I love the guy younger, it began to draw to the guys the age of the son: the stories of women, the reasons, the negative and positive aspects of the relationship with a big difference in age

I love the guy younger, it began to draw to the guys the age of the son: the stories of women, the reasons, the negative and positive aspects of the relationship with a big difference in age

In the modern world, more and more women allow themselves to be interested in young man. Similar novels flare up at work, on social networks or with accidental acquaintance.

A psychological obstacle to novels with a big age difference is increased public interest. And if the romance of a mature man and a young girl is clear to many, then the love between a mature woman and a guy is bewilderment.

I love a guy younger: a woman’s confession for 40

  • According to statistics of Russian sociologists, The number of different ages is invariably growing. Most often, a young husband appears in a woman in a second marriage. For 50 thousand pairs, more than 4 thousand unions with a large difference in age.
  • Why mature loves young guys And does a similar novel have the right to exist? Let's try to figure out how to correctly build relationships in such situations using the example of one woman.
I love the young
I love the young

“In my student years, older men have always attracted my attention. When meeting with a solid and confident person, my eyes lit up. In the first serious relationship, my partner was almost two decades older than me. The university teacher followed him, where I studied. At the age of 19, I already wanted a family and a permanent partner. At the first employment, I had a romance with the boss. The age difference was 22 years old. But this did not prevent us from finding points of contact and marry. At 20, I gave birth to my first child. I realized as a mother and wife of a beautiful man. If at the beginning of our relationship the whole environment condemned our union, then after the birth of the baby, all doubts were dispelled.

Having lived for 17 years in marriage, I suddenly remained a widow. At 37, I put an end to men and began to live for my son. Over time, the son became more independent. He has his own personal life. I have more free time. The attraction to the opposite floor woke up in me again. I registered on the dating site. Forming the type of men interesting to me, I limited the age older than 50. Having visited a couple of real dates, I realized that experienced men are not interesting to me. I began to look for a man aged 40 to 50 years. But here I was in disappointment. Wrinkles, bald patches and tummies brought me into despondency. Once in the company of friends of my son, I caught myself thinking that my son’s peers are excitement in me. I decided to reconsider my attitude to the messages of young people on the dating site. If earlier I ignored them, now they were a priority.

Having got courage, I went on a date with a 20-year-old guy. Being next to him in the hall of the cinema, I realized that I could not wait until we will be alone. That evening I bathed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. On this our acquaintance ended with him. From time to time I meet young guys. Each novel is very stormy, but short -term. I meet one of the partners on an ongoing basis. The guy is very attentive to me, but I can’t get rid of his complexes and fears formed by the age difference. I am very worried that my son can learn about our relationship.

Are I doing the right thing, starting such novels? Why is I pulling me on a young guy, my son’s peer? Do I have the right to such happiness? What attracts young men in older women and why didn't I agree with peers? A lot of questions that haunt me. ”

I love a guy younger: the story of women who have a young lover

  • According to one of the psychologists, in most cases an unequal marriage is doomed from the very beginning. Relations in which you constantly have to reach themselves to the level of the opposite sex are very exhausted.
  • If a Woman older than her partner, then she simply must control her appearance and skillfully mask signs of old age. As soon as she gets tired of chasing her youth, she will want peace and understanding, the union will break up.
Union of women and men
Union of women and men
  • “I treat older boyfriends as flabby old people. I am drawn to a young guy. I can’t imagine myself next to an older man. I notice the increased interest of young guys and I like it. ”
  • “Mom and grandmother maintain my relationship with a young man. Both remained widows early due to health problems among grandfather and father. I do not want to fit old age alone, so I examine a young and sports partner next to me. ”
  • “I love a guy younger than me at 18 years old. He offers to move on to more serious relationships. And I cannot cross my own complexes. Watching such couples from the side, I am at a loss. I'm afraid that we will be perceived by society as a mother and son. ”
  • “My husband is 10 years younger than me. Despite the complete understanding between us, I constantly hear criticism of my mother and friends. No one believes in the durability of our marriage. ”
  • “She married a man who is 15 years younger than me. Initially, I did not believe that our union would last a long time. After 6 years, I understand that our interests and opportunities have nothing in common. ”
  • “My difference with my husband is little noticeable in appearance, but constantly pops up at the psychological level. My husband is very grateful to me for allowing me to be near. My achievements and life experience give him an incentive to develop and move forward. ”

Why do women love young guys, pulling young guys?

