Professor Neumyvakin I.P. - Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide at the same time: scheme, tips, recipes. How to take hydrogen peroxide inside Neumyvakin? Hydrogen peroxide: therapeutic properties according to the method of Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin I.P. - Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide at the same time: scheme, tips, recipes. How to take hydrogen peroxide inside Neumyvakin? Hydrogen peroxide: therapeutic properties according to the method of Neumyvakin

Soda treatment schemes and hydrogen peroxide according to the method of Neumyvakin.


Professor Nevumyvanin is an academician who has developed methods for treating astronauts in a spaceship. He had to find out what medicines can be taken in space in case of health problems. It turned out that no.

Hydrogen peroxide: therapeutic properties according to the method of Neumyvakin

According to the professor, hydrogen peroxide is in every organism. It is she who helps to fight many ailments. Accordingly, taking peroxide, you will be able to avoid and cure many ailments.

Therapeutic properties:

  • Fights with free radicals
  • Improves metabolism
  • Improves the composition of the blood
  • Helps neutralize excess cholesterol
  • Helps to regulate the number of some hormones
  • Does not accumulate in the tissues with prolonged use
  • Satuns cells with oxygen
  • Removes toxins from the intestines
Therapeutic properties according to the method of Neumyvakin
therapeutic properties according to the method of Neumyvakin

Scheme for taking hydrogen and soda peroxide at the same time along the non -nuclear

At the same time, you cannot drink soda and peroxide. This is due to the reaction of neutralization of soda peroxide. Take substances separately from each other. Ideally, the gap between the tricks should be 30-60 minutes.

Instructions for taking soda and peroxide:

  • Early in the morning, on an empty stomach in a tablespoon of water, drop a drop of perhydroe. After taking the solution, do not eat for 30 minutes. Then drink a glass of warm water with soda dissolved in it on the tip of the spoon.
  • Gradually increase the amount of soda and peroxide daily. The amount of perhydrough increases daily by 1 drop in each reception. In total, you need to drink the solution three times in a day.
  • As a result, you need to take 10 days solutions of soda and peroxide. The amount of substance per day can reach 30 drops. The maximum amount of soda is 1 teaspoon at one time.
Delivery for Neumyvakin
Delivery for Neumyvakin

Treatment and prevention of influenza, colds of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: Recipe

It is necessary to treat a cold and influenza with this medication by instillation of the nasal sinuses. Peroxide kills all pathogenic microorganisms in the nose, and the disease is cured faster.


  • Take a glass of boiled water and cool it. It should be slightly warm.
  • Take a spoonful of water into a separate container and add 6 drops of peroxide.
  • Pick the liquid into the syringe without a needle and inject half a portion of the solution into each nostril.
  • Carry out digging 3-4 times a day. In the rest of the water, enter a spoonful of bee nectar and take on an empty stomach.
Treatment and prevention of influenza perhydrof
Treatment and prevention of influenza perhydrof

Washing the nose with hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of a cold, sinusitis along the Neumyvakin: Recipe

With sinusitis and sinusitis, perhydrol is an effective tool. It is necessary to rinse the nasal passages.


  • Boil water and cool it up to 35 ° C. Add 30 drops of peroxide.
  • Pull the solution into a beard or sprint. Tilt your head a little.
  • Enter the nose of the kettle or sprint in the nostril. The solution should be poured through another nasal passage.
  • Rinse 3-5 times a day.
Washing the nose with peroxide
Washing the nose with peroxide

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide, throat, laryngitis, cough: a recipe for rinses, inhalations according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide is an effective remedy for the treatment of the throat. It will help get rid of laryngitis, cough and adenoiditis.


  • Dissolve 20 ml of perhydrol into 240 ml of warm boiled water
  • In another glass, pick up a decoction of chamomile
  • Pick a slightly solution of peroxide in your mouth and throw your head
  • Rinse your mouth, and spit out the waste solution
  • When you spill the entire glass of solution, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile
Treatment of throat, laryngitis, coughing: recipe for rinses, inhalations according to Neumyvakin
Treatment of throat, laryngitis, coughing: recipe for rinses, inhalations according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of nail fungus according to Neumyvakin

The peroxide perfectly kills the fungus of the foot and nails. For treatment, baths with a substance are used.


  • In 2000 ml of warm water, dissolve 100 ml of solution
  • Immerse the lower limbs into a bowl and hold a third of the hour
  • With the help of scissors, remove the softened nail
  • Carry out the procedure daily, cutting down softened nail
Treatment of nail fungus for non -Numyvakin
Treatment of nail fungus for non -Numyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of papilloma according to Neumyvakin

With the help of peroxide, just get rid of nevi and papillomas.


