Metrams for children - examples with answers

Metrams for children - examples with answers

Interesting metagrams for children for the development of attentiveness and logical thinking.

Metrams for primary school children

Metrams for primary school children

Metrams for primary school children:

1. C to the deadly, I visit
With m fur, I am devouring
I need an actor,
C S for a cook is important.

2. C to I at school on the wall,
Mountains, rivers are on me.
C P - I do not melt from you -
In each class I am standing.

3. C to it is soft and fluffy,
With R he is very speechless,
With m - he spends a lot of money
C B along the lake he rides.

4. C T - I am a punctuation mark,
I stand at the end of the sentence.
With D - I am a member of the family,
I treat everyone with respect.

5. With a deaf consonant, I pour into the field,
With a ringing - I’m ringing myself in the expanse.

1. Pain - moth - role - salt.
2. Card - desk.
3. Cat - mouth - mot - bot
4. Point - daughter
5. Kolos - Voice

With "k" in the fields you will find me,
With "g" - take the romances,
With "B" - braid into pigtails.
(Answer: “Kolos” - “Voice” - “Hair”.)

With the letter "g" - I am flying
And with the letter "B" - I am flying.
(Answer: “doctor” - “rook”.)

With "h" - I fly over the wave.
With "l" - I will not give the wolves to peace
With "M"-a shirt-beamway,
With "3" - jump in the forest in the grass,
With "g" - I fasten me to the details
From iron or steel.
(Answer: “seagull” - “like” - “shirt” “bunny” - “nut”.)

With "B" - I am deadly,
With "m" - I am devouring me,
With "P" - the actor needs me,
With "C" - it is important for the cook.
(Answer: “pain” -“moth” -“role” -“salt”.)

I will tame you with "c" from the bad weather,
AS "T" I am the earth with a nose.
(Answer: “shelter” - “mole”.)

With "C" - he is the quality of the discharge,
With "t" - nutritious and sweet,
C "B" - a section of the ship,
With "K" - a sports ground.
(Answer: “variety” -“cake” -“side” -“court”.)

Change the third letter at the flower -
And the French river will flow.
(Answer: "Rose" - "Rona".)

When in the triangle the angle is straight, -
I am called him
The letter will change - and the “miracle” will happen:
He quickly, like the wind, rushes through the sea.
(Answer: “Katet” - “boat”.)

With "M" - I protect in the port of the court.
With "g" - when the ball is driven into the gate.
With "B" - I help people.
With "K" - they receive for a blot.
(Answer: “they say” - “goal” - “wave” - “stake”.)

With "d" - from year to year we meet,
With "t" - followed us,
With "P" - in the forest we notice,
With "l" - to work harms.
(Answer: “day” -“shadow” -“stump” -“laziness”.)

With "g" - a useful plant,
With "w" - sometimes scares us,
With "P" - brings us destruction,
With "B" - piled up by mountain.
(Answer: “peas” - “rustle” - “gunpowder” - “heap.”)

With the letter "T" everyone knows him -
He carries spring with him;
With the letter "w" they always play,
If the detachment is going on.
(Answer: "March" - "March".)

With "M" - I'm at sea,
With "B" - I'm in the field,
With "P" - I'm in the house,
With "G" - in football.
(Answer: “they say” - “wave” - “gender” - “goal”.)

I am entertaining with "p" of people,
Any boredom is an ardent enemy.
With "3" I am scared around the field
From hunting dogs.
(Answer: “soldering” - “hare.”)

Metrams for children with answers

Metrams for children with answers
Metrams for children with answers

Metrams for children with answers:

I often have the same color:
And with Gorney, and C to Zelenya.
But with me: It is risky to you with me:
I can bring to tears and kill.
Onion is a meadow

C P I in the house, s in me in the field,
With M I am at sea, with g - in football,
C to drive, with t are blown up,
With d valley is called.
Paul - ox - they say - goal - stake - tol - dol

C to - for tennis, I need it,
With T - I am sweet and beautiful outside.
Court - cake

C T - read it,
With d - we live in it.
Tom is a house

Along the river along the mountainous
We will always swim with the yu,
C I look for me
On the head of the lady.
The boat is a hat

When you open me,
Usually you pour water.
But n for b change rather -
And I am the inhabitant of the seas.
Kran - crab

From r me pulled out of the ground,
But they could not get it without a mouse.
With the letter s, I want or I do not want to,
They cut the forest - I'm flying aside.
Turnip is a sliver

With the letter Sh - actually
I am in the service of Emely.
M put on this place:
There will be no test without me.
Pike - flour

C P - I am part of the bicycle,
With M " - a reward on his grandfather's chest.
The pedal is a medal

Element of group IV
Before you in sight.
If t r corrects,
There will be a despot in reality.
Titan is a tyrant

Mendeleev first predicted me,
The French scientific name gave.
If you replace the first letter in it,
You will immediately change the place in the system.
Gallium - Tallius

