Mezim: how many tablets are taken at a time, in 1 day? Is it possible to take Mesim constantly without a break? How to take Mezim correctly: before meals or after eating?

Mezim: how many tablets are taken at a time, in 1 day? Is it possible to take Mesim constantly without a break? How to take Mezim correctly: before meals or after eating?

In this article, you will learn how to properly accept Mesim to adults and children. And whether the pharmacy drug will help with digestive disorders. Read how to drink it, and how the main active substance of a popular means works.

As a rule, Mesim is produced in the form of tablets covered with bright pink membranes, and the packaging itself has a green color. The medicine can be found in pharmacies without problems. Many patients specially keep it in a home medicine cabinet. After all, after feasts, it can alleviate the severity after the consumption of a large amount of diverse food. Let's find out how to take Mesim in case of problems with the digestive tract.

How to take Mesim - what are the pharmacy drugs?

The enzymatic drug Mezim is able to compensate for the synthesis disorder in the pancreas. He also supports digestion. Tablets help well if you know how to take Mesim correctly. After all, enzymes work in a certain order. And this sequence is undesirable to violate. It is not recommended to drink the drug on an empty stomach.

Preparation for overeating: Mezim

The drug is available in three variations. They have such names:

  • Mesim tablets
  • Mezim Forte with a dosage of 10,000
  • Mezim Forte with a dosage of 20,000

The drug Mezim has a dosage of 3,500 lipase units.

The mesima contains the following components:

  1. Proteases - These substances have the ability to split peptides into amino acids. They also block the production of their enzymes, which reduces pain.
  2. Lipaza - The component that is capable of producing bile, glycerin, from fat cells, it is also capable of having a choleretic effect.
  3. Amylase - Destases carbohydrates (complex), transforms starch into oligosaccharides, maltose.

There is hemicellulis to process plant fiber. Pancreatin is made of pork by extracting. It is better to use Mesim as the purpose of a specialist, there are some restrictions when using a panacea. And the rules of admission depend not only on the age and weight of the patient, but also on the type of pathology.

Mezim: how many tablets are taken at a time, in 1 day?

Before starting to use pills, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions. It describes how to accept Mesim. Pay special attention to the rules of administration, because enzyme drugs are not recommended to drink before meals or on an empty stomach, there is a danger of damaging the mucous membranes.

Doses of the pharmacy is set by a specialist. Much depends on the nature of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the degree of damage to the pancreas. Sometimes there is little Mesima for the treatment of one. You need to use other drugs for combined therapy. That's just Mezim with other drugs is not taken together. It is necessary to withstand between the use of various means for about an hour and a half of time.

Sample daily standards for taking mesim for various patients:

  • Dosage for adult patient Up to 100 thousand lipase units can reach.
  • If counted by body weight, then there should be no more than 15-20 thousand units of lipase per kilogram of the body per day.
  • Kids up to 1.5-2 years old It is allowed to use up to 50 thousand lipases, and children over 12 years old The dosage is calculated as adults.

Mezim with ordinary dosage is more suitable for the prevention and initial stages of gastrointestinal inflammation. If the patient has a serious pathology, congenital cystic fibrosis, then only a tool with a dosage of 10-20 thousand lipase units is suitable. It is better and cheaper than drinking two or three tablets of ordinary mezim at once.

IMPORTANT: Treatment of acute pancreatitis is delayed up to about two weeks. At first, a hungry diet should be observed so that the pancreas recovers. Do not immediately drink Mesim, on the contrary - they accept the means that repay the production of enzymes, because enzymes can destroy the organ tissues, this process can even threaten death.

Rules for taking Mesima to children
Rules for taking Mesima to children

So, the daily dosage of the intake of Mesim is this:

  1. For preventive purposes to adults It is recommended to accept about one pill three to four times a day, we are talking about Mesima Forte 3500ed. Lipases.
  2. And with diseases Recommended to drink Mezim 10 or 20 thousand on 2-4 pills per day.

When a person feels unpleasant feelings in the stomach as a result of a large consumption of food, one pill will help before meals and one during eating. You can also increase the dose of mesim to 4 pieces (Mezim Forte 3500).

Children with a pathology of cystic fibrosis will have to drink a large dosage of mesim. It is very important to drink pills without chewing. You can not divide the tablets into halves, because enzymes do not reach the small intestine, but rather begin to act already in the mouth, causing stomatitis. And in the stomach, when interacting with acid, they generally lose their characteristics.

