False pregnancy in dogs: treatment, drugs, recommendations of veterinarians. The danger of false pregnancy in dogs

False pregnancy in dogs: treatment, drugs, recommendations of veterinarians. The danger of false pregnancy in dogs

False pregnancy in dogs is a pathology in the body, which is not considered a specific disease. Pseudo -assembled is an unusual state, its symptoms occur in almost 60% of dogs. At the same time, the physiological pregnancy in the female does not occur.

False pregnancy can occur in adult females. And it does not matter whether the bitch was really pregnant before or not. At the first signs of such an ailment, the dog must stop the process, make sure that it does not develop further, does not appear again.

During the development of pathology, the female develops certain symptoms that may be signs of pregnancy, the period of lactation without fertilization. The manifestation of the pathological state appears a maximum of 2 months after the female ends with estrus (extreme estrus).

The danger of false pregnancy in dogs

  • Depending on the symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs, the frequencies of its manifestation, doctors predict the state of the animal in the future. Causes and main symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs You can find out here.

The most dangerous for the female and her body is the period when the dog experiences discomfort. This may be due to muscle tissue tensionwhich occurs as during real birth.

  • From duration of false pregnancy, the frequencies of its repetition, the specialist prescribes a scheme for therapy in the future, gives advice to the dog owner. We note that a fairly frequent pseudo -assembled, which is periodically repeated, can greatly threaten the body to the animal.
  • In this case, a great danger can affect the central nervous system.

Among the underlying diseases, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Persistent, nervouse, which has irreversible processes. The dog even sometimes goes crazy.
  • Purulent mastitis. The mammary glands are inflamed, since milk stagnates in them.
  • Endometritis. It can go into chronic sepsis (the uterine mucosa is inflamed).
  • Piometer (Pus arises in the uterus). This consequence is considered the most dangerous. As a result of pathology, a death can occur.
  • Military cancer. Also, oncology can switch to the organs of the reproductive system.

What kind of dog breeds most often manifest the false pregnancy?

Doctors were able to determine a group of rocks, which often manifest a false pregnancy. The ailment may bother:

  • Boxers
  • Dobermanov
  • Poodles
  • Shepherd dogs
  • Dachshund
  • Toy terriers

If you have a dog of the breed that was mentioned above, carefully follow the hormonal and emotional state own animal. because of emotional stress Various ones can develop psycho -emotional pathologies.

One of the breeds
One of the breeds


False pregnancy in dogs: what to do?

Do you think your dog has a false pregnancy? Then you can help her using the following tips:

  • Initially, decide whether your dog has a pseudo -assembled. Visit the Cabinet with the animal Ultrasound. Thanks to the examination, you can find out the result of the knitting after 3 weeks. You can also use the test for relaxin. It is carried out much earlier, 2 weeks after there was a knit.
  • If a false pregnancy in the dog is confirmed, do not shout at her because she wants to “make her own nest” or for a strong affection. The animal is not guilty of anything.
  • Do not surround the female with excessive care. This will only aggravate her poor condition. Make sure that the dog does not stop leading active lifestyle. She should run, walk for walks. Such manipulations will be useful.
  • If your dog has lactationThen do not give her milk. Also reduce the volume of the water that the female will drink.
  • Feed the female with pseudo -assembled moderately. Enough 2 times a day. Reduce the number of meat products. Your pet should eat mainly vegetables, cereals.
  • Do not express The dog has milk, the chest massage is also contraindicated. If the female begins to spill the nipples herself, put on her popon. You can suppress milk formation, for example, with the help of medicines. Only before that consult a doctor.
  • In order to distract the dog, remove all those objects that will remind her of future children. Reduce the female lying down so that only the animal is placed on it. So the dog will not want to pull various objects similar to puppies in the "nest".
  • Give the dog soothing drugs, which is based on grass. Such funds, as a rule, have no side effects.
  • To eliminate the negative consequences of pseudo -pregnancy will help homeopathic preparations. But only a specialist can choose the right medicine.

It is a pity, but sometimes imaginary pregnancy must be treated with hormonal drugs. They must be given to the dog after the doctor appoints. The contactless intake of such drugs will never help the animal, will lead to more serious consequences.

False pregnancy in dogs: treatment

As mentioned above, false pregnancy in dogs It may occur due to hormonal failure.

To normalize the production of hormones, doctors may prescribe the following medications to the female:

  • Ovaritiv. Thanks to the drug, the dog calms down. Injections are made to the female (the course lasts up to 5 days) or the tablets are given (the course is approximately 2 weeks).
  • Mastometrin. The medicine relieves inflammation in the uterus, eliminates the risk of mastitis.
  • Galastop. The product lowers the amount of prolactin. As a result, lactation disappears, swelling subsides from the mammary glands. The female must be given the drug, adding it to food. The course of therapy lasts about 1 week.
  • Fitoelite cytostat. The drug is effective during the prevention of different pathologies, the treatment of neoplasms in the mammary glands. A medicine in the form of tablets is produced.
  • Emicidin. It is used actively for prevention.
  • Bromkamifor. Thanks to the drug, the functionality of the central nervous system of the dog is normalized.
  • Soothing agents. If the dog is strongly excited, it can be given Novopassit.
  • Hormonal drugs. Most often animals are given Borocriptean. The veterinarian can also prescribe a drug based on progestogen, androgen and so on.

Folk methods that help with mastitis in the dog

You can help with a false pregnancy of the dog and can do, using the following methods:

  • Apply cabbage sheet To the milk glands of the animal, fix with a weak bandage. Process the cabbage in advance with boiling water, mash your hands, cut it with a knife so that the juice is released. Install this compress for at least 6 hours.
  • Make it compressusing rye bread. Mix the pulp with honey, attach to the mammary glands.
  • Wipe the female nipples using aloe juice.
  • Treat the breasts of the animal with ointment with arnika.
  • So that the dog does not suck milk on your own, put on it textile blanket. Special is also suitable supporting collar. Choose such “clothes” so that it is not very tight.

Video: How to determine a false pregnancy in dogs?

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