How to glue the right wallpaper on the walls on the walls on the non -woven, paper -based, liquid, paper, embossed, bamboo, combined, under painting, overwhelming, overlapping, with a pattern, 3D, fiberglass, textile: what glue should the wall be smeared or not?

How to glue the right wallpaper on the walls on the walls on the non -woven, paper -based, liquid, paper, embossed, bamboo, combined, under painting, overwhelming, overlapping, with a pattern, 3D, fiberglass, textile: what glue should the wall be smeared or not?

How to properly glue wallpaper on the walls: simple tips.

More recently, wallpaper decoration was considered not very fashionable, so people decorated the surfaces with a cloth, artificial and decorative stone or simply painted. But as liquid, bamboo, embossed and textile wallpapers began to appear on sale, such a decoration again became relevant.

The modern wallpaper has a diverse texture, an interesting ornament and just a huge selection of colors. All this allows people without any problems and, most importantly, cheaply, transform any living space.

How to glue the right wallpapers and overlap?

DIY wallpaper

I immediately want to say that overlap is exclusively glued paper wallpaper. Since they have a minimum thickness, when applying one canvas on another, the junction is practically not visible. But to visually, your walls seem even, you need to carry out such pasting correctly. If you want the resulting joint to not throw the shadow on the canvas, then fix the finishing material on the wall so that the resulting overlap is aimed at window openings or an artificial light source.

And finally, I want to say that this method of pasting walls is suitable only for new buildings, wooden buildings and walls of irregular shape, for example, rounded. In this case, the overlap must be done as if over time, the joints will still begin to creep and after some time the wallpaper canvas will look as if it had been pushed out.

But thicker and more textured wallpapers are best glued to the VSK, especially since it is done quite simply. All that you need to do is just to fix two canvases on the wall, and then carefully connect them together, following that the contacting sides do not find each other.

How to glue the right wallpaper with a pattern: tips on the selection of a picture

Figure selection tips

In principle, if you are ready for the fact that you will have to throw some part of the wallpaper, you can simply measure the height of the wall, cut off the first piece, and then choose all the following canvases to it. If you want the consumption of decorative material to be the most minimal, then try to pick up the drawing, so professionals do it.


  • Find information on the roll about how the picture is repeated
  • Using a plumb line, determine the perfect vertical line on which you will stick the first piece of wallpaper
  • Measure this line using a construction meter
  • Next, divide the indicators of the height of the wall into a step indicator
  • Round the resulting figure to the whole number, and you will find out how many steps are included in one row
  • Further, you will need to multiply the received number by the indicator indicated on the roll, and you will find out how many pieces you will need to cut it
  • If you correctly conduct all the calculations, then the picture can be joined directly on the wall, without cutting anything

How to glue the right wallpaper in the corners?

Proper pasting of corners

If you will be engaged in the repair of your home for the first time in your life, then remember that in order for the wallpaper in the corner perfectly, all surfaces in the room should be even. As practice shows, if the angle is perfectly vertical, then even the most heavy and thick wallpapers lie very well on it.

If the angle that you finish in the end will be hidden behind bulky furniture, then you may not be particularly bored and just glue the wallpaper overwhelming in this place. How to do this correctly we told a little higher. If the angle is completely visible, then you must do everything so that there is no overlap on it.


  • Measure from the roll two of the same piece in size
  • Light the wall with glue and fix on it first one wallpaper canvas, and then another
  • Glue them with an overlap method, and then arm yourself with a knife and cut the junction
  • Gently remove the cut parts, smear the joint with glue and roll

How to glue the right wallpaper for the battery?

Wallpaper gluing process for batteries

If your goal is perfectly pasted surfaces, then you will have to remove the battery, mush, sanding and priming the wall that is behind it, and only then finish it with the selected wallpaper.

But unfortunately, even now in apartments and houses you can find the so -called stationary batteries that cannot be removed. If you are in your home, then use the layout method with which we will introduce you a little lower.


  • To get started, take a roulette and measure the space that is behind the battery
  • Next, cut a piece from the roll, which will correspond to the received data
  • At the location of the radiator mounts, make neat cuts
  • Pour the wallpaper with glue and get it behind the battery
  • Distribute it on the surface with your hands and with the help of a soft rag, remove all the extra air from under it

How to glue the right wallpaper near the windows and doors?

