False pregnancy in dogs: causes, signs, methods of prevention, prohibitions. Political pregnancy myths in dogs

False pregnancy in dogs: causes, signs, methods of prevention, prohibitions. Political pregnancy myths in dogs

If your dog behaves like during pregnancy, in addition, visible symptoms appear, it is important to make sure that the pregnancy is actually not false.

In addition to the usual two -month pregnancy, it can develop false pregnancy in dogs. This is a condition in which the dog experiences the same sensations as in a conventional pregnancy. However, at the same time, the female puppies are not found in the stomach. This occurs in the animal as a result of physiological and mental disorders in the body. Hormonal disorders lead the sex glands to improper work.

Causes of false pregnancy in dogs

  • All females since puberty are capable of manifesting such symptoms. False pregnancy in dogs It may occur as a result of non -primed sexual intercourse, as well as if the sexual cycle has passed without insight.
  • False pregnancy after sterilization of the dogit also often happens. Provided that at the time of the operation the ovaries were preserved. The same applies to those dogs in which surgery was performed with violations.

The main reasons for which a false pregnancy may occur in a dog:

  1. Long contact of a dog with a pregnant female Or animals during the period of feeding offspring. This can cause a dog to awaken a number of natural maternal instincts, including physiological changes in the body.
  2. If it happened knitting Females with a castrated male or male after sterilization.
  3. The formation of pathological symptoms in the animal in the moments of the excitation of the psyche.
  4. In the presence of hormonal pathologies The female during the knitting period. Holistic ovary with a remote uterus - can lead to an imaginary pregnancy.

After the end of the estrus, in the dog’s body, the inner gland continues to work for some time that produces hormones as during pregnancy. As a result, the body is prepared for reproductive activity. It is these hormones that make the animal’s brain follow the propagation program, despite the lack of normal fertilization.

Signs of false pregnancy in dogs

Visual signs with false pregnancy of dogs are similar to the symptoms of the correct pregnancy in the animal:

  1. The mammary glands are enlarged. Swelling of the nipples is noticed.
  2. From the mammary gland, with light pressure - stands out colostrum.
  3. Observed the formation of age spots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.
  4. Characteristic discharge from the sexual gap appears: transparent or light brown. The dog is constantly trying to lick the discharge.
  5. The animal appears lack of appetite, not rarely accompanied by vomiting.
  6. The stomach increases In size. However, the puppies are not felt - there is no fruit stirring. The female significantly gains weight.

    Acidity of the abdomen
    Acidity of the abdomen
  7. The dog does not show activity: more time sleeps, moves less, refuses games.
  8. The animal appears excessive anxiety and incredulity. The dog aggressively reacts to any movement near its vacation spot. Such a reaction is expressed even in contact with the owner.
  9. The female tries to show reinforced care and guardianship In relation to other animals or soft objects. At the same time, the female demonstrates the ecstatic fluidity to the chosen object: rubs, licks.
  10. The dog finds a secluded place for itself and spends most of the time there. He tries not to allow outsiders, sometimes the owner, to the place of "hatching". It seems that she is hiding.

It is important to know that not all of the above signs can accompany a false pregnancy in a dog. Sometimes, in order to suspect the hormonal violation - it is enough to recognize some physiological changes in the body of the pet. As soon as such factors as the lack of appetite, apathy, swelling of the mammary glands are found - you should contact the veterinarian.

How long does the false pregnancy last in dogs?

  • State false pregnancy in a dog - can take place throughout three weeks. The form of treatment of the animal depends on the severity of the pathology. If the symptoms proceed to a slight extent, prescribe prevention measures.
Can be up to 3 weeks
Can be up to 3 weeks
  • For elimination of heavy shape A more detailed diagnosis and complex drug treatment are required.
  • In severe form - hormonal disorders last more than three weeks and can cause a state of prolonged apathy in a dog.

How to prevent a false pregnancy in a dog?

Immediately, show the animal to the veterinarian, this will help prevent complications in the event of a possible formation of them.

At the first symptoms, a number of measures should be taken on your own that will help to avoid the further development of hormonal disorders during false pregnancy in the dog:

  1. Reduce the dose of feeding and drinking water.
  2. Remove milk and all dairy products from the dog’s diet.
  3. Increase the activity of the pet due to games and long walks. It is necessary to make sure that the dog does not have free time for hatching in a secluded place.
  4. In a home environment, do not leave a dog alone for a long time, try to involve it in communication, distracting from caring for your imaginary offspring.
  5. Give sedatives prescribed by the veterinarian.

To prevent repeated symptoms, 10 days before the expected start of the period of false pregnancy, preventive procedures need to be carried out.

  • It is important to know if the condition of the dog from the moment of use of preventive measures does not normalize for 10 days, then medical assistance is required. The only way to avoid such a state is considered removing ovaries and uterus.
Help is needed
Help is needed
  • After the operation, the symptoms of the disease gradually leave and the dog returns to the habitual lifestyle for itself. Otherwise, regular monitoring and prescribing of special drugs that regulate the function of hormone production. It is also worth noting that the dogs that have been ill with imaginary pregnancy are excellent educators of someone else's offspring. Using this quality, you can help the female psychologically realize his natural task - this will give the dog the dog’s installation about the completed mission.

What can not be done with false pregnancy in dogs?

  • It must be understood that false pregnancy of the dogDespite its natural component, disease. As in any other disease, the animal during this period experiences stress.
  • You can’t scream at the dog in an attempt to limit it in the manifestation of the maternal instinct. It is not recommended to bandage or express the mammary glands of the females - this will provoke the opposite effect in the animal’s body and the disease will begin to progress.
  • To prevent licking the nipples, it is better to put a special protective collar on the dog. It is strictly forbidden to treat the dog using soothing herbal fees intended for humans - such methods can cause food poisoning in the female.
  • It is important to remember that the psyche Dog in this period is very vulnerable And it requires a careful relationship. If the female uses some object or toy instead of a puppy, do not immediately take off the imitation of offspring from her.
  • It is better to switch the dog's attention to the game or training, and then, quietly remove the object. Also, during this period, the animal should not be overly patronized - excessive stroking will only develop the alarming state of the dog.

False pregnancy in dogs: myths

Among dog breeders, you can find several beliefs regarding the signs of false pregnancy in dogs that are erroneous:

  1. If you spend the dog sterilization - This will protect her from manifestations of false pregnancy. In fact, the sterilization of the animal does not guarantee getting rid of disorders in the hormonal background of the dog’s body. Sterilization surgery can undergo an urgent need and established complications.
  2. A knitting with a male Prevents the risk of the disease. The regularity of the knitting of dogs is in no way related to the occurrence of the disease. The female can have constant contacts with the male, but if she is prone to such a disease, this disease will appear.
  3. It cannot be argued that inflammatory processes in the uterus provoke the development of imaginary pregnancy. The exception is those females to whom hormonal therapy was prescribed during treatment.
  4. At Dog isolation The symptoms of the disease pass. This statement is not true, since it does not stop the manifestation of hormonal disorders in the body of the pet. On the contrary, isolation of the female, the owner creates her conditions under which the dog will be fixed on the manifestation of his maternal instincts.
  5. Strict handling of a dog - It will help to suppress the manifestation of imaginary pregnancy. Such a judgment negatively affects the mental state of the female. All arising processes of this period in its body are the result of the disease, and not a manifestation of the character of the animal. Therefore, there is nothing to punish the dog. If the behavior of the female becomes intrusive, you should seek help in a veterinary clinic.

Video: Determination and prevention of false pregnancy in dogs

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