How to determine your type by Dvin Larson - dramatic, natural, gaman, romantic: Brief description

How to determine your type by Dvin Larson - dramatic, natural, gaman, romantic: Brief description

Recently, it has become very fashionable to determine its type. There are many different techniques for this, but the Method Dvin Larson is considered the most common.

Dvin Larson took as a basis the method of stylist David Kibby, and made it somewhat easier. Read more about determining the type by the Dvin Larson method will be described in this article.

What is the essence of the definition of the type by Dvin Larson?

  • For the first time about the types of women was described in 1982, when David Kibby published his book under the name "Metamorphoses". It described in it 13 types.
  • Dvin Larson decided to finalize this method, and determined another 7 types. She painted different women, and then compared the received portraits.
  • Larson also decided to start from the dominant of appearance and character. That is why experts consider its technique 20 types of beauty more complete. Not only women, but also men can use it. Knowledge of types is necessary that a woman can achieve harmony between her appearance and style in clothing.

The main types of Dvin Larson

In total, Dvin Larson identified 4 main types. More information about each of them will be described later.


The main determining characteristics are:

  • the figure and face have clear angles;
  • growth - not more than 1.75 m;
  • femicial figure;
  • thyroid gland dominates;
  • prefers to achieve success;
  • has figurative thinking;
  • trying to have fun.

Facial features:

  • narrow lips and elongated chin;
  • narrow eyes and straight eyebrows;
  • a long nose.

When choosing clothes, drama should give preference to options with clear geometry. It can manifest itself not only in prints, but also in the cut. They will look beautiful monochrome images. It is better to choose clothes with massive patterns. Loose straight hair is suitable as a hairstyle, because the curls will be forgiven.

Drama relate to bright natures. They prefer to be in the spotlight. They easily achieve success in business, and become famous singers or actors.

Video: About Drama


Main features:

  • the figure and face are beautifully rounded;
  • growth - 1.65 m;
  • the lower body is heavier;
  • the ovaries dominate;
  • become good educators;
  • resistant to emotional stress;
  • developed intuition;
  • prefers to do others happy;
  • it has fun.

The romantic type is characterized by small breasts and small features. The waist stands out beautifully, and the hips and buttocks have an average size. This type should give preference to clothing that emphasizes the waist. It can be a fitted jacket or belt.

Clothing with shutters or ruffles will look beautiful. It is better if it is sewn from flowing fabrics. When you do your hairstyle, choose curls or beautiful curls. Smooth hairstyles will look ugly.


Video: About romance


This type is inherent in:

  • round figure and face;
  • growth - not more than 1.7 m;
  • the upper body is heavier;
  • adrenal glands dominate;
  • endurance;
  • stability of physical energy;
  • thinking is based on logic;
  • prefers to work more.

The face of the naturals is wide, with arched eyebrows. Eyes have a wide landing and small size. A wide nose and chubby lips are complemented by a strong chin with a wide lower jaw. A wide chest is complemented by rounded massive breasts. Despite the average size of the hips, the buttocks are flat. The waist is long and the shoulders are wide.

In the style of natural ones should prevail oversize-deed. The more negligence it will be in the image of a person, the more natural it will look. Give preference to natural shades and fabrics. Woolen or cotton clothing with animalist prints is suitable. Denim's clothes will also look beautiful.


Video: About Natural


The main features of Gamin:

  • figure and face with smoothed corners;
  • growth - 1.6 m;
  • the figure is similar to the forms of a teenage girl;
  • the pituitary gland dominates;
  • often reflects;
  • the psyche is resistant to physical or emotional overload;
  • prefers to focus on facts;
  • the head is large, with a high forehead;
  • eyebrows have the shape of wings;
  • the eyes are round, large, and the nose is small;
  • narrow mouth;
  • the chin is pointed.

The style of gamins should prevail vivid images that will be balanced against a background of small stature. Monochrome will not look aesthetically pleasing. To emphasize the lines in appearance, choose clothes with small drawings. It is better if it is a cage or a “goose foot”. You should also always hold the ankles and wrists open to emphasize romance.

When choosing jackets, give preference to shortened fitted options. The oversize silhouettes should be avoided. The hairstyle should be short or slightly below the shoulders. Long hair will only shorten the already low growth.


Video: About Hamine

Mixed types by Dvin Larson

In the Dvin Larson method, mixed types are thought out, because pure basic are extremely rare. More about mixed types will be described later.

Combined like this
Combined like this

Gamin romantic

  • This type is combined coal and rounded small lines. It should be harmonious, however, ideal proportions are a rarity. In this case, the romantic is deprived of a chiseled waist.
  • Large lips and eyes do not always look beautiful against the background of a proportional oval of the face and a small nose. Girls of this type are quite cute. Their growth does not exceed 1.68 cm.
  • The style of Haman romantic should consist of light materials. Volumetric clothing should be avoided, because it will neutralize a small scale. You should also abandon monochrome and unassembled images. It should also be taken into account which of the main types dominates.
  • If the romantic - the portrait region needs to be smoothed with rounded lines, and if Gamin - choose small coal lines.

Gamin Dramatic

  • This type is combined angular lines of large and compact scale. It is not necessary that the appearance be elongated.
  • Let’s say the oval of the face in the form of a heart, with pronounced eyes and voluminous lips. If the face has an elongated shape, then there will be a wide gamin forehead. Regardless of the size of it, it will always have a pointed shape. Growth can be from 1.57 m to 1.81 m. This is due to the fact that two opposite types are mixed.
  • You should abandon rounded silhouettes and prints in clothes. Choose models with a pronounced gate and V-shaped cuts. Coal patterns will look beautiful. Follow the details and accessories in the image.


