The best laxatives for cleansing the intestines from the pharmacy: list, name. How to use laxatives - tablets, candles, drops, teas, grass, castor oil, magnesium sulfate, glycerin: instructions for adults, children, newborn, pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly, losing weight, hemorrhoids

The best laxatives for cleansing the intestines from the pharmacy: list, name. How to use laxatives - tablets, candles, drops, teas, grass, castor oil, magnesium sulfate, glycerin: instructions for adults, children, newborn, pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly, losing weight, hemorrhoids

The article offers you an overview of all types of laxatives.

In cases where the constipation becomes very strong or chronic, and its prevention and treatment of the correct “weak” diet does not help, you need to consult medicines. At the moment, pharmacies have a huge variety of laxatives: tablets, syrups, teas, candles for children and adults. Everyone who has constipation can easily choose an acting drug for effective treatment of the problem.

The best laxatives for cleansing the intestines from the pharmacy in tablets, drops, candles: list, names

Lessitable drugs are considered the most effective for the treatment and elimination of constipation of "severe degree". They are prescribed in cases where the intestines have weak activity and food simply cannot move on the gastrointestinal tract. The reception of a “laxative” tablet, as a rule, begins its effect after at least 6 hours, its action is single.

Constipation tablets:

  • Bisacodil -the drug, “irritating” intestinal wall by means of increasing its peristalsis.
  • Bisalen -it gives a laxative effect, manifested by softening or thinning of feces.
  • Pirilax -effective for chronic constipation that occur for various reasons.
  • Dulcolax -for the treatment of constipation associated with the low peristaltic colon.
  • Laxacodil -effectively treats hypotonic and atonic constipation.
  • Regulax -the drug of plant origin for the treatment of acute constipation.
  • Senade -a plant with a pronounced laxative effect.
  • Senadexin -a plant with a laxative property acting on the peristalsis of the colon.
  • Herbion Laksana -a laxative of plant origin.
  • Acipol -a probiotic with the ability to normalize a chair, eliminating constipation.
  • Linex -the probiotic that normalizes the intestines improves the microflora.
  • Lactobacterin -a drug with lactobacilli that improve the microflora in the intestines, and, therefore, normalize stools.
  • Lactusan -eliminates the consequences of treatment with antibiotics and normalizes the intestinal flora for a good chair.
  • Dufalac -it has an “irritating” property on the intestines, which contributes to soft bowel movements.
  • Microlax -a laxative of quick -acting with lactulose.
  • Fitolax -chewing tablets with plant extract (plum) for light bowel movements.
  • Messengers -lactulose laxative
  • Acipol -capsules with lactobacilli to normalize digestion and soft defecation.
  • Trimedat -the drug that normalizes intestinal motility.

Lessit drops improve the intestines and contribute to the rapid promotion of feces.

Drops from constipation:

  • Guttalaks -a popular and fast -acting drug acts in the colon after 6 hours.
  • Labid -the drug treats gastrointestinal tract problems and helps to empty the intestines.
  • Drops of Ogarkov -a drug based on medicinal herbs that contribute to soft defecation.
  • Forlax -significant laxative
  • PRELAX -soft -acting laxative

Candles eliminate constipation due to problems of the rectum. They act “locally”, liquefying feces and bringing the intestinal wall to the “active mode”.

Candles from constipation:

  • Ferrolax -they act on the receptors of the rectum, irritating them and provoking bowel movements.
  • Calziolax -improve the motility of the rectum and soften feces.
  • Candles with rhubarb -they dilute the feces and irritate the walls of the intestine so that it promotes the feces.
  • Glycerin candles -they dilute feces, envelop feces and contribute to their rapid advance.
  • Sea buckthorn candles -a natural remedy that has an anti -inflammatory effect. They soften feces that easily leaves the intestines.
Correct selection of drugs for constipation
Correct selection of drugs for constipation

How to apply laxative teas: instructions for use

Labor tea is a soft and “careful” tool to eliminate the problems of constipation, gastrointestinal tract disorders and restore regular bowel movements. In addition, teas will not harm and their cost is much lower than drugs from the pharmacy.

What teas are recommended:

  • Crucious tincture -the steaming of the circle for 20-30 minutes and its regular use 1-2 times a day will allow you to eliminate the problems of constipation and establish your stool.
  • Linen tea -flax tea concentrated for 1-3 days will completely eliminate the problems of constipation. It can be drunk for children and adults. For brewing, you should use flax seeds.
  • Joster fruit infusion -the fruits are wounded up for about an hour and the drink is drunk overnight so that in the morning bowel moves.
  • Fitochi Senna -the leaves of this plant have a strong laxative effect and help the intestines gently and naturally free from feces.
  • Revenge tea -rhubarb extract irritates the intestinal walls, which helps it actively conduct feces.
  • Sudanese rose -hibiscus petals do not have a strong, but soft, laxative effect.

