Ointment of pits BC for cats and dogs, animals: what helps, instructions for use, reviews

Ointment of pits BC for cats and dogs, animals: what helps, instructions for use, reviews

Ointment BC for dogs and animals: composition, why is it used, how to use, in what diseases?

In this article, we will talk about the perfectly proven ointment of Yam BC for dogs and other animals. About its composition, recommendations for use, as well as to whom it is shown, and to whom it is harmful.

The composition of the ointment of the BC for animals

The ointment of the BC and other animals is actively used in veterinary practice due to its chic composition. The main active components are mixture of zinc and sulfur oxide. Like any ointment, there is a base on which the ointment rests - distilled water and petroleum jelly. And, of course, the ointment has a strong healing effect thanks to the auxiliary components: carboniferous non -phenylo creoline, tar, lysol, turpentine, salicylic acid.

The ointment has a viscous structure and fits tightly on the affected areas.

Animal omise
Animal omise

How does the ointment of the BC for animals work?

In veterinary practice, the ointment of the BC for dogs and other animals is actively prescribed with a wide spectrum of dermatological diseases of animals. It should be understood that the ointment is used exclusively for external use. Therefore, the treated areas of the animal should be covered with bandages so that it cannot lick the ointment, as this will cause poisoning.

The action of the therapeutic ointment of Yam BC for animals has a wide spectrum:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Keratolytic;
  • Acaricidal;
  • Drying;
  • Binding;
  • Anti -inflammatory;
  • Fungicidal.

Ointment of pits BC for dogs

Dogs are animals that often live in direct contact with a person, sharing housing with him. But at the same time, animals are actively in contact with the outside world, homeless and pets. Due to contact with the ground, grass, and branches of the dogs often pick up dermatological infections and viruses that a person successfully circumvents. At the same time, many diseases can also be transmitted to the owner. For example, lichen, scabies.

Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend thoroughly washing the paws of dogs, comb them and regularly bathe them. And also inspect after every walk. Moreover, if the owner noticed inflamed, damaged areas of the skin, in pieces of wool and other inflammations, he will immediately go to the veterinary clinic and take the scrapings for tests.

It is strictly not recommended to use the ointment of the BC for dogs in non -examined areas of the skin. Also, it is strictly impossible to use the ointment in damaged areas with wounds, scratches and other mechanical damage.

Ointment of pits BC for dogs
Ointment of pits BC for dogs

The ointment of pits of the BC for dogs is prescribed for the treatment of lichen, scabies, eczema, microsporia, dermatitis, trichophytosis. The ointment is applied to the bandage for 10-15 minutes once a day, courses from 5 to 30 days, depending on the purpose of the veterinarian.

Ointment of pits bc for cats

The ointment of the BC pits for dogs and animals contain tar. In cats, intolerance to tar, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to use the ointment of the BC IM for the treatment of cats.

Check with the veterinarian, and he will tell you another alternative ointment by type of BC Yam, but without tar. There are a lot of such ointments, and you can choose depending on the diagnosis.

Ointment of pits bc for animals from lichen

Veterinarians have been using the Ointment of BC for dogs and animals for many years in the treatment of lichen. The ointment has a pronounced smell, so animals with a more sensitive smell can actively resist and try to escape from the treatment of damaged areas. In this case, it is recommended to process in pairs, one holds the animal - the second applies the ointment and fixes the bandage.

Lichen - it is perfectly treated with ointment for animals
Lichen - it is perfectly treated with ointment for animals

The ointment is applied 15 minutes once a day to the course until a complete recovery (the result can only show a test scraping for analysis). According to the coming of 15 minutes, remove the bandage and carefully clean the damaged area from the ointment. Make sure that the animal can not lick the ointment, since it can be poisoned.

Ointment of Yam BC for animals from eczema

Eczema is a severe chronic disease of the skin of animals. The ointment of the BC for dogs and other animals facilitates the course of the disease and is prescribed courses at the moments of exacerbations. It is applied for 10-15 minutes on the affected areas, as well as with a capture around the perimeter by 1-2 cm for a dense bandage.

The course of treatment is established individually, depending on the size of the affected areas, the frequency of relapse and the age of the animal. The older the animal, the more often relapses occur, and the course of treatment increases.

Ointment of pits BC for animals from dermatitis

Animals suffer from dermatitis much less often than people, but in the event of a disease, the course of the disease is more complicated, and treatment is complicated by the fact that the affected areas are covered with wool. The ointment of the pits of the BC for dogs and other animals with dermatitis is prescribed in courses: once a day for 15 minutes, ointment is applied to inflamed areas, after which it will be carefully removed. It is necessarily controlled so that the animal does not lick the ointment, since it is exclusively for external use.

Ointment of pits BC for animals from scabies

If scabies are detected in an animal, it will be necessary not only to treat, but also to disinfect the entire surrounding dog. Scabies in animals are easily treated only when the owner carefully disinfects the territory.

For the treatment of the animal from scabies, an ointment of pits for dogs and animals with compresses for 15 minutes is prescribed, after which it is required to remove the remains. Apply once a day, a course for 7-10 days, or for the entire duration of the disease.

House, booth or corral - completely disinfect. Remove carefully in the entrance through which the dog walks in order to avoid new infection.

If the animal fell ill with scabies, follow all family members, since the disease is quickly transferred to people.

Side effects of ointments of animals BC

An animal may be allergic to one of the components. If, after applying the ointment, the skin turned red, inflamed, the animal is actively scratching - the ointment is not suitable for the animal.

If the ointment of BC and animals ointment is overexposed, or apply to open wounds, scratches, mechanical damage - the skin is inflamed, and you can also get a chemical burn.

Where to buy an ointment for animals?

An ointment for animals can be purchased in veterinary pharmacies, as well as in the Internet pharmacies. Depending on the animal, the degree of damaged area and the course of treatment, you can purchase an ointment in packaging from 20 grams to 1 kilogram.

If you tightly clog the ointment during storage, it persists up to 2 years, at a temperature of 0 ° to 30 ° C.

Ointment of pits BC for dogs will return perfectly clean covers to your dog
Ointment of pits BC for dogs will return perfectly clean covers to your dog

How to cleanse the skin of the ointment of the pits of the BC?

It is strongly recommended to overexpose ointment on the skin. Unlike many ointments, it is not absorbed and has a fat, viscous structure. You can’t wash it off with water and shampoo. But it is removed easily, using a cotton pad and vegetable oil. Carefully remove the ointment of the coil of BC, and bandage the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe animal.

Also, after you remove the rest of the ointment with oil, the animal can be washed, but only if the veterinarian allowed it. Water and shampoo are contraindicated during the treatment of some skin diseases.

Ointment of pits BC for dogs and other animals: reviews

Irina: Ten years ago, my wife and I founded the farm. And as on any farm, there are animals, and there are their diseases. I buy ointment for animals for animals in liter banks and keep in a pantry. There is no month to make it not useful to us. They treated lichen, scabies, eczema and all kinds of dermatitis. Ideal for both dogs and pigs, cows, rabbits.

Alexei: Places for walking dogs - a real source of all kinds of parasites! But the dog needs to run, so we still go there. I process with sprays, mine after every walk, but sometimes I return to the problem again and again - now we’ll pick it up, then lichen, then what infection. The veterinarian advised the ointment of the Yam BC for dogs. Likes very much, quickly heals, the only negative is a strong unpleasant odor.

Video: How to cure lichen without pills in 12 days?

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