Undergraduate during pregnancy: causes and consequences. What is the dangerous of underdevelopment? Treatment of Underwestern

Undergraduate during pregnancy: causes and consequences. What is the dangerous of underdevelopment? Treatment of Underwestern

In this article, you will learn on what basis the diagnosis of “illegal lead” is made and how it is dangerous for a woman and her baby. And also what reasons for this deviation, how lack of water is treated and what measures should be taken to prevent complications

  • There is such a diagnosis of "illegal". This means that the amount of amniotic fluid is less than the norm for a certain period of pregnancy
  • Now, thanks to ultrasound examinations, non -guide is easy to identify, and this diagnosis is only 5% of pregnant women
  • But, unfortunately, it still exists and this deviation must be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid undesirable complications, including defects in the physical development of the fetus
The arrangement of the fetus during pregnancy
The arrangement of the fetus during pregnancy

What does low water mean during pregnancy?

  • Amonger water contains a lot of substances necessary for the child, for example, salts, hormones, oxygen and vitamins. Also, amniotic fluid protects the fetus from many harmful external factors
  • But such a deviation happens when there are few amniotic fluid and this seriously complicates the healthy bearing of the child
  • At different terms, the amount of liquid is different, so, in the last trimester, it should be 0.8-1.5 liters. If the number of waters is less, then we are talking about low water
  • There is a division of low water into moderate and pronounced, to determine the severity of a deviation, the degree of lack of fluid is important

Moderate non -guide during pregnancy

With moderate low water, the volume of fluid is slightly smaller than it should be with normal pregnancy, and is about 400-700 ml.

The treatment of such a lack of water consists in establishing a diet, you need to adhere to a special diet rich in vitamins and minerals, lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a doctor in order to monitor the dynamics of the disease and not miss a deterioration in the condition. As a rule, this is enough and moderate non -lead does not harm the fetus.

Moderate non -guide during pregnancy
Moderate non -guide during pregnancy

Pronounced owl during pregnancy

Pronounced low water means a strong deviation from the normal volume of amniotic fluid. With pronounced lack of water, urgent and radical measures should be taken, because This condition is very dangerous for the life and health of the baby.

Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital under the constant supervision of doctors. If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, this may affect your unborn child-due to low-water, a lag in the development of the fetus, hypoxia, which in turn will entail problems with the central nervous system, to the incorrect formation of the bone skeleton and tissues, and even to interrupt pregnancy.

Women suffering from pronounced low water, only 0.3-0.5%.

Signs of low -waters during pregnancy

The pregnant woman herself usually does not feel that she has such a deviation as low water. The only thing that can alert is the appearance of a sharp abdominal pain when the baby is pushing. This may indicate a lack of fluid in the fetal bladder.

The doctor at the examination may reveal the likelihood of a lack of lead in the backlog of the following indicators:

  • growth of abdomen
  • measurements of the bottom of the uterus
Table of norms of the height of the bottom of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy
Table of norms of the height of the bottom of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy

According to these data, the doctor may make an assumption of deviation from the norm must be sent to the pregnant woman for an ultrasound examination, where the diagnosis will be made precisely.

The ultrasound apparatus makes it possible to measure the amount of amniotic fluid and determine whether it is enough or not.

If by ultrasound you have moderate non -leading do not rush to be upset, it is better to redo the ultrasound examination in another place, perhaps the doctor is mistaken or the device is not accurate enough, and the results will differ.

Causes of illegal during pregnancy

All the reasons because of which inappropriate arises is not fully studied, but experts distinguish the following:

