How to hold out, survive at work, at a new job, in a female, hostile team: 11 verified methods, tips

How to hold out, survive at work, at a new job, in a female, hostile team: 11 verified methods, tips

A new place of work is always stress. And according to statistics, in the first year of work, almost half of the beginners fail, because at first the newly -made employee feels uncertainly and bewildered.

In addition to excitement about his own professional competence, it is difficult for him to deal with the rules of subordination in the company, corporate traditions and customs. Experts offer several proven ways how to survive at a new job, minimize discomfort and quickly join the workflow. These tips will be useful to those who are first settled down, and those who received a new position in an old company.

How to hold out at a new job: 11 proven ways

To hold out at a new job, a beginner needs to create:

  • Professional skills. After all, a new position is likely to require the development of additional skills.
  • Your reputation. We will have to earn authority both among colleagues and the authorities.
  • Friendly relations With people in the team.

The ability to adapt to a new team is a necessary skill in modern society in order to survive at work.

  1. Down with panic.
  • Do not panic before the new team. Just be prepared for the fact that at first you can treat you incredulously and skeptical. After all, it is not known what can be expected from you.
  • When the employees are convinced that you are a responsible and full -fledged member of the team, then they will begin to perceive you positively. Therefore, do not analyze every look in your direction and tone in which they turned to you. Do not fill everything with your speculation.
  1. Do not refuse informal communication.
  • Necessarily support communication With their new colleagues. Try to remember everyone by name. Feel free to say hello several times. Better grease once again A person than to guess, you greeted him or not.
  • Quite acceptable in the first days of service treat colleagues with a cake or sweets for tea. If the company's rules are allowed, you can drink a glass of champagne. In the event that employees invite you to drink coffee together or have lunch, agree.
  • And also Do not refuse a corporate party, Even if you do not really like such events. You need to get to know people better. In unofficial conversations with employees, mention that you like new work and team. However, do not lie. Sincerely say that it impresses you in a new company. But that you are not satisfied, while you should not talk.
  • Specify when each of the colleagues has a birthday, ask how it is customary to congratulate the birthday man. However, stay yourself and do not try to please yourself. No need to count on the universal love of colleagues. Everyone is impossible to like.
Do not forget about informal communication
Do not forget about informal communication
  1. Do not let yourself be drawn into internal conflicts.
  • Be the most friendly and equally friendly with everyone. But trying to win the location of colleagues, observe caution. Sometimes two or three groups are formed in the work team that conflict among themselves. And in order to strengthen their positions, colleagues may try to pull a new employee into some of the groups.
  • However, do not rush to join one of the warring groups. Keep neutrality and be polite with all colleagues. Participation in the confrontation only harms a beginner. Psychologists advise at first at a new job to observe more than to establish contacts.
  1. Be prepared for work outside the schedule.
  • You are a new employee. And now it is necessary to demonstrate to the management that it was not for nothing that you were hired. Therefore, in the first months you will have to sacrifice your free time and, possibly, stay after work.
  • Be prepared for dense graphics and intensive work. After all, you need to learn a lot. And for this it is necessary to read specialized literature, to delve into professional tasks deeper.
  • Experts advise in the early days, come to work a little earlier. Be active and show interest in work. No need to wait for you to give you any task. Offer your help yourself, ask employees about the company's projects and goals.
Work outside the schedule
Work outside the schedule
  1. Ask for help.
  • Without the support of colleagues, the adaptation process at a new job is much more complicated. So do not hesitate to seek help. In cases where you do not understand how to cope with the task, ask more experienced employees about it.
  • It is better to get courage and ask for advice than to make a critical mistake. Its price may be too high. Turning to help for help, ask not to do work for you, but to show you how to do it correctly. Listen carefully and make notes so as not to ask a few times.
  • Experts advise bring new information not to the computer that can bring, but in the diary. Always carry it with you and at first write down all the important information there.
  • Perhaps one of the colleagues will offer you help, and someone will need to contact yourself. Take the understanding of what you can cause an irritation in a person. After all, you distract him.
  • But do not think that they will definitely refuse. After all, at work you are doing one common thing, and for sure some employees will be happy to help you.
  • In addition, asking people of advice and giving them the opportunity to show their best professional qualities, you will give them the opportunity to feel their significance. And this will surely arrange them for you.
Enter important information in the diary
Enter important information in the diary
  1. Correct priorities correctly.
  • At first time focus precisely at work, and not on relations in the team. You must declare yourself as a professional. Arriving at a new place of service, go to your goal. However, you do not need to immediately fill up the leadership of your own ideas, even if it seems to you that they will improve the work of the company.
  • Make the initiative. You will still have the opportunity to show yourself. But in the early days, perform the tasks that you set before you. Dismant into the workflow as much as possible. If necessary, read your predecessor's affairs.