With B - Birds will find
From h - you will take them the castle.
The beak is the key


Would you find this
Amazing word:
If the letter changes in it,
The bird turns into fish.
Pheasant is a carp

Who is from y - creeping,
And with e - prickly?
Well - hedgehog

Who knows such a word:
With h it flies,
With L growls and barking
And also familiar to everyone
This word with the letter m.
Seagull - Laika - T -shirt

With R-Assistant Author,
He is glad to ease any work.
With x - it has an elephant,
He is famous for his length.
The robot is a trunk

The bird does not fly anymore
Barking and wags its tail.
The seagull is like

C l I Island in the ocean,
C R I will be in the glass in a glass.
Sakhalin - Sakharin

C B I - coniferous forest,
With B - climbed into someone else's pocket.
Bor is a thief

C P I is the root crop
I grow up in the garden.
P to change - and here
T eku is free in nature.
Turnip is a river

Two chemical elements
In the metagram, I made you:
C X - metal element,
And with b - I am already numb.
Chrome - bromine

C R - blushes in the boiler,
He knows how to back up.
C l - shines, shines,
Furniture, nails cover.
Cancer - varnish

With ka - active I metal,
With Ge - I am a very light gas.
So that you will solve us
Look into the system again.
Potassium - helium

In it, the water flows calmly,
Pumps are not needed here.
But if p put in the word,
You will receive a substance.
Everyone knows the substance -
The lightest gas is on Earth.
And I have to say honestly:
We changed the letter c.
Vodvod - hydrogen

C and - the fountain is allowing
Cream with o lakes.

Kit is a cat

C n, my friends,
I know nothing.
And with change -
Feel free to put me in the soup.
Do not take with the letter M -
I have a coat of your opening!
Zero - salt - mol

I am in the geometry figure,
But not an oval or a square.
But to d d replaces rather
And you will be terribly glad to me.
Circle is a friend

I am an animal with horns.
But change, and to y;
And you will see for yourself
How I turn into a blizzard.
Baran - Buran

With R - I bloom luxuriously,
C to - I get ahead and butt.
Rose is a goat

Take the first letter T -
You’ll get off the ship for me.
T. On now change -
You sew a coat out of me.
The gangway is a drape

You could not live without me
Write on the board.
E on o change -
I will break the waves.
Mel - they say

With the letter x I love to have fun,
And with L - do business.
Hobbies - a lobby

C R - He soars in the clouds,
With C - stubbornness is famous.
Eagle is a donkey

I live in a hollow in the forest,
I love to bite nuts.
If you change e to y,
I will quench your hunger.
Squirrel is a roll

C T I constantly
I'm afraid of something.
C B - I am a wooden piece,
For builders I will come in.
Coward is a beam

My turn, your turn
Take a step forward quickly:
If you want - right, you want - sideways
Or obliquely.
D r we replaced -
The song was picked up together.
The course is the choir

I was a monarch in Russia.
C to l change soon -
There will be a box where they stored
Previously, a lot of things.
The king is a stall

With the letter O - I myself with a mustache,
With the letter and - I'm in the ocean.
The cat is a whale

C h - I open the door,
With B - I grab the worms.
The key is the beak

C E - jump on the branches I,
C U - I'm soft and tasty.
Squirrel is a roll

With w - I'm going very fast,
With L - berry, and good for dinner.
The car is raspberries

With w - we are removed from the head,
With T - we are shod at home.
The hat is a slipper

He shouted loudly:
"You died, death came to you!"
But I changed m to p -
The draw came to me.
Mat - Pat

I'm at the kings on my head
I used to sit down.
I am a symbol of power, beauty,
With me another become.
But here is a native boy
Corrected N on V -
There was a zilch from the grace,
And I mumble in the grass.
The crown is a cow

C to - I am at sea,
With T - I remove the garbage.
Pitching - car

He briskly jumps on the board:
The figures are not a hindrance to him.
But replaced N with r -
And it immediately did not laugh.
The child is very ill,
He was all in the rash, burned in the morning.
The horse is measles

The animal, alas, is by no means a cute,
To look at him, you need courage.
Change only one letter - and immediately
You see a different answer, pleasant to the eye.
Rat - beauty

With the letter T - at the bottom of the ponds,
C m - a danger to ships,
With the letter D I is a measure of strength,
With the letter W - in the car.
Tina - Mina - Dina - Shina

With the letter K -
Figure without corners
With the letter D -
Ready to be friends with you.
Circle is a friend

C C - I will thirsty, I will quench
C to - I need a ship.
Juice - Coca

With the letter H - the animal is digging in the ground,
With the letter K - the oak barrel covers.
Nora - bark

With w inside I am the infantryman
And I live on the board.
C N I - a tiny hotel,
What from jam children
Moms carefully remove
The "film" is treated with sweet.
The paw is foam