  1. The leakage of amniotic fluid or by scientific - amnional hydrome. The leakage of water occurs long before PDR due to the rupture of the fetal membrane. Doctors believe that this happens due to the infection of the shell or its premature aging, which leads to its thinning and the appearance of the gap. This deviation is treated with bed regime, while the liquid manages to recover and its loss does not harm the child
  2. Violations in the development of the fetal shell. There are many such violations and the reasons for their occurrence, too, include genetic disorders and the harmful effects of the environment.
  3. Infection of the fetal bladder. There are a number of viruses from which the placenta cannot protect the child and the infection of the fetal bladder occurs, its proper functioning is violated, which leads to low water
  4. Overstraining of the fetus. The placenta and the fetal shell no longer work at full power, the nutrients do not receive the child and the state of his body worsens, the blood circulation in the membranes is also difficult, which in turn leads to a decrease in the production of amniotic fluid
  5. Underdevelopment of fabric of the fetal bladder or their poor secretory work
  6. Pathologies in the development of the fetus. Here doctors distinguish genetic abnormalities of the development of the face and kidneys
  7. In rare cases, bacterial infections can penetrate not only into the woman’s generic canal, but also into amniotic fluid
  8. With multiple pregnancy, there are cases that blood is incorrectly distributed in the placenta and therefore one child does not receive the necessary substances, and the other receives too many of them
Undergrowth with multiple pregnancy
Undergrowth with multiple pregnancy

What threatens underdevelopment during pregnancy?

  • Undergraduate during pregnancy can cause quite a lot of complications. If the water is not enough, the walls of the uterus begin to compress the fetal bladder strongly, which exerts excessive pressure on the child
  • In this case, the baby will be in a bent state in an uncomfortable and unnatural pose for him. Such a development of events leads to curvature of the spine in a child and clubfoot, as well as the skin can grow together with the fetal shell
  • In addition, Simonartic ligaments may form, which wrap the fetus and limit its movements, can even lead to injuries
  • If these ligaments turn around the umbilical cord, the child will undergo nutrients, hypoxia of the fetus, impaired blood flow may appear, which will entail a delay in development, and even the death of the fetus will result in
  • Amonger waters, in addition, protect the baby from the external environment, which can harm him, and their deficiency will lead to unreliable protection or its absence
  • With a lack of water of the cervix during childbirth, it can slowly open, the generic activity becomes weak. The contractions are painful, but not strong enough. After giving birth, bleeding may occur

If a pronounced underdevelopment was found late and has irreversible disturbances in the development of the fetus, doctors insist on early termination of pregnancy.

Moderate omnipotence can never have a negative impact on the child, unless, of course, the diet and the lifestyle of the pregnant woman are adjusted.

Undergraduate during pregnancy, what to do?

If the doctor diagnosed you with "non -watering", he will definitely prescribe you treatment and tell you what to do.

First of all, do not worry. The diagnosis made on time is 50% of the success of treatment. Follow strictly the instructions of the doctor, if you need to go to the hospital, do not even think - go to bed, because the health of your future baby depends on it and, in some cases, even his life.

How to treat underdevelopment during pregnancy?

A woman should understand that even with the diagnosis of “moderate low water”, she should not self -medicate or even ignore it.

The doctor will prescribe additional examinations: general blood and urine tests, tests for infections, CTG of the fetus (cardiotocography), ultrasound, smear on the waters, if there is a suspicion that they are leaking.

Ultrasound with low water during pregnancy
Ultrasound with low water during pregnancy

These examinations will help to assess the state of the child and the severity of the deviation. According to their results, the gynecologist will prescribe the necessary treatment. You also need to try to determine the cause of low water, this will help choose the right treatment.

  • If the cause of low water is obesity and impaired metabolic functions in the body, then the correct diet, taking vitamins and drugs that improve the blood supply to the placenta are needed. If non -guide is moderate, treatment can be held at home, but if it is expressed, then hospitalization is necessary
  • If a viral infection was the cause of low water, then antiviral drugs are prescribed and general strengthening therapy is performed. The doctor will surely prescribe a vitamin complex and drugs that improve blood microcirculation
  • If the reason lies in impaired development of the fetal bladder, doctors try to maintain pregnancy and prevent infection of the fetus. In this case, treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital and a woman is prescribed additional examinations to assess the condition of her body and the condition of the fetus
  • When overstraining, doctors make a fraud of the fetal bladder and stimulating drugs cause childbirth
  • It is also important to reduce physical exertion, reducing motor activity and compliance with the bed regime
  • With inaccurate, doctors direct a woman to do more often ultrasound and dopplerography to monitor the dynamics of deviations and changes for the better or worst in the mother’s body and the condition of the child
  • If the gestational age is already large and the child is full, then the doctor may recommend premature birth, which will be caused by special stimulating drugs

Do not forget to tell your doctor if you already had such a diagnosis in previous pregnancy, and it is better to conduct a couple of additional ultrasound examinations to exclude this deviation or detect it as early as possible.

