Treatment of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: opinions and reviews of doctors and people, results, side effects and contraindications. Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide and how to drink it correctly along the Neumyvakin?

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: opinions and reviews of doctors and people, results, side effects and contraindications. Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide and how to drink it correctly along the Neumyvakin?

The technique of Neumyvakin - treatment of hydrogen peroxide is greater popular. But she is not recognized in scientific medicine. Further more about her.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin developed a new methodology for the treatment of H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to taking this substance inside, you can get rid of many diseases and improve the state of health. The advantages of the drug are that peroxide can be inexpensively bought at any pharmacy, it has few contraindications, and great effectiveness in the treatment of various ailments.

Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide and how to drink it correctly along the Neumyvakin?

Unfortunately, now many diseases are manifested against the background of stressful situations and malnutrition. Still, in our time, people do little physical exercises and the environment leaves much to be desired. Therefore, oxygen deficiency is observed in every third resident of megacities.

All body systems can fail in this state of affairs. From insufficient intake of oxygen into the body, pathologies of the brain, heart and other serious diseases develop.

Consumption of peroxide inward for the treatment of all kinds of diseases
Consumption of peroxide inward for the treatment of all kinds of diseases

To get rid of a number of ailments, only a three percent solution diluted in ordinary water is used. An overdose threatens with dangerous consequences.

Reception of H2O2 - helps to saturate all tissues, such a necessary body as oxygen. Thanks to peroxide, it is maintained by all life functions at the right level. For the first time in the post -Soviet space, Neumyvakin began to study this treatment methodology.

The benefits of treatment hydrogen peroxide (C2O2) according to Neumyvakin Considered, now you can go to the method, we will find out how to use a panacea.

IMPORTANT: Note that you can not drink undiluted peroxide, it should be dissolved in water, only after that it is consumed inside.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of water into the cup, add one drop of peroxide there, take the potion 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  2. The next day, the dose of H2O2 is already increased by one drop. And so every day, until the count of drops reaches ten drops.
  3. After that, three days take a short break for two to three days.
  4. Then they drink 10 drops of peroxide for 2 tbsp. water, daily three times a day before meals. Continue this technique for three days.
  5. Take a three -day break and continue the reception again.

For some patients, the dose of ten drops is large, so they have enough three to five drops. Much depends on a particular person and his capabilities.

According to Neumyvakin - hydrogen peroxide can also be taken, starting from the age of five. But no more than five drops on two tablespoons of water. From ten years to fourteen, the maximum dosage is 5-8 drops on two tablespoons of water. You can use this medicine 20-30 minutes before meals or two hours after the meal.

IMPORTANT: Together with the use of peroxide, it is advisable to drink vitamin C. In some patients, there is severity in the stomach or aching pain at the beginning of N2O2. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily suspend treatment and reduce the dosage of the drug.

What diseases and how can be treated using hydrogen peroxide according to non -nuclear: recipes, oral administration scheme

Pharmacy peroxide began to be used for the treatment of pathologies for a long time thanks to Neumyvakin. It has a number of useful properties:

  1. The drug is an antioxidant H2O2, kills fungi, various bacteria, persistent viruses that can sit in the human body for a long time.
  2. The liquid takes part in the metabolism, normalizes the balance of fats, carbohydrates. Promotes good absorption of minerals, vitamins in the human body.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood, dilutes thick blood.
  4. He fights with free radicals, establishes the work of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland.
  5. It is not an allergenic drug, even after prolonged use.
  6. Able to reduce blood sugar.
  7. It expands the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the brain, improves tissue structure even at the cellular level.
  8. Normalizes the electrolyte composition, contributes to the proper absorption of food.
How to drink peroxide?
How to drink peroxide?