IMPORTANT:Pediatrician doctors advise children under the age of three who have not yet learned how to swallow the entire pills, do not drink Mezim, for babies there are enzymatic drugs in microspheres or in liquid form.

Is it possible to take Mesim constantly without a break?

For each patient, doctors set different periods for treatment with the drug. Much depends on the nature of the disease. When overeating, to restore digestive processes, healthy people need about a week. And if people have chronic pancreatitis, then the specialist can extend the treatment until relief comes. How to take Mesim in various diseases can only be decided by your doctor.

People who suffer from cystic fibrosis simply cannot without enzymes, because they use Mesim on an ongoing basis. Even patients who have undergone surgery on the pancreas or have a diagnosis of sphincter tone, use enzymes about three or six calendar months. If there are no pathologies, you can not take it constantly, without a break, Mezim.

Mezim for pain in the stomach
Mezim with problems with the pancreas

If you do not take breaks in the use of mesim in the treatment of the pancreas and use the drug constantly, then you can disrupt the activity of the gland, it will be lazy to produce enzymes, then the use of mesim will be necessary, but with some frequency, breaks are still needed.

Mezim is a serious drug, if it is consumed without control, the following manifestations will arise:

  1. Allergenic reactions, rashes, asymmetric swelling on the face, runny nose, vomiting, suffocation.
  2. Poor assimilation of acids, in particular folic.
  3. Hypovitaminosis, and this is suppressed mood, apathy, insomnia, distraction, poor memory, weight loss, dry skin.

With not controlled use of mesim, blood is saturated with uric acid, and urates are formed in urine. Allergenic reactions are still manifested, because of this, the medicine should be canceled. Some scientists are opponents of the use of various enzyme drugs. After all, it is they who provoke the “lazy pancreas” syndrome. This is also called addiction, the organ simply ceases to actively produce enzymes independently, since they, so they enter the body.

IMPORTANT: If after prolonged intake, stop using Mesim, then the pancreas does not give the required number of enzymes, the diseases are again exacerbated, you have to use tablets again. Scientists believe that more than thirty days, Mezim cannot be used on an ongoing basis. They advise more to use plant enzymes.

To these can be classified:

  • Fat burner, which is called bromelein, It is located in pineapples, thanks to it, carbon and protein metabolism are catched. The substance contains pepsin, it improves the composition of gastric juice, and controls the accumulation of fat. Bromelain must be taken with food. Then peristalsis are activated, toxins are excreted. The intestinal microflora improves, the immune system is strengthened.
  • The extract of papaya (melon wood) contains papain, It has lysozyme in its composition. Thanks to him, you can get rid of toxins, pathogens. And proteins in the body are better absorbed.

The gastroenterologists do not agree with the theory of scientists, there are no special evidence on this topic. Doctors claim that the enzymes replacement enzymes, which produces the pancreas during diseases. And this is a temporary phenomenon. When the treatment ends, the pancreas is restored, and the pills are no longer needed, everything returns to normal, and there is no “lazy pancreas” syndrome.

How to take Mezim correctly: before meals or after eating?

How to take Mesim is not a simple question, instructions for the pharmacy can be slightly confused by patients. Therefore, they should not read them superficially, but completely. Mezim directly acts on the work of the pancreas, because when taking the product - after eating or before, is also very important.

Before you decide on this, read the clarification of medical terms:

  1. Take the drug before eating, which means 16 minutes before the meal.
  2. To eat Mezim during food means drinking a pill and drink water, immediately start to eat.
  3. Drinking pills after eating-this means 30-35 minutes after the meal.
Mezim: the stomach is good with him
Mezim: the stomach is good with him

The instructions say that if a small dosage of the drug, then it is better to drink Mezim with food, washed down with water. If you need to eat several pills, then drink one before meals, others during. How does exposure occur in this case? Enzymes, the first tablets come inside and begin to act after time, only after that the food enters the stomach, and the second dose of Mesima.

IMPORTANT: And then it is said that you can not use Mesim on an empty stomach. Hence the conclusion - it is still better to drink with food, because on an empty stomach, enzymes can damage the mucous membranes of internal organs.

How to take mezim for pregnant women and on GV?

Advertising on TV says that Mezim is accepted to improve the digestive process. Moreover, both adults and children accept it, especially from overeating. And how to take a mezim for pregnant women is not mentioned in the videos. Further more.

