When do you dream of prophetic dreams, on what days of the week and month? How to decipher the dream on the lunar calendar - will it come true?

When do you dream of prophetic dreams, on what days of the week and month? How to decipher the dream on the lunar calendar - will it come true?

In this article, we will talk when you dream of prophetic dreams and how to decipher them.

Sleep is a secret that has been studied for several centuries. It is generally accepted that dreams carry certain information that can answer most of the questions and even predict the future. That's just no need to wait for the execution of every dream. In addition, even prophetic dreams are not always embodied immediately. Sometimes it should pass for several years before the dream even becomes a reality. The reliability of the information received at night is determined in many ways in the afternoon when it is received. Let's figure out how to determine if you have a dream prophetic, depending on a specific day.

Dreams on the days of the week - when do you dream of prophetic?

When do you dream of prophetic dreams?
When do you dream of prophetic dreams?
  • Sunday Monday

Before the start of the week, dreams usually show in what emotional state the sleeper is currently located. Thanks to events, you can understand how much a person is happy or worried, perhaps he has a difficult day or some problems.

As a rule, when a person is strongly loaded with experiences or work, the events are not too understandable. These dreams do not come true in life, they are meaningless. Perhaps he was emotional and very bright, but no action needs to wait in reality.

  • Monday Tuesday

It is not the events that are important here, but the signs that fate wants to convey to you. Be prepared that the dream will be very rich in emotions, so remember every detail.

If the night turned out to be pleasant for emotions, then you should definitely try to realize a new idea and actively start working. If in the morning the sensations are unpleasant, then it is better not to do any new things. Better put them down until tomorrow.

Victory in a dream is a prophetic sign. Similar dreams quickly become reality. It should pass no more than 10 days. When more passes, the dream will definitely not come true.

  • Tuesday Wednesday

Dreams are quite chaotic and despite the whole wealth of the plot, it is extremely difficult to catch its essence. Such dreams are not embodied in reality, but even if this happens, they do not have any strong influence.

  • Wednesday Thursday
Dreams by day of the week
Dreams by day of the week

If necessary, solve some important issue or problem, try to remember the dreams of this day. In them you will see what to do or just get signs. By the way, a dream can change your fate, because often in it you can see how to solve financial and other problems.

That night, dreams will definitely be things. They are more important for those who are not all in order with personal life or it is not at all. By this day, people are very aggravated by intuition, which shows the result through a dream. Each plot is remembered, no matter whether it is good or bad. If a good sign brought you a dream, then wait for its performance.

  • Friday Saturday

These dreams may also be useful in reality. Here you should rely on emotions. If they are too joyful, then luck awaits you. Often, important signs are displayed for the whole family, and not one specific person.

  • Saturday Sunday

As a rule, sleep immediately comes true after this night. Pretending events are largely determined by the mood. If you had a good dream, then the dream will definitely come true. If you see the negative, then it will not appear.

Dreams on the lunar calendar - when do you dream of prophetic?

Dreams on the lunar calendar
Dreams on the lunar calendar

The next main criterion by which the prophetic sleep can be determined is the lunar day. In this case, the phase of the moon plays a large role. It is on her that it is worth relying when interpreting sleep.

  • Sleep on the waning moon

During this period, we see in a dream everything that is superfluous. Previously, it was important and interesting, but now - no. It turns out that if you have a very terrible or just unpleasant dream, then it will predict good things. Upon troubles will leave your life, which means you will become happier. That is why the dreams can be called cleansing. But there is no need to wait for the dreams will surely come true. You just can understand what you should get rid of to become happier.

  • Sleeping moon

Something new appears in these dreams that should happen in life. It is they who allow you to understand what exactly should be changed in life. Such dreams are called filling. They can be rich in the plot or simply show ordinary household situations. But, no matter what exactly you dream, it can really come true. Similar dreams are considered things.

  • Sleep on the full moon

At such a time, the most interesting dreams are dreaming. Everything that used to be hidden somewhere inside is now going out. Energy reaches the highest level and we feel such strong emotions that it is extremely difficult to cope with. It is worth paying attention to this because dreams will help to understand exactly when situations you are too emotional. Perhaps there is even no reason for experiences and you can let the situation. Listen to yourself and stay calm.

  • Sleep on the new moon

This time is given to us for rebirth. During this period, dreams reflect our inner thoughts. There is no place for emotions, only an analysis of the situation. In other words, dreams show our internal state and help prepare for the right actions.

