The Black Sea jellyfish in the Crimea are dangerous or not: which are stinging, why they sail to the shore and when? Is it possible to eat jellyfish from the Black Sea: types of edible jellyfish, dishes

The Black Sea jellyfish in the Crimea are dangerous or not: which are stinging, why they sail to the shore and when? Is it possible to eat jellyfish from the Black Sea: types of edible jellyfish, dishes

Meduses of the Black Sea in Crimea - are poisonous or not? Look for an answer in the article.

In the salty waters of the seas and oceans there are a large number of unusual and mysterious inhabitants. One of them is a jellyfish. This is an almost transparent jelly -like creature, more similar in shape to a small umbrella, surrounded on all sides by freely hanging tentacles. It is almost motionless in the aquatic environment, drifting along with the current.

Meduses are poisonous and not very. Many are generally safe. Read more about the types of jellyfish and their danger, as well as about interesting facts, read to another article on our website on this link. These creatures also live in the Black Sea. Are they dangerous or not? When appear in the Crimea, where they are not? Can I eat jellyfish? Look for answers to these and other questions below.

Meduses in the Black Sea, in Crimea: are dangerous or not?

Medus in the Black Sea
Medus in the Black Sea

In the sea depths of the Black Sea, you can see three types of jellyfish:

  • Cornerot
  • Mnemiopsis
  • Aurelia

A small number of species living in Black Sea waters is due to an increased amount of hydrogen sulfide in the lower sea layers that do not allow any life to develop below 200 meters From the surface of the water, and the jellyfish is not its exception. It is worth noting the following:

  • Big inertia is inherent in the entire type of jellyfish.
  • They do not choose a course of their movement, completely surrendering to the underwater movement of water, their power system does not require a large amount of food and great activity, as in predatory inhabitants.
  • On the soft body of the jellyfish, books of jellyfish or stinging cells are located, inside of which there are small capsules with toxin.
  • Weak doses of poison are able to paralyze floating plankton and small fry, found in the way, which later become food.

In the marine environment, Medusa is considered peaceful and calm creatures. They do not attack the first, so contact with them can be completely excluded, if you do not approach, but noticing the translucent creature, swim by. Poisonous books can be released by a marine "umbrella" only as a defense or direct contact. Meduses in the Black Sea, in Crimea: are dangerous or not? Here's the answer:

  • The toxin, released by a jellyfish, falling on the skin of a person, is able to cause a small firing “imprint”, more similar to nettles.
  • Large sea individuals can leave a burn the size of a coffee saucer.
  • It is painless for an adult, causes a sense of discomfort and leaves only unpleasant impressions.

Important: Medus burns are poorly tolerated by small children, as well as people suffering from allergic reactions. Therefore, this category people should be extremely careful when bathing in the waters of the sea.

Vacationers do not always manage to avoid contact with jellyfish, even if they try to be more careful when meeting them. Therefore, it is better to know in advance what to do in the case of a burn:

  • If possible, do not touch the injured area of \u200b\u200bthe skin
  • With a clean towel, wipe the burns of a paper cloth with a paper towel
  • Treat a small concentration of soda with a solution
  • Attach ice wrapped in a towel to the injured area, polyethylene
  • It is possible to use an ointment that is used from an insect bite
  • Avoid direct sunlight on damaged skin

If the painful sensations do not pass, an allergic reaction to the burn appears, then consult a doctor. Read article on our website about jellyfish bites.

What jellyfish are stinging: poisonous jellyfish of the Black Sea

Medus in the Black Sea
Medus in the Black Sea

It should be noted that there are no very poisonous jellyfish in the Black Sea. Some species can sting, but only a burn will remain. If you compare with the bite of the Pacific Medus, which can lead to death, it is even impossible to call a bite, but simply a small trouble, a slight burn. What jellyfish sting strongly? Here's the answer:

  • One of the largest jellyfish of the Black Sea is the Kornerot.
  • This is the most popular inhabitant of the Black Sea waters.
  • The predatory appearance of a jellyfish is fed not only by plankton, but also with small species of fish. At the very beginning, he paralyzes them with poison, then eats.
  • A jellyfish consists of a hat reaching diameter 50-80 cm., as well as hanging lower long outgrowths - tentacles. They play the role of the oral cavity of the body.
  • One of the main distinguishing features of the sea predator is a blue or purple canvas framing the edges of the Chalocol cap.
  • The weight of the jellyfish can reach up to 10 kg.