Wallpaper gluing process above the windows

In principle, there is nothing complicated in the gluing of windows and doors with wallpaper. All that will be required of a person is simply correct and, most importantly, to carefully delete all excess material.


  • Make the most accurate measurements of the height of the wall in the window or doorway area
  • Measure a piece of this length and cut it from the roll
  • Next, spread the wall with glue and attach a piece of the wallpaper on it
  • Attach it in such a way that its part lies on the door or window platbands
  • Next, take a soft brush and reward it with the whole canvas
  • You must do everything so that it is tightly in contact with the platband
  • After that, you will need to take a sharp knife and a metal spatula and remove excess wallpaper

How to glue the right vinyl wallpaper on a non -woven, paper basis: what glue, should you smear the wall or not?

Playing vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers, regardless of a paper or non -woven basis, they are made, quite heavy, so we can definitely say that they must be glued with special glue. In view of this, if you want the clutch between the wallpaper and the wall to be maximum, then use universal glue or vinyl glue for heavy wallpapers to fix the material.

Also take into account the fact that this type of wallpaper is able to absorb excess moisture, so experts recommend lubricating the wall only during work, and leave the canvas itself with dry. Yes, and do not forget that these wallpapers can only be glued to the same. If you try to make at least a small overlap, then it will be striking even with proper light.

How to glue the right wallpaper paper, embossed: what glue, should the walls be smeared or not?

Recommendations for gluing paper wallpaper

Although paper wallpapers are the most budget option for wall decoration, they require the highest costs for the preparation of surfaces. Since they have a very thin thickness, even the smallest errors available on the walls cannot be disguised. That is why before you start the main process, you will need to align the walls and be sure to disagree them.

As for how glue to fix this type of finishing material, then in this case you can use the same universal glue or special paper. They will equally well fix both paper and embossed wallpaper. In this case, when conducting work with glue, it is necessary to smear both the wallpaper and the wall.

How to glue the blade wallpaper correctly: what glue, should you smear the wall or not?

DIY walls secrets

Since non -woven wallpaper is made of cellulose fibers, which are fastened with polymer substance, it is undesirable to glue them with universal glue. As practice shows, this type of finishing material must be fixed on the walls with special non -woven glue. It is in its composition that there are substances that enhance the adhesion between the surface and the wallpaper.

In this case, the adhesive should be applied exclusively to the walls, and the wallpaper should be applied completely dry. Well, and, of course, remember that these wallpapers, like the vinyl, must be glued to the bunch. In view of this, be sure to consider this nuance when pasting door and window openings and corners. If the overlap still turned out, try to make the joint more inconspicuous with the help of the methods with which we have already introduced you.

How to glue bamboo wallpaper correctly?

Glating bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is nothing more than pre -processed bamboo sticks, glued to the so -called technical gauze. As a rule, they weigh a little more than heavy vinyl or non -woven. Therefore, it can definitely be said that the glue that is prepared using ordinary water is not suitable for fixing them. The most optimal option in this case will be a special high -skinned substance for gluing a bamboo canvas.

If you fail to find it, then you can use liquid wallpaper instead of this adhesive. This type of hotel material is glued in a standard way. First, the surface is leveled, primed and only after that is glue applied to it. Yes, and do not forget that in the case of bamboo wallpaper, glue is applied to the canvas itself.

How to glue the right wallpaper for painting, from fiberglass?

Wallpaper gluing for painting

If you want to glue the walls in your house with wallpaper for painting, then give preference to glass wallpaper, which are made of special glassons neatly intertwined. Based on all this, we can definitely say that to fix this finishing material on the walls, only specialized glue should be used.

Ideally, you should offer it in the same place where you bought wallpaper. But if the sellers did not do this, then try to find glue in construction stores for all types of glass. If possible, try to buy ready -made immediately, because in this case the consistency of the adhesive is very important. If you cook it incorrectly, then your wallpaper will be very poorly fixed on the wall.

When conducting work, consider that the glass wallpaper itself is not necessary to smear glue. If you correctly prepared the wall (leveled it and grinned it), then you will need to apply an adhesive exclusively on the wall and apply a dry canvas to it. It is best to smooth this finishing material with a flexible spatula.

How to glue the right liquid wallpaper on the wall?

Algorithm of actions when applying liquid wallpaper

The technique of gluing walls with liquid wallpaper differs slightly from the finish of surfaces with paper, vinyl or non -woven materials. In this case, you will have to prepare a mass that will be applied to the walls with a spatula.

