The best female English names and their significance for girls and women: List. What are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short English names for girls: the rating of the best

The best female English names and their significance for girls and women: List. What are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short English names for girls: the rating of the best

List of popular and rare English names for girls.

Now many new parents come up with various and interesting names for their kids. Along with ancient Russian names, foreign ones are gaining popularity. Their popularization is associated with foreign films and series.

What are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short English names for girls: the rating of the best with the value

Now in our country there are a lot of girls with foreign names. We offer you a rating.

Foreign names and their decryption:

  • Ebigale. Translated means "the joy of the father." Most often, very positive girls grow up, they are in a good mood.
  • Elinor. Transfer it as a “shepherd”. Usually girls are quite simple and comfortable in communication.
  • Evelaine. The girl is very independent and flies out early from the parent's nest. Translated means "free bird."
  • Avalon. Translated means "apple." Girls grow very powerful and responsible. In America, the girls are called in winter.
  • Holly. The girls are very sensual and true. They never betray. Translated means "sister."
  • Anabel. Girls are very non -standard and different from the majority. They have a thin mental organization that not everyone likes. Translated means "gracefully beautiful."
  • Andrea. Means "warlike." This is a girlfriend who is not afraid of difficulties. She is always ahead and very brave.
  • Doris. Such girls are very funny and cheerful. Translated means "funny."
List of popular American names.
List of popular American names.

Short beautiful English names for girls and girls: List, meanings

Short names are popular because of their laconicism.


  • Laura. Such girls can predict the future. They are endowed with good intuition. The translation means "seer."
  • Chloe. The girl is very strong spiritually and will not stop at any obstacles. Translated as "mighty."
  • Chris. Very popular in the USA name. There is a legend dedicated to this name. The girl is very brave and brave.
  • Lizabeth. A friendly girl who has many acquaintances. Loves to communicate. In translation, the name means "friendship."
  • Izi. The girl is very emotional and sensual. Translated means "sensual."
  • Audrey. This name has English origin, but gained popularity in America. Translated means "bright."
  • Nelle. A popular name that means "emerging." Such a girl can be unexpected and spontaneous.
  • Keti. Very gifted and active. Means "girl."
Short English names rating
Short English names rating

The most popular English names are women: list, values

There is a lot of foreign names, which I most often call girls.


  • Agatha. The girl is very good and responsive. Means "kind", "bright."
  • April. The girl is very emotional and can cause a response among many men. Translated means "spring."
  • Audrey. Famous and common in the States Name. Means "bright, radiant."
  • Session. This is a girl - fire. Very passionate and emotional. Means "changeable."
  • Emily. The girl knows what she wants, and is constantly in motion. Means "rival."
  • Amanda. Girl with bright and good energy, always on the positive. Means "pleasant."
Popular English names female
Popular English names female

The rarest English names are female: list, values

As in our country, in countries there are names that are called girls less than all.

FROM write:

  • Rebecca. This is a very sociable representative of the fair sex. She gets along well with others, as her name in translation means "friendly."
  • Mabel. An unusual representative of the fair sex. It is distinguished by a calm disposition and finds a way out of any life situations. Translated means "pearl."
  • Kendlis. A girl with that name is very modest and shy. It rarely causes a lot of noise, because her name translates as “virgin”.
  • Madlin. A fair sex with that name is very calm and responsible. From childhood, she can entrust a variety of tasks. Translated means "obedient daughter."
  • Nellie. Our name is also not particularly popular as in Europe and America. Translated means "appearing."
  • Laura. With such a girl is not bored, she will always find a lesson. Translated means "toy."

The most unusual English names are women: list, values

There are names that are quite rare and are unusual.

FROM write:

  • Annik. A girl with that name tries to be useful. After all, in translation, her name means "useful."
  • Christie. The girl is very devout, since the name in translation means "a follower of Christ."
  • Dusty. The character of the fair sex is strong and strong -willed, since translated means "Torah Stone."
  • Stanley. The young lady with such a name strives for harmony in everything. Translated means "cleansing."
  • Manley. The young lady always strives for clarity and certainty. Perhaps due to the fact that the name in the translation means "clarifying."
  • Bases. A somewhat non -standard name that is very reminiscent of male. Translated means "grass."
  • Ogden. The girl is very persistent and strong in spirit. She does not lose heart and always goes ahead, because her name means "oak grove."
  • Kevin. This name is called both girls and men. Translated means "dear, beloved."
  • Clare. The name can often be found in films, but it is not popular. Translated means "glorifying."
  • Philip. This name can also be considered both male and female. Translated sounds like a "lover of horses."
  • Esther.Cold and prudent mind. The value is associated with the "guiding star."

Despite the popularization of a foreign one, nevertheless in our country, girls are infrequently called English names. Names that have gained popularity both in ours and in Europe are more often used.

Video: Popular English names of girls

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