Mother is a fight! Why swearing today not only unculturally, but also dangerous: a list of abusive words without a mat

Mother is a fight! Why swearing today not only unculturally, but also dangerous: a list of abusive words without a mat

You can make your list of abusive words without a mat so as not to violate the law. If it does not work, then we will help.

The use of "strong words" has long become the norm in our country. Children hear these words very early from older comrades, classmates or even parents. In many families, after the child reaches adulthood, the question of the mat is completely closed.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Quotes and statements of famous writers about the Russian language". You will find the best selection.

As said in one famous joke: "I do not swear obscenities, I talk on it". This happens in some families. Nevertheless, from February 1 This year - lovers will have to look for an alternative. It's all about the new law, which will enter into force very soon.

Why can't you swear obscenities?

Do not swear obscenities
Do not swear obscenities

Innovation will also affect such a “free” space as the Internet and social networks. People will be punished not only for words on "P ..." and "x ..."but for any gross statements that humiliate human dignity.

On the one hand, such a law can even be called important - because on the Internet many are used not to be shy in expressions. Even cases of suicide are known due to trolling. But not everything is so clear. If you write to someone on the wall, for example, on VKontakte, an obscene comment, no one will force you to pay a fine. Responsibility in this case falls on the resource itself - that is, on the social network in which you hooligate.

The only thing that can threaten a lover of swear is the removal of his tirade. The opponent may simply not have time to read the swearing in your address. Cunning admins immediately remove this. True, if the user becomes an obscene abuse for other users for hours, he may well lose his account. In other words, they will not take a fine in the form of money, but they can be blocked.

Of course, in any social network you can create a new account. It is very fast and simple. But, if you continue your rudeness, you will be punished again and again. That is why it is very important to learn how to express your emotions without a mat.

What does Rospotrebnadzor consider obscenities?

Everything is extremely controversial here. WITH 2014 prohibited Rospotrebnadzor Words on the letters "X" And "P", and "E" And "B" - But there is no clear list. Everything is blurred enough. One way or another, all the abusive words known to us are considered obscenity, as well as their derivatives, which are plentiful in the Russian language.

 Why prohibit mat?

One of the reasons why the network wants to get rid of obsceneity is the younger generation. But on the other hand, the guys may well hear all indecent words from the songs of Morgenstern and the like. After all, for some reason, you can use a mat in "musical creativity"-it is possible. The contractor can put the vulture "18+" On your disk - but, in fact, all the music (both good and bad) now, for the most part, sways from the Internet. And no one can forbid the child to say a “harmless song”. That is why the issue of the prohibition of the mat is extremely controversial.

Intelligent swearing - is it that it happens as to learn this: a list of abusive words without a mat

Do not swear obscenities
Do not swear obscenities

In fact, there are analogues to any abuse. It is enough to read more, and the words themselves will come to mind. So, intelligent swearing - is it that it happens as to learn this? Here are what abrupt words without a mat you need to learn - the list:

  • Bastard - An unworthy person, bad person. In Rus', the so -called criminals. They were tied and specifically punished - watered with water in the cold. As for the scoundrel, this is a person who poured water to the bastard. But this is only a legend regarding the origin of words. You will not find scientific evidence.
  • Scoundrel - If you discard the legend of the criminals expressed earlier, then we can come to the conclusion that the word “scoundrel” comes from the word “meanness” - that is, this is a person capable of a lot for the sake of profit, a person without principles, he performs unworthy actions. Often, scoundrels are called rude and uncouth people. This is an anti -Power. But in the old days, the so -called any person of the lower class was called.
  • SHVAL (submitted) - This word is known since the Patriotic War with France. When the broken troops retreated, people had to eat carrion. They ate their dead horses. Subsequently, the word “blot” began to be called all crazy and unworthy - including people.
  • Shelma - The word takes the beginning from the German language and means "Piadokha", "scoundrel", "deceiver". By the way, Peter I I introduced a rather unpleasant shelming procedure for the nobles. For the misconduct of a person, led to a scaffold. His sword was publicly broken. In other words, a person was deprived of the title of a nobleman.
  • Smerd - The word is used in relation to unworthy people, the lower class. As a rule, the sovereign could say so not only to the peasant, but also to his boyar, if he was guilty.
  • Dog - Alas, with a cute and very faithful domestic animal, another curse is associated. As a rule, a dog is called any unworthy and bad person. Another word from the old days.

Below even more such words. Read further.

Video: How to swear without a mat?

Cinema-Zamen-what is Andrei Gavrilov teach us: a list of bad words without a mat

Do not swear obscenities
Do not swear obscenities

If it was decided to learn how to swear from the mat, it is impossible not to recall the legendary actor dubbing Andrei Gavrilovwho is in the film "Blood and concrete" and still issued a popular memegal tirade - a monologue "Bastard, your mother". And although the quote itself is also not recommended for children, a person has not used a single mat.