According to the observations of the scientist H2O2, you can use many diseases, including those that are difficult to treat. Thanks to peroxide, you can get rid of harmful pathogenic microorganisms, improve the body's immune system and get rid of a number of diseases:

  • Intestinal disorders
  • Infections of all kinds of viral and bacterial
  • Pathologies of the vascular system, brain
  • Heart disease, ENT organs
  • Manifestations of allergenic reactions
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diabetes, stroke, thrombophlebitis
  • Злокачественных новообразований, болезни Альцгеймера
  • Красной волчанки
  • Простудных заболеваний, Болезни Паркинсона.

Рецепты для лечения различных недугов:

  • Для лечения от гайморита, гриппа необходимо в двух столовых ложках растворить 15 капель перекиси. Потом этим раствором закапывают в каждую ноздрю по пять капель смеси. Через полминуты выдуйте содержимое из каждой ноздри поочередно. Во время процесса нельзя пить и есть. Удержитесь от принятия пищи и после процедуры в течение пятнадцати минут.
  • Для лечения тугоухости в каждое ухо закапывают по несколько капель 0,5-ти процентного раствора Н2О2.
  • Для лечения болезни Паркинсона dissolled in water H2O2 is effective not only inside, but also wiping her body. Только для обтирания используют раствор немного концентрированней — одна ч.л. вещества разводится в 45 мл воды.
  • Для лечения грибка, кожных болезней three percent peroxide, lubricate the nail plates three times a day or dissolved hydroperite (15, 25, 30 percent) lubricate the affected places twice a day. The same composition can be suspended by exacerbation of eczema, psoriasis. It is also useful for such pathologies to drink peroxide according to the recipe given above.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: opinions and reviews of doctors

The opinion of experts in medicine about the treatment of the above diseases varying. With diseases that are difficult to cure, experts say that peroxide is ineffective. And its effect on the human body has not been fully studied.

A solution of peroxide is a good, antiseptic medicine that has already been tested by many decades. It is also used to disinfect wounds on the skin and stomatitis. Peroxide is an excellent tool for removing rough skin on the heels and other places of the foot. But not a single doctor will advise a solution of peroxide inward, because H2O2 is a folk method of treatment, and the safety of this method has not been fully studied to the end.

The opinions of doctors about the treatment of diluted peroxide
The opinions of doctors about the treatment of diluted peroxide

On the forums of doctors you can find the following opinions:

Sergey Ivanovich:

Uncertainly drinking a solution of hydrogen peroxide from all diseases is a serious risk. Patients can aggravate the situation without turning to the attending specialist in time, thereby tighten the course of the disease. Which threatens the unpleasant consequences and complications. As a result, the weakened organism will be worse to succumb to treatment - this is at best, and at worst - the disease can go into an irreversible stage and it will be impossible to cure it. So - hydrogen peroxide is best used for its intended purpose. More precisely, it is perfect for the treatment of skin damage, frostbite, dental ailments. And taking it inward it is undesirable.

Nikolai Semenovich:

You can not drink a solution of peroxide inward. The contraindications and the side effect of H2O2 on the organisms of patients have not yet been fully studied. After all, each person needs to approach individually, prescribing any treatment, to take into account the features of all the patient’s body systems. Only after a thorough analysis of the picture of the disease and examination of the patient, the diagnosis is prescribed treatment.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: people's reviews, results

Now a unique technique is quite popular among the people. Many discuss the results of the use of peroxide dissolved in water inward. They share their experience in forums, in social networks, etc.

You can hear the opinions that the product is really work and can heal even incurable ailments. Others argue that this version of treatment is nothing more than meaningless propaganda and deception. And that after its use, poisoning of the whole organism occurs.



I used hydrogen peroxide for eight months, as a result I noticed an improvement in the general condition and forgot what varicose veins are. Headaches disappeared, the condition of nails, hair, and skin improved.


He began to take a solution of peroxide inward and outside recently, psoriasis began to retreat, I managed to stop the recent exacerbation, I will take further according to the scheme of Neumyvakin. I am satisfied with the result.


Tired of eternal trips to doctors and pills that you have to drink handfuls. Joints hurt, cramps torment, there are still problems with the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity (tormenting heartburn). I decided to try to drink peroxide according to the scheme of Neumyvakin. I noticed tangible relief after a two -month reception. I think to continue treatment until the symptoms completely disappeared.