  • Moisten a cotton wool in a perhydrol solution and grease the neoplasm
  • Repeat the procedure 5-7 times a day. After about 7 days, a crust will appear on top of papilloma
  • After a month, regularly using papilloma peroxide will disappear
Treatment of papilloma for the Nemyvakin
Treatment of papilloma for the Nemyvakin

The use of hydrogen peroxide for non -drying in female diseases

Peroxide is an excellent remedy for the treatment of female diseases. The substance is used to treat candidiasis, erosion and inflammation of the cervix.


  • Type 220 ml of warm boiled water into a glass and add 20 ml of peroxide with a concentration of 3%
  • Stir the solution and type it into a sprint
  • Immerse the sprint sprint into the vagina and inject the entire solution
  • Spend douching in the morning and evening
Application by Neumyvakin for douching in female diseases
Application by Neumyvakin for douching in female diseases

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of heat loss according to the Nemyvakin

An undiluted solution is used to treat hearing loss.


  • Lie on a pillow with a sick ear up
  • Take a little peroxide in the pipette and enter 2-3 drops
  • Do not worry, foam may appear, this is quite normal
  • Carry out the procedure daily. With its help, you can dissolve sulfur plugs
Treatment of hearing loss according to the Nemyvakin
Treatment of hearing loss according to the Nemyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of prostatitis according to Neumyvakin

For the treatment of prostatitis, the perhydrol is inserted into the rectum. This helps to kill pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the size of the prostate gland.


  • Dial in a container of 220 ml of warm boiled water. Enter 20 ml of peroxide in it and averaged
  • Pick the solution into an enema and enter into the anus
  • Before carrying out the procedure, you need to make a cleansing enema
  • Carry out the procedure before bedtime. She will relieve pain and reduce the number of urge to the toilet
Treatment of prostatitis according to Neumyvakin
Treatment of prostatitis according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of hemorrhoids according to Neumyvakin

With hemorrhoids, perhydrol can be used inward or outside. A weak solution is used inside. It is necessary to dissolve a drop of peroxide in 50 ml of water and drink such a portion three times a day. Daily increase the amount of peroxide by one drop.


  • The product for hemorrhoids can be used externally
  • It is necessary to soak the sterile bandage with a solution and attach to the node
  • The compress should be left for 20 minutes
Treatment of hemorrhoids for Neumyvakin
Treatment of hemorrhoids for Neumyvakin

Eye washing and treatment with hydrogen glaucoma, retina along the Neumyvakin

Peroxide is widely used to treat eye diseases. The most effective perhydrol copes with conjunctivitis and infectious ailments. But you can use a solution for the treatment of glaucoma.


  • To wash the eyes, 0.5-1% solution is used
  • It is necessary to dissolve one spoon of the product in 6 tablespoons of boiled water
  • Pick a little liquid into the pipette and drip into the eyes three times a day
Treatment of glaucoma, retina of the eye according to Neumyvakin
treatment of glaucoma, retina of the eye according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide for non -nuclear stroke

Stroke - a violation of blood flow to the head (cerebral stroke) or spinal (spinal stroke) brain. Studies in the clinic showed that the introduction of intravenously H2O2 at the initial stage of the disease leads to a rapid recovery.


  • When using the product intravenously, a rather weak solution is used
  • Type 20 ml of saline and 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide into a syringe
  • Divide the entire dose into three parts. 1/3 portions
  • That is, there will be three injections per day
Treatment of a stroke for Neumyvakin
Treatment of a stroke for Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of rheumatoid arthritis according to Neumyvakin

For pain in the joints, perhydroll is used to receive orally.


  • Dissolve a drop of substance in 200 ml of warm water and drink on an empty stomach
  • Every day, increase the number of perhydrox by 1 drop until the number of drops becomes 50
  • After that, reduce the dose by one drop until you reach one
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis according to Neumyvakin
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of hypertension according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide increases blood fluidity, so the symptoms of hypertension disappear.


  • In the morning, drink a glass of solution on an empty stomach. To prepare it, dissolve a drop of substance in 220 ml of water
  • Increase the amount of peroxide to 10 per day.
  • After that, take a week break
  • After a break on the first day, dissolve 10 drops in 200 ml of water
  • Take in the same way 2 days
  • A break of three days and again for three days drink a solution with 10 drops of peroxide
  • Treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear
Hypertension treatment for non -Numyvakin
Hypertension treatment for non -Numyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of cancer according to Neumyvakin

The metabolism in abnormal cells really differs from the metabolism of the cells of normal tissues. That is why in the layers of some tumors in which there are no capillaries, there is a deficiency of oxygen. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of the anti -monument of chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapy. Saturation atoms of oxygen tumor tissues allows you to adjust the situation. However, to deliver oxygen ions to cancer tissues, experts use not injections of perhydrough, but completely different methods. Experts consider experiments with perhydrosal with cancer tumors dangerous. This can lead to accelerated progression of the disease.