It all sounds something like this:

  • “Bastard, your mother, well, come here, shit dog! A? School decided to climb to me?! You, a smelly asshole, your mother, huh? Well, come here, try to fuck me, I myself will fuck you, bastard, masturbation damn, be you cursed! Go, idiot, fuck you and your whole family, shit of dog, smelly redneck, shit, bitch, bastard! Come here, bastard, scoundrel, bastard, come here, you, shit, ass! ”

We can say that the lack of words on "X" And "E" It did not make a monologue less emotional, did not deprive him of sharpness. Human humiliation really occurs without a single obscene word. All analogues on "Fuck" replaced by a more censored word "fuck", expression "fuck" It is used even in books, so it cannot be regarded as a mat.

Sincere wish "damn you" Also literary. As for the word "shit", on the one hand, it should not be in the literature, but since it is not considered obscenities, it is there. Like the word "bitch" (not a female a dog, but in the form of cursing). Word "bastard" Akin to words "Bastard" And "scoundrel" Only in a slightly more gross version. But this is also not a mat.

Word "Padla", which came to our world from thieves jargon, is also not obscenities. It is present in many modern dictionaries. Of course, translation Gavrilova It cannot be a sign of culture. But he perfectly sets up on the necessary “anti-magazine” wave. True, such phrases are also a humiliation of a person and can be regarded as a violation of the law if they write them with frenzy on someone else's wall.

Here are more successful analogues - a list of bad words without a mat  from different films:

  • Dylda-overgrown
  • Small subatum drawing
  • Epic shame!
  • Elm!
  • Tishkina Etishka!
  • What is this granny?
  • Blinsky hedgehog!
  • Kosheryzhka is a nuclear!
  • Sushkin son
  • The dough is in one place!
  • Related iodine
  • The pig is stunted!
  • Etizhi Passatigi!

A fairly successful option is a replacement of letters in a phrase. Something like this happens to "Rebank iodine". You can try other options: “Hedo your copper”, “iodine tryndets”, “fuck” etc.

Secrets of politicians: how to swear censored, without a mat?

As you know, the status does not allow the “servants of the people” to swear overre there. But this does not bother them at all. After all, they have their own specific abusive slang. The founder of the whole case, of course, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. As a rule, he distributes animal nicknames to his opponents and colleagues. For example, Zyuganov has an old and evil bors, and Novodvorskaya is a quiet, well -fed pig. It seems not mats, but also unpleasant.

As for the leader of the Communist Party, he also has something to learn. For example, Sobchak called the "call candidate." And he did not say “b ..”, but the meaning is clear. Another technique is to find semantic offensive analogues so that everyone understands which mat should stand in the place of your tirade.

But D.A. Medvedev curses folk, but without “x”. For example, once he called the investigators quite softly - goats. Our current president was not seen in the fading. And, despite the fact that his close associates say that during the time he could swear as a shoemaker, no one saw this. At a press conference to the question of Shnurov, he replied that the Russian language is quite rich-therefore, you can express your thoughts without a mat.

2 more analogues that can be used on television: "Bastards" And "Morons". You can also call people pigs - this is humiliation, but not obscene. Politicians often do this.

How to replace the words with “x”, “p” and “b”: several appropriate ideas to express without a mat

Do not swear obscenities
Do not swear obscenities

Literary words like "Bastard", "scoundrel" And "Scoundrel" They do not always reflect the state of things. What to do in this case? Naturally, continue to look for analogues. For example, instead of a word "B ..." There can be used options such as: whore, slut, bitch daughter, shmonka, germandy etc. And for the intellectuals there is a great option - "Professor"who, although he gives out in the old days, reflects the essence.

What can be used instead of a word on "X…"? In fact, anything. Words like "Bolt", "pin", "buoy". And even a word "dick" It is not obscenities. Or the ubiquitous "Khutor with butterflies", to which everyone is usually sent in order to catch insects.

In the case of a word on the letter "P", The options are also different: "Star", "Pinda", "Shell", "Treasury", "Pearl" - And anything, from hooligan words and ending with intelligent.

From all the above we can conclude: despite the fact that the new law on swearing will not change human life in the root, it will quite spoil the situation to those people who like to use obscene vocabulary. Therefore, you have to look for analogues and draw inspiration somewhere. By the way, on "YouTube" Fat comments are already deleted.

Do you swear obscenities? And in the comments on the Internet?

Video: How to unlearn cursing?

Video: a masterpiece of a Russian mat

Video: KVN - Super number! If there were no Russian mat

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