The benefits of peroxide
The benefits of peroxide

After monitoring the Internet ranges, we can conclude that the tool helps to cope with the beginning of the cold, diseases of the ENT organs, the heart system, etc. But some patients have terrible arrhythmia after the first use of a solution of peroxide, which passes over time. Still, at first there may be a deterioration in the general condition. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: side effects and contraindications

In no case do not drink concentrated hydrogen peroxide. This drug causes severe burns. Also, if the peroxide falls on the eyeball, there will be a burn that does not pass for a long time and looks like a red spot on the shell. With such a burn, immediately immediately rinse the eye thoroughly with running water to alleviate the condition.

Pregnant people should not use this diluted drug. There is no data how the substance affects the fetus and mother in an interesting position.

You can not drink the remedy for patients who underwent surgery for organs transplantation. Very often, such people have complications after using peroxide, which can lead to a threat to life.

Contraindications for the treatment of divorced peroxide
Contraindications for the treatment of diluted peroxide

Side effects arise in the form of a manifestation of such pathologies as:

  • Phlebitis
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa
  • Arrhythmia

Still, after consumption inside the product, sometimes a sharp increase in the patient’s temperature occurs and there is a general malaise against the background of this process.

Video: Neumyvakin - treatment with peroxide


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Comments K. article

  1. I use peroxide for the third month, I got rid of a whole heap of various sores (tachycardia, increased pressure, allergies, joint pain, etc.). So recover. Healthy to everyone!

  2. Thank you Alexandra - that you wrote so. I agree with you one hundred percent. They drive money and send golem dummies. Hot does not help.

  3. Alexandra, stop talking to yourself.

  4. i began to drink hydrogen pericide on lusa and my cysts in my eyes began to decrease and disappear and prepared for the operation of pain left right away, I began to lose weight, I improved, but I drink alternately with soda in general, everything is true that people say for 25p a pack and 6r 100ml of hydrogen pericide are able to create miracles . And I also had a diabet and stroke in the kidney. The stones all came out themselves dissolved soda. The pressure was excellent became sugar like a healthy person. Thank you so much, I shine for opening my eyes to people! I am a real person is not spam and not anyone else. I just share that I tried it myself. Heal it really works!

  5. Self -hypnosis - great things! The main thing is that then the doctor will have time to tell you why you will die, so that he knows that people are dying from idiocy ..

  6. I drank hydrogen peroxide according to the scheme, from the book of Professor Neumyvakin. Result: I got rid of chronic rhinitis, pressure jumps.

  7. Neumyvakin-Professor, DMN, for 40 years has been studying the effects of peroxide on the human body, worked in space medicine. The abnormal number of healed people. In recent years, none of the representatives of traditional medicine made the correct diagnosis and did not cure me. “Specialist” to another and prescribing medicines, “Tyoka by Pokka”, thanks! And Neumyvakin-Gence thanks and a low bow. Look at him and listen to him, it is already clear that this is a man of the old (honest) generation, who helped all his life and helped And he even saved mortally ill people. We look at the results, and not the evil skepticism of losers and envious people.

  8. the intake of peroxide destroys the arrhythmia completely .... here someone writes. What causes arrhythmia. If you didn’t use it, you don’t need to write nonsense ....... a stabilizer. The boat is in peroxide-it is exactly the same effect on the body-like and herring in the bank. sausage. Bulk, etc. ... .. all products now have a stabilizer -

  9. I also accept peroxide according to the scheme of Neumyvakin I.P. And everything is fine! Thanks to this doctor! He taught people how to help himself for a penny.
    And in which hospital, especially paid, the doctor will now say that you need to be treated with penny peroxide? This is a business, money. What will the doctors do if people are healthy? Indeed, sometimes a diagnosis without the Internet cannot make and this is not a joke. Well, this is just a disgrace, you understand, dear doctors!

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