Important: “laxative” tea is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, between meals or at night, so that the effect is the next day.

Teas and herbs from constipation
Teas and herbs from constipation

How to apply laxative herbs: instructions for use

“Lessitable herbs” are a special collection of medicinal plants that served as an extract for the manufacture of tablets. The use of the product promotes the treatment and prevention of constipation. The drug is available in the form of capsules and belongs to the category of dietary supplements (food additives).

The composition contains:

  • Vitamins
  • Organic acids
  • Flawonids
  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients

Who can be taken:

  • The drug is allowed to children, but not earlier than 7 years old
  • Dosage of the drug to children from 7 to 11 years old - 1 capsule
  • Adolescents can take up to 2 capsules per day
  • The maximum duration of taking capsules should not be more than 2 weeks.

What can be contraindications and consequences:

  • A strong allergic reaction to certain components.
  • Product intolerance will provoke poisoning
  • The drug cannot be taken by women who are in position or feed the child.
  • We cannot take “laxative grasses” to those who suffer from chronic diarrhea.
Laxative herbs
Laxative herbs

How to apply laxative castor oil: instructions for use

One of the most active laxatives is castor oil. This is a drug of plant origin, thick and yellowish. Take oil internally. Getting into the small intestine, the oil forms “ricinole” acid, which irritates its walls, improving the work (peristalsis).

The peculiarity and effectiveness of castor oil is that it acts very quickly. The result can be seen after 3-6 hours (depending on the seriousness of the problem). It is important to know that Kastorku cannot be used during pregnancy, because in addition to intestinal contractions, it also leads to the activity of the uterine muscles. That is why a miscarriage or premature birth can be provoked.

How the oil is taken:

  • Adults should drink no more than 2 tbsp. Oil at a time
  • Children take 1 tsp. Oils, adolescents are acceptable of a portion of 1 d.l.

Important: since oil is a drug of plant origin, it can cause an allergic reaction - this is the main side effect of the product.

With an overdose, such symptoms may appear:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness and fainting
  • Hallucinations and conduct
  • Kidney function
  • Stomach ache
  • Chair violations (diarrhea)

Important: when taking castor oil, it is important to observe the drinking regime and consume a lot of water.

Castor oil
Castor oil from constipation

How to apply magnesium sulfate, as a laxative: instructions for use

Magnesium sulfate powder is necessary for the treatment of constipation of acute and chronic form.

What is the effect of the drug:

  • Gives a choleretic property
  • It has a laxative effect

Important: the drug provokes the accumulation of “water” in the intestines, which means that feces are becoming a slurry and softer. The contents of the intestine are easier to defeat, and the peristalsis becomes better.

Powder action:

  • The effect occurs quickly
  • The drug begins to act after half an hour, a maximum of 3 hours.
  • Duration of action of the drug-up to 5-6 hours

How to use:

  • Drink the product on an empty stomach or at night
  • If you drink on an empty stomach, you can’t take food after that for about 30-40 minutes.
  • The solution can be used as an enema in severe forms of constipation.

What can be the consequences after taking:

  • Acute diarrhea
  • Nausea with vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal inflammation (exacerbation)
  • Violations of consciousness and speech
  • Violation of the water-salt balance of the body
  • Arrhythmia
  • The presence of seizures
  • Increasing flatulence
  • Feeling of thirst
  • Renal failure

Who can not drink powder:

  • Patients with appendicitis
  • Gathering from the rectum
  • Strong allergic reaction
  • Intestinal obstruction

Important: magnesium sulfate is available in the form of powder, which must be dissolved in water and drink, or use as a solution in an enema.

Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate

How to apply glycerin, as a laxative: instructions for use

Glycerin from constipation is produced in 2 forms: rectal candles and oral solution. Glycerin acts on the problem locally, i.e. Irritates the walls of the intestines and feces come out on its own.

When taking the drug:

  • In the presence of acute or chronic constipation
  • With a painful defecation process
  • Taking the drug should be disposable
  • The internally drug should be taken already 20 minutes after the first meal.
  • The candle is inserted into the rectum and, depending on the complexity of the constipation, defecation can happen in 0.5-6 hours.


  • Prolonged use (provokes diarrhea)
  • Body sensitivity with glycerin
  • Inflammation of the intestine
  • An overdose of the drug can lead to complications
Glycerin from constipation
Glycerin from constipation

Which laxatives from pharmacies are suitable for children, newborns: list, application

In cases where the correct diet and means of traditional medicine do not help the child in the treatment and elimination of constipation, each parent can acquire a laxative in a pharmacy.