  • This type combines carbon small lines with large smooth ones. Their combination can be different. Distinctive features of the type are large round eyes with a wide landing. The shoulders of the gaman-navel are quite wide, and there is a delicious breast. Common feature - unfinished waist. Growth can vary from 1.59 m to 1.71 m.
  • This type should give preference to multilayer images that will hide a heavy top and a small tummy. Choose clothes made of natural fabrics that will harmoniously combine with the details inherent in Gamin. Small drawings are suitable.
Mixed type
Mixed type

Natural romantic

  • This type combines rounded lines of different sizes. A feminine appearance with a narrow waist and a wide chest should be obtained. This type is harmoniously combined thin hips and magnificent breasts. Lines never form sharp corners. Growth can be in the range from 1.65 m to 1.72 m.
  • When choosing clothes, give preference to options that are suitable for romance. However, they should be increased on a scale. If you prefer floral drawings, they must have an average size. In choosing a hairstyle, you should combine a curl and slight negligence. You should abandon complete disheveled, and the correct curls will forgive the image.
Cute combination
Cute combination

Dramatic suburb

  • This combination combines large scale from both types. Girls have great growth. The appearance is quite contrasting. A large mouth is supplemented puffy lips and small eyes with a narrow landing. This makes the appearance brighter and more attractive. The figure is distinguished by expressive hips, chest and waist. You cannot exclude the expansion of the shoulder girdle.
  • When choosing a style, you need to consider which of the two types will dominate the portrait zone. However, the drama-suburb is suitable for both free and fitted cut. The print can be different, but it is better to choose small sizes. Monochrome images with an elongated cut will look beautiful.
Contrast combination
Contrast combination

Romantic dramatic

This type is characterized by contrast. It combines small rounded lines with large coal. The growth can be in the range from 1.65 m to 1.75 m. Both small and large features can be on the face. Quite often, girls with a small nose and square oval of the face are found. They relate to the type of romantic dramatic. Owners of this type have volumetric hips and a pronounced waist.

Given that the romantic and dramatic have various preferences in clothes, the general type should combine all options based on the dominant. Some girls are more romantic images in the portrait region, and others are dramatic. In the images, not only the waist, but also the shoulder line should be emphasized.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in determining the type according to the Dvin Larson method. If you want to simplify your task, undress to the laundry, and take a photo in the mirror. So it will be easier for you to consider all the subtleties in appearance to compare them with each of the types.

Dvin Larson, Style Type: Test

The test mainly shows an accent style type. The questions below should be answered to determine the type of Dvin Larson.

Your height:

  • Up to 160 cm.
  • 160-168 cm.
  • 168-175 cm.
  • Above 175 cm.

How do you gain weight and volumes:

  • I’m even a lot - first the waist, then the hips.
  • First, the hips are full, the bottom is visually heavy.
  • With weight gain, the stomach and chest are full, the set does not manifest on the legs.
  • Excess weight goes to the buttocks, then in the hips.

What is your nose:

  • Thin, pointed.
  • Soft, wide, form “potatoes”.
  • Large and wide
  • Long and sharp, wings are soft

What are your eyes:

  • Big, round, with a slight bulge
  • Small round
  • Medium, widely planted
  • Almond -shaped, located close

What are your eyebrows:

  • In the form of “wings”.
  • Rounded.
  • Curved, thick.
  • Direct.

What are your lips:

  • Small, chubby.
  • Not large, rounded.
  • Complete, chubby.
  • Narrow and long.

What is your chin:

  • Spicy.
  • Rounded.
  • Massive.
  • Square.


More answers 1 - Type Gamin.
More at number 2 - the type of romantic.
The answers with number 3 prevail - the type of natural.
Most under the number 4 - the type of dramatic.

The second answer may be your additional type of Dvin Larson for a mixed type.

May be so
May be so
Introduction for classics
Introduction for classics

How to determine the type of Dvin Larson yourself?

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Dress the underwear. To make the result accurate, use linen without Pushopa and distorting the reality of the inserts.
  2. Rinse cosmetics and remove your hair back, opening your face.
  3. Take a picture so that you stand in full growth, with your hands along the body. This can be done by setting a timer on the camera or asking someone to photograph you.
  4. Just take a picture of the face so that all the features are visible.
  5. Take a picture of your wrists and feet.

Print the photo and put in front of you. We proceed to the interpretation of the type by Dvin Larson:

  • Low growth - probably a girl belongs to the type of hamin, height from 175 cm - to drama.
  • Romantics have a more feminine type, for natural ones - stronger.

It is important to consider that plastic surgery and injections to increase one or another part of the body distort the results. Do not invent or embellish the photo seen if you want to get an objective result. After all, knowing your type, you can choose clothes and hairstyles that will decorate your image.

Type by Dvin Larson: Reviews

  • Oksana, 27 years old: I decided to change my wardrobe, and did not want to contact the stylist. When I was looking for advice under the selection of the necessary clothes, I ran into types. After small studies, I realized that I was a type-romantic type.
  • Karina, 23 years old: I decided to unlearn the stylist, so I had to intensively study various methods of determining the types. I liked the Dvin Larson more, because more extensive and simple. With it, each girl will be able to determine its own type.
  • Nadezhda, 48 years old: Recently, my grandchildren advised me to change the wardrobe. As it turned out that professional stylists first determine the type, and then engage in the selection of clothes. This is exactly what prompted me to study this issue. As a result, I did not have to use the services of a stylist. I myself was able to choose all the clothes. Grandchildren are delighted.

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