He is mustachioed, striped,
Soft and tail,
He is Murlyk and singer.
Guessed? Well done!
As you replace the third letter,
Then you apply the system:
Designated conditionally -
They recorded everything literally.
Hold the thought you are ready:
T and D Do not confuse in the word.
The cat is the code

With m - in the port of the court I protect,
C g - when the ball is driven into the gate,
C B - I help people,
With to - they get for a blot.
Like - goal - ox - stake

With o - they eat me,
C E - dress.
The fetus is a blanket

With the letter B - they keep honey in it.
With the letter T - here everyone will understand
And the answer will give immediately:
We finish the phrase.
The barrel is a point

C to - it is soft and fluffy,
C R - he is very speechless,
With m - he spends a lot of money,
C B - he rides along the lake.
Cat - mouth - mot - bot

With the letter O -
He is weaved from flowers
With the letter and -
He is ready to revenge.
A wreath is a broom

I am valuable - this is clear
But the letter is the first to change
And I will become a dangerous place.
Look in me, do not fail!
Gold is a swamp

With M - it grows on the flowerbed,
With R - crawls backwards.
Mac - Cancer

I am with the letter T - a punctuation mark,
You recognize me without a reminder.
And with the letter B - in the barn or in the basement,
You will not recognize me.
Look at me, not empty in me:
In me, il honey, or fish, or salty cabbage.
The point is a barrel

With the letter K - I'm murmured,
I want to be faster to the sea!
With the letter P - between the beds
I fell to one side.
The river is a turnip

I'm crazy with a nut,
We can’t pour us with water.
And patients I will need
If you change B B.
The screw is a bandage

C g - I'm very high,
C N - a dwelling for an animal.
Mountain - Nora

From g - she will be wrapped on a screw,
With L - of course barking,
With M - clothes, but does not warm,
With Z - runs away from the wolf.
Nut - like - T -shirt - bunny

Metrams for children are simple

Metagrams for children are lungs
Metrams for children are simple

Metrams for children are simple:

You can tear me out
From the notebook il album.
Change l to a - and I
Wed a nest on the roof of the house.
Liszt is a stork

C I - he is round, mischievous,
With E - he is sharp, combat.
The ball is a sword

C B - Girls weave me,
With a s - I bark very loudly.
A wreath is a puppy

With h - I fly over the sea,
I run away from the wolf.
The seagull is a bunny

With the letter Z - it is for sweet,
Lush, gentle, light.
With the letter K - we drink for dinner,
For health we need it.
Sephir - kefir

With d - I am a male face,
With the letter H - I walk around the fields.
The beard is the harrow

Not at all home, but a bird
Maybe in every house you find yourself:
After a single -letter replacement
Turning into hygiene.
Owl - Soda

C and - I'll have a wound to you,
With a - I will dress up girls.
Bandage is a bow

With the letter o - it weaves from flowers
And they wear girls on the head.
With the letter and - garbage they throw them
And he is taken out of the hut.
A wreath is a broom

That beast wanders barely
And shouts: “Tired! I! "
And the letter C to P changed -
And a quick bird soared into the sky!
The donkey is an eagle

C P - in football happens,
With f - the dog executes the order.
But beware of that order,
Do not stand still, but run
Take care of pants and legs!

C g - the grasshoppers ring on me,
With L - they sit behind me and eat soup.
Stog is a table

With s - he takes care of horns,
C A - fill with water,
S - Sonya always hurts,
C U - foliage move.
Bull - tank - side - beech

I break the sea waves,
And with e - I help at school.
Like - chalk

With p - city, and it is no difficulty
You will find in the Moscow region.
But instead of P, enter the pronoun,
You will read the influx of the Moscow River.
Ruza - Yauza

C P - I'm in the house,
C B - I'm in the field,
With M - I'm at sea,
With g - in football,
C to - drive
C T - explodes,
With d - the valley is called.
Paul - ox - they say - goal - stake - tol - dol

When you read with the letter P,
You can easily find a pond.
Without t - we know since childhood -
There is no success or victories.
The pond is labor

With the letter O - is needed to sleep,
With the letter A - to draw.
The bed is a pastel

With the letter B - a night bird,
With the letter F - we are good to sleep.
Owl is Sofa

S - in the theater, look
And you will certainly find.
C - bypass, bypass
And if you get into it,
Then you will collect water in the shoes.
The bed is a puddle

He thundered in the embroidery
It was very scary to me
It was very scary to everyone.
I changed the letter w,
He held a little
I am in my palm
He took it to the bazaar
Brothers brought his brother.
Thunder is a penny

With the letter K - I'm in the swamp,
With the letter B - a large vessel,
With P - you will find on a tree,
C T - look for nearby, here.
Bump - barrel - kidney - point