What will help:

  • Glycerin candles -a soft and always active tool that actively affects the walls of the rectum, forcing them to advance feces. In addition, glycerin makes feces soft, liquefied it and the defecation process becomes painless.
  • Microlax- These are peculiar “microclysters”, which, after the introduction of the solution into the intestines, show a quick but effective property, making feces with liquid and “irritating” for the active operation of the intestinal wall.
  • Dufalac -the syrup, getting into the intestines, affects its mucous membrane and annoys it. As a result, he begins to promote feces. The time of action depends on the scale of the problem, it can “work” after 2 hours, and maybe on the second day.
  • Forlax -this synthetic drug does not affect the intestinal microflora and does not cause gas formation. The drug helps to accumulate fluid in the intestines, which increases the volume of feces and promotes bowel movements.
  • Gutalax -“Includes” intestinal motility and helps him to remove thin feces.
Laxatives for children
Laxatives for children

Which laxatives from pharmacies are suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers: list, use

Reception of laxatives during pregnancy is an urgent issue. The growth of the fetus can provoke pressure on all internal organs, including the intestines, making it difficult to pass the "solid" feces. Therefore, they should be diluted for light and painless bowel movements. Of course, in choosing the right means you should focus on the advice of a doctor. After all, some drugs provoke not only intestinal contractions, but also uterus, which means that premature birth or miscarriage can cause.

What drugs are allowed by pregnant women, as well as nursing:

  • Lactulose -based preparations.They gently affect the intestines, forcing it to work naturally, but actively. In addition, the substance softens feces and facilitates the defecation process.
  • Prebiotic.This is a drug with the content of beneficial bacteria for the intestines, which improves the digestive tract and promotes its timely bowel move.
  • Enema.A quick and effective remedy for complete bowel focusing of the rectum. After the administration of a plant or medical solution, the result is already occurring after 10-15 minutes.

What drugs cannot be:

  • Salt solutions of magnesium, sodium or potassium (in order not to violate the body's water-salt balance and not cause stimulation of the uterus).
  • Decoctions of laxative herbs and drugs based on plant components can be fraught with poisoning and allergies.
  • Flax seeds provoke swelling
Constipation during pregnancy
Constipation during pregnancy

Which laxatives from pharmacies are suitable for the elderly: a list, use

With age, a person suffers multiple changes in the body, including the intestines. Its walls become thinner and the “former” tone disappears. The function of the rectum is completely weakened. The problem exacerbates the problem of improper nutrition of an elderly person and a lack of drinking during the day. In addition, many regularly accept laxatives (often and incorrectly), as a result of which addiction appears.

What means can be taken:

  • The drugs are "irritating" intestinal walls.They simply cause natural rectum reflexes and always act quickly.
  • Salt laxatives.We are talking about drugs of "accumulating" fluid in the intestines. As a result of this, the volume of feces increases and emptying passes independently, as well as easier, taking into account the fact that the feces are liquid.
  • Prebiotics.Prebiotic and probiotics -based drugs are not so effective, but with the right diet they can not only help establish a chair, but also avoid many gastrointestinal problems.
  • Folk methods.These are soft laxatives that do not leave consequences and help to launch the “natural” work of the intestines. We are talking about decoctions and infusions of plant components.
  • Correct diet.Having included weak products in their diet, each person aged will be able to avoid serious problems with the work of the intestine.
Constipation in the elderly
Constipation in the elderly

Which laxatives from the pharmacy are suitable for hemorrhoids: list, application

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectum, which is often accompanied by difficulty defecation. Such drugs will help to cure the problem and make the feces painless:

With hemorrhoids
With hemorrhoids

Is it possible to lose weight with laxative drugs and drugs from a pharmacy? Which laxatives from the pharmacy are suitable for weight loss: List

The process of losing weight is invariably related to the normalization of the digestive process. Without regular bowel movements and intestinal cleansing, not a single person can lose weight correctly and for the benefit of the body.

How laxatives help:

  • The intestines are cleaned of feces (fresh and stagnant, well, some people also observe feces that can reach up to 7 kg).
  • It cleans the intestines from slags that can accumulate for several years in a row.
  • Improve intestinal absorption (the body receives more benefits from food).
  • Eliminate gas formation and bloating
  • Improve metabolism (which leads to natural and “healthy weight loss”).

Important: with confidence we can say that laxatives will not “create miracles”, but they will help you in the struggle for harmony and give your body lightness.

