The best thrillers with unpredictable interchange: List. An interesting movie with an exciting plot

The best thrillers with unpredictable interchange: List. An interesting movie with an exciting plot

This material will be useful to filmmakers and people who just want to watch a good movie. You will find out which thriller will keep you in suspense.

The most exciting genre in the field of cinema is a thriller. This is especially true for films that have an unpredictable plot and an exciting ending. Many believe that a thriller is the same as horrors and mysticism. But this genre is considered independent.

Basically, the events in such tapes begin very calmly, but with the development of events, the plot begins to unwind and acquire a certain meaning that makes the audience experience some excitement. And this all -consuming sensation does not leave us to the final ending. Spectators to the very end feel anxiety and tension. That is why the thriller is watched by many people who love to enjoy a confusing plot.

The best thrillers with unpredictable interchange: List

The important nuance of the thriller is as follows - you can never predict the end of the film. Often the ending is shocking, and also amazes. Especially if the plot of gossip with other genres. Hotel attention is deserved by such categories as: a mystical thriller or a psychological thriller. In them, real events always balancing with a line of the impossible. Very often, actions that unfold before our eyes do not have logic. You can feel fear, even some confusion. And this can truly scare.

The thriller is considered one of the newest genres, when compared with the rest of the films. The origin of this genre began in the middle of the 20th century, and the genre was able to get very popular and large rental only in the 80s. The essence of such a film is that the viewer rests during the entire watch in tension, waiting for some kind of catch or a new turn.

It often turns out that the heroes who seemed positive became bad and vice versa. The main goal of the thriller - Shocking the viewer, intrigue him, give him an unexpected answer to the main question - what really happens in the film? Thrillers that you need to look at will instantly capture your attention and will not let you go to the very end. The best films in this genre can be considered "Return to the sender" or "Illusionist"who sincerely liked fans of cinema.


Some people claim that thrillers are bad representatives of cinema. Others say that such films are considered the best, since their list is regularly replenished with new products. Undoubtedly, we were able to make a list that included a wide variety of films for any lover of exciting feature films.

Bright thrillers, which forever included in the rating of world cinema, are:

  • "Law abiding citizen"
  • "In the house"
  • "Collector"

These films open many tops of the best thrillers that have an unpredictable denouement.

We offer you a list of those films that you can take note and at your leisure to look at each film alternately.

Thriller "before I fall asleep"

The main role in the presented art tape went to magnificent and forever young Nicole Kidman.

The magnificent Nicole Kidmann
The magnificent Nicole Kidman
  • The heroine of the tape is mentally ill, and therefore she begins with a new page every day. Christine treatment occurs with a camera, on which every moment of her life is recorded.
  • From a shock state, the girl comes out thanks to a doctor who calls her every day.
  • He helps Christine to recall the day that has completely changed the life of the heroine.
  • Throughout the film, new clues arise, and therefore a woman ceases to trust her own spouse.
  • For her, he becomes the main suspect in her beaten.

Thriller "disappeared"

A confused thriller, in which a beautiful blowing of creative persons was able to unite. Sexy Ben Affleck and Beauty Rosamund Pike starred in the film as a young couple, which only recently sealed their union.

With Ben Affleck
With Ben Affleck
  • Before the wedding anniversary, a wife disappears without traces. Blood spots are found in the house, and in secret places the keys and various notes.
  • The husband initially thinks that his beloved wants to play with him. However, when the game begins to drag on and the hero understands that he doesn’t succeed, the thriller plot acquires a completely unexpected idea.
  • From a light melodrama, the film turns into a tense thriller, which has a criminal note.

Thriller "Bunker"

The action -packed thriller "Bunker" is considered one of the best. The premiere of the film took place about 7 years ago, and was able to immediately attract the attention of fans of such scenarios.

  • The events of the plot are unfolding a confusing triangle, as often happens in our time.
  • An ordinary waitress meets with the famous conductor and eventually moves to him in a large mansion.
  • But the girl also knows that her lover recently lost the bride, or rather she disappeared.
  • Events make the heroine think, and terrible incidents in the mansion scare her very much.

Thriller "Identification"

The history of the film is twisted near the roadside hotel.

Interesting film
Interesting film
  • All characters passing by the hotel are faced with small and major problems.
  • Each participant dies very strangely, as they are haunted by the terrible rock.
  • For what reason did fate choose these characters? The secret of mysterious deaths can explain the film itself, so it should be watched to the end.

Thriller "Cursed Island"

An interesting and intense thriller.

A tense movie
A tense movie
  • In this film, 2 marshal from the United States of America go to the mysterious island where the hospital is located in which mentally sick criminals live.
  • They arrived here in order to conduct an investigation. A certain patient (killer of her own children) disappeared from a closed chamber. While the police are trying to figure out the current story, a strong storm is approaching the island.
  • The voltage also warms up the riot that prisoners arrange. Marshals over time become a piece of occurring events. And everything that happens around men reveals terrible details about the clinic.