Underwestern index during pregnancy

On an ultrasound examination, a diagnosis of “UNTERY WEAR” based on the indicator of the amniotic fluid index (IAG), which is calculated by the apparatus, is based. The device measures the amount of water in several places and calculates the IAZ.

IAZ table in different times of pregnancy
IAZ table in different times of pregnancy

In the third trimester:

  • if the index is within 5-8 cm, then the amount of water is normal
  • if the index is 2-5 cm, then this is "moderate illegal"
  • with an index below 2 cm, a diagnosis of "pronounced non -watering" is made

However, it is worth noting that the IAG changes depending on the gestational age:

  • at 16 weeks, the norm is considered from 73 to 201 mm
  • at 20 weeks from 86 to 230 mm
  • at 25 weeks from 89 to 240 mm
  • at 30 weeks from 82 to 258 mm
  • at 35 weeks from 70 to 279 mm
  • at 40 weeks from 63 to 240 mm

The amount of amniotic fluid changes due to the fact that the fetus grows, swallows fluid and urinate. But do not worry about the condition of the baby, because Amonger waters are updated every 3 hours, and every 3 days they completely change.

Nutrition for low water during pregnancy

Proper nutrition for low water
Proper nutrition for low water

You need to eat with low water correctly and balanced:

  • try to eat several times a day (more than 5 meals), but in small portions
  • products should contain many vitamins and minerals, be nutritious
  • choose natural products with minimal processing
  • exclude fast food products from the menu (hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.)
  • reduce the amount of sugar consumed and salt
  • exclude fatty foods from your diet
  • try to use spices and spices less
  • avoid products containing preservatives, flavors and dyes
  • meat, fish and seafood should be well thermally processed, do not eat them in raw or half ready
  • refrain from consuming cheese with mold, uncomfortable milk and raw eggs
  • do not drink strong tea, try to do without coffee and completely eliminate alcohol
  • instead of sweets and sugar, use more fruits

Be sure to follow the weight gain, because Its fast set can also lead to low water or to a deterioration of existing deviations.

The tendency to low water during pregnancy: how to determine?

A woman can be prone to low water during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • the future mother smokes
  • the pregnancy is multiple
  • the woman has metabolic disorders in the body
  • there are anomalies in the development of the fetal bladder
  • gestosis - toxicosis in the late stages
  • dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea
  • there is a bacterial or viral infection
  • woman suffers from diabetes mellitus
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the expectant mother
  • overstraining of pregnancy
  • there are fetal kidney malformations
  • there was a lack of water in previous pregnancies
Weight gain control with low water
Weight gain control with low water

If you find yourself in the risk category, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations and tests to you in order to identify deviations from the normal volume of amniotic fluid in time and start treatment as soon as possible.

How to treat underdevelopment during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Let's summarize and determine the basic measures for the prevention of low water:

  1. Proper fractional nutrition, products should be as useful as possible
  2. Compliance with a diet if there are problems with overweight
  3. Additional reception of complex vitamins
  4. Exclusion of physical exertion, replace them with foot walks in the fresh air
  5. Timely visit to a gynecologist, passing tests, undergoing the necessary examinations
  6. If there are endocrine disorders (diabetes, for example, or obesity), you need to undergo appropriate treatment

When I was pregnant, everything could not get enough that I had a small stomach, as it turned out later on the ultrasound - illegal. But, probably, it was moderate, because The doctor did not prescribe any drugs and only said that they would not allow me to lay out, but the son did not wait long, he was born a little earlier than the deadline - the birth was easy, there were no health problems.
Masha, 24 years old.

In fact, doctors exaggerate everything, there is nothing wrong with the Western. Well, this is understandable, they are reinsured. But then my girlfriend was persuaded to premature birth, she did not agree and brought the child. The son was born healthy and on time. Grows and stronger.
Diana, 32 years old

In both pregnancy, they put me “moderate non-water”, and both times for a period of 30-32 weeks. In the first pregnancy, treatment was not prescribed, they said that at such a period the moderate was not scary, but in the second they made injections. The doctors were different. Both girls are healthy, and this is the most important thing! Christina, 27 years old

VIDEO: Underwestern during pregnancy

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