive attention from law enforcement agencies.
Everyone who goes on the road
Everyone who goes on the road

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from delivering credit debts    

  • Do you work, but can not pay credit debts? Even in this situation you can handle a prayer to his guardian angel, However, you must understand that your defender will not be able to pay debts for you - he is only will give you strength and opportunities to get rid of credit debtsFurther, the matter is you.
We get rid of debts
We get rid of debts

Prayer to the guardian angel for the deceased

  • Prayer to the guardian of the deceased is read in order to rest the soul of a departed man, To ask God and the keeper of this person to give the deceased the best to take into account in the next life.
For the deceased
For the deceased

Prayers to the Guardian angel: reviews

  • Antonina 30 years: “She always prayed only to the Lord God, however, having read that the Guardian to the Guardian to the Guardian was no less effective and important, he began to pray to him. Since then, I constantly feel the help of my defender, he helps me experience difficulties in life. ”
  • Alexander 50 years: “I constantly read prayers to my keeper, I ask him for help and when it is simply difficult, and when I get sick and when financial difficulties arise. It seems to me that such prayers really have great power. ”
  • Maria, 44 years old: “I do not often visit the church and do not know great prayers, but every day I read“ Our Father ”and a short prayer to the Guardian to the Guardian. It helps me to be strong, overcome all life difficulties, believe in the best. ”
  • Love, 36 years: “I recently found out what kind of prayers the guardian angel possess. I chose 3 most suitable for myself. Now I read them every day and really feel the help and protection of higher powers. ”

Prayers to the Guardian Angel really have great power and are able to help a person solve almost any problem. However, it is worth remembering that all prayers without exception work only if you sincerely believe in their strength, in the Lord God.

We also advise you to read the following prayers:

Video: Magic words for listening

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