Pregnant women are recommended for the drug if the future mommy has a lack of enzymes, after eating, in particular fatty food, fried, smoked, sweets, soda. There are problems with the pancreas, there are diseases of the organ. You can drink Mesim when preparing for examination to establish gastrointestinal diseases, or there are diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver.

Can I drink mezim for pregnant women?

When the study of the pharmacy was carried out, the impact on the embryo was not found. There is very little data on research on women in an interesting position. There is only an assumption that the risk is unlikely, because the medicine has minimal absorption in the blood of mom. Nevertheless, it is better to use the product carefully, not to abuse it. The doctor prescribes the drug if it is vital for the mother.

And during feeding the baby, the lack of enzymes negatively affects the health of the mother and the baby, because Mezim does not harm the child. But consultation with your home doctor will not hurt, overdose of the drug is undesirable.

How to accept Mesim - contraindications

Mezim - tablets that do not have a very large list of contraindications. How to take Mesim with pancreatitis is a special science that you need to know so as not to harm health, not to worsen the patient's condition.

Mezim is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. With increased sensitivity to pills.
  2. In acute pancreatitis, exacerbations of the chronic stage of pathology. But when the disease fades, then Mezim can be drunk to facilitate the work of the digestive organs.
  3. It is undesirable to drink pills for children under three years old, if they cannot swallow them whole.

How to accept Mezim - reviews

True reviews of how to accept Mezim, see further. You will also find out what the effect of this drug can be.

Tatyana, 35 years old:

I am often haunted by a feeling of unpleasant severity in the stomach, even if I do not overeat. The feeling is not the most pleasant, at first I just endured this symptom, then turned to a gastroenterologist, the doctor advised me to drink mesima pills. After all, sometimes tolerate this unpleasant severity and nausea there is no strength. The pills are somehow not used to drinking since childhood, but here it is. Now I'll tell you about Mesima himself.

Many say that tablets have a characteristic aroma and an unpleasant taste. If you do not chew, which, by the way, is not recommended in the instructions, then Mezim will not be disgusting. It will turn out to swallow the tablet without any problems even without water. Only this is not right, you need to drink a lot. Thanks to the course of Mesim treatment, I have passed symptoms such as the severity in the abdominal area and flatulence. And these two reasons overcome me very much.  Mesim acts gorgeously, after him I feel lightness, even holidays are not terrible with an abundance of many all sorts of dishes that used to cause me only unpleasant feelings.

To achieve this effect, I drink Mezim only for need, or for holidays, when it is necessary to eat many delicious ones, or with discomfort in the stomach. The price of the drug is low, the smallest dosage for prevention is enough for me.

  Yuri, 45 years old:

As it turned out, Mezim does not help me particularly, as others write on the Internet. The taste of the drug is specific, the aroma is still the same. I don’t like this drug, I just didn’t notice that it immediately eliminates all the problems with the pancreas and the severity passes completely. I drink Mezim, according to the instructions, I drink it with water during meals. After a while I feel the aroma that I do not like and there is no getting away from it.

When the stomach hurts after a hearty lunch or dinner, then after a tablet drunk, the pain fades a little, but from bloating, gas formation, belching and other symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract pathology, pills do not help me. I was advised in a pharmacy, I will look for drugs more efficiently next time. This one works only partially. Or maybe he simply does not suit me. I tried different dosages, the effect is not the same as I imagined, a little disappointed.

Andrey, 57 years old:

I have many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including the pancreas, because the gastroenterologist prescribed me to drink Mesim according to a certain scheme. By the way, before that I drank many different drugs and more expensive and more effective, as I was told in pharmacy kiosks. But recently I have been sitting on Mesima and feel like a healthy one. True, it is constantly undesirable to drink it, as the doctor says, you need to take breaks, and drink courses. So I do so. Otherwise, iron will have little to produce enzymes. Do not risk your health, do not prescribe the drugs yourself.

Mandatory tablets should be washed down with a large amount of water. Drink them with food, no earlier, no later. In any case, it can not be used on an empty stomach of pills, otherwise it can be harmful to health. A good drug, I advise you! Be healthy, never hurt!

Still read similar articles here on our portal, about the functions of the pancreas and Mesima:

  1. Mezim Forte - from which the drug, composition, use, contraindications;
  2. Pancreas: where is it, its functions.

Video: How to take Mesim, what does it help from?

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