  • Understand what requirements are for your work, with the internal regulations, the dress code, and what job responsibilities are laid on you. Not everything can be spelled out in your job description. Check the system of fines, if any in the organization.
  • Discuss controversial moments with the management. You can ask your colleagues if there is any additional information that you need to know so as not to disturb the unspoken rules. Perhaps it will be useful to ask someone about mentoring. However, be careful. Some people under the guise of help are trying to shift their duties to a beginner. In such cases, politely, but firmly suppress such actions.
  1. Refrain from criticism.
  • If something causes you bewilderment or discontent, take care of criticism. Perhaps this is a part of the debugged mechanism, which was spent on a lot of effort and means. Respect the prevailing traditions and principles of the company. Only after two or three months of work in the new organization you can make your proposals aimed at optimizing and improving work.
  • Also, do not criticize the employee who held your position in front of you. New colleagues can regard this as excessive self -confidence. Even if you saw the mistakes of the predecessor, refrain from criticism of him. In addition, it is advisable not to talk about your old team and previous work. Comparison is a mistake of many beginners. The fact is that no one loves when they are compared with someone. And your new team is no exception.
  1. Be a professional.
  • Remember that you, first of all, they should give a result. Try to acquire a competence that will allow you to be out of competition. For example, advanced training courses, obtaining a degree or your publications in specialized publications.
  • However, do not demonstrate your own superiority, even if you are sure that it is much more experienced or professional than your colleagues. Such behavior, especially from a beginner, causes others only irritation.
  • Draw up a work plan daily. This will help you not miss anything from your duties. Some tasks can be divided into subparagraphs. At the same time, realistically evaluate the time that you may need to do the work.
  • Lost in advance with the fact that you will need more than experienced employees. It's OK. You only master new activities. And it is better to immediately warn the leadership that you need an additional time than to promise, that you will manage in a short time, and eventually bring the company.
Be pro
Be pro
  1. Fuck yourself within the framework of corporate culture.
  • Watch the informal policy of the company. See how employees behave in different situations, how they communicate with the authorities and what is the general atmosphere. Do not think that in a short period you can fully understand the unofficial rules of the new organization. This is absorbed after a few months of work. However, try to follow several general rules.
  • Do not dress too defiantly in the first days. This can be an annoying factor for employees. Therefore, your appearance should be modest and neat. Later you can determine what is permissible in clothes in a new job, and what is not.
  • Do not talk on the phone on personal topics. This distracts other employees from the workflow. If you urgently need to answer the call, go out to the corridor.
  • Show caution on social networks. Do not immediately add new colleagues to friends. They may take this negatively. And also check what information is posted on your page. Does it contradict the principles prevailing in your new organization? Are there very acute political posts that can cause conflict situations? If something makes you doubt, it is better to delete it.
  • Realizing how the company works and what relations reign between employees, you can try on these conditions. The main thing is to find a balance, meanwhile how it is customary to behave in a new organization, and how you usually behave.
  • if you i do not like the principles of the company and the atmosphere reigning in it, evaluate the prospects of professional growth. In the case when the work itself suits you, focus on your duties. Perform them as efficiently as possible.
Take care of the corporate culture
Take care of the corporate culture
  1. Be prepared to criticize
  • Do not be upset about criticism. Everyone can have errors. In addition, you only study. Show yourself as a responsible and confident person who is open to communication and is ready to study. Listen to your colleagues calmly.
  • Perceive the said not as criticism, but as a friendly professional advice. In addition, you can directly ask your leader if you do your job correctly and how you can improve it.
  • But do not strive for excellence. This can cause you even more stress that will entail new errors.
  • Most importantly, do not panic if it seems to you that you are not able to complete the tasks assigned to you. Almost all beginners experience this feeling. It will certainly pass with time. According to experts, the adaptation period in a new place takes, on average, about three months.
  1. Have a sense of humor.
  • Be prepared for the fact that at first new colleagues can make you make a trick on you, wanting to arrange a test for your endurance. Do not take such attacks too close to heart.
  • If the colleagues see that you are too touchy and vulnerable, then it is likely that they will make fun more actively.
  • Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself However, do not allow people to cross the norms of the permissible. It is better to immediately indicate the boundaries, politely saying that some words of employees are unpleasant for you.
  • Study information, analyze it. Do not be afraid if it seems to you that there is too much of it. Remember that each new employee has the main advantage - a sincere desire to delve into the workflow. Remember that the worst that can happen to you is the need to look for another job.
  • And also evaluate your professional future in a new place. Think about whether your responsibilities will turn into routine. Is it necessary to “survive” in this company at all. After all, on one organization, the light did not converge with a wedge. Do not break yourself and do not allow you to handle yourself badly.

