SELEN microelement: what is useful for what the body needs women, men, children, in what dosages to take? Vitamins and products with selenium for adults and children: names, properties

SELEN microelement: what is useful for what the body needs women, men, children, in what dosages to take? Vitamins and products with selenium for adults and children: names, properties

Selenium is an unusually important element for the human body. What is its importance and what products are rich in selenium - find out from the article.

Each chemical element is unique. Their content in the correct quantities and proportions in our body is the key to our health and longevity. And each of them is responsible for the “own” section of the struggle. Our “hero” today is an element under number 34 called “Selenium”, for example, takes on the functions of an antioxidant, helping the body to remain young longer and preventing the risks of oncology.

Effect Selena: Health benefits

The opening of the element Selenium took place in 1817. He made his Swedish chemist Jens Jacob Bertzelius.

  • It is thanks to the action of selenium (and still iodine) that the uninterrupted functioning of the thyroid gland is achieved.
  • The “inclusion” of the antioxidant function occurs if the body contains selenium in the right amounts.
  • It prevents the body that the body is premature, reduces the risk of cancer.
  • It is indispensable for the correct functioning of the immune system.
  • Prevents the development of heart coronary disease.
  • Beneficial affects the reproductive function in men.
  • It is necessary as part of the retina to preserve visual acuity
  • Helps in eliminating heavy metals from the body, preventing the destruction of the liver.
  • Acts as an antidote with poisoning with mercury, arsenic, lead, etc.
  • It helps to restore the destroyed cells of cells and counteracts the hit of harmful substances in them.
  • Stabilizes the work of the nervous system.

Interesting: Today, according to epidemiologists, about 80% of the country's population suffers from Selena’s deficiency in the body. This is due to the use of nitrates as fertilizers, which make selenium not fully absorbed by the body. To make up for this deficit, in Finland, selenium artificially enrich bread, the Chinese do the same with salt. At the end of the last century, Selenium received the status of a mineral food supplement.

How to determine selenium deficiency?

With a lack of this trace element, symptoms can serve as rapid fatigue, state of depression, reduced immunity, pain in muscle tissues, skin diseases:

  • eczema and dermatitis
  • hair loss and deterioration
Hair deterioration
Hair deterioration
  • increased cholesterol content
  • reducing visual acuity
  • deterioration of the work of the pancreas and liver
  • problems with reproductive function

Overdose of Selena

Like any substance, selenium is useful in the “correct”, exact quantity. The famous statement of Paracelsus “In a drop of medicine, in a spoon - poison” is completely fair for Selena, because its excess is as harmful as the drawback.

By the way, signs of deficiency and excess selenium in the body are quite similar:

  • hair loss
  • fragility of nails
  • the state of nausea and vomiting
  • skin problems, with liver work
  • nervous breakdowns - all these are signs of selenosis

Therefore, only a doctor on the basis of complex tests can determine what kind of problems with the content of selenium are inherent in the content of selenium.

What products are rich in selenium?

As studies show, there is a direct relationship between the emergence of cancer tumors and the low content of selenium in the body, in particular, in the blood. How exactly does the selenium “work” in our cells?

It is believed that it prevents excessive oxidation of cells, reducing the possibility of their genetic deformations. Acting in conjunction with cobalt and magnesium, Selenium “controls” precisely those chromosomes that are responsible for the full regular cell division.

A very important role is assigned to Selena in the destruction of mold, in protecting cells from carcinogens. And yet, selenium is practically not absorbed with carbohydrates, therefore, “saturating” our body with sweets, we thereby reduce the content of this useful element in it.

With selenium
With selenium

What you need to eat so that the body receives selenium:

  • Our food is tasteless without salt, besides, it is enough selenium in it, both in the usual cook and in the sea.
  • From meat, select a turkey and beef.
  • We lean on the offal: kidneys, heart, liver.
  • Eggs whose yolk is also rich in vitamin E.
  • Seafood: Favorite herring, mackerel and sea perch, crab, lobsters, shrimp, lobster, squid.
  • Good in this regard cereal: wheat in the form of bran or sprouted grains, brown rice, corn, oatmeal.
  • Helpers in saturation of the body are selenium: white mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, beer yeast, black bread, hazelnuts.
  • Note that selenium is present only in fresh products, during heat treatment, conservation, etc. Its content comes down to zero.
  • From sour -milk products The leader is cottage cheese containing a lot of trace elements, including up to 30 μg of selenium per 100 g.
  • As for milk, the cow's content of selenium is half as much as in the mother’s, so the baby receiving breasts receives a much more balanced composition of vitamins and useful elements with it.
  • This is especially true for male babies, because They need more selenium.

    The composition of the soil in which vegetables or cereals are grown is also important - its content in the collected harvest also depends on the amount of the content of this trace element in it.

  • Separately - About garlic.The perennial grassy plant should be discussed separately. In addition high content of selenium, In it there are a lot of other components that are no less useful for our body: minerals, proteins, vitamins of various groups, carbohydrates. Its specific smell is caused by glucoside of allin, which, splitting, releases the very organic compound of the bactericidal and fungicidal direction, successfully struggling with bacteria.
One of the available components
One of the available components

Do not dry the garlic, because Everything useful is contained in his juice. Thus, getting rid of the smell, we thereby deprive ourselves of the beneficial properties of the product, prevent the disinfection of many body systems, the prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis, insanity, heart attacks, not to mention colds.

Flotting meat and onions, we thereby reduce the harmful effect on the body of the fats entering it, reduce cholesterol, get rid of an excessive amount of glucose in the blood. Garlic on the gastrointestinal organs, with stomach disorders, notes, notes the relief of foci of cancer cells. There is also data on the positive effects of garlic in conjunction with vitamin E with hypertension.

The body's need for Selena

Methods of calculating the correct dose of selenium vary. Some talk about 100 μg for a day, starting from the age of 12. Others calculate a kilogram of weight, determining the norm of 15 μg.

Important: the most common recommendation for adults is 70-200 mcg Selena per day. For children up to a year, the norm is determined in the amount of 20-30 μg, up to 6 years old-40 μg, up to 10 years old-60 μg based on one day.

With increased loads and the presence of individual diseases, the norm can increase to 1200 μg. It is not worth exceeding such a volume, because Excess selenium is no less harmful, and sometimes dangerous.

It should be separately noted the interaction of selenium with vitamin E. They should be taken in the complex, because The lack of vitamin E (like C) complicates the absorption of Selena. You can also saturate the body with selenium, taking it as a dietary supplement.

Vitamins with selenium content: List

  • "Complete Selene" It is a biologically active supplement and consists of well -combined vitamins, acids and minerals, including the daily norm of selenium. The course is designed for a month.
  • "Selenium Forte" - It is also a food supplement where, in addition to vitamins and minerals, wax products, grape seeds in the form of extract, yeast, etc. are included. Taking the drug is also determined at the rate of one month.
  • « Alphabet classic " -The vitamin-mineral complex is designed to receive three tablets per day. Provides the daily rate of calcium, selenium and iron.
  • "Multi-Tabs" Complex vitamins containing all the necessary trace elements suitable for both adults and children, starting from the age of five.
  • "Centrum" It is also a complex drug, including the basic vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Dosage - one tablet per day.

When buying, be sure to read the instructions and the expiration date. It is advisable to be examined by the doctor before the appointment and make sure that this or that selenes -containing drug is appropriate.

Video: The benefits of Selena for the body

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