Diet Yaroslav Brin: Principles and Tips, Meeting Scheme, Menu for every day

Diet Yaroslav Brin: Principles and Tips, Meeting Scheme, Menu for every day

The diet of Yaroslav Brin is very effective, since the creator himself tried it from his own experience. Let's get to know her in more detail.

The diet is closely connected with the fitness trainer Yaroslav Brin. This famous person showed the whole world how to lose any weight, having perseverance and desire. Yaroslav with his own experience, through trial and experiments, developed a power system, a mode of physical activity, which really help to cope with excess weight and come into shape.

Even the worst extra pounds for this coach is not a hindrance, it is impossible to scare him. He developed a list of tips and rules. For some, they will seem extremely cynical and even cruel, but they really help and make it special among others.

Diet Yaroslav Brin: Principles and Tips

His weight loss system is based on his own observations, its results, which he achieved, guided by his own nutrition and training program. His diet and result are not a short -term action, but a way of life.

  • You can get rid of fat deposits mainly using diets Yaroslav Brin. But already physical activity is a complement to the formed diet and the formation of a slender and toned body.
  • Training is based on power loads in order to increase muscle mass, and not dry the body.

Diets, who say that as a result you will get slender legs or remove fat from the abdomen, simply not. Everything should be together. The principle of each diet is the use of a smaller number of calories than is actually necessary for the body.

Designed by Brin
Designed by Brin

Before sitting on a diet Yaroslav Brin It is necessary to calculate the calorie content of your dishes during the day before you got on a diet. The accumulated fat at the very last moment will leave the abdomen and sides.

  • The Brin power system allows you to eat how much you want vegetables that do not contain starch, but fruits can only be eaten until 18 o’clock in the evening. To start the digestive system, to accelerate metabolism, it is necessary to saturate the body constantly with water, in an amount of 2 liters. So you get rid of fat faster.
  • To motivate people who lose weight according to the program Yaroslav BrinStrong techniques are used. They are painted in detail in books.
  • Yaroslav Brin Developed a power system that belongs to a dietary scheme. The food should be fractional. That is, in a day you must eat from 5 to 6 times, respectively, the size of the portions should be small.

Taking breaks between meals more than 3 hours, you reduce muscle mass instead of fat. And when there will be the next meal, then everything will go into fat, and not to energy for the body. Given all this, you should eat every 2.5 - 3 hours. At each meal, protein should be consumed. Breakfast may be an exception.


All carbohydrates that are considered fast should be rid of. The last meal should be 2, and preferably even 4 hours before going to bed. It is important that food should be captivated.

Diet Yaroslav Brin: Power Scheme.

The diet of Yaroslav Brin is based on tips, and not on the rules, and everyone chooses to follow them or not to make their right diet for every day.

  • The power system should be developed so that each portion carries the proportional ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - that is, 30 proteins/20 fats/50 carbohydrates. Calories are required. For male and female, it is different. The number of calories used should be calculated to the diet and take away 10%. The number that you receive will be optimal in order to lose weight.
  • It is categorically impossible to eat 2 hours before playing sports.
  • After training for 1-2 hours, the body requires protein, and if you eat it, you gain muscle mass.
Diet products
Diet products

To speed up weight loss in the first seven days, you should not consume such products: carbonated sweet water, flour products, bread, especially white, dishes fried in oil, semi -finished products, sausages, sauces, mayonnaise, and coffee. The benefits will only be from proteins precisely useful and difficult carbohydrates.

Diet Yaroslav Brin: An example of a menu for every day

  • Breakfast. Proteins, as well as carbohydrates that are processed for a long time.
  • Lunch.Protein.
  • Dinner. Long processed carbohydrates along with protein products.
  • After playing sports, a snack for an hour and a half. The basis of the diet of protein and quite a bit of carbohydrates. Everything should be in liquid form.
  • Afternoon snack. Protein dishes with a minimum amount of carbohydrate products.
  • Dinner. Protein in natural form (lean meat, you can fish, eggs, cottage cheese with a minimum amount of fat).

Diet Yaroslav Brina: R affion for a day

For breakfast you can eat:

  • Oatmeal or buckwheat cooked in milk with low fat.
  • Boiled or fried chicken eggs, fried eggs.
  • Brown rice.
  • A vegetable mixture with rice.
  • Lenten meat with a side dish.
Brown rice
Brown rice

For breakfast you can eat exclusively citrus fruits. If you are a lover of bananas or grapes, you can eat them, but only in the most rare cases. Surgery bread, a small spoon of honey is also possible. You can drink coffee without sugar, black or green tea.


  • Low -fat meat or fish with a side dish.
  • Low-fat natural yogurt is about 300-400 ml.

Afternoon snack:

  • Protein cocktail cooked in low -fat milk.
  • One small apple.
  • One citrus fruit.

A snack should be mandatory.


  • Low -fat varieties of meat with fresh vegetables.
  • Eggs based on one or two eggs.

Before bedtime:

  • Low -fat kefir 500 ml (not often).
  • Low fat cottage cheese around 150 g.

Sugar in this diet is contraindicated. But salt is only in small quantities, if there is an opportunity to completely remove. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. If you cannot abandon some products, then you can sometimes give yourself slack, but there is exclusively until 2 a.m.

You should monitor the calculation of the protein in each portion: 1 kg of weight - 2 g of protein. According to diets Yaroslav Brin It recommends drinking vitamin complexes during the diet, as well as omega-3 in tablets. In this diet there is no duration on which you should sit. It all depends on how much you want to lose and what result to achieve

In order to radically change your figure, you should make a long way painstaking and hard work on your body and your mind. The main motto of the coach is “I change fat deposits for willpower”. The results that ordinary people achieved simply fascinate. Even Brin’s personal experience proves this. In four months, he managed to get rid of 32 kg of excess weight, given that he weighed 104 kg. Photos that people took before the diet and after simply amazing. They dropped not only extra pounds, but also made their body embossed and fit.

Keep the brand
Keep the brand

It is very important to remember that diet Yaroslav Brin - This is not a short -term result, it is a lifestyle that is not achieved in a week or in a month. Although if you need a quick result, you only need to increase physical activity and reduce the calorie content of food. When you return to the usual rhythm of life, give up training and eat as usual, extra pounds quickly return.

Video: Products for the diet of Yaroslav Brin

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Comments K. article

  1. Every day I have porridge, fish or meat now (not fried, often bake with vegetables), vegetables and 1-2 fruits. I bypass the confectionery, cook it myself. Together with sports, excellent results bring such changes) I don’t take baking from the bakery baking, but the Protein Bar sport expert (they are the most delicious that I tried). Well, power 3-4 times a week + cardio on free from strength days. The body has changed a lot for the better lately

  2. Well done man! Although his technique did not fit me. As a result, now I’m losing weight on the system of Venus Sharipova.

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