Mezim Forte - Instructions for use. What does Mesim help from?

Mezim Forte - Instructions for use. What does Mesim help from?

"Mezim." We will consider the main provisions of the instructions for the use of this tool, as well as describe additional sections that most often interest people on the network.

First of all, it is worth noting that “Mezim” is an enzymatic drug and replenishes the lack of pancreatic enzymes during the digestive process.

Basically, this medication is used as part of the complex therapy of diseases of this particular gland at the time of exacerbation of pancreatitis, ulcer of the stomach, with intestinal infections, enteritis, and dysbiCterial violations. It is prescribed in order to facilitate the functioning of the pancreas.

"Mezim Fort" - Instructions for use

"Mezim Fort" - Instructions for use

The Mezim tablets are covered with a shell, which allows you to prevent the splitting of the contained enzymes before entering the duodenum, since it is in this part of the intestine that the pancreas produces digestive enzymes. The shell does not allow the contents tablets dissolve in gastric juice, and enzymes reach Places of their direct work.

The maximum activity of the drug is observed after, on average, 45 minutes after taking the drug.

"Mezim" composition

"Mezim" composition

As we already wrote, “Mezim” is an enzymatic tool and contains the enzymes of the pancreas. In its main part, these enzymes have an animal and get them from the pancreas of pigs.

In this section, we indicate the quantitative content of the enzymatic component of the medication and its auxiliary substances.

1 tablet of the drug "Mezim" contains:
• Lipaza-3500 me
• amylase-4200 me
• Protease-250 me

This is the quantitative content of the enzymatic component of the product. Also, auxiliary tools are used to produce a tablet form:

• Talc
Azorubin varnish
• Emulsion simetikon
• Titanium dioxide

These components are needed to form enzymes in a tablet.

"Mezim" indications for use

"Mezim" indications for use

Indications for the use of the described medication are the disease, which involve a high load on the pancreas and diseases of the gland itself, which, accordingly, are associated with its dysfunction.

This drug is prescribed for the following pathologies:

Cystic fibrosis
• chronic pancreatic inflammation
• with increased gas formation and flatulence
• with digestive disorder
• when taking fried and fatty foods
• When preparing the patient for the study of the digestive tract (ultrasound, radiological research)
• When conducting surgery in the intestines or stomach
• with infectious defeat of the gastrointestinal tract

Taking the drug "Mezim" in these conditions significantly improves the general condition of the patient.

What do the Mezim tablets help?

What do the Mezim tablets help?
What do the Mezim tablets help?
  • These tablets are quite universal and help not only in a state of illness, which We listed earlier, but also save people at the moments of holidays
  • According to our Slavic tradition, all the holidays take place at the table, which is full of hearty and fatty foods
  • Accordingly, alcohol, as usual, is attached to the festive table. It is at these moments that all our health and diets recede into the background.
  • At such moments, it would be appropriate to help our pancreas to cope with a plentiful meal, which is also unlikely to be dietary
  • Taking the drug in front of the feast will greatly facilitate the functioning of the intestines and pancreas, and accordingly will save you from not desirable consequences associated with overeating

"Mezim" for the stomach

"Mezim" for the stomach
  • In many advertisements of the drug there is a familiar slogan-« Mesim-for The stomach is not replaced. " There is a little crafty.
  • Since this drug is intended for its main purpose to facilitate the functioning of the pancreas.
  • However, the share of truth in this slogan also takes place.
  • With insufficient digestive enzymes, food is not able to adequately digest and evacuate from the intestines in a timely manner. Thus, food progress is also slowed down, and the evacuation of the stomach eaten from the clearance is inhibited. Which, in turn, entails an additional load on the intestines and stomach, causing fermentation processes and bloating.
  • If we consider “Mezim” from this point of view, then it really is not replaced for the stomach, especially with festive feasts.

"Mezim" dosage

"Mezim" dosage
  • The medication is produced exclusively in a tablet form. We can describe only the average dose of this tool, since with each of the diseases the dose is correctly adjusted and requires consultation by a specialist
  • In chronic diseases in adults, the drug is prescribed before each meal, then on average up to 4 times a day in an amount of 1 to 3 tablets
  • When taking the drug, the tablet cannot be chewed, but it should be washed down with warm water. After taking a tablet for 5 minutes Do not take a horizontal position
  • Submitted to take more than 2 drugs at the same time, you should withstand the interval between taking drugs for at least 15 minutes

"Mezim" to children: dosage

  • This medication is not contraindicated in taking in children. He is a good assistant in infectious diseases in children who are associated with a digestive disorder
  • Children under the age of 12 years are recommended to be taken at a dose of 1,500 IU with a calculation of 1 kg of body weight, respectively, dosage calculated The doctor is strictly individual
  • At the age of 12 to 18 years, the dose is not more than 20,000 IU per 1 kilogram of body weight, respectively

"Mezim" during pregnancy: dosage

According to the instructions for the use of the medication, taking at the time of gestation or lactation is not prohibited.

However, if the diseases do not have an acute shape and are easy in the nature of the course, then it is worth limiting themselves to their use.

Analogue "Mezim"

Analogue "Mezim"

To the analogues of this enzyme -containing The drug includes:
• Pancreatin
• Creon

« Festal"Or" Mezim "which is better?

"Festal" or "Mezim" which is better
  • In order to answer this question, you must first determine how exactly these drugs differ from each other
  • The difference is their composition. The fact is that " Festal"In addition to the enzymes of the pancreas, it additionally contains auxiliary enzymes, namely bile and himicellulose. For this reason, it would be correct to say that " Pistal»More effective, as it contains more components
  • However, this cannot be argued, since all drugs can be perceived by the body strictly individually. And those patients who are not effective " Festal"Can be quite satisfied with the drug" Mezim "

The corresponding differences between Mezima and with other analogues of drugs of the replacement of the enzymatic group.

"Mezim" contraindications

Taking this medication is contraindicated in three main cases:

• with an allergic reaction to the component components of the product
• with the acute phase of pancreatitis
• with exacerbation of chronic inflammatory pancreatic disease

"Mezim" reviews

The drug has a large number of reviews, and has been located for a long time in the pharmaceutical market. This tool is widely used and is in demand. Mezim has good price availability and is quite effective in treatment.

Most of the studies studied about the drug are positive and does not contain negativity.

Video: Mezim Forta | Instructions for use

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