The consequence of contact with the cornerot can be a large painful burn, traces of which will remain on the body for about a week. The natives of the Medusa are the shores of Turkey, in the waters of the Black Sea region it was noticed only at the beginning XIX century. You practically do not notice a clash with other types of jellyfish of the Black Sea. Read more about them below.

Types of Medus -safe jellyfish in the Black Sea in Crimea

Safe for humans Medusa in the Black Sea
Safe for humans Medusa in the Black Sea

From the above information it is known that three types of jellyfish live in the Black Sea. Cornerot sting strongly, so that burns remain. But there are other less dangerous species of such inhabitants. Types of Medus -safe jellyfish in the Black Sea in Crimea:


  • Almost safe for a person will be acquainted with this representative of jellyfish.
  • This is small, reaching in diameter about 40 cm. Medusa has its small secrets.
  • Grasping its prey, it can get out completely inside out.
  • The voracious aurelia plays the role of the orderly and the Cleaner of the Black Sea waters.
  • Outwardly, it is easily recognizable in four rings, more reminiscent of the shape of a flower located in the center of the hat.
  • On the body, at the point of contact with her, a slight burning sensation can be felt and minor redness remains for several hours.


  • This luminous jellyfish took root in the Black Sea, sailing for a very long time from the eastern shores of America.
  • Its main difference from other varieties of jellyfish is the lack of a pity, the tentacles, which does not prevent her from harm fishing fish.
  • You can also note the excessive fertility of this creature. One adult can postpone before 8,000 eggs, of which almost all the hatched young animals survive in the future.
  • To date, measures are being taken to reduce the population of this species.
  • It can be noted that this type of jellyfish is completely harmless to humans.

No more jellyfish are found in the Black Sea in the Crimea. Of those that are, almost everything is safe, so you can safely swim. However, if you have sensitive skin, an allergenic organism and weak immunity, you can feel a burn from the contact of the corninth.

Meduses in the Black Sea: when appear in the Crimea?

Medus in the Black Sea
Medus in the Black Sea

Many vacationers who like to spend a vacation in Crimea noticed that in the specific months of summer, there are too many jellyfish near the shore. When do jellyfish appear in the Black Sea? Answer:

  • A large accumulation of a jellyfish appears on the Black Sea coast on hot days - from mid -August to early September.
  • At this time, the water becomes more warm, a large amount of plankton floats near the coastal edge.
  • In addition, the Medus accumulation season depends on many natural factors - the speed of the current, the direction of the underwater, and the water temperature.
  • At this time, jellyfish sail to the shore to bring off offspring in warm water near the coast.

The largest concentration of these marine inhabitants can be seen in the summer months on the coast of the Western Crimea:

  • Evpatoria
  • Nikolaevka
  • Olenevka

In these places there are warm sand shallow water.

Why do jellyfish come to the shore of the Black Sea in the Crimea?

Meduses in the Black Sea sail to the shore
Meduses in the Black Sea sail to the shore

To date, more and more often you can see marine translucent creatures in coastal waters. Why do jellyfish come to the shore of the Black Sea in the Crimea? This is caused by several factors:

  • Storm, strong underwater trends take the jellyfish to the edge of the coast.
  • Deterioration of the environmental situation. The places where the fish used to live, today are inhabited by jellyfish.
  • A large number of small crustaceans, shrimp living in the coastal strip are their favorite food of large jellyfish. Therefore, aurelia, cornineries in search of available food, rush to the coastal strip.
  • In the coastal zone of the heated shallow water, the jellyfish sail in large quantities at the end of summer for reproduction. In shallow areas at the edge of the water, sea inhabitants take their offspring, then after two to three days they float back into the underwater depths.

