Joint treatment with burdock. Joint diseases in which burdock is used: compresses, ointments, decoctions - useful recipes

Joint treatment with burdock. Joint diseases in which burdock is used: compresses, ointments, decoctions - useful recipes

What will help with joint problems? Ordinary burdock.

Everyone knows such a plant as burdock, which received its name due to very large leaves. And for sure everyone in childhood rushed his flowers, which easily adhere to clothes and hair. But not many know that burdock treats some diseases. In fact, burdock is a very useful plant. For treatment, not only its huge leaves are used, but also the root. This plant treats various joint diseases. So what kind of diseases he treats burdock?

Joint diseases in which burdock is used, the beneficial properties of the plant

When the joints hurt and do not want to resort to the help of drugs, you can use folk methods. One of these methods that help cope with the problem is burdock. It helps in the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, gout, radiculite, arthrosis, rheumatism. But remember the self -medication is dangerous, it is better to consult a doctor. There are several recipes for helping to cure sore joints.

During the manufacture of medicines, you can use various crops. Both leaves and roots, inflorescences have healing qualities. Each part of the burdock has pronounced anti -inflammatory, antiseptic and general strengthening properties. Culture can remove salt from the body, accelerate the processes of exchanges in tissues.

Natural substances that are part of the culture relieve inflammation, pain, strengthen the joints and quickly restore them. Natural products that are prepared using burdock have the same effect as expensive pharmacy drugs. But unlike expensive products, burdock products do not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Joints compress for joints

For a compress, stock up:

  • Fresh leaves of burdock - 10 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 10 ml
  • Boiling water - 2 l

Cooking process:

  • Rinse, dry the leaves, fold in the form of a stack so that the velvety side is below.
  • Put a container filled with boiling water on the stack.
  • Treat the knee with oil, cover with heated leaves, wrap the joint with a film.
  • Wrap the joint with a warm scarf.
At night
At night

Leave the compress until the morning. Repeat the procedure daily until the pain in the joint disappears.

Compress of vodka and burdock for joints


  • A large leaf of burdock - 2 pcs.
  • Vodka - 20 ml

Cooking process:

  • The leaves remember the juice a little.
  • Treat the sore joint with vodka, then cover with a sheet.
  • Wrap the joint with a film, a warm scarf.
  • Remove the compress after 9 hours.
With vodka
With vodka

In order to cure the joints, repeat the procedure every day at least 2 weeks.

Breeding ointment for joints


  • Fresh roots
  • Olive oil

Cooking process:

  • Wash the root, dry, chop.
  • From the resulting composition, squeeze the juice. Mix it with oil 2 to 1, place in a jar.
  • Store the product in a cold place.

Process with ointment sore areas at least 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.


To get such a decoction, stock up:

  • Burdock leaves - 40 g
  • Inflorescences - 40 g
  • Boiling water - 500 ml

Cooking process:

  • Pour the plant with boiling water.
  • Hold on low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the composition, strain.
  • Moisten cotton material in the product, put the fabric on the sore area for 30 minutes.

Funds based on this culture almost do not have contraindications. But it is not very desirable to use them people who do not tolerate components that are part of the funds. It is forbidden to take orally patients who complain of renal failure. Also, funds are not recommended to women who bear the child or feed the baby with breasts.

Video: Folk treatment of joints with a burdock

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  1. Thanks for the useful tips! I also helped me with burdock compresses when the joints were terribly sick ... Now I just try to support their health regularly+from the additives of collagen and omega 3-6-9 (from Evalar). Ugh ugh, I run like a young man, although I am 50 already)

  2. So that the joints do not hurt, they need to be protected from overloads. But on the other hand, you cannot leave the body without movement, I prefer moderate physical exertion. Diet, physical education and rheumatlex helped me to improve joint mobility. This is a plant drug based on fragrant martinia. The drug reduces the inflammatory process, pain in the joints, reduces the level of lactic acid.

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