A laxative for weight loss can be in the form of tea, capsules, solutions, drops and tablets. It is important to choose a really high -quality and safe drug that will not provoke dehydration and poisoning. On laxatives, one cannot “sit” constantly, otherwise you risk “washing” all the beneficial substances from the intestines, as well as to break its natural work (i.e., without a laxative, it will no longer be able to defecate on its own).

For weight loss:

For weight loss
For weight loss

Effective laxatives from fast -acting constipation: List, how to use?

The drugs of “fast” laxative action will help you get rid of “acute” and strong constipation, because of which a person did not defecate for 2-3 days.

Fast laxatives
"Fast" laxatives

Effective laxatives from light, soft constipation: a list, how to use?

“Soft” laxatives are suitable for children, people aged and pregnant women.

Soft action
Soft action

Laxative purgen, microlax, duphalax, Forlax, Senade, Bisacodil, Guttalax: how and to whom and when can I use?


  • Purgen -a potent agent for adults. Acts directly on the rectum. Take a day 1-2 tablets.
  • Microlax -the drug is fast, used rectally. It differs with speed - 15 minutes. Apply disposable.
  • Dufalac -the drug is powerful, but soft. The effect can come for 1-2 days. The product improves intestinal motility and softens feces. Take 1-2 portions per day.
  • Forlax -powder for the preparation of suspensions. The drug attracts liquid and increases the volume of feces, forcing it to move faster along the intestines and defecate. It is used once a day.
  • Senade -plant extract with a soft laxative property. Tea (infusion) should be drink regularly if problems are found.
  • Semacidol-1-2 tablets per day. The drug affects the rectum and provokes bowel movements.
  • Guttalax-5-20 drops per day.The drug accelerates intestinal motility.

Video: “Home laxatives for constipation. Valuable tips to strengthen peristalsis "

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Comments K. article

  1. All sorts of purgen and castor, it’s just horror stories from childhood, and not in vain, I think, I haven’t tried it myself, but they say that the stomach is spinning a terrible thing from them. Even modern drugs “sin” this, from what I tried - Duphalak and Gutalaks also caused a storm in the stomach and such urge to defecate - almost to tears. By chance, the trial of trial stumbled upon a lavaco, and everything went calmly with him, I still use it periodically, because there is no addiction to him. But I try to eat more vegetables and fruits in order to stimulate digestion.

  2. Inga, is it also sugary to taste too? I somehow cannot swallow this, disgusting to me.

  3. Inga, is it also sugary to taste too? I somehow cannot swallow this, disgusting to me.
    Catherine, no, the lavaco is not sweet, he resembles the Essentuki to taste, it is like drinking a glass of mineral water. Microflora, again, is not violated from it, but if you often use a laxative, then this is quite important.

  4. Inga, clear. Thank you.

  5. By the way, I agree about Lavakola - a good remedy for constipation. I myself constantly buy it, if suddenly troubles with a chair happen. Now I also accept it - I sat on a diet, so constipation was tortured. And I get rid of Lavakol without any problems - and I will endure well, and you can accept for quite some time, no addiction, etc.

  6. For me, phytolax is the best slaughter. And the shape of the chewing tablet allows the components absorbed already in the mouth with saliva, so that the action is milder

  7. If a constipation occurs suddenly, I accept lactative based on lactitol - export. It helps to empty the intestines, and not after taking unpleasant phenomena, which are usually after laxatives. It does not slam strongly. Thanks to the lactitol, butteric acid is formed, which contributes to the natural emptying of the intestine. The addiction also does not cause. You can take at least once, at least a course, so if necessary I always buy only export.

  8. I don’t really like laxatives at all ... somehow they act sharply. When the constipation was, she was saved by phytomucil norms and ordinary kefir, but it all somehow happened softer, without problems and pain ... So I can recommend such therapy)

  9. And I drink duphalak, as in advertising. At first, nothing happened, and then in 2-3 days the chair was completely normalized.

  10. It is most convenient for me from laxatives to use pills, candles/teas do not always help and cause bloating. The last thing I used for constipation was Fitolax chewing tablets, they are on a plant basis, act as it should+ discomfort I do not feel any discomfort.

  11. If I resort to the help of a laxative, then I prefer to take in drops, and for the last time I took a slack. The price was very pleased, costs around 130 rubles, and the effect is much larger than from other more expensive drugs.

  12. I take Lavacol with constipation. Now it is especially relevant - self -isolation, minimum movements, but there are a lot, and the dryness of it is mainly.

  13. For me, somehow more naturally, these are pills. I like chewing phytolax. They don’t even need to be washed down. I chew two tablets at dinner and thoroughly going to the toilet calmly. They are not expensive. Sold in all pharmacies.

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