How to hold out at work, survive in a team that did not accept you?

Psychologists call several factors that are the basis of a comfortable existence of an employee in the team:

  • Compatibility of characters.
  • Cohesion.
  • Moral and psychological climate.
  • Psychological pressure.
A newcomer is not always accepted
A newcomer is not always accepted

The totality of these elements allows a new person to successfully adapt in a new team. But, unfortunately, not all new employees receive the support and help of the team. Sometimes, due to any circumstances, colleagues initially, they relate to a beginner negatively. Perhaps the person took the place of an employee who was very loved, or just a long -established team, where new people are reluctant to accept.

What to do if you have a new hostile team? Experts offer several tested methods:

  • Do not take a negative attitude of colleagues to your heart. Show the strength of character. Respond to evil remarks calmly and politely. Over time, employees will understand that it is impossible to break you and leave these attempts.
  • Start friendly communication yourself. Smile first, Greet, regardless of whether others answer you or not. Create an atmosphere of friendliness around you. Do not frown in response to their indifference. Over time, people will answer your greeting, if only because it is too bad to be silent in response.
  • If possible, make a conversation with one of the colleagues in an informal setting: Over a cup of coffee, on the way from work. Indeed, one by one, employees can be good people. And in the team they behave like everyone else, because they are afraid to seem a white crow. You can treat colleagues with something tasty, possibly home cooking. However, do not flush and yell. Just offer to try. And in case of refusal, do not insist.
  • Determine who is an informal leader in the team. Contact him for advice in solving any issue. Most likely, it will be inconvenient for a person to refuse you. After sincerely thank for help. So you will give a colleague the opportunity to feel your significance. This will positively affect his attitude towards you, which, in turn, will affect the opinion of the team.

If, despite all your attempts to establish relationships, employees are still hostile to you, there are three behavior options to hold out at work:

  • Do not spoil your nerves and find another place of work. Do not perceive it as a failure. This is an experience and an opportunity to reconsider your expectations from professional activities. Remove the lessons and step further forward.
In no case do not spoil your nerves
In no case do not spoil your nerves
  • Invite your colleagues configured against you, make a complaint in writing, setting in detail the reasons for this attitude. As a rule, aggressors after that begin to behave much more restrained.
  • To survive at a new job, immerse yourself in the work, limiting communication with colleagues. Talk to them only on working topics. After all, they go to the service for the sake of professional growth and wages, and not in order to be friends.

How to hold out at work and survive in a women's team?

The team where women work exclusively deserves special attention. Psychologists note that a purely ladies' team is a rather complicated formation, and a beginner in it is not easy. We offer women and men several recommendations of experts as Hold to work in a women's team.