In all other respects, a similar method of updating the walls is similar to standard pasting. And this means that you must put all the nervousness of the surfaces, align them and disagree with.

The algorithm of actions when applying liquid wallpaper:

  • Carry out the preparation of walls for decoration
  • Dilute the dry mixture with water and set aside it for 25 minutes to swell
  • After this time, mix it thoroughly and can apply to the walls
  • Apply the mass with a thin layer, trying to make its thickness everywhere the same

How to glue the right wallpaper combined?

Combined wallpaper overlay advice

Recently, more and more people have been decided to decorate the walls with combined wallpaper. In this case, in one room, the wallpaper are different in color and texture.

If you also want to transform the living space in this way, then try to use the wallpaper of the same species for work. In this case, you do not have to buy different glue, and you can carry out the finish in a completely standard way.

Combined wallpaper overlapping tips:

  • In rooms with high ceilings, combine plain wallpaper with different shades. Fix them on the walls in a horizontal position.
  • If desired, you can finish one wall with a wallpaper with a floristic pattern, and the three remaining paste with plain material. Follow all the material is well combined with each other in color.
  • If you want to visually divide two different textures or highlight any part, then use molding or decorative borders for this.

How to glue textile wallpaper correctly?

Gleaming of textile wallpaper

If you want to make your housing as cozy and visually attractive as possible, then make all surfaces with textile wallpaper. And do not be afraid of this finishing material. This wallpaper canvas is practically no different from ordinary wallpaper. In this case, a paper, vinyl or non -woven base is also used, just a silk or velor coating is applied on top of it.

In view of this, when wall decoration, you should pay attention exclusively to the basis of the selected decorative material. If it is paper, then it can be glued to either universal glue or special paper. If the base is vinyl or non -woven, then you will need glue for heavy wallpaper.

In addition, take into account the fact that such a clip does not tolerate mechanical exposure poorly, so you need to smooth it with the most soft roller or foam sponge. Yes, and remember that the textile wallpaper is very afraid of moisture, which is why you must make sure that humidity in the repair room does not rise above 40%.

How to glue 3D wallpaper correctly?

Wallpaper gluing

Wallpaper 3D can be an excellent alternative to us more familiar murals. Although in this case you will also finish the surface with a voluminous pattern, the final result will visually look more impressive, especially if you choose fluorescent or LED finishing materials. It is clear that in order to apply a similar drawing on the wall you will have to work, but still the result will cost the time spent.


  • Level the surface as much as possible on which you will glue the wallpaper
  • Treat the wall with a primer with an antifungal effect
  • First, fold the drawing on the floor
  • Using a level and a simple pencil, indicate the location of the first piece of the decay
  • Fix it on the wall, double -check how correct it is and only after that begin to glue the rest

How to glue the right meter wallpaper, how to glue them to a person alone?

Bleing meter wallpaper

If you plan to make repairs in your apartment yourself, then give preference to vinyl or non -woven wallpaper. In this case, you will not need an assistant as only the wall will smear with glue with this decoration. And this means that you can quite calmly measure the wallpaper yourself and fix them on the wall. As for how it is best to do this, everything is simple here.

Initially, you will have to measure the height of the room, and do it through every meter of walls. Having received all these data, you can cut off 3-5 pieces of the canvas immediately. After this is done, you will have to spread the wall with glue and fix the wallpaper on it. Yes, if you want everything to work out perfectly, then start pasting from the very right corner.

How to glue properly wide wallpapers?

Bleing wide wallpaper

As practice shows, wide wallpapers are glued quickly, but nevertheless, in this case, there are nuances. Since this wallpaper is large enough, the clutch indicator is very important for it. In view of this, if you want this decorative material to perfectly fit the wall, then do not pity on time and money and correctly prepare the repaired surface.

Be sure to align it, go, and then apply a primer (in two layers). After it has dried, you can take measurements of the height of the room and start pasting. Yes, and in this case it is extremely important to consider that you will not have the right to error. Since the width of the wallpaper will be large, you cannot be so simply shifted if something goes wrong. Therefore, it will be better if you glue the first three pieces in level, and only making sure that the wallpaper lies on the wall correctly, you will begin to glue them in a standard way.

Video: How to stick wallpaper correctly, lesson 1 - wall preparation

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