Thriller "Ninth Gate"

  • According to the plot, the main character will have to find an amazing book that reveals the gate into the other world.
  • There are only 3 copies in the world, but only 1 book is considered really genuine.
  • The customer tried to prove that with the help of this ancient book, Lucifer himself could be called.
The ninth gates
The ninth gates

Thriller "Night Flight"

The Night Flight film was able to collect a large number of good reviews and became one of the best among representatives of such a genre.

History on the plane
History on the plane
  • Lisa Raisers is an ordinary girl who becomes a passenger of a flight flying from Texas to Florida. Before landing on the plane, the girl meets one young guy and passionate caviar runs immediately between them.
  • After a few drops of alcohol, this spark increases significantly.
  • On the plane, the couple sits nearby and the girl is madly happy about this. But joy disappears after the main character admits that he is a terrorist. And it is the girl in his sinister chain that plays an important role.

An interesting movie with an exciting plot

Sometimes every person wants to take a break from work and spend an unforgettable evening, watching his favorite films. But a large assortment of the film produced by the film industry makes a choice in a complex process.

In order to facilitate the choice, we chose the most interesting movie with an exciting plot, where you can safely watch each work and at the same time be satisfied.


The detective plot of the film was able to impress the audience by the fact that it has an original plot and a completely incomprehensible story.

  • “Literary scribes” are attached to any political person. They are some invisible authors who shake and polish politicians in their own works of the history. But here everything is much more complicated.
  • The manuscript is printed by a completely different author, but it has mysterious messages, riddles and quotes with ciphers.


The plot is very exciting. A bandit attacks the guardian of paintings in the room where auctions are taking place.

  • Due to this robbery, a man is hit hard on the head, after which he loses his memory. But the criminals cannot find the main trophy, because of which the robbery of the century was planned.
  • The keeper who hid the masterpiece is introduced by a hypnosis state, and only in his dreams to a man can see where the invaluable picture is.

"Illusion of flight"

  • After the main character, her husband died, she goes with her daughter on a long journey. But, as soon as the woman fell asleep, her baby disappears without a trace.
  • Not a single person on the plane noticed a little girl, and the commander generally doubts that the disappeared child exists.
  • In the shade, the main plot hides a group of terrorists. They decided to use a woman as a dummy in her own dirty enterprise.
  • Only courage, despair and maternal love allowed the main character to avoid tragedy.
Illusion of flight
Illusion of flight


  • In a small city, Knight, which is located in Alaska, a terrible event happened-they killed a young girl of 17 years old. The investigation is entrusted to the professional detective who works in the police.
  • Namely, Will Dolmer. He comes to the place of murder, taking with him to help a partner. The assistants are given by Ellie But (detective).
  • He himself is developing a cunning plan in which he catches an evil killer. But during the pursuit of the criminal, the detective kills his partner.
  • It is incredible that a maniac becomes a witness to this crime. He blackmail the detective. How will the plot be angry? Watch carefully this film, and you yourself will understand.


  • A young couple with a mate and Lisa live just wonderful. But once they are overtaken by unusual events. The girl agrees to go with her beloved to New York, but at one terrible moment Lisa disappears.
  • With Mathe, he learns that her lover went on tour, but did not warn him.
  • A few years later, a man has a new lady with whom they return to their native town. He still loves his former bride Lisa and tries to find her.
  • Having found a girl, a passion flashes among young people. They spend one night of love and the guy understands that Lisa is not his woman, but the other completely man.
  • This girl tried to detect Lisa in any little things in order to introduce a man into a complete misconception.
Has 3 premiums Oscar
Has 3 premiums Oscar

"Taking life"

  • A tense psychological picture in which the main character is the killer maniac Martin Asher. For several years, the killer has imitated the habits and nature of the dead.
  • He changes the appearance, the image of his life, hobbies and even professions. At the same time, the maniac uses the documents of his victims.
  • The crime is investigated by the Federal Agent Scott. The woman is known that she uses non -standard approaches that help her to conduct such things. The girl is a real professional.
  • In order to solve the thoughts of the criminal, stop him, Illiana is a psychological portrait of a maniac and tries to understand what is pushing him to such crimes.
  • The agent understands the logic of the criminal, but she is always pursued by the idea that the killer is very close. At the same time, Mom Asher comes to the police. She says that she saw her own son, who has changed externally.
  • But all this time she thought that her son was dead. The maniac is so experienced in every role that only his mother can recognize him.
A tense picture
A tense picture

Do you want to get rid of stress, discharge at the expense of a confusing story? Then you should definitely watch those films that we have picked up for you. The collection of films with an unexpected ending included the most interesting films according to the reviews of the audience, their assessments. A thriller is a pleasure, but not for the faint of heart, since during viewing you are guaranteed to feel a surge of a huge dose of adrenaline. In addition, thrillers always want to watch and watch, in order to again feel strong emotions and feelings, again surviving the most intense minutes.

Video: TOP-20 of the best thrillers of 2018

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Comments K. article

  1. Separate gratitude to the author of the article for the selection! It was today that for some reason I wanted acute sensations from cinema. The most interesting thing is that on the site that I usually use almost everything is there, in YouTube, there are only trailers alone ..

  2. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    All the world and good! I watched almost all these films. And even at some time she wrote reviews. And now I want something unusual. The choice fell on Korean historical dramas. In principle, it is watched

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