  • It is difficult for women to come to terms with the natural aging process. They strive to rejuvenate in every way women with hot temperament and stupid sexual energy.
  • As soon as the partner of the peer begins to lose male strength, the woman’s desire to be always young is even more aggravated and such Women love young guys.
  • The fountain of energy emanating from young men enables a mature woman to feel more attractive. When a woman is desirable and loved, she is ready to give and create at the limit of her capabilities.
  • Some women are pursuing a sharp need to take care of someone. With her lover, she continues the model of the relationship of the mother, which men themselves very often need.
  • Very comfortably raise the identity In a young guy based on his own preferences.
A different -aging union
A different -aging union

I love a guy younger: the advantages of relationships

  • Mature women love young guys,and this stimulates them to slow down the aging process. They always look great and filled with energy. Visiting cosmetologists and sports becomes an integral part of life.
  • Female wisdom helps to move away from negativity and reduce the number of conflicts.
  • Sexual contact at the peak of capabilities - The man is young and hot, the woman is experienced and liberated. A woman is ready for any experiments in bed.
  • A woman is constantly improving her appearance, striving for new skills and knowledge. A young man has something to learn from her.
  • A woman in age clearly knows what she wants. If she is drawn to a young guy, then she is in full combat readiness. A man in such a alliance receives confidence in the future.
  • A young man helps a woman look at the world with different eyes. Ease and carefree make it possible to forget about household problems, change the usual model of behavior. Communication is built on positive emotions.
These relations have advantages
These relations have advantages

I love a guy younger: oh troutine sides of the different aging union

  • Using obvious leadership, A woman is overly patronizing her partner, What causes male irritation. Excessive custody becomes an obstacle in the development of a man.
  • A different -aging couple has a high probability of being incomprehensible parents and close friends.
  • Ungalled people will perceive you more often as "Mom and Son", than as two lovers. Imposing comments and tips from others.
They will look at mom and son
They will look at mom and son
  • Despite the fact that a woman loves a guy younger, they are often persecuted that a man will be carried away by a younger passion. Therefore, it takes place unreasonable jealousy.
  • Different attitude to surrounding events. The not -a -while man strives for active pastime, while a mature woman is more comfortable at the family hearth.

Do not forget that a very small percentage of different ages leads to a strong durable marriage.

I love a guy younger: the main problems for a woman

  • An adult woman is ready to create comfortable conditions for a young chosen one 24 hours a day. Such a hyperopeca ultimately prevents the man from realizing.
  • When everything was performed at first by his mother, and then a caring lover, he ceases to show interest in simple household things. The woman, taking everything on her shoulders, eventually remains one on one with her problems.
  • Falling under female dependence, man It is oversaturated with her attention. Love is replaced by irritation and quarrels due to trifles. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to correctly distribute each other's responsibilities.
A woman may also have problems
A woman may also have problems

Due to the big difference in age, it often turns out that a woman, unlike a young man, has already taken place and has a stable financial income. Even if a man is not Alfons, he is on female support, and so that this does not cause discord, a woman should give an impetus to the further development of a loved one.

  • Difficulties may arise when meeting friends. Everyone will have to learn to find a common language with the peers of their second half. Sometimes a circle of communication is compelled. At the same time, both a man and a woman must maintain freedom of action, everyone has the right to meet friends and friends.
  • Most importantly, if you love a guy younger and it is mutually - do not pay attention to someone else's opinion. Do not let anyone interfere with your union. Do not be afraid what children, parents and acquaintances will think about you. He pulls to a man younger - you have the right to act at the call of your heart. Being older than your chosen one is not good and not bad, it's just different.

What to do if I love a guy younger than myself?

How to behave correctly if you love a guy younger than yourself?

  • Increase your self -esteem due to well -groomed appearance. A fit figure and radiant skin will add shine to your image.
  • Stop down to damage your virtues. If a man is not blind and not an idiot, he has created a relationship with you consciously. You arrange him as you are. There is no need to focus on age.
  • Do not compare yourself with young girls. You have an obvious advantage - you more experienced, wiser, more patient, more confident in many areas and issues.
  • No need to think that the choice is always for men. You have the right to show the initiative first. The personality has the right to manage his life how to please. Having a taste for life, you will not remain not seen.
  • Let the man bring new colors to his life. Update the wardrobe, change hobbies, let yourself frivolous acts.
  • Age is not the main criterion of relations. A strong union is backed up by love, respect, trust, sincere deeds.
  • Do not run ahead. Let the events develop naturally. Do not program yourself for a specific result.
  • Stop thinking about morality and morality. Pulls on the young - Make a pleasure from life, because time is so quick.
Relations with a big age difference
Relations with a big age difference

The age of the woman is determined not by biological hours, but by her attitude to herself. Be confident in yourself and let yourself love worthy men.

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