Food citric acid: characteristics, benefits and harm

Food citric acid: characteristics, benefits and harm

What do you know about the benefits of citric acid? Let's look at and also learn about the dangers of this additive.

Each housewife has citric acid in the kitchen, and all because it is often used as an additive that regulates the taste of dishes, product and gives it sourness. Despite this demand, citric acid can bring us not only benefits, but also harm.

Food citric acid: characteristic

Citric acid is food supplement, which has the appearance of white crystals. This acid is very quickly and easily dissolved in water.

It is worth noting that food citric acid is used not only in the kitchen as an additive that regulates the acidity of the product and adds acid to it. Also, such acid is used in cosmetology, medicine, construction, etc.


It must also be said that today lemon acid is done not like before. If such a product was originally received from unripe lemons, today it is obtained using strains of molds of a certain species.

Food citric acid: health benefits

As mentioned earlier, citric acid is used in various fields, therefore it brings different benefits.

As for human health:

  • Having rummaging the sore throat with a weak solution of citric acid can be eliminated from a sharp pain in it.
  • Also, with the help of this additive, you can reduce the risk of kidney stones, since it destroys minerals, the presence of which leads to the formation of stones.
  • Citric acid acts as a powerful antioxidant, so entering the body, it cleanses it of harmful substances, thereby reducing the risk of various diseases.

Food citric acid: how is it used in the food industry?

In the food industry, citric acid is useful as follows:

  • It is used to give various products of special sour taste. It is added to sweets, various sweet soda.
  • It is used as a preservative because it is able to fight fungi, bacteria. Thus, the presence of citric acid in conservation extends its shelf life, and also enhances its taste, aroma.
  • Very often it is citric acid that is added to barbecue marinades, and all because this supplement makes the meat soft and delicate.
  • Apply the supplement for the manufacture of wine, or rather, improve its taste.

Food citric acid: use in cosmetology

Also, citric acid brings some benefit in cosmetology:

  • Very often, such acid is added to various creams, gels that are used to care for the skin. Such products restore pH of the skin, make it more elastic, smooth and elastic.
  • Using this acid, you can partially eliminate pigment spots.
  • Also, such an additive in various cosmetic products accelerates the growth of new cells.

Food citric acid: harm

Despite such an impressive list of beneficial properties, citric acid can also harm:

  • The use of such an additive in large quantities will lead to the appearance of problems with the teeth and their integrity.
  • No less dangerous is the consumption of a large amount of acid for the stomach. In this case, his mucous membrane will suffer greatly.
Can be harmful
Can be harmful

As you can see, the benefits of citric acid are much greater than harm. More precisely, this product can only be harmful if you use it or use it in large quantities or not for its intended purpose.

Video: citric acid: benefits and harms

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