Treatment of cancer according to Neumyvakin
Treatment of cancer according to Neumyvakin

The use of peroxide for constipation, cleansing the intestines with hydrogen peroxide along the non -nuclear

More information about cleaning the intestines by peroxide by the method of Neumyvakin can be seen in the video.

Video: Cleaning of the intestines according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of hepatitis according to Neumyvakin

For the treatment of hepatitis, an intravenous method or a classic method of oral administration according to a standard scheme is used.

Instructions for the treatment of hepatitis intravenous administration H2O2:

  • Type 20 ml of saline and 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide into a syringe
  • Divide the entire dose into three parts. 1/3 portions
  • That is, there will be three injections per day
Hepatitis treatment for non -Numyvakin
Hepatitis treatment for non -Numyvakin

Treatment of arrhythmia, heart according to the Nemyvakin

In this case, the tool is used orally, that is, it is necessary to drink the solution.


  • Dissolve 5 drops of substance in 210 ml of warm water and take on an empty stomach
  • The next reception in the evening, it is necessary to pour 5 drops of the solution into 210 ml of warm water
  • Take for several months
Treatment of arrhythmia, heart according to the Nemyvakin
Treatment of arrhythmia, heart according to the Nemyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of the thyroid gland according to the non -Numyvakin

For the treatment of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition. The method of Neumyvakin will be able to help.

Instructions by day:

  1. 3 drops
  2. 4 drops
  3. 5 drops

Increase the number of drops per day to 25. The solution is taken once, early in the morning on an empty stomach. Peroxide is diluted with warm water (220 ml).

Treatment of the thyroid gland for non -nuclear
Treatment of the thyroid gland for non -nuclear

The use of hydrogen peroxide for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive ailment of the brain. For the treatment of the disease, you can safely use a solution of perhydroly.


  • Dilute 30 ml of perhydrol in 80 ml of warm water 3%
  • Irce and moisten the segment of the tissue in the solution thoroughly
  • Attach the compress to the sore spot for 30-40 minutes
The use of perhydrol in Parkinson's disease
The use of perhydrol in Parkinson's disease

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide of psoriasis according to Neumyvakin

Psoriasis is a systemic ailment in which internal organs suffer. Therefore, Neumyvakin recommends the oral use of the drug.


  • Add 1 drop of the product to a glass and pour warm water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning
  • At lunch and evening, too, take such a solution
  • Increase a day portion by 1 drop daily
  • When the number of drops reaches 30 per day, take a break for 7 days
Treatment of psoriasis on Neumyvakin
Treatment of psoriasis on Neumyvakin

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide otitis media according to Neumyvakin

For the treatment of otitis media, a diluted solution is used. It helps to remove the pathogenic microflora inside the auricle.


  • Dilute 15 drops of peroxide in 25 ml of warm water
  • Irce everything thoroughly and soak cotton wool
  • In every ear, put one tamped
  • Keep tampons in your ears 1 hour
Otit treatment for Neumyvakin
Otit treatment for Neumyvakin

Baths with hydrogen peroxide along Neumyvakin

Baths with this substance will help relax, relieve stress and cure skin ailments.


  • Pick up a full bath of water and pour 10-15 bottles into it 100 ml of a regular 3% perhydrol
  • Stir and take the bathroom for 15-25 minutes
  • The temperature of the solution should be 37-42 ° C
  • Carry out procedures before bedtime
Baths according to Neumyvakin
Baths according to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin's tips on hydrogen peroxide

Try not to exceed the dose of matter. In large doses, the drug can have a toxic effect on the body.

Neumyvakin's advice:

  • While taking the solution is orally, a slight malaise can be observed
  • If you have diarrhea or constipation against the background of taking a therapeutic solution, stop taking 1-2 days
  • With constant weakness, do not rush to increase the concentration of the solution
  • Combine the intake of peroxide with vitamin C
  • A lot of vitamin C is contained in a decoction of rosehips. No need to add sugar
Tips for Professor Neumyvakin
Tips for Professor Neumyvakin

As you can see, peroxide is not only the share of the external, but also for internal use. Before using the method, consult a doctor.

Video: Neumyvakin and peroxide

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Comments K. article

  1. The article is useful. I read a lot and heard about the professor. I am glad that treatment helped a lot.

  2. Yeah. As you look at the prices of all these drugs for thrush, you will remember about soda right away. Even Metrogil plus is already almost 200 r.

  3. I tried to douch with soda from Molochnitsis, I had to go through the full course of ecofemin in order to get rid of terrible discomfort. Either I did something wrong, or Soda does not help.

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