C N - I'm with music to Lada,
S - on the apiary, in the garden,
I am called shoes with b,
The tribe is ancient, I from G.
Fuck five minutes,
Try to find out everything!
Notes - honeycombs - bots - goths

In summer and spring me
You can hear often.
G on x change - and I
I will become a variety of skin.
Thunder is chrome

C g - he walks along the nails,
With d - will anoint the wound to you.
Yogi - iodine

C T - on the roof of the house will come in handy,
With m - seeks to eat a fur coat,
C N - for nothing sister,
C B - her baby is afraid.
Tola - mol - zero - pain

With a soft sign - he flies in the sky,
But with a - the garden clogs.
Swan - Swan

Light metagrams with answers for cognitive lessons

Light metagrams with answers for cognitive lessons
Light metagrams with answers for cognitive lessons

Light metagrams with answers for cognitive lessons:

With the letter C - I am with the shooters,
With M I - the war of the sailors,
With the letter Sh, when the war, -
For shelter is needed.
Purpose - Mavel - Slit

With z - you will meet in the field with me,
From g - I will meet you at the factory,
With w - they fill me with water,
With M - athletes will put me on.
Bunny - nut - gang - T -shirt

C to - I am at sea,
C T - I remove the garbage,
C P - ballet clothes,
With D - a cold house for the summer.
Pitching - wheelbarrow - pack - summer house
S - Indians heads,
With d - waters the whole earth.
The leader is rain

With the letter B - "hard worker" in the field,
With B - flies, lives in the wild.
The harrow is a crow

C D - branchy,
With z - bone
C to is ribbed.
Oak - tooth - cube

With L - I am familiar with your gloves,
C B - You will sew a dress out of me with my daughter,
C Ch - I'm at sea, on the river, as at home,
With C - you look at me and take it.
Laika - Bike - Seagull - Saika

I am a planet and a rare element.
But if you take to instead of you,
Then in every house you will find me
And you will have water at one moment.
Uranus is a crane

With the letter P - they sweep out of the hut,
They do not want to save it much.
With the letter K - mothers buy it,
They love the kids to drink it.
With the letter H - comes at night,
Wonderful paintings shows us.
With the letter m - lives at the bottom of the river,
And although he is with a huge mustache,
Anyway, it will come to us in the ear.
Suggest? Or will you answer yourself?
SOR - juice - sleep - SOM

C U - it is needed when war,
The tanks are knocked out with a shell.
C E - in chess is important.
Feel free to walks along the cells.
The gun is a pawn

Our first word
I know you:
He has horns
It says: "Be-e-e!".
Our word is the second -
Get in return
If the letter p
Change to n.
Baran - banana

I am lanky and white.
I was yellow, but I was green.
Hedgehog pricked my paw.
And I love the buzz of bees.
I help you see.
I am in the sky at night.
A stork - sheet - fox - linden - lupa - moon

How high is I,
So with L - low.
With w - in arithmetic is needed.
And with m - I am terrible!
Honor - flattery - six - revenge

She is happy,
Under the score.
And m on t change -
And boldly catch fish.
Seven is a network

C g - in football and hockey, it happens,
When the player scores into the gate,
C B - was indispensable before in the field
Not in its own way, of course.
Goal - ox

You probably know me
I am the fairy tales of Pushkin Hero.
But if you replace L with n,
I will become Siberian.
Elisha - Yenisei

With the letter P -
Rewards you with a rash
With the letter n -
It wins on the races.
Coral is a horse

Like a food, you appreciate me
Quite tasty I am a product.
But if you replace the o o oh,
They will sweep me away immediately.
Cheese - sor

With the letter B, he is part of the face,
C B - work for a catcher.
Floor - fishing

With the letter F - I'm even higher,
With d - knock like a pea on the roof,
With the letter h - I walk in the fields,
I collect worms from the ground.
Count - City - Rook

I can't go through a branched forest:
My horns are stuck in the branches.
But exchange me l on c -
And the leaves of the forest will be faded.
Deer is autumn

C D - power tool,
The hole will drill at the moment.
C T - will perform a nightingale
May night in the middle of the branches.
Drill - trill

With the letter Sh - a forest,
C T - will be part of the regiment,
With the letter "z" - a beautiful flower,
S N - in France, the river.
Grove - Rota - Rosa - Rona

C B - Mushrooms are found in it,
With B - the house can clean.
Bor is a thief

He is dear to the children to everyone
Durov often performed in it.
But replace P with n,
And it will turn into metal.
Circus - zinc

Metrams with answers for children - a selection for school Victorin

Metrams with answers for children - a selection for school Victorin
Metrams with answers for children - a selection for school Victorin

Metrams with answers for children - a selection for school quiz:

With the letter and he is the result
But with it, we will replace it -
Instantly change the word so
That there will be a lot of hay in it.
The result is a stack

The basis of the word will be a drawback.
Change the letter - a tree of the rest.
And to change its value,
Take the subject of reflection.
Laziness - stump - shadow