How to survive in a women's team of a woman:

  • Do not chat with either secretary or colleagues. Be sure that in the women's team all secrets are carried at the speed of sound. Everything that you say will become known to both management and other employees, and then will be used against you. Never complain about the salary and, moreover, the bosses. Your statements will definitely inform him.
  • Talk less about your personal life, and even more so do not boast. Your stories about expensive purchases, a wonderful husband and foreign trips can cause the envy of your less successful colleagues.
  • Do not skimp on compliments to your employees. Of course, you should not see out. However, sincere praise about a stylish hairstyle or a beautiful dress will affect the attitude towards you.
  • A man in the women's team is even more complicated. Therefore, be prepared for a number of difficulties.
Survive a woman
Survive a woman

How to survive a man in a women's team:

  • Be careful with compliments. The female floor, of course, loves them. However, compliments on the topic of appearance are often regarded as flirting or harassment. And the reaction of employees in this case can be negative.
  • Never intervene in female conflicts. The guilty can eventually make you.
  • Learn to listen. You will have to get used to the fact that the ladies say a lot. Therefore, listen, nod, but refrain from advice and recommendations.
  • Remember that vulgar jokes are good in a men's company. A sense of humor is certainly welcome by ladies, but it is not acceptable of scasteness. Also, do not let any sarcastic comments on female colleagues.
  • Avoid novels at work. Your relationship will sooner or later become public. And in the case of parting, someone from your couple will have to quit.
Avoid novels at work
Avoid novels at work
  • Don't complain about life. Firstly, ladies do not like losers, and secondly, all your problems will be discussed in detail behind your back.

How not to burn out at work: newcomers advice

For a successful career, it is very important to observe the balance between professional activities and personal relationships.

We offer you a few recommendations of psychologists that will help you hold out at work, and do not burn at work:

  • Separate work and private life. It is proved that the mode of “constant inclusion” and continuous pondering of working processes create an atmosphere of anxiety. Do not check e -mail at home and take reports for revision.
  • Experts assure that even thinking about work when you are at home is harmful. Thoughts about her can cause concern, which will negatively affect both the workflow and private life. Failure to comply with the balance between personal and professional life is more harmful than good.
  • Distract from thoughts about salaries and enjoy the work process. According to psychologists and sociologists, labor is exclusively for the sake of material remuneration is inaccessible. When a person thinks about reward, he has less motivation. The process is much more fruitful when a person is engaged in activities for the sake of himself and work turns into an end in itself.
  • Adjust the flow of information. Do not be distracted by extraneous things. When a person includes a computer, an avalanche of useless information in the form of advertising, social networks, news, and so on, falls on him. As a result, it is distracted, and a lot of working time goes to wandering in the Internet. Therefore, disconnect unnecessary applications on your phone and computer.
  • Do not be a workaholic. If you put the work above all, then end with a nervous breakdown. Believe me, no work can be more important than health, relationships, impressions and communication with loved ones.
  • Distract from work. No matter how loaded you are, take breaks. During lunch time, tear yourself away from the computer, go out into the fresh air. Half an hour of rest will allow your brain to reboot and guaranteed to raise your mood.
  • Fight depression by all means. It is proved that a person who comes to work, being in a depressive state, works without return, is not in full force. Find yourself a hobby that will become your outlet after work.
It is important not to burn out at work
It is important not to burn out at work

In the end, I would like to note that at work we think about current affairs and rarely interested in what is happening in the life of our colleagues. The office is considered indecent to talk about a negative psychological state. Unfortunately, in many working groups it is considered a taboo to speak About discomfort at the workplace.

Take the time to a new employee. It is not necessary to solve its problems, just be there. Do not pass by him, ask if everything is in order, does he need help. Spend a little time to talk to him. The friendly attitude of colleagues to the psychological problems of the beginner helps to adapt to him in the new workplace.

We wish you success and hope that our tips will help you achieve effectiveness in your work.

Read useful tips in these articles:

Video: How to behave in a new job correctly?

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