At this time, when jellyfish are drunk with large packs near the coastline, it is not recommended to go to the sea, it is better to choose another beach. But it can be noted that during the period of their reproduction, the jellyfish is non -hazardous for people. A person is not perceived by them as a direct threat.

Where is there no jellyfish in the Black Sea?

Under Sevastopol in the Black Sea there are no jellyfish
Under Sevastopol in the Black Sea there are no jellyfish

The habitat of jellyfish directly depends on the zones of the Black Sea coast. Where is there no jellyfish in the Black Sea?

  • In areas with rocky beaches there are fewer of them than in the waters of the shores of a sandy beach.
  • In addition, jellyfish do not live in those sea areas where there is no suitable feed - plankton, small fish, crustaceans.
  • The population of marine creatures is also affected by the purity of water. They do not live in contaminated areas, near sea ports.

Little jellyfish and in the vicinity cities of Sevastopol. The fact is that in the sea near the shore, several small rivals flows. They have fresh water, which makes sea water not so salty. Meduses are not found in fresh water, so they do not sail to the shores of Sevastopol.

Is it possible to eat jellyfish from the Black Sea: types of edible jellyfish

Medus from the Black Sea can eat
Medus from the Black Sea can eat

Medus dishes are popular in all the kitchens of the Asian world-China, Japan, Southeast Asia. It should be noted that only female individual is used in preparation. Only a jelly -like umbrella goes to food, which, after removal, the tentacles, shells, insides, soaked for a long time in a salt solution along with spices. At the end of the processing process, the jellyfish not only loses its weight, but the smell also disappears. The jelly -like consistency becomes more rigid, due to moisture loss, acquiring a white or cream tint. Is it possible to eat a jellyfish from the Black Sea?

  • In China, jellyfish is recommended to be consumed with tracheitis, pressure, obese people.
  • Of the Black Sea creatures in cooking, you can use only two types of edible jellyfish - Cornerot and Aurelia.

According to the studies of the Crimean branch of the Research Institute of Fisheries, these varieties of the Black Sea jellyfish are completely suitable for production in food, industrial, and feed products.

Black Sea jellyfish dishes: recipes

Black Sea jellyfish dish
Black Sea jellyfish dish

All dishes where a jellyfish is present as the main ingredient are more popular in the Asian world. For a gastronomic experiment with this unusual product, you can use several recipes. Suitable for the preparation of jellyfish of the Black Sea.

Medus salad with shrimp:


  • 250 gr. dried jellyfish
  • 250 gr. shrimp
  • 60 gr. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. tablespoons: dried garlic, sesame oil, vinegar

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the jellyfish on 30 minutes In water, dry, cut into small strips.
  2. Lower into boiling water on 8-10 seconds, remove and send to 20 minutes In cold water.
  3. Boil shrimp.
  4. Put in the dish in layers: straws of jellyfish, then shrimp.
  5. Pour sauce mixed with butter, garlic and vinegar.

This dish can be served both hot and cold.

Black Sea jellyfish dish
Black Sea jellyfish dish

Rice with jellyfish:


  • 200 gr. Medus
  • 100 gr. rice
  • 2 small fresh cucumber
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tsp rice vinegar
  • Salad leaves
  • Spices: salt, black pepper, bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. Boil rice. Put the salad leaves in a deep plate at the bottom, put the jellyfish cut into strips on them, fly in vinegar, add spices.
  2. Cut the pepper, peeled cucumber. Add rice, vegetables to jellyfish.
  3. Mix, pour soy sauce.

Medusa meat is widely used in the cooking and traditional medicine of the Asian peoples of the world. In Russia, gastronomic dishes, including this unusual product, are not common.

It should be noted that due to the presence of jellyfish in the waters of the Black Sea, the natural balance of living organisms of the sea fauna remains. They are peculiar orderlies, eating small crustaceans floating on the surface of the water plankton. Also, the aesthetic appearance of the translucent umbrellas soaring in the water pacifies, but on condition - if they do not touch them and do not strive to pick them up. Good luck!

Video: Poisonous jellyfish of the Black Sea.

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