C to - I take water,
From g - in the meadows I get up in the mowing,
With the letter y - I sound strictly
At the post at the sentry.
Stoke - Stog - Stop

C T I - a satellite of all objects
And always struggle with the light.
With d - half a day of my entire term,
With L - a large human vice.
Shadow - day - laziness

With d - you will meet me in the checkers,
With p - you will notice around the paintings.
The lady is a frame

C T I - the cost of the subject,
With L - not the Volga, do not come,
C and - Japanese coin,
C C - French river.
Price - Lena - Yena - hay

I am an important element in the table.
But it is worth the letter to change,
And I am all villages, cities
I will transmit any news.
Radiy - radio

In battle, he is always the first to rush,
Behind him is an infantry, like a bird.
But if you replace the letter,
Then he will store money.
Tank - bank

With the letter D - lets you into the house,
With the letter Z - growls, bites.
The door is a beast

I am with L - fat -legged and big,
And with T - I'm where the pain is. I am ah, I - oh!
Elephant - moan

C E - rush, if they know.
What is not long before the deadline.
C and - the teacher often
Speaks at the end of the lesson.
Hurry - write off

I got into the field,
I asked for the table.
Until they ate at all.
Although to all, everyone
The letter w for l was replaced
And they gave the actor.
Rye is a role

How to turn the time
In the board game?
I will throw one vowel one.
I will pick up the other.
Summer - lotto

Metrams for children - clear examples

Metrams for children - clear examples
Metrams for children - clear examples

Metrams for children - understandable examples:

C P - I change often
C n - animals live,
C g - high, I am very
C to - Beavers gnaw me.
It's time - Nora - Mountain - Bark

You turn this thing -
You can’t open it, you can forbid you.
Well, by changing the letter.
You will find a call in an instant.
The key is the cry

I'm with the letter C
Gloomy night bird,
And with the letter D -
I can dissolve in water.
Owl - Soda

With the letter and at the beginning of the word
I'm sitting on a ladder
And, imagine, I'm ready
Sang songs to you.
I change the letter N to r,
We are building a song with a song.
The note is a company

With P - on a tree,
C to - under a tree.
The kidney is a bump
I'm with the letter B -
I can run, flow.
And with the letter C -
I can dissolve in myself.
Water is soda

From g - they score into the gate,
With P - a panicle sweep
With B - loaded with bags,
With T - enemy tanks are undermined.
Goal - Paul - Vol - Tol

I go around the sick in the morning.
And do not expect good from me.
The doctor is the enemy

With the letter P - he goes from the pan,
With the letter W - on the thread of Julia.
Steam - ball

In the middle of the planets, look for it
And you will find. And now
Replace the letter on the left:
Before you is a terrible beast.
Mars - Bars

From h - you go to the enemy,
With x - you will find on the sheep,
With L - write on the board
And you will pull a rag.
Sword - fur - chalk

With h over the sea, I fly,
C g in cars I am.
(Seagull - nut)

Metrams for children - a selection for raising the mood

Metraming riddles - a selection for raising the mood
Metrams for children - a selection for raising the mood

Metrams for children - a selection for raising the mood:

With m, you put on me
You call the dog with a dog.
(T -shirt - like)

S to me at school on the wall,
Mountains, rivers are on me.
C P - I do not melt from you -
In each class I stand in a row.
(Map - desk)

When I am with "h",
Then you drink from me.
When I am with "w",
You beat enemies with me.
(Cup - checker)

With "M" - I'm at sea,
With "B" - I'm in the field,
With "P" - I'm in the house,
With "G" - in football.
(They say - ox - floor - goal)

With "d" - from year to year we meet,
With "t" - followed us,
With "P" - in the forest we notice,
With "l" - to work harms.
(Day - shadow - stump - laziness)

With the letter "y" - they are sitting on me,
With the letter "o" - they eat for me.
(Chair table)

With "P" - I burn in the stove with fire,
With "K" - I bend your leg.

With "and" - moves branches,
Bees are beckoning with flowers.
With "y" - will help to see the eye:
Will increase everything at once.
(Linden - lupa)

From under the Christmas tree, Christmas trees
The needles got out.
They changed the “y” to “y” - it stretched in length.
(Hedgehog - already)

With the letter "m" - amber, sweet,
With the letter "l" - cold, smooth.
(Honey - ice)

Metrams in the Russian language for schoolchildren

Metrams in the Russian language for schoolchildren
Metrams in the Russian language for schoolchildren

Metrams in the Russian language for schoolchildren:

It was day, it became night:
1. Day - canopy - village - salt - zero - night;
2. Day - stump - foam - vein - wine - visa - vase - phase - headlight - punishment - bark - leather - bed - lies - rye - role - zero - night.

From the darkness - to the light:
Gloom - marriage - timber - coward - cable - throne - damage - term - period - stock - moan - camp - flock - pile - matchmaker - light

How the river became a puddle, and then turned into the sea:
The river - hand - Luke - Puddle - Lodge - Loza - Pose - time - Mountain - Woe - Sea.

The leg can become a hand:
Leg - note - company - rose - vine - lusa - muse - flour - hand

And the moon by Mars:
Moon - Lupa - Lupa - Lapa - Rama - Rasa - Rosa - Kosa - Bark - Mount - Gore - Sea - Mars - Mars

Smoke can become steam, and steam turns into ice:
1. Dym - house - SOM - SOR - BOR - BAR - PAR - PIR - Peak - LIK - LAK - LAD - Ice

How to get flour from rye:
rye - lies - bed - puddle - onion - flour

How soup got into the mouth:
soup - bitches - juice - som - rum - mouth

How the dough turns into a roll:
1. Test - place - revenge - suit - mouth - pasta - caste - pitch - pack - stick - beam - protein - roll
2. Test - place - revenge - suit - mouth - paste - caste - map - desk - park - barcard - bourgeon - bunch;

Wolf in the tiger:
Wolf - regiment - gender - time - pair - Pava - lava - Lavr - Livre - liter - titer - tiger;

Bars in the fox:
Bars - farce - headlight - pair - dad - paw - linden - fox;

The goat is in the doorm, then in the horse, then in the wolf:
1. Goat - Rose - Riza - Visa - Wine - Vienna - Foam - Pen - Day - Laziness - Lan
2. Goat - Kor - measles - horse
3. Goat - pose - floor - regiment - wolf;

Spider in the fly:
Spider - Park - Para - Kara - Kura - Kupa - Lupa - Luke - Fluk - Fly;

A cat in a mouse, and a mouse in a bear:
cat - midge - mouse - bear;

Crow in a cow:
crow - crown - cow;

Jay to the Seagull:
jay - saika - seagull;

Mushroom in the gnome:
Mushroom - makeup - thunder - dwarf;

Toad in fish:
toad - slave - fish;

Cancer in the whale:
Cancer - rock - juice - som - lump - cat - whale;

Fly in the elephant:
Fly - Mura - Tura - Tara - Kata - Kara - Cafe - Kafr - Kayur - Kayuk - Hook - Krok - STAR - STOK - GRAN - Elephant.

The goat looks at the turnips, but does not know how to get to it:
Goat - Vine - Lusa - Musa - Flour - Hand - River - Turnip

The soul moves to the body:
Soul - land - land - essence - network - canopy - hay - village - body

The enemy becomes a friend:
Enemy - doctor - rook - grab - crab - krap - cereal - circle - friend;

How the fox got to the hole:
Fox - linden - paw - dad - pair - time - Nora;

Metagrams for solving in the lessons

Metagrams for solving in the lessons
Metagrams for solving in the lessons

Metagrams for solving in the lessons:

I'm crazy with a nut,
We can’t pour us with water.
And patients I will need
If you change B B.
The screw is a bandage

With L - on the river in winter it happens,
It is transparent, very smooth.
With m - the bee mines,
It is viscous, very sweet.
Ice - honey

C and - I am righteous Noah
He was a respectful son.
C o - in the river is large, sometimes,

I live, you all are familiar.
Since the task without help
You will allow this sudden
Then praising my luck
You will be with and you, dear friend.
Sim - Som - himself

C to - on the puck hit hard,
With P - Grandma bakes us.
The club is a bun

With the letter E -
I fly from branch to branch,
With the letter U -
I want to get into your teeth.
You can eat me boldly
From the flour I am white-white.
Squirrel is a roll

With the letter f - one of the snakes,
With M - a little, but have.
With the letter C - you will find me
At the cat, in barley.
Already - mind - mustache

C P - will cut the board boldly,
With C - Any business on the shoulder.
What are the words? You guess
And do not forget to write them.
Saw - strength

C T - he is where the stadium,
With m - animals food,
C A - we will find a tree,
If we look there.
Cort - food - bark

I swing from the wind in the field
I pour grain all summer.
But in order to sound,
I replaced the letter to a.
Kolos is a voice

C E - fastenes the sheets,
C and - the violinist plays on it.
The paper clip

With the letter K - between the shores
I am fluently.
With the letter C - I'm without teeth
But I bite painfully.
Oka - wasp

With the letter n - he dreams of children at night,
With the letter K - in the heat gives to get drunk.
Sleep - juice

Taking off, I burn a star in the night,
But I fade very early.
And change e to and -
And I will become green with a bush.
Rocket - Rakita

Change the third letter at the flower -
And the French river will flow.
Rosa - Rona

C m - wheat, rye,
With a s - a shark, but river.
Flour is a pike

With d - I'm used to the liquids,
With Z - a huge wild bull.
Budon - Bison

With h - I fly over the sea,
From g - I am in the car,
With M - I dress you,
With L - I am called the dog
C C - you can buy in a bakery,
With w - wash yourself in the bathhouse.
Seagull - Gaika - T -shirt - Laika - Saika - gang

She is a cloud and fog,
Both stream and ocean.
If you are patient
The letter D to C replacing,
Change the consonants,
And the guess in front of you:
She will be able to turn
In a sullen night bird.
Water is an owl

With the letter A - buzzing, I begun,
With me, I am becoming a girl.
Yula - Julia

In any sausage I, take a look, -
I am lying, your appetite is teasing.
But oh change -
And throw me into the urn.
The ham is a cigarette butt

With D - a detachment of volunteers,
Elderly and Komsomol members,
All of them are held in high esteem.
With the letter P - you will find in the watch.
The squad is a spring

With the letter "Yu" - a type of light fabric,
With the letter A-ex-champion,
S - Look for buildings at a construction site
This roof cardboard.
Tulle - tan - only

With the letter D - step forward
From dawn to dawn.
With P - I stick out, why, I do not know.
C T - I help people
Even in the strongest heat.
With L - I always interfere with everyone.
Do not be friends with me!
Day - stump - shadow - laziness

Contain me in order
I pour the air, the light of the river.
And add me to explosives -
I will immediately become flour.
The window is toe

With the letter K - I protect,
With L - tender with you, like silk,
With the letter M - on the carnival,
I cover her face.
Helmet - affection - mask

With d - we did not meet at night,
C T - in light is only visible,
With P - from the tree remained,
With L - she harms work.
Day - shadow - stump - laziness

C T I - a book, C I - fish,
C to - shapeless block,
With L - I helped to chop the ice,
With d - people live in me.
Tom - COM - lump - scrap - house

With P - I look like clouds,
With C - in France, the river.
Foam - hay

I used to be a cavalryman
Grouted like a wind, in a clean field.
But somehow L to P changed,
And I got into the planet.
Ulan is Uranus

With the letter f -
Buzzing and everything flies,
With the letter l -
It makes mom cry.
The beetle is onions

You will remember about him then
When you need to treat.
But change in to g,
And the word into a bird will turn.
The doctor is a rook

The night replaces me.
The gaps fluttered away from me.
Day - stump

With a call at the end he means
About the same as "not old."
With a deaf - rides a barrel,
He rings his blow in his ears.
Young - hammer

I was created by wise bee.
And I am only very angry in fairy tales.
Wax is a wolf

C and - it happens in ponds,
With the letter U - a big bird,
C E - a stubborn enemy of labor,
How he is afraid of his fire.
Lin - Lun - laziness

With deaf -
She cuts the grass,
With ringing -
The leaves are eating.
Spit is a goat

C B - Everyone is afraid of her,
C N - stay with nothing.
Pain is zero

I am in the mountains usually,
I'm strong, I'm afraid of fire,
Both the chest of drawers and the cabinet are excellent
Can be made of me.
U A change
And then, if you want
I can stand with water.
With s - passus on the shore.
Beech - Buck - bull

With the letter C - I am a marsh bird,
But with K - I am a particle of liquid.
The heron is a drop

With the letter P - I'm on the leg of the horse,
I even have a horseshoe.
With the letter P - they washed the laundry in me,
But then they exchanged the baths.
The hoof is a trough

With the letter G, he is a composer,
With the letter F - a big bird,
C B - look for him in the forest,
With M - the artist will come in handy.
Grieg - Griff - Mushroom - makeup

I keep a lot of treasures,
It is not easy to extract me.
But add me to the preposition -
I turn into a speech right there.
The treasure is a report

With the letter C - I live in the pond,
All fishermen know me.
With the letter F - for beauty
They call me a firebird.
Sazan is a pheasant

With the letter A -
In the shop,
With the letter E -
In the dam.
Baton is concrete

The baby's hands give birth to a sound,
Change one letter - and there will be a beetle,
We change the other - the name of the actor.
Well, then - the happiness of the miner.
Clap - Blop - Claude - treasure

Metraming riddles for children of all ages

Metraming riddles for children of all ages
Metraming riddles for children of all ages

Riddles of a metagram for children of all ages:

If the word with the letter m,
From it I eat buns.
With the letter Sh, the word -
The joy of the catch.
Flour is a pike

He is not very small rodent,
For a little more proteins.
And replace U O - -
There will be a round number.
Surrok - forty

With P - I burn in the stove with fire,
C to - I bend your leg.
Pole - the knee

My bushes are easy to find out:
I bloom with clusters in the spring.
But replace the soft sign
On the letter A - and I will conquer.

Lilac - siren

I bring pain with me
The person is a great distortion.
And f at p you will replace Kohl,
I will turn into a sign of folding.
Flus is plus

On a piece of paper, with a capital,
We will get out "Barsuk"
There is a beast so forest.
We cross out, in return
We will write and, and here
In the place of the badger
The cat settled.

Barsuk - Barsik

With the letter K I -
Part of the gun,
With the letter C - I am a little animal.

The trigger is a marf

With a dull hissing I -
With ringing - name
Six - tin

With the letter B - a night bird,
With d - everyone needs to be washed,
C F - in the apartment will come in handy,
With x - it has long been passed to the museum.
Owl - soda - Sofa - Soha

There can be no spring without me,
Everyone knows this.
If you replace the letter,
I will become a planet.
March - Mars

C with it - quality discharge,
C T - nutritious and sweet,
C B - a section of the ship,
C to is a sports ground.

Variety - cake - board - court

C D - long ago
I became a measure
C T - no
Above the point.
The span is five

Anagrams and metagrams with answers

Anagrams and metagrams with answers
Anagrams and metagrams with answers

Anagrams and metagrams with answers:

Even a little Seryozha
We can tell us once:
- We put bromine in a test tube,
And in the notebook we draw ...

He comprehended with surprise
Anagrams Grandfather Arkhip,
And now he is easy to brig
Turns into white ...

Albeit a small face
But she could understand
That the union, otherwise - the league,
This is not at all ...

I bake the pie myself
Kuma helps me.
The whole hand is stained -
Persons to his hand ...

There is in the forest, in a huge way
Thickets wild and pieces,
And of course there from boredom
River do not live ...

There was a sunny summer
Everyone benefited everyone -
Rested, tanned
And our treacherous ours ...

Petya knows, knows Charlie,
Know Vasya and Eldar -
Anagram for the word "gauze"
There is a profession -...

There is no wind and everywhere is quiet
Kamysh does not sway,
It’s quiet that you can even hear
How he squeaks ...

There is such a word "gamma",
And there is an anagram to it,
But not "Mamga" and not "Amgma",
And, of course, this is ...

In the barn of Zhilina Seryozha
Little goat lives,
He has a face over a bang
And on the tummy ...

Responsile answers: Magma, fat, pike, rhombus, painter, body, mouse, flour, mushroom, needle.

Matograms mathematical for school classes

Metagrams with rearrangement of letters for school
Matograms mathematical for school classes

Matograms mathematical for school classes:



With the letter "p" - cut off the sheep,
Durable spinning in the thread.
And without "p" - is needed for account,
To be the number - her work.
(Wool - six)

The number I am less than ten.
It's easy for you to find me.
But if the letter "I" will order to stand nearby,
I am everything: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother.
(Seven - family)

We read to the right boldly -
Geometric body.
We read to the right to the left -
We will see a type of tree.
(Cube - beech)

I am born in a furniture factory I
And in every farm you can’t live without me.
Throw my last letter -
I give a big number.
(Table - one hundred)

I am with "l" softened - underground,
I am stone and brown.
And with hard - in your room
And in geometry a figure.
(Coal - corner)

With "D" - I have long glued a measure,
With "T" - there is no longer higher than the score.
(Span - five)

The number of TU is considered to be a happy figure
It is used in the score.
And “m” was changed to “t” -
And the fish caught a lot.
(Seven - network)

With "k" - for products is suitable,
With "M" - for folding is needed.
(Bag - sum)

With "w" - I need it for an account,
With "M" - the offenders are terrible!
(Six - revenge)

With a dull hissing -
Round like a ball.
With ringing -
Like fire, hot.
(Ball - heat)

With a dull hissing I -
With ringing - name
(Six - tin)

With "K" - a figure without corners,
With "D" - to be friends with you.
(Circle - friend)

"B" - the segment is not simple -
With a direction, with a length.
With "C" will become part of the circle,
That the arc pulled tight.
(Vector - sector)

Geometric body,
And in it the water boiled.

The first syllable is a note,
The second syllable is a note.
But in general -
Only part of something.
(Up to + la \u003d share)

Game - horses are needed in it,
Fasten the misconduct.
And call, friend, boldly
That which has long been no longer.
(Polo + wine \u003d half)

The preposition stands in my beginning,
In the end - a country house.
And we all decided the whole
And at the board and at the table.
(For + cottage \u003d task)

Two notes - two syllables,
And the word is one
And the measure of length
It means.
(Mi + la \u003d mile)

At first - a deuce. Next is a man,
He is tall title and rank.
And the whole word is a designation,
Dose crushing for doses.
(Pair + graph \u003d paragraph)

The first at school is being studied by everything,
Well, the second from the double -barreled man is shot.
Two drums will perform the third for us
Or heels will repel her zealously.

The first is such a polygon,
Know which every schoolboy should know.
The second gymnasts perform,
She lifts them under the dome.

We find the first, we calculate,
We know many formulas for her.
At the second rallies, parades,
We are always happy to walk along it.

Video: Sharades, Metrams, Logogrifs

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