  • Sleep on the days of the lunar calendar

If you deeply delve into astrology, then prophetic dreams can be expected at the 14, 15, 16, 24 and 28 days of the lunar calendar. The most meaningless are dreams for the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar day. On other days, dreams have no special meaning, although some of them sometimes come true.

Dreams by numbers of the month - when do you dream of prophetic?

Dreams by numbers of the month
Dreams by numbers of the month

Yes, undoubtedly, the lunar calendar allows you to understand when the prophetic dream is specifically dreamed, but it is only important to consider the number of the month. So, every day also has its own meanings and it is worth knowing about them.

Dreams by numbers of the month
Dreams by numbers of the month

Prophetic dreams - when do they come true?

When do dreams come true?
When do dreams come true?

In a dream, our body rests and is gaining energy, but the brain begins to work even more actively than usual. He works with the information accepted by him in a day. From here we have dreams that can reflect some events, analysis of the situation or just experiences.

It is also important to consider the phase of sleep. Since a person sleeps little during the day, the brain does not have time to process all the information. That is why such dreams should not be believed. An exception can only be considered a situation where the prophecies of the saints dream.

Sleep in the evenings or at the beginning of the night is considered bodily, and dreams are meaningless. During this time, a person simply considers the events that has occurred, thinks about some questions or things. So there can be no question of any prophetic dreams, because a person is still conscious and can change the direction of thoughts.

But closer to morning the soul and the brain are already free from ordinary experiences. So they are already adjusting to a thinner world and accept information from it.

What to do so that prophetic sleep comes true?

What to do to make sleep come true?
What to do to make sleep come true?

It may seem strange, but when we sleep, we perfectly understand all the events. We are not even surprised by our fantastic reincarnations, the spoken phrases or actions. However, in reality comes awareness how it is all ridiculous and stupid. But just remember exactly what exactly dreamed of, it turns out not every time. Basically, people remember only fragments or nothing at all.

Here it must be understood that only those events that you remember are usually come true. If you want to remember everything that happened, then use several ancient methods:

  • You can place a small pebble under a pillow so that it does not interfere with sleep, but helps to remember dreams
  • Go to bed on the right side
  • When you wake up, do not look at the fire and out the window
  • Still, as for an option, bite the corner of the pillow
  • Do not tell anyone what you dreamed about. Nothing will come true otherwise

What to do if a dream promises trouble?

What to do if the dream is bad?
What to do if the dream is bad?

You should just act differently. Tell us about your dreams to whom you can. It is better to do it at the beginning of the day. Also, if it is forbidden to look at the fire in order to remember the dream, then, on the contrary, do it.

Some recommend knocking out the window. And also, if you woke up at night and there is still time to sleep, then you can turn the pillow or turn the pillowcase.

Even the village inhabitants had a tradition that stated that if a stone was put near the doors, this would help to protect themselves from troubles. For example, bad people will not be able to enter. And in this way, people saved themselves from diseases.

You can drive a bad dream in another simple way. Open the doors at home, put your left leg by the threshold and order everything bad to leave your housing. Or you can make a simple conspiracy. It is done on the water. Open the crane and say three times - "Water, take all my sorrows and troubles ...".

You can protect yourself from nightmares and tune in to good dreams, you can thanks to a sleep trap. It is made from a twig of willow, and threads are confused in the middle. They are similar to a web. It was invented by the ancient Indians, who watched spiders and noted that they never get confused in their own web. But all enemies and prey remain in it. So, it was believed that good dreams are captured, and the bad dreams pass through it.

Is it possible to change fate contrary to predictions?

Is it possible to change fate?
Is it possible to change fate?

Almost all scientists argue that there are nothing unusual in dreams and usually this is a consequence of the processing of information from the brain. Therefore, when some dreams really occur in life, this is just a coincidence. In other words, in a dream we unconsciously analyze everything that happens to us and even draw conclusions. This allows you to predict the events that will happen soon.

Some people try to look for signs in every dream. This makes the "conversation" with some mystical forces who do not always want to do good. They can even provoke bad deeds. Moreover, the desire to find out the meaning of each dream can change fate and not always in a good direction. Indeed, without experience, without even repenting of “fortune telling”, it is they who are the interpretation of sleep, a simple person can make mistakes. And then they can no longer be fixed.

So, despite a huge number of different dream books, you need to understand that it is quite difficult to decipher your dream, because the interpretation depends on many features. Not any person can correctly understand their dreams. In addition, in dream books all features, for example, age, gender, marital status and others are not taken into account.

Still prophetic dreams are not unconditional events. They can be changed if you do otherwise. In other words, you just get a warning, and the outcome of events is completely dependent on you.

Video: Why do you dream of prophetic dreams?

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