Viagra tablets for men - instructions for use, indications for use, form of release, dosage, contraindications, side effects, tips and customer reviews. How does the Viagra drug work for men?

Viagra tablets for men - instructions for use, indications for use, form of release, dosage, contraindications, side effects, tips and customer reviews. How does the Viagra drug work for men?

The popularity of Viagra is growing exponentially and almost every man considers it his duty to experience its effect on himself. According to the pharmacies of pharmacies working around the clock, one of the three goods in demand at night is Viagra.

How does the Viagra drug work for men?

For what purposes is this drug is used by everyone. But, few people have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow Viagra acts. It turns out that the effect of the drug is aimed at increasing blood flow in the genital organ. As a result, a man’s “strength” is restored. This is amazing, but Viagra does not have any physiological treatment.

This is interesting: the history of the creation of this tool is quite interesting. Viagra was invented quite by accident. In the laboratory of the Pharmacological company Pfizer, a medicine was developed that was intended to reduce pain in the chest in people suffering from coronary disease and angina pectoris. But, after the first tests, it turned out to be any help to the heart of sildenafil (the active substance of this drug) has no help. But its side effects were striking.

The name "Viagra" was formed from the English phrase "power of the Niagara waterfall." In 1993, the United States conducted studies of the effects of sildenafil on the body and after its safety was confirmed, Viagra was allowed to use for medicinal purposes.

This drug is not an exciting tool and does not increase sexual desire.

Viagra for men: output form

We improve potency

“Viagra” is a medicinal product in the form of rhomboidable tablets. They are covered with a blue shell on top. On one side of the tablet, the name of the company produces this Pfizer tool is engraved, and on the second side “VGR 25”, “VGR 50” or “VGR 100”. The number corresponds to the number of active substance (mg) contained in the tablet.

Viagra tablets for men: Indications for use

Viagra is prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by vascular disorders or nervous disorders. It is taken for normal intercourse. This drug can only be used for men. The effect of its use can only be obtained with sexual stimulation of the penis.

This is interesting: scientists from the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine almost simultaneously with their colleagues from the University of Paris Descartes found a “side” effect of taking the described tool. Studies have shown that Viagra slows down the movement in the body of Plasmodium falciparum (parasite of the causing malaria). Thanks to the intake of Viagra, the spleen begins to filter the red blood cells affected by the parasite, cleansing the body from them.

Viagra for men: contraindications and side effects


  • You can not take this drug with sensitivity to the components that enter it. The active substance of the drug (sildenafil) enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates. Therefore, this tool cannot be consumed by patients receiving nitrates in any form or nitrogen oxide donors.
  • It is very careful to treat the “viagra” of erectile dysfunction during the deformation of the penis, as well as with a predisposition to the development of leukemia, thrombocytopenia, and sickle cell anemia.
  • It is better to refuse this drug with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. With heart failure, angina pectoris, arrhythmias and arterial hypertension, it is also better not to use this tool.

Important: American experts have recently published a report on the study of the influence of Viagra's intake on the development of deafness. It turns out that regular intake of this tool causes a double risk of hearing loss.

Viagra tablets for men: dosage

Male power

  • Typically, the attending physician prescribes 50 mg of this drug per day of sexual contact. If its action is not enough, then you can double the amount of sildenafil.
  • With the simultaneous admission of Viagra and Ritonavir, the dosage of the first remedy should be reduced to 25 mg per day.
  • Repeated administration of the drug can only be carried out after 48 hours.

Viagra tablets for men: active substance

The active substance of the Viagra tablets is sildenafil citrate. One tablet may contain 25 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg of this substance.

In addition, this product includes calcium hydrophosphate, cellulose, steort of magnesium and sodium cruscarmallosis. The composition of the film membrane includes the dyes of the Opadrai Blue, Opadrai transparent and aluminum varnish.

Viagra for men or Cialis: which is better?

CialisThe active substance of Sialis is Tadalafil. It, unlike sildenafil, acts more gently and smoothly. That is why Viagra is best suited to achieve a quick erection. But, Sialis provides a more gentle effect. In addition, the price of this product is noticeably less than the “promoted” analogue.

Analogs of Viagra for men: dosage

1. "Levitra" - A drug for the treatment of sexual dysfunction based on vardenafil.

Dosage: maximum daily dose - 20 mg

2. "Impaz" - Homeopathic remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. The effect is not proven.

Dosage: 1 tablet in 2 hours and 1 hour before sexual intercourse

3. "Fujunbao Super" - Biologically active additive for the treatment of impotence. The composition includes many useful substances: vitamins and minerals. But their effectiveness for the treatment of sexual dysfunction has not been proven.

Dosage: One capsule in the morning on an empty stomach. Course: 30 days

4. "Selex" - Biologically active supplement to increase potency and enhance erection. The composition of the product includes plant components that cause a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.

Dosage: during eating 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks

5. "Ali caps" - Biologically active additive based on natural products to improve potency. In addition to the exciting effect, it helps to fight infections of the genitourinary complex.

Dosage: 1 capsule daily during the main meal. Course: 30 days

6. "Vuka Vuka" - a drug for the treatment of sexual dysfunction based on plant material growing in southern Africa in Zimbabwe.

Dosage: two tablets per day. Course: 30 days

Viagra for men: tips and reviews


Andrew. Take Viagra and its analogues at the moment when you are full of strength. If you have plowed and are very tired, then you can not even feel the action of these drugs. Moreover, they can have not a negative effect.

George. I will supplement the previous speaker. These tablets need to be washed down with a lot of water. It is better even to drink water somewhere an hour before sexual intercourse. With a dehydrated body, the effect of the “tide” of forces will be minimal.

Video: Viagra. How to use and why?

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Comments K. article

  1. Viagra has many analogues no worse in action, while many times more economical. I switched to other pills from Viagra, called Vildera. Their plus is that they also work “on the rise”, while they don’t hit the wallet: the cost is many times lower.

  2. A drug was prescribed with a slightly different active substance - Tadalafil. I take Tadalafil-SZ once, 2 times a week. On the day of admission and for the next day there is a strong potency.

  3. Both Viagra and Tadalafil-SZ have a very good effect for men who have problems there. The second option is more affordable.

  4. With such a problem, I really advise you to look at the Evalarov effect, which is red root. It normalizes sexual activity, improves the condition of the genitourinary system, and prevents structural changes in the prostate gland. Great thing

  5. "Nile
    Both Viagra and Tadalafil-SZ have a very good effect for men who have problems there. The second option is more affordable. "
    In general, I agree. But it should be noted that the price of Viagra remains high. And this is in the presence of more budget items with the same or other active substance. Tadalafil-SZ is an order of magnitude cheaper, but it has no less effectiveness, moreover, a longer period of validity.

  6. Not all analogues are indicated. I did not see, for example, the same effect of sildenafil of domestic production. In action, it is 1 in 1, like Viagra, but because of the natural basis, it does not give such serious side effects on the anchors of the creeping, including does not hit the heart. And it costs, by the way, it is much more profitable, especially in the light of the latest events with the introduction of sanctions and increasing prices for foreign drugs

  7. Personally, I accept the full direct analogue of Viagra-Sildenafil-SZ. Purely because of the desire to save money. Both preparations